Donald Trump has recently been criticized for not proclaiming that Obama is not a Muslim.


He can’t because Obama has said that he is both.  If Obama was a Muslim now saying that he is Christian, does not the Qur’an require that he be put to death?


My belief is that during a 2008 video interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Obama was sincere and truthful when he commended John McCain for not making his Muslim religion a political issue. He was immediately “corrected” by Stephanopoulos to say that he was a Christian. What right does an interviewer have to tell his interviewee what his religion is? Does this action pass the smell test for objectivity? No. Now a propaganda minister would do something like that.


Since 2008 Obama has consistently said that he is a Christian, but actions speak louder than words. Everything Obama has done since being elected has demonstrated a Muslim instead of a Christian bias. During a Saudi Arabian visit, he bowed to the Saudi king. He consistently blames Christians for the world’s problems and praises Islam.


Any presidential candidate that says Obama is a Christian has automatically disqualified himself or herself from the Presidency based on being uniformed as well as stupid for offering an opinion without verification. That is what Obama does now. What verification did Obama do when he made his statement about his inability to have visited all 57 states?


Ernie Kanak

No thank you