When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


During the summer or 2020, there was considerable unrest present in some cities and states.  Riots took place, buildings burned and people were killed during a pandemic.  Governors, mayors and prosecutors tolerated this mayhem.  In  the years prior to 2020, it seems that anyone declaring they had evidence against Hillary Clinton  was found dead.  Movements were started to defund police departments and all kinds of anti American theories sprouted up like weeds.  Antifa, black lives matters and other groups all supported racist anti America agendas.  The Democratic Party was supported by social media companies, the five propaganda TV network and Big Tech with large amounts of money and favorable publicity.  Did these entities use personal funds or did they use company funds and services for political gain without shareholder approval?  The 2020 presidential election was stolen from the Republicans by waiting until all the Republican votes had be counted so that they then knew how many fraudulent votes would be needed to win as was used in the 1960 presidential election.  Now the Democratic Party wants to use those procedures permanently.  President Biden has issued many executive orders that hurt our 300+ million citizens and to the best of this observer’s knowledge, not one Republican member of Congress has filed a lawsuit to stop implementation of these anti-citizen executive orders.  Why?  Except for maybe six senators and  a dozen House members, the rest of them are Me First Republicans  with Jello  backbones.   The citizens be dammed.  They are only votes.


President Biden’s most evil and dumbest executive orders were to cancel the XL pipeline project, ban fracking costmg this country energy independence and a dollar a gallon gasoline cost and the open borders policy.  Nice guys do not contribute to the deaths of men, women and children.  Despite administration insistence, the border is not closed.  We need the border sheriffs’ posses to help shut this chaos down.  Recently the word transformation has been used as it was 12 years ago.  A recent incident on TV showed border patrol capturing many young men who did not want to be caught.  Recently the Border Patrol has intercepted two SHIPMENTS OF FIREARMS INTO THE United States   Whyinto the United States?   With invaders from 108 countries so far, and now many young men, Is the Democratic Party recruiting young men from abroad to become part of a private army to overthrow our Constitutional Republic?  Don’t laugh—think about it.  If enough members are recruited to overthrow our government, will there be a 2022 election?  To date, the Democratic Party has ignored our Constitution many times, so this would be an extension of what they are currently doing.  Oh yes, defunding the police would make the job of overthrowing much easier.  If we had 50-100 million armed patriots to defend our constitution and country, it would surely be a deterrent.  We need them today.  If true, where are they getting the money to do this?  Who ho is helping with the recruitment?.  Are the same bad actors and maybe some new ones doing this for money, power and control?


Therefore, this observer has concluded that the Democratic Party may no longer be a political party. LIs it transforming into a terrorist organization?  Maybe the Republicans had better start thinking if they will fight to defend our country or will they do nothing?  Will there be a  2022 elections if the Democratic Party transformation is completed in 2021?





These people typically enter politics at a young age armed with degrees in government or law.  They never intend to  work for any private company so they enter the political arena   Once elected they learn to lie to convince the public that they are doing a good job.  After being re-elected several times, they start to think of their status as a permanent job.  Therein lies the danger because having successfully conned the public into believing they are a doing a good job, they consider their voters to be stupid and need someone to tell them what to do and how to live.  Once that conclusion is reached, they worry only about the money it takes to get re-elected so they can increase their personal wealth and power to control their stupid voters.  Our current government is loaded with this type of politicians who in Congress are passing legislation that is intended to solidify their political power and control over the people in the United States.  While many Americans realize what is happening, they do nothing to stop it—the guaranteed recipe to lose our country to communism that the Democrats like to label as socialism.  The present federal administration of Democratic politicians is pursuing legislation to permanently remain in power by legalizing the voting practices used to steal the 2020 election.  The administration has an open borders policy to admit and grant citizenship to millions of illegal aliens they hope will always vote Democrat.  It has been reported that as many as 10% of these I illegal aliens are siick with COVID-19 and are admitted into our country during a pandemic and sent to all parts of the nation while the same government is trying to control American citizens by locking them down.  They are promising free everything for these aliens and telling us Americans we must pay for it.  We need millions of patriotic Americans to join a Constitutional Guardian organization formed to protect our constitution and the personal freedoms it guarantees using Second Amendment force if necessary to cleanse the federal, state and local governments.  Adoption of individual political term limits for any and all government office of 12 years with post office restrictions could virtually eliminate all professional politicians—make them live under the  laws they have passed.



Professional bureaucrats come from many different educational and work related backgrounds.  Since bureaucrats are appointed instead of elected, as long as they go along with the party in power, their jobs are usually secure.  The longer they stay in their area of expertise with promotions or transfers to a different specialty, their status can become stronger and solidified.  At some point, these people develop a political philosophy that makes them consider themselves more expert than the politicians who are supposed to control them.  When given instructions they start to delay, claim problems implementing change and just ignore the instructions they have been given.  Since our government is intended to be controlled by civilian leaders, when the bureaucracy ignores and gives the leader all kinds of reasons why their instructions may be delayed, the bureaucratic insurrection has been started and the bureaucrats have started to decide policy.  This observer suspects that this is the condition we have in all of our government systems today.  This is extremely dangerous because we then have bureaucrats running the country instead of officials elected by the people.  Bureaucratic control of our government is not found in any article of our constitution.  As all of us know, our courts are missing in action and will never do anything sto stop this. Eight year term limits with post office restrictions are needed.



At one time, our legal system was one that all Americans were proud to have.  This is no longer true.  The explosion of lawyers in this country several decades ago changed all this.  Everyone wanted to become rich practicing law.  With too many lawyers, and not enough legal work, this might have been the beginning of the “ambulance chasing practice”.  With too many unemployed lawyers seeking   work, the quality of legal work diminished and the number of frivolous lawsuits became a problem.  The United States Supreme Court started the trend of judges legislating from the bench.  One of the court’s stupidest decisions was to declare that illegal alien children must be educated in our public schools without paying for the cost.  This moron decision obligates every local school district to spend the money to educated non English speaking children.  It obligates American schools to educate all the world’s children who can come here.  This decision may have started the decline in quality of K-12 education in this country that continue today. The present day legal system is populated by lawyers who routinely violate our constitution, prosecutors who decline to prosecute criminals, judges who discriminate against law abiding citizens so they can support criminal behavior , judges who base decisions on a political agenda instead of the law, a Justice Department and FBI that are political arms of the Democratic Party instead of the legal and criminal investigation departments of the federal government with both departments today consistently covering up  Democratic Party criminal behavior, politicians who exceed their constitutional authority and are not punished and judges who love to legislate from the bench by ignoring constitutional separation of powers.  The World War II veterans would call where we are now FUBAR.



The place to attack the Marxist Democrats is the teachers’ unions.  At one time, teachers were extremely important to all communities to educate the children.  Today, many teachers are the enemy.  They are indoctrinating our children to believe that the government is more important than the children’s parents.  In addition, these same teachers are changing the curriculum to revise our country’s history and create new garbage theories about race relations, American history with 1619, how skin color affects everyone and any new one they make up.  Teachers unions are the reason your children are all under educated.  All the union leaders are consumed in the pursuit of money, power and control just like too many politicians of both parties. They don’t care about you and I, only money, power and control.  They need to be removed from office.  One of the Guardian organization’s first tasks is to shutdown every teachers union and investigate every local school board to insure the Marxist techniques used in the former Soviet Unions are not being used to indoctrinate our American youth.   Why are the teachers being paid when they refuse to teach?  If they don’t get paid and leave, good riddance to bad rubbish. The children are better off without a teacher than being indoctrinated with propaganda.  One solution to this problem is to stop creating large school districts and go back to small neighborhood school districts controlled by the parents with no teachers’ unions.   Get rid of all the communist professors in our colleges and universities before they help destroy American education.




Stop the stupid education of all illegal alien children and force the illegals to go back to their country—we don’t want them here.  The Guardian organization must start founding up all  illegals and putting them on a bus back t the Mexican border if that is how they entered this country.  The illegals are wanted only by unscrupulous business owners who want cheap labor.  The Guardian organization must do what our corrupt legal system will not and immediately take the alien back to the Mexican border.  It has been reported that former DACA members who returned to their parents country and applied to legally enter the United States were given visas to do so within four months.  With 35-100 million members, it will be hard for anyone to oppose the Constitutional Guardians.  When the remaining illegals see what can happen, if they are smart, they will sell everything and go back to their country of origin to file at a United States embassy to gain legal admittance into this country.  Mexico may have a problem with  (30+ million?)  illegals arriving on their border after expulsion from the United States.  We have to find a way to make the morons in Washington help Mexico deal with these numbers  The penalty for illegal entry back into the United States must be immediate  death sentence—no trials and no lawyers.




Without a doubt, the most harm foreign nationals do to our country is that they take jobs from Americans.  These foreigners will usually work for a lower wage and therefore depress the wages of Americans.  In addition, these foreign nationals may not blend into American society and may even detest our form of government and retain loyal to their foreign national government.  Why should American youth spend thousands of dollars to receive a STEM or other degree and be unable to find a job?  One social media company has been reported to employ nationals from Communist China.  Does that make sense?  Loyalty to the United States and a love of this country are absent when the workforce has too many foreign born nationals. Since the United States admits one million—too many–immigrants every year; we do not need non green card foreign nationals here either working on a visa or attending or working at our colleges and universities.  Corporations use all kinds of requirements to request that a foreign national be admitted to work on a work visa.  Once again what is the point in having Americans get a good education in a field for which there was a demand if they are passed over so that the company can hire a foreign national at lower pay?   Why should a foreign national who may be unknown to the employer in the United States get hired to become a disrupter?  When Big Tech hired foreign nationals and made the person to be fired  train the new employee, the CEO and Board of Directors should have been fired.  Thousands of dollars spent on a good education so a foreigner can take his job.  China wants to bury the United States, so why are there more that 400,000 Chinese  working and attending school in this country stealing information and technology to send back  to China?  The reason is that these schools want the Chinese money and don’t care if it is bad for this country.  They are following the Biden foreign policy of America Last instead of America First.  If they don’t send the Chinese national workers and students back to China, then let the Constitutional Guardians peacefully shut them down for a year. Those colleges and universities that do not support free speech and the exchange of ideas must be shut down for at least one year.




The purpose of creating indoctrinated people is for them to become human robots who do not think for themselves but only follow orders to do what they are told to do.  This is the antithesis of what an American should be and attempts to duplicate what the former communist Soviet Union used to transform every child into believing that the state government was more important to each  child than their parents who created and love them.  It worked and children informed the state of the violations of state policy so that their parents were punished.  We do not need totalitarianism policy in the United States.  Entitlement and political correctness are used by individuals to discriminate and censor other people.  Usually this message is delivered with authoritarian presentation.  These people are rude, outspoken and have zero tolerance for other people’s opinions and wishes.  In a couple words, they have become intolerable monsters who always want their way.   These people fit in nicely in fascist states but have no place in this country.


God bless the United States of America and all its citizens.





When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns


The Sheriffs who were elected to safeguard the citizens in their jurisdiction are currently under siege from the illegal alien invasion  from around the world.  Included in this immigration nightmare are terrorists and criminals who should not be allowed to come into this country.  This action was created by an invitation from the current President of the United States that has endangered the lives and property of the United States citizens who live in these border counties.  Local law enforcement is overwhelmed by the numbers of illegals.  Something must be done.


In the 1800s, sheriffs resorted to creating posses to track down and capture wanted criminals.  Today the criminals are the illegal immigrants entering our country.  It is time to bring back the posse to man the borders to prevent illegal entry into the United States.  These posse members with legal authority will be under the control and direction of each border sheriff.  Thousands of posse members will be needed and these sheriffs do not have the budget to support it, so it is time for the American public to help these elected officers of the law restore safe conditions for their residents.  This will take a lot of money.  One way to raise money is a go fund me account for the BORDER SHERIFFS’ POSSES.  Another way to support this posse is for each sheriff to use his website to designate one and more local banks to collect funds for this very expensive and needed action.  The illegals will want to find and turn themselves over to federal employees, so posse members should always try to stop the illegals first and return them back to Mexico.  Since the United States federal administration caused this problem, every effort should be made to financially support the Mexican government to return  immigrants to their country of origin if it is known hat this can be safely done.  If execution awaits an immigrants return, maybe the United Nations can do something useful for a change and help them.



The primary mission of the Revolutionary Guard must be to insure “that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”[1]


The people most likely to lose their freedom are the hard working honest citizens who obey the law, so the Revolutionary Guard should give them the sole responsibility to protect our constitution that guarantees our freedoms by having  thousands of commands in every state using force when necessary.


The Revolutionary Guard is not intended to replace law enforcement and political systems.  Instead it must be used when those government systems fail to protect the people.


Political systems present the greatest danger to losing our country because politicians and bureaucrats assume unconstitutional authority they do not have.



On previous posts, this observer has suggested that the country and American people need an organization to protect them and our constitution from politicians who pass legislation that promote advancement of a political party and/or another form of government like Communism which they call socialism.  After the 2020 election controversy and Joe Biden was declared the President elect , Biden continually preached unity for all Americans.  However, as soon as he became President, he started issuing executive orders that do not favor all Americans.  One of these orders stopped construction of the Keystone Pipeline and cancelled the operating permit. This order was made for purely political reasons upsetting our Canadian partners and costing 11,000 American workers good high paying jobs.  It was designed to destroy our energy independence forcing use of foreign oil at higher prices.  Higher energy prices will hurt millions of low income Americans.  A second order stopped construction on the southern border wall and repealed President Trump’s immigration control orders essentially to create open borders with the expectation that future lifetime Democratic voters will be created.  This order will permit thousands of illegals who may be sick with the COVID virus to enter this country to compete with  millions of Americans who lost their jobs due to the pandemic.  This same vote buying principle applies to college debt forgiveness proposed which is the only reason the Obama administration took over this debt from the banks.  On this issue, the best idea suggested by others is to have the colleges assume this debt so students choose majors that pay enough to pay back their loans.  How do all Americans benefit from these political actions?  They do not.


Sadly, the rule of law is dead in the United States today.  This is especially true in cities and states controlled by the Democratic Party.  Criminals and illegal aliens have more rights than do law abiding American citizens.  What we have now is the law of the jungle which means that almost anything goes.  Jungle law is unacceptable.  It is time to replace this madness with the higher standard of right and wrong.  This should be the standard used by the Revolutionary Guard to judge all crimes against the American people.  As stated previously, revolutions take no prisoners—but it should also be recognized that there is no reason for this revolution to be covered in blood.  Probation with zero tolerance violation gives the revolutionary court/judge the option to avoid execution.  However, violation of probation must be a death sentence.  Committing a crime against the American people should be punishable by death.  It is this observer’s opinion that most people still know the difference between right and wrong but not enough people live by that rule.  Schools formerly taught young students the difference between right and wrong, but teachers and teachers’ unions have destroyed that option.  Some of that education may still exist but it will probably be found only in private and small school systems which do not have unions.  it appears that teachers unions and too many teachers teach that government is more important to students than their parents–similar to the  former Soviet Union indoctrination of its young people.  Anyone who believes that entitlement, political correctness and revised history are good is wrong–and we have millions of them in this country.  On the college level, too many school presidents place more value on money, power and control than educating their American students to be independent thinkers.  Independent thinkers are the inventors of the new technology that Americans value.


It is this observer’s opinion that the political system is so corrupt that a political solution to our problems is not possible.  Only an organization such as the Revolutionary Guard backed by the use of necessary force is the only way this nation can prevent a communist takeover of this great nation promoted by the Democratic Party.  They are the evil enemy.  Only force will be able to overturn stupid statehood and Supreme Court packing laws.


The people most often hurt by government stupidity are the hard working grassroots citizens; therefore, the Revolutionary Guard must be organized and controlled only by grassroots citizens.  To be effective, there must be thousands of Revolutionary Guard commands in all American states and territories who will work together when necessary to meet our country’s needs.  This means that the whites, blacks, Hispanic, oriental, native Americans, etc. must commit to restoring constitutional government that the political systems have systematically taken away from us.  All the Guard members must own a firearm and be willing if necessary to fight to prevent the Communist takeover of this country now under implementation by the Democratic Party with help from Republican Rinos.  If you think that the Democrats want t to wait two years to take over, you are dumb as a rock.  They want it today.  Revolutions have no rules they must follow and take no prisoners.  Since the Revolutionary Guard’s main missions are to protect the United States Constitution to preserve the individual freedoms protected by that document and to use the higher standard of right and wrong in all deliberations.  Revolutionary court decisions have no appeals and double jeopardy is possible with no statute of limitations.  Since there are no Revolutionary Court appeals, sentenced are swiftly carried out.  There are no delays so common in our current jungle law.  To protect the integrity of all elections, acts of voter fraud are punishable by death.  It should be noted that a death sentence for a crime is most likely the strongest deterrent against a similar future crime.



The proposed tasks for the Revolutionary Guard will require millions of participants.   If we have millions of members, then it will be time for the People to tell the politicians what we want and they had better do it.  No more lies.



This observer believes that stopping the massive illegal immigration currently underway on our southern border is priority one and must be fixed now.  Observance of the rule of law is only possible with the consent of the governed.  The people decide to obey the law.  The present administration has issued executive orders so stupid that the American people can no longer abide by the rule of law—hence the need for the Revolutionary Guard with millions of members in thousands of commands in every state and territory.



Illegal immigration is the Democratic Party’s attempt to maintain permanent control of the government.  They want it today.  Therefore, the People must ignore the unlawful executive orders (civil disobedience) and Guard members must resist the invasion of our country and support discouraging illegal immigration by going to the border to fire warning shots in the direction of the invaders to stop the invasion and, if ignored, shooting and killing every adult illegal alien who steps on United States soil.  All children will immediately be returned to Mexico.  The American People must not let policies by the politicians in Washington destroy our beloved country.  At the same time, a search must begin to find every illegal( 30+ million ??) residing in every state in this country and make them leave this country.  Once deported, illegal entry back into the United States is an immediate death sentence without any trial.  We must find a way to finance this border action and have enough participants so that no Guard volunteer needs to spend more than a few weeks defending his/her country.


The American people want secure borders, so the President’s unlawful executive orders on immigration and the wall cannot be obeyed.  President Biden is not a king.  Finish building the contracted southern border wall and shut the border down to protect every American.  Only legal immigration is permissible.


For the second time during my lifetime, the Democratic Party has stolen a Presidential election—JFK in 1960 and Joe Biden in 2020.  It must never happen again.  A high priority item for the Guard must be to investigate every affidavit submitted on 2020 voter fraud.  The last number mentioned was one thousand.  The voter fraud methods used are now being proposed by Congress.  The Revolutionary Guard Courts must investigate what the political government would not and find a way to inform all Americans of the results.  All proven voter fraud must end with the execution of those persons who committed the fraud.  If Congress were to pass the fraud legislation, then the Guard must consider removing from Congress every member who voted for it.


In previous times, when someone violated the law and the public’s interests, the Attorney General would go to a judge and get an injunction and restraining order to shut down the violation and to force changes to meet the law.  This no longer happens, so the Revolutionary Guard must shut down operations using necessary force until a correction has been made.


Since Big Tech and social media interfered with the 2020 election, their corporate headquarters should peacefully shut down for two months.  Turn the power off.  All foreign nation employees of these companies must leave the country in two weeks.  Refusal to leave is not an option because foreigners have no place in this country during a revolution and could easily become casualties.  Shutdown violations extend the length of the shutdown.  If political intervention resumes after shutdown, then these companies must be shut down for another six months or permanently.


During the Korean War, captured American soldiers were subjected to propaganda indoctrination that later was called brain washing.  The Supreme Court would label this free speech.  They legislate from the bench but do not see any difference between propaganda brain washing and free speech.  Five TV networks have continuously broadcast propaganda they knew were lies for five years.  The lazy Americans who watch only those networks believe those lies and vote using that data.  Therefore, the five brain washing networks must be peacefully shutdown by the Revolutionary Guard for two months.  No electrical power—no broadcasts. More propaganda after the two month shutdown, then like the big tech and social media, a six month or permanent shutdown will be necessary.  All of this is because in an earlier time the Attorney General would get an injunction to shut down these companies until the matter was fixed.  We do not have an honest justice department and federal judiciary so this option does not exist..


All of these companies who have interfered in our election process are digital and need electrical power to function.  The American people lived very well before the digital systems existed.  Why not live without these companies for two months


Another massive problem is public unions and their abuse of the American people.  With this pandemic, the teachers who are unionized have demonstrated that they like the politicians are interested only in money, power and control.  For now only the teachers unions must be abolished.  If they go on strike, who cares because they are only indoctrinating our children (our future) against parents and teaching anti parent, anti social garbage and revised fake history when they are teaching.  The country is better off with no teachers in this case.  This observer was educated for 5 ½ years (4 grade school and 1 ½ high school) in systems where the whole school district was in one building—and received an excellent education from dedicated teachers and learned about ex post facto in the sixth grade.


Moron school boards who do not protect their children from indoctrination must be replaced immediately.  We have no time to waste.


Colleges and universities that receive large sums of money from foreign governments must return that money.  Non disclosure of these monies and failure to return money when confirmed by Guard investigations should require the school to be shut down for one year.



All 400,000+ Chinese nationals employed or attending college and university schools must leave the country in three weeks.  Zero tolerance must be observed.



The Washington DC swamp is a problem.  There are no indications that any honest patriotic persons work in the swamp.  Not one member or the FBI, Justice Department, intelligence departments etc  can be trusted.  Are there honest people working in those departments?  Yes, but they stay hidden and unknown so when the Revolutionary Guard comes to cleanout Washington every member may be charged with a crime against the American people and executed.  Without a good way to tell the good people from the bad people, all are considered bad.  The bureaucracy of the federal and many states are so corrupt that action to remove them must be taken and only a huge organization of millions of Guard members will have the power to do it.  .


With the huge agenda listed above, can everyone see why we need more than 25 million (100 million would be better) people to start or join a Revolutionary Guard command and most importantly living close to all of the activities that must be fixed.  .


Since we have jungle law, it is hard to understand why any Supreme Court decisions must be obeyed.  What everyone seems to have forgotten is that the rule of law as mentioned earlier is effective only with the consent of the governed.  It is this observer’s opinion that government has lost the consent of the American people.  Those who consider themselves elites are the enemy.


May God bless the United States of America and all of its citizens.

[1] Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address


The two party political system we have had here in the United States no longer works for the American People.  Too often one party controls the legislative and executive branches of government and unilaterally implements their political agenda.  Sometimes this has been beneficial, but more often than not, the result has been bad for the American public and favors various special interest groups.  Politicians make promises they never intend to keep.  Unfortunately the Judicial branch of government has repeatedly violated constitutional separation of powers to legislate from the bench for political reasons.  The American public has tolerated this behavior for much too long.  Enough is enough.


First and foremost, the judiciary must be staffed by non partisan judges who religiously interpret our constitutions and laws as written—NOT HOW A COURT OR JUDGE WOULD LIKE TO INTERPRET THE CONSTITUTION OR LAW.  What this country needs is a third political party large enough to prevent one party control of government.  If the Peoples Constitutional Amendment found on this blog were added to constitutions, the public would have a voice in how we are governed at all times—not just at elections.  Only by strictly following our constitutions and especially the Constitution of the United States can the American people be guaranteed all of our personal freedoms—which by the way is the single most important reason this country is so great.  Don’t let moron politicians tell you Marxism or a socialist system is better—they both represent total government control and loss of freedom.  You become a number instead of an individual.


It has been reported that 75 million people voted for President Trump.  As a way of reference this observer is calling this new party the Peoples Party.  This party must be different from all political parties.   It is suggested that the country be broken up into possibly ten autonomous regional groups with each group representing approximately equal Electoral College votes.  It would seem desirable for adjoining states with similar regional needs to band together.  Any Washington DC office would function only as coordinator for the regions.   It is also suggested that since the Marxist Democratic Party is hell bent on revenge to prevent ex Trump administration persons finding new employment that some of them with the political expertise might be able to help set up and organize this badly needed new political party on a temporary or a specific term length basis..


If each of the persons who voted for President Trump will contribute ten dollars to this new party after it has been established, that would give this party 750 million dollars to organize the party and support political candidates for national, state and local elections.  It is suggested that these donated funds be deposited in only local and regional banks with FDIC fund protection in these regional groups—no national bank deposits.  This would then become the Peoples party because they have funded it.  The public would own this party.


Candidates for office in this party would have to meet these requirements”



Sign a legal contract for:


Removal from office after serving three months if defeated in a recall election demanded by the candidates’ voters.


Protect the United States Constitution and State Constitutions to insure interpretation is on a as written  basis.


Accept no campaign funds from any outside sources.  Accepting outside funding requires removal from candidacy or office.  It becomes a bribe.


Place national needs above the local needs but always trying to meet both.


Always try to balance the federal budget.  It has and can be done.


Support term limits for all elected offices and bureaucracy appointments with restrictions after leaving office.



What can be done now with or without a new political party.  Large corporations and billionaires contributed services and millions of dollars to defeat President Trump.  If each Trump voter had an annual income of at least $30,000, the combined buying power would be 2.2 trillion dollars.  Maybe this money should be used to redirect government and corporate policy.  For instance some actions that could be taken are:


Why should anyone of these voters buy an Apple smart phone, computer or use any Apple services when that company supports workers in China?


Why should anyone use Google Gmail, Google search engine or Google apps when Google expatriates are assisting the Chinese Communist Party instead of the United States government to develop artificial intelligence?


Why would anyone buy a Windows operating system or services when we really need a new safe operating system?  What happened to the new more secure system that was to replace existing systems?


Facebook and Twitter discriminate against conservatives, so if you are conservative, why waste your time giving them information when they hate you and sell your personal information?  Cancel your accounts.


Since the above groups and other corporations seem to want to destroy the middle class, maybe the new political party could identify corporations using Chinese labor so you could avoid buying their products.


2.2 trillion dollars is a lot of buying power, so use it to your advantage instead of letting those who hate you try to destroy you.  China wants to destroy us and it appears that the new Democratic administration is not concerned.  After all, the Biden, Pelosi and Republican McConnell families all have commercial links with China.  How many other members of Congress have similar commercial links?  How do these links affect our national security and defense?


This observer has  worn eyeglasses for over 65 years with reasonable success until two years ago.  Instead of buying glasses with progressive lens, I tried to save money by buying reading and distance glasses.  I did and that is when my vision problems started.  My vision with distance glasses was foggy and  I could not clearly see.  My vision was much sharper when viewing without the glasses but limited without magnification.  The new glasses were lighter than my old ones. My reading glasses caused problems and reading was difficult if not impossible.  Why?


So after struggling with poor reading vision for some time I bought another pair of glasses prescribed by a different optometrist.  Same problem and the doctor diagnosed dry eye and poor vision in one eye.  The poor vision in one eye can be corrected with eye glass optics—it has been done for centuries.  We tried to treat those problems, but reading clearly was not possible.


A third pair of glasses with a new optometrist were purchased with the same result. Why?


I went on the internet to research eye glass lens materials..


As a result of my internet research, my problem is the polycarbonate lens material from which these glasses were made.  The part that really disturbs me is that all those optometrists were clueless as to the terrible effect polycarbonate lens could have on people with astigmatisms when they complain of poor vision with new glasses.   You can confirm this lens material problem by going to:  In a search for some magnification to see better, I purchased magnifying aids and safety glasses which were not very useful because their lens material is polycarbonate.  I recently purchased eye glasses seven and eight that have some improvement, but so far my ability to read easily has eluded me.   There are glass and other plastic lens materials that avoid the polycarbonate lens distortion.  Two years of not being able to easily read has been a living hell and cost me thousands of dollars.


In a previous internet search in pursuit of better vision about 18 months ago, I found the Outback Vision Protocol.  At the time I purchased it on the internet, it cost $37 and is copyrighted so no copying is legal.  I have been making and consuming their smoothies since then.  The protocol claims it can restore 20/20 vision but my use of it was never with those expectations.  I just wanted improvement.  It has improved and today I can use my computer without glasses for the first time.  I also have glycoma and have had a laser operation that did not work and have taken meds to control internal eyeball pressure  for years with my pressure reading of maybe 18—but usually higher.  At my former ophthalmologist’s office, he measured my eye pressure at 13 and 13.  Maybe I took a bit more smoothie that day.  A couple weeks ago, my new doctor measured my eye pressure at 15 and 16.


The numbers do not lie.  The protocol helped me reduce my pressure in my eyes to much better numbers.


For years I have had problems with the solid preservative used in glycoma medications.  The caking, itching and coating of my eyelids with solids was a constant issue.  Recently a doctor recommended using Vaseline.  It works.  Now my eyelids are soft, pliant and free of solids after Vaseline.  I still wash my face and eyelids with soap and water to finish cleaning them.


Recently two new prescriptions were done and new glasses ordered.  The progressive pair with a better plastic have very slightly improved my reading vision but give me double vision.  My distance vision while driving gives me two cars coming when there is only one until the car gets close enough to see only one.  But I do have a pair of glasses purchased earlier in this debacle that while driving do not give me double vision.  By the way, I do have a pair of old glasses that I have had to use to read.  Why for 63 years were the doctors able to prescribe glasses that improved my vision and now they cannot?  You could say that it is due to my age, but then how do you explain the fact I have found previous prescriptions that provide better reading and distance vision?  Maybe these doctors are out of control on their astigmatism corrections.  My last two doctors have told me that my astigmatism is not severe.


n summary, I hope this post helps someone who may be having these kind of vision problems.  Have a good day and stay safe.


After the bizarre events that have transpired since the 2020 election, this question is probably on the minds of most thoughtful Americans.  For decades Americans have trusted the evening news to keep them informed.  Sadly too many Americans still do and are completely unaware that for the past four years these trusted sources have broadcast propaganda lies about the Trump administration and Trump followers.  To make matters worse, these lies have been repeated and the truth covered up or not reported.  In this effort, the propaganda lies have been supported by social media websites, big tech and the increasingly Marxist Democratic Party who almost purposely take every opportunity to violate the Constitution.  All of this malfeasance culminated in using voter fraud to remove President Trump form office.  He must never concede and is the lawful 2020 presidential election winner.  To make matters worse, state elected officials and judiciary have refused to investigate more than the reported 1000 affidavits documenting voter fraud.   In other words these government entities were telling honest citizens you do not count for anything.  To this observer, these state actions are criminal and against the honest American people.  This cannot be tolerated. In addition, the United States Supreme Court refused to hear these complaints.  In reality, the Democrats have already packed the Supreme Court and that is also unacceptable.  It has recently been reported that Joe Biden in some states received more votes for President than there were registered voters.  How can that be?  Voter fraud.  Many of the voting machines used to tabulate the vote are foreign owned and controlled and designed to rig elections.  Why haven’t these machines been seized so they can be checked by experts for fraud?  Is law and order gone forever?


If the January 5, 2021 Georgia election and the January 6,2021 Congressional review go against the Republicans and President Trump, then an illegitimate President and Vice President will be sworn in.  Whether or not President Trump is re-elected or not, two special prosecutors must be appointed—one to investigate the election fraud and the other to investigate the Biden family abuse of power. Any and all congressional panels to investigate the problem are useless and a waste of time.  If an illegitimate President fires either prosecutor after January 20, 2021. that will be confirmation that crimes have been committed.  It should be noted that after the 1960 Presidential election was stolen using last minute votes in Chicago, Illinois, the Republicans did not protest.  It has been reported that both Richard Nixon and President Eisenhower later regretted that decision which more than likely has encouraged the Democrats to use voter fraud to win elections every since.


With dishonest elections in the future, this means the everyday citizen who always loses to political misconduct will forever be slaves to their government.  The solution is to form or join a Revolutionary Guard command to ultimately have a total of more than 60 million members who are patriotic and are willing to fight to protect our Constitution that guarantees the freedoms we enjoy today and must enjoy forever.  If you are an American who is white, black, Hispanic, Asian or native American, the Guard needs you.  The Guard must always be controlled only by the real Americans citizens (grassroots) who lose when freedoms are lost.  If true Americans can come together in the millions, what would stop them from forming an America First political party to replace the too often corrupt present parties.  A group this large could also influence the financial markets and tell Congress what we want and don’t want.


Why do we need a permanent Revolutionary Guard?   We need the Guard because our political system, corporations, Wall Street and legal systems all worship the false pagan gods of big government, money, power and control.  We need some organization to protect Mr. and Mrs. ordinary citizen like you and me from political and government abuse.  By having only grassroots commands and a national organization that only declares total citizen participation, there is no one leader or group of leaders taking over.  Thousands of grassroots commands will prevent any single command from taking over.


Revolutions take no prisoners.  It is suggested that both probation and death sentences be used.  Probation with mandatory restrictions which must be honored prevents the revolution from becoming a blood bath; however, the penalty for violating probation is death.  Why you say there must be a death penalty?  Most people who commit crimes fear the death penalty the most, so it is the strongest deterrent to future crimes.  In addition, a person or group that commits a crime against the American people is permanently removed from the scene.  Once again, the standard to be used to judge if a crime has been committed should be is it right or wrong—not legal or illegal which more and more each day the Marxists are declaring there should be no penalty for illegal acts.  That is why the 2020 and future voter fraud conviction penalty must be death.  We may have already lost our country to the Democratic Party fraud.


Voter fraud is the criminal act that could permanently destroy this country.  We the people cannot let that happen and must organize and fight back to save our country from the crooks.


The state of Texas has filed suit against four other states on constitutional grounds citing their illegal election practices have deprived the rest of the country of a legal and lawful election.  On that basis,

a fraudulent election has prevented the rightful candidate from remaining President of the United States.  This is corruption on a massive scale.


Thus far almost all state and federal judges have refused to hear lawsuits that could change the presidential winner because they have claimed either that there was no evidence of fraud or that any decision they made would not change the outcome of the presidential election.  In other words they are stating that voter fraud is legal.  No matter to what extent voter fraud has been committed, all those judges took an oath and swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  By refusing to adjudicate these lawsuits, they are violating their oaths and destroying the rule of law.  Our federal Attorney General has declared the election is honest when it has been reported that citizens have filed 1000 affidavits contending they have witnessed voter fraud.  What is this Attorney General using for brains?  Should he resign?  His and the courts’ actions are stating to the world that sworn testimony by ordinary citizens is worthless.


For decades the Supreme Court has been dominated by charlatan judges—this observer will not call them justices.  They have legislated from the bench on abortion without limits which has reached the disgusting point where a live baby can be killed and they call it an abortion instead of murder.  In addition, abortion clinics sell baby body parts for research?


The Supreme Court has ruled that illegal aliens’ children must be provided a free public education paid for by the local residents.  This ruling without restriction obligates the United States taxpayer to educate all the world’s children if they were able to be present in the United States.  What were those supposedly educated judges using for brains on that one?


After Congress passed a law to provide more opportunity in the educational system and workplace for women and minorities, the liberal educational system immediately lowered their standards.  In addition, although denied, the Court started the discrimination against the white male that continues to this day.  It is time to stop this discrimination.  Equal opportunity is a right for everyone.


Supreme Court Justices must be impartial constitutional judges without any political agenda.  To achieve this goal, the four charlatan judges on the court must be removed.  Our corrupt politicians have no stomach to impeach, so the only way to remove them is to establish a Revolutionary Guard created to use whatever force is needed to protect our personal freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.  Only a Constitutional Guard with millions of patriotic members who are always the victims of poor government will have the ability and the will to protect our constitution from the corrupt bureaucrats and politicians who would destroy it.


Should the Supreme Court either refuse to hear the Texas lawsuit supported by 18 more state attorneys general or take the case and rule that the election practices used by those four states are legal, this observer believes that because so many American citizens believe massive documented fraud was used, these decisions could start a bloody revolution by ordinary Americans to take back our country from the crooks.


It now appears that there are seven charlatan judges on our Supreme Court.




The state of Texas has filed suit against four other states on constitutional grounds citing their illegal election practices have deprived the rest of the country of a legal and lawful election.  On that basis,

a fraudulent election has prevented the rightful candidate from remaining President of the United States.  This is corruption on a massive scale.


Thus far almost all state and federal judges have refused to hear lawsuits that could change the presidential winner because they have claimed either that there was no evidence of fraud or that any decision they made would not change the outcome of the presidential election.  In other words they are stating that voter fraud is legal.  No matter to what extent voter fraud has been committed, all those judges took an oath and swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  By refusing to adjudicate these lawsuits, they are violating their oaths and destroying the rule of law.  Our federal Attorney General has declared the election is honest when it has been reported that citizens have filed 1000 avadavats contending they have witnessed voter fraud.  What is this Attorney General using for brains?  Should he resign?


For decades the Supreme Court has been dominated by charlatan judges—this observer will not call them justices.  They have legislated from the bench on abortion without limits which has reached the disgusting point where a live baby can be killed and they call it an abortion instead of murder.  In addition, abortion clinics sell baby body parts for research?


The Supreme Court has ruled that illegal aliens’ children must be provided a free public education paid for by the local residents.  This ruling without restriction obligates the United States taxpayer to educate all the world’s children if they were able to be present in the United States.  What were those supposedly educated judges using for brains on that one?


After Congress passed a law to provide more opportunity in the educational system and workplace for women and minorities, the liberal educational system immediately lowered their standards.  In addition, although denied, the Court started the discrimination against the white male that continues to this day.  It is time to stop this discrimination.  Equal opportunity is a right for everyone.


Supreme Court Justices must be impartial constitutional judges without any political agenda.  To achieve this goal, the four charlatan judges on the court must be removed.  Our corrupt politicians have no stomach to impeach, so the only way to remove them is to establish a Revolutionary Guard created to use whatever force is needed to protect our personal freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.  Only a Constitutional Guard with millions of patriotic members who are always the victims of poor government will have the ability and the will to protect our constitution from the corrupt bureaucrats and politicians who would destroy it.


Should the Supreme Court either refuse to hear the Texas lawsuit supported by 18 more state attorneys general or take the case and rule that the election practices used by those four states are legal, this observer believes that because so many American citizens believe massive documented fraud was used, these decisions could start a bloody revolution by ordinary Americans to take back our country from the crooks.




On October 31, 2020 this observer was prevented from making the post WHAT IF REVOLUTION  PART TWO  subsequently issued on November 5, 2020.  Since my posts are issued using Word Press, the hackers used Word Press’ access to my website to stop me.  After numerous attempts to download my text onto Word Press and failing, a small block followed by the word Google and another small bloc followed by the word Apple appeared.  I don’t remember if any text accompanied these intrusions.  So I logged out and went to my laptop using Microsoft Windows 10.  That computer has automatic Windows update.  On that computer, the Word program was disabled and did not work.  So on November 5, 2020 I made the blocked post but now my website is labeled unsafe.  Please note that all this happened after my previous post on Joe   Biden.


Today, I do not know who I can trust, so I am not sure on what I must do to continue to write this blog.  Since this website has been compromised using Word Press, I must find and install a new platform to once again make my site secure.



In the 1970s when computer use started on main frames, information technology (IT) was a blessing in that it reduced the need for hand calculations for design.  This good use was expanded with the development of the personal computer (PC) and the development of the internet.


IT is no longer a blessing and the abuse of it combined with control of the internet by huge companies who no longer desire to provide a service but instead want to control the minds and actions of the public make IT and these huge money grubbing companies PUBLIC ENMY NUMBER ONE.  All the huge companies want is money, power and control of the world’s population.  Personal freedom destruction is their primary objective which they pursue vigorously.  In the United States only a Revolutionary Guard of  20-80 million plus armed patriotic ordinary citizens must be created to protect our personal freedom and the rule of law with equal justice for all preserved by our Constitution.  Only the Revolutionary Guard can stop them.  Our political system is so corrupt that no political cleansing will ever be done.  By the way, voter fraud should be a crime punishable by a death sentence.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

As election day approaches, Joe Biden is still spending a lot of time in his basement. Why? Could it be that he doesn’t want to discuss the criminal enterprises his family has conducted while he was Vice President of the United States and since? Could it be that his mental impairment happens too frequently now—like twice stating he is running for the Senate instead of the Presidency? Could it be that the crooked billionaires feel confident that between buying convict votes and voter election fraud they have fixed the election like it was done in 1960? Who knows?

Note that if Biden wins, we will never know the truth of what criminal activity took place in our government since 2016. If you want to know the truth, you must vote for all Republicans including the RINOs of questionable credentials

Whether Biden or President Trump wins, the task of cleaning the scum out of government will fall on the shoulders of the public. We –not the millionaires, billionaires and politicians–will suffer if we don’t. If re-elected, President Trump will be prevented from cleaning up government by the establishment politicians, the bureaucrats and all others who have benefitted from the present corrupt state. If re-elected, our President will need the help of the Revolutionary Guard of twenty to eighty plus million firearm owner citizen volunteers to establish and maintain a permanent guard to protect our individual freedoms and our Constitution from those who wish to destroy God’s gift to mankind. In this observer’s opinion, President Trump cannot clean out the scum without help from a massive group of armed Americans like the Revolutionary Guard. If Joe Biden becomes President, this country may likely experience a revolution to prevent Venezuela USA.

This Guard must be comprised of Americans who are White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native Americans, etc. In other words, all Americans who love this country and are willing to fight if necessary to restore Constitutional freedoms lost due to present corrupt political activity.

The time to begin recruiting for the Guard is now. All Guard units must be staffed by people known only to the local commanders. While the number of members can be made public, for safety reasons, the identity of the members should be known only to the local commanders. These commanders should probably be members of a Revolutionary Guard national organization much like the country’s sheriffs have. This would identify the total number of Guard members. The Guard’s mission should be to protect and defend when necessary fidelity to the Constitution of the United States. This would be necessary no matter who becomes President in order to clean up every phase of government to restore the rule of law with equal justice for all—which we currently do not have.

For starters, the Guard should probably begin to investigate and effect change to Soviet Union style school children indoctrination that has the government replacing the parents and which is promoted by organizations like the Teacher’s Unions . Remove the Communist professors from our universities. These young people are our country’s treasure and future. Issues like Supreme Court packing, Electoral College elimination, new states admitted for political advantage must be prevented by force if needed. Any constitutional amendments like the People’s Amendment should proceed as should all amendments that benefit all Americans—not just a few fake Americans.

There are organizations like Judicial Watch that have identified the corrupt organizations and what problems they have caused. Fox and One America News are TV networks that publicize corruption. The mainstream media and social media are propaganda allies of the left, Marxists and the Democratic Party.

Remember that the hard working law abiding citizens are always the ones who suffer from the changes made by corrupt politicians. The politicians always protect themselves and the so-called elites.


When Joe Biden left the Vice Presidency in 2017, it has been reported that he was $700,000 to $1,600,000 in debt. According to recent news reports, Mr. Biden now owns five homes. Where does an unemployed politicians get the money to buy multiple homes in four years? The answer to this question is documented in the emails in Hunter Biden’s laptop computer. It sure looks like that since the FBI has had Hunter Biden’s laptop in their possession for almost a year and have done nothing, that the FBI are covering up Biden family crimes. The FBI must be abolished and replaced with a real law enforcement and investigative agency

Peter Schweitzer has reported that Hunter Biden helped the Chinese Communists buy a US company that specialized in vibration technology that had both civilian and military use. Why worry? If a nuclear weapon was mounted on a hypersonic intercontinental missile, excessive vibration could cause a premature detonation before reaching the target. How did Hunter get government approval for this sale? The Biden ties to the Chinese Communists will enable the Chinese to blackmail Joe Biden to do what they want.

Joe Biden has predicted there will be 200,000 more deaths from the Chinese virus by this year’s end. With therapeutics that were not produced in the Obama Administration and are now available to treat patients to save lives, how does he come up with such a large number? In addition, the survival percentage of covid patients is much higher now. Isn’t his prediction made only to be a political scare tactic? Is there any proof of therapeutic research done during the Obama Administration on how to save lives during a pandemic?

With Joe Biden’s frequent memory lapses and gaffs along with his frail appearance, does anyone other than the Democrats believe Joe Biden is healthy enough to deal with the demands needed by a President of the United States? The answer is no. That means Kamala Harris probably using the 25th Amendment would soon become President. Kamala Harris raised money to bail out the rioters who were arrested for violent destruction in our cities. Obviously, law and order were not on Senator Harris’ agenda.

Is this Democratic team the one you want to keep you healthy, wealthy and wise? Please note that all Democrats consider the public to be only the votes they need to raise money to gain and maintain political power and control. The billionaire oligarchs who planned this Democratic ticket are the money source that they believe can be used to direct a Biden Democratic administration if elected to follow the oligarch’s orders. To the Democratic Party, the public are not people who have needs and lives—they are only faceless voters.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Once again the propaganda news network polls are reporting that Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden is leading President Trump. For four years these networks have lied and lied to the American public to convince uniformed and uneducated viewers that President Trump is guilty of all kinds of crimes that have later been proven false. Only a moron would believe that these networks have suddenly started to tell the truth. Sadly it appears that Fox News and The Wall Street Journal poll has joined the propaganda press. This observer no longer trusts any Fox News poll results..

Once again Fox News have lost their minds when they state that soon the Supreme Court will have six conservative judges. Of course they never reference the fact that all judges are supposed to have no political agenda in order to rule without prejudice. Sadly the stupid politicians in both parties have disregarded that rule to the extreme detriment to the American public. They don’t give a damn and are only concerned with political power and control. Bastards !!!! For Fox News information, Chief Justice Roberts was once considered conservative but recently before Justice Ginsberg’s death was rated as the fifth most liberal judge on the court. If Fox News had been more honest they would have never reported six conservative judges. We may need a revolution to cleanse the court to make sure that the Supreme Court must have nine judges that interpret our Constitution and laws passed as written. The American people must DEMAND that to happen. The American public must also inform the leftist Democrats that court packing is off the table forever.

For the second time in two presidential campaigns for President of the United States the Democratic Party has selected an unindicted criminal. Joe Biden displayed quid pro quo in the Ukraine on video tape, his son Hunter works with the Chinese Communist government and recently emails from Hunter’s laptop confirm numerous illegal monetary agreements. Joe Biden has several times announced that he is running for the Senate instead of President. Joe Biden is unfit to serve as President of the United States. In addition, any vote for any Democratic politician is a vote to transform our country into a fascist or communist nation. The oligarch Democratic billionaires want to destroy the middle class so that they can dictate how this country must be run.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

AS the Democratic Party held their primary elections, only one candidate seemed to be leading—Bernie Sanders. Bernie claims to be a progressive socialist but in reality who would most likely honeymoon in Russia—a socialist or a communist? The Democrats did not want Bernie to be their presidential candidate because it would demonstrate to the American public that their party wanted to discard our Constitution and become Marxist. That would have been the front door approach.

To prevent this, a number of billionaires got together and enlisted Congressman James Clyburn to endorse Joe Biden for President. Since Clyburn is a black American who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus whose members have trained their constituents to be Democratic voters without congressional accountability to provide the black community with better schools, living conditions and jobs. With Clyburn’s endorsement, Biden won the South Carolina primary and he was strongly back into the race. Eventually Biden became the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Why Joe Biden? Because Joe will agree to anything to become President. Now the billionaires had to find a Vice Presidential candidate. They got Cory Booker and Kamala Harris to endorse Joe. Both of these senators are very ambitious in pursuing national office and would likely work with the billionaires. Well, we now know that Kamala Harris is Joe’s Vice Presidential candidate.

With Biden and Harris the billionaires have the candidates who will most likely do what they are told to do .

In January 2020 we learned that a potential pandemic virus had just come out of China. Upon learning that this virus had escaped from their biological lab and infected some Chinese, the Chinese Communist Party decided to export the virus to the rest of the world to deliberately infect the world’s population. Recently, a Chinese doctor who escaped from China to stay alive reported that this virus was developed in a Chinese lab and is not a natural virus. It has been reported that this virus affects the heart, kidneys and other body parts that a natural virus would likely not affect. To this observer, this is evidence that some modifications were done to this virus to make it more deadly for biological warfare.

During the Democratic convention, violence prevailed in some cities without a single mention by any Democrat. We now know that these are planned riots where people are hurt and killed because the politicians permit it by preventing normal police protection for their residents. In other words, the Democrats support lawless behavior. The Democrats are trying to use the pandemic and violence to overthrow our current Constitutional Republic in favor of a Marxist one—so this is the back door approach.

The latest Democratic strategy is to mail out millions of ballots so they can commit voter fraud on a massive scale. The Democrats have used voter fraud in every election since 1960 when Chicago Mayor Richard Daley waited until all the Illinois down state Republican votes were in before he cast enough fraudulent votes for John F. Kennedy to win the election for President. Since the Republicans are morons because they never make fraud an issue, the Democrats continue to use it. It will continue until the Republicans remover their heads from their rectums and the yellow streak down their backs to fight long and hard for what is honest and correct.

During the Obama Administration the UN idea of world government was promoted. The effect of this idea is let’s rob the American piggy bank and show them who is boss. Well our good paying American jobs were exported to countries all over the world with the principal beneficiary being Communist China. Wall Street and the people who were or became billionaires benefitted by exporting American technology and jobs to other countries where labor costs were much lower. Who suffered? The American middle class did. In the good old days, dad made enough money to support his family and mom could stay home and raise the kids. Exporting jobs overseas destroyed all that. Now mom needs to work to earn enough money to support the family. in other words, the middle class was slowly being destroyed so that Wall Street and the billionaires could get richer. That is why the billionaires want Joe Biden to be President. Wall Street doesn’t care if slave labor is used to make products imported into the United States. All they worry about is money, power and control—the pagan gods. These billionaires want to destroy the middle class to control this country’s politics with a Marxist government instead of our constitutional republic form of government which dictates individual personal freedom. The personal freedom guaranteed by our Constitution is what has allowed our citizens to invent and innovate to the best of their ability and this quality is what has allowed the United States to become the envy of the world. Top down management may work for corporations, but it will never the best way to govern millions of people because it crushes the individual imitative that is the engine for progress and a better life for everyone.

Communist China wants to destroy the United States political system. With the largest consumer market in the world, what happens if America has no money to buy imports? Whoops, there goes the piggy bank. Why does Wall Street permit Chinese stock to be traded which in effect exports dollars to an enemy that wants us dead—like the 200,000 Americans dead from the Chinese pandemic virus. Why does Wall Street give the Chinese access to our capital markets by allowing these Chinese stocks to trade when the Chinese have publicly stated they want to destroy us? There should be no Chinese stocks traded on Wall Street. If the big banks want to do business in China they can so long as they recognize that if China refuses to pay causing bankruptcy, good bye bank. We bailed them out in 2008 when some parties should have gone to jail like during the savings and loan scandal. But they bought off the politicians in 2008.

It has been reported that the billionaires got richer during this pandemic. Once again, these people and the Democrats want to destroy the middle class so the billionaires can control the country’s politics and destroy our constitution by making our government Marxist. Rich oligarchs function very well in socialist, fascist and communist regimes. Why? They control large numbers of people and top down governments can control them easier than thousands of individuals and businesses.

Oh yes. The suburban women who want to vote for Biden should go on the internet in search of Stanley Kurtz and learn how Biden wants to control the suburbs using federal bureaucrats. Say bye bye to your suburban home.

Hunter Biden working for the Chinese Communists has helped them buy American companies to gain knowledge of US defense secrets. How about that Joe? If Joe Biden were President, his son world be working for the country that wants to destroy us.

By the way, if you believe the polls that Joe Biden leads President Trump nationally, you are a true blue Democrat. With this election, every vote for a Democrat is a vote for communism. The Democrats will use voter fraud to win some blue states, so let us put all the rest of the states in the Trump win column to the degree that even with massive Democratic fraud, President Trump wins on election night. Glory be to God if that happens.

Remember President Trump’s accomplishments are many. With his tweets and press briefings, he is the most transparent President in my lifetime. The press hates him because he tweets and they cannot change and distort what he says. His policies have benefitted almost every American—not just the rich elites. Promises made, promises kept. Donald John Trump is most likely the first and last Blue Collar Billionaire President. Why? As a builder of tall buildings, he has had to learn how to get along with blue collar workers who have built his buildings and their unions, politicians both good and corrupt and their bureaucracies. To this observer President Trump with so much power available to him is polite and forgiving beyond belief. He also tries to stay within our Constitution unlike the three previous Presidents all of whom were lawyers.

More and more it looks like with the current massive corruption of our federal and some state and local governments only a permanent revolutionary army or guard staffed by millions of armed grassroots citizens who love this country may be necessary to preserve our constitution and the personal freedoms it guarantees all citizens.

Now that President Trump and his wife have the Chinese virus, we pray they will soon recover. Under no circumstances does this observer ever want to see Bunker Joe Biden elected President of the United States and a Marxist government run by billionaire oligarchs.


Good governments provide an environment that helps their people thrive and live long and fruitful lives in peace. Bad and corrupt governments make little to no attempt to help the people achieve these wonderful goals—they only want power and control. Today we have one political party that has provided good government to all the people and another political party which is doing its best to destroy that good government by promoting anarchy and violence which has resulted in the death of many innocent people including children. What kind of society tolerates killing innocent children? Only anarchists and corrupt organizations do. Sadly a me first mentality has grown stronger and stronger for the past 60 years and it is destroying our country. When chaos becomes unbearable and government is unable or unwilling to fix the problem, history has documented that the people rise up and revolt in revolution. In 1776 our country’s founders reached that point and in 2020 it may be necessary to repeat revolution to save the most wonderful country God has given to the world.

In 2016 the American people elected Donald J. Trump President of the United States and his administration has been under constant attack by parties who want to remove him from office. These attacks have been by the Obama administration, the Democratic Party, the RINO Republicans, the FBI and Justice Department and the local, state and federal politicians, courts and bureaucracies. The corruption has been massive and much too large for constitutional government to fix.

Therefore, it will take a massive force to correct the problems. Thank God that our Founders gave us the Second Amendment because it will take every citizen who loves this country and owns a firearm to join the Constitution Restoration Revolutionary Army. When the Army grows to 20 to 90 million members, anarchist should blink before taking the Army on in armed conflict. The goal is to effect reform without a lot of bloodshed, but the threat of death must always be present.

Some suggestions about the revolutionary army:

The goal for this revolution is to restore constitutional government by following the written constitution, honoring constitutional separation of powers and restoration of the rule of law with equal justice for all provided by a justice system with no political bias. To prevent a relapse, the Army may stay active and protect the constitution for 100 years.

The army should support government and law enforcement as long as they recognize that the revolutionary army is needed to make the changes that constitutional government cannot make.

The revolution does not have constitutional restraints and units should be formed by grassroots members. The number of army units may be in the thousands in all 50 states and territories. Instead of evaluating crime against the American people based on whether or not it is legal, maybe the standard should be is it right or wrong. The opposition to this revolution have in the past and will use murder to stop it. Many leaders for each unit hopefully will prevent this tactic. Care must be taken to exclude all the bad persons who own a firearm.

Revolutions generally take no prisoners.

Any crime that harms the American people is punishable by death. Possible sentences are death and probation. Violation of probation may result in death

Statute of limitations law is not followed.

Double jeopardy is permissible

A revolutionary court or judge’s ruling is final. There are no appeals.

Sentences should be carried out within hours or days.

Rioters, looters and arsonists who break the law or who attempt to harm a member of the Revolutionary Army or law enforcement may be shot and killed.

Media members who assist those who break the law are criminals who may be shot and killed.

The highest priorities to start the political cleansing are:

Protect our children and stop all school indoctrination from kindergarten to college. Remove the violators as needed.

Many of the corrupt local, state and federal appointed and elected officials may be replaced

All foreign nationals except green card holders and consular staff must immediately leave the country because their safety cannot be guaranteed in a revolution.

The time to start organizing the Constitution Restoration Revolutionary Army to cleanse our nation should be today. Why today you ask. Do you think that the revolution will get any support from government and law enforcement if the Democrats steal the election?

Prevent all ballots received after election day from being counted no matter what the state and local laws permit. If they are not there on the day of the election, they don’t count. The army must prevent voter fraud.

If ballot harvesting is attempted, the persons delivering the ballots must be held until the source of the ballots and the identity of those delivering them are verified. If tried by a revolutionary judge or court, voter fraud should be punished by death.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

For years this observer has enjoyed watching and attending sporting events. They always provided relief from politics and other problems.

Now that politics has intruded into sports, relief from today’s problems may no longer be possible. If politics destroys your enjoyment, why bother watching or attending a professional sporting event. How long is it going to take before the public tires of all this garbage and only 1000 people want to attend a game?

If the NCAA is stupid enough to pay college athletes, then charge these people full tuition and all other expenses—no more scholarships . Paying college athletes may well lead to the destruction of all college sports.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The newscasters and pollsters are at it again, but this time it is worse than 2016.. Like the 2016 election, when they poll people for their opinion, they select more persons who favor the final result the pollster wants. A Democratic pollster will always include more Democrats and presumably a Republican pollster will do the same. The American public now knows that the propaganda TV channels have been broadcasting lies about President Donald Trump for almost four years. How do we know? These channels so-called experts have on air accused our President of treason, being a Russian Putin puppet, etc. while when testifying under oath before Congress, they all testified that no Russian collusion was found. If any so-called news broadcasters will broadcast known lies, what kind of broadcaster will quote poll results from these same sources without qualifying its results? It looks like all of them including Fox.

The sad part of this saga is that many Americans watch only the propaganda channels and believe the polls and lies to be true.


Voters are not elected to pass laws—only the legislative branch can do that. This amendment would empower the public to remove any government official and repeal any law, regulation and court ruling.
This amendment empowers the public to decide how they wish to be governed.

A twenty state minimum for entire country petitions was chosen to insure that two or three states do not try to monopolize and control changes.

For too long, as this country has grown and its population has greatly increased, voter communication with our government officials has deteriorated. A political class has evolved with the attitude that the public are just dumb people who need to be told when, where and what to do. That is simply not true and government’s attitude towards the public is a major source of conflict.

Every current member of government will oppose this amendment. This amendment format was written to discourage the abuse of frequent irrelevant changes.

For this amendment an eligible voter is defined as a person who has registered to be placed on a list of eligible voters and who will present photo identification prior to being allowed to vote.

Recall United States Representative

When 20% of the registered voters in a congressional district submit a petition to recall their House of Representatives member of Congress, a recall election is held. If a majority of registered voters agree to recall the Representative, that person is immediately removed from office and a new Representative must be elected. Lacking a majority recall vote permits the Representative to remain.

Recall United States Senator

When 20% of the registered voters in a state submit a petition to recall their Senator, a recall election is held. If a majority of voters agree to recall the Senator, that person is immediately removed from office and a new Senator must be elected. Lacking a majority recall vote permits the Senator to remain.

Recall a nationally elected official

The voters in all 50 states can petition, but when 10% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states submit a petition to recall a nationally elected official, a recall election is held in all 50 states. If a majority of voters in three fourths of the states vote for recall, that official is immediately removed from office and a new official must be elected. Lacking a majority vote in three fourths of the states permits the official to remain.

Repeal a federal law and regulations

The voters in all 50 states can petition, but when 10% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states submit a petition to repeal a federal law and regulations, a recall election is held in all 50 states. If a majority of voters in three fourths of the states vote for recall, that law and regulations are immediately null and void. Lacking a majority vote in three fourths of the states permits the law and regulations to remain.

Repeal a federal court decision or remove a Supreme Court Justice

The voters in all 50 states can petition, but when 10% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states submit a petition to repeal a federal court decision or remove a Supreme Court Justice, a recall election is held in all 50 states. If a majority of voters in three fourths of the states vote for recall, that federal court decision is repealed or that Supreme Court Justice is immediately removed from office. Lacking a majority vote in three fourths of the states permits the court decision to stand or the Supreme Court Justice to remain.

Remove any appointed federal official or non Supreme Court federal judge

The preferred method for removal is impeachment, but with political hacks and gutless politicians involved, what should be done many times does not get done. The voters in all 50 states can petition, but when 5% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states submit a petition to recall any appointed federal official or non Supreme Court federal judge, a recall election is held in all 50 states. If a majority of voters in three fourths the states vote for recall, the appointed federal official or non Supreme Court federal judge is immediately removed from office. Lacking a majority vote in three fourths the states permits the appointed federal official or non Supreme Court federal judge to remain.

Any state proven to have submitted fraudulent votes on any election is prohibited from participation for 3-10 years.


It looks like the Chinese want Elon Musk to build a factory in China to build electric cars. With China’s well known air pollution, it makes sense although most of their pollution probably comes from non scrubbed power plant fuel combustion products. It seems like a good fit for both parties. It is this observer’s opinion that the electric car manufacturing facility is not China’s real goal.

Mr. Musk is also very involved with SpaceX. With the car introduction, China would try to use this to steal as much information as possible on the SpaceX operations. This is especially true now that SpaceX is now tasked with delivering US astronauts to the space station. The Chinese would love to sabotage this system.

However, the real goal may be to steal as much information as they can about Mr. Musk’s low orbit satellite communication system on which the Chinese would love to install their spy 5G software. This system if they can steal it would be part of their world domination scheme to be supreme in every respect. With the close ties the Chinese have with Google, would that company try to assist China? If the Chinese cannot steal this system, once more they would love to sabotage it.

When dealing with China, all cyber software should be protected by a triple firewall if such a thing is possible.


The controversy continues over the use of this drug to treat the Wuhan pandemic virus despite its safe use for over 40 years treating lupus and malaria. Is it possible that the CDC and FDA have lost all credibility concerning this drug as they seem have shifted their emphasis to CYA mode? True science seeks only the truth no matter where it leads you.

Where and what research is being done on virus therapeutics? It is obvious that therapeutics are a necessary component to save thousands of lives during a pandemic and a vaccine is the protection against a future virus pandemic. Why were there no therapeutics to treat the Wuhan virus? The response might be that there are thousands of viruses. That may be true but then shouldn’t the necessary research be done in the United States to find and develop one or more therapeutics? What therapeutic s are the CDC and FDA planning on using to treat the victims of the next Chinese Communist Military’s release of a pandemic virus—China has stored almost 4000 or more viruses. Isn’t true scientific research supposed to solve problems? What research has or is being done? If none, why?

Hydroxychloroquine is the only drug for which there are many testimonials by recovered Wuhan virus patients who insist the drug saved their lives. Organizations like the CDC, FDA, Democratic Party and at least one drug store chain have continually opposed its use for this virus. What is the truth?

This post is an appeal for a single red state university to announce to the media their intention to collect data from physicians who have prescribed this drug to treat the Wuhan virus. It is this observer’s opinion that all blue state universities are politically biased, so they cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

The data to be collected will be from doctors who have treated the pandemic virus with hydroxychloroquine and to inform the university of the results. If funding is an issue, it is suggested that a “Go Fund Me” account be started for the data collection and report issuance timeframe and terminated after issuance of the data. The university must check the reporting doctors ’credentials to prevent fraud and receive from each doctor the number of patients treated, the number recovered and the number deceased. The most important task for this report is to guarantee that every doctor’s information must remain confidential to prevent ALL negative response for their participation.

After collecting this data for no more than 60 days, a single report must be issued within a week and released to the media by the university showing only the number of patients treated, number of recoveries and the number of deaths. Pure statistics are wanted with zero politics.

If masks are not an effective way to prevent disease transmission, why does everyone in a hospital operating room wear one and social distancing does not appear to be an issue?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

A little history is in order now. When this country had about 141 million citizens in the 1950s, in our large cities the neighborhoods were policed by a beat cop on foot. For the most part, he was the law and order for that neighborhood. He kept the peace and knew who and what kind of people lived on his beat. As our population exploded, a beat cop was unable to handle the increase, so police officers were put into cars so they could patrol a larger area and protect more people. Maybe, what we should recognize now is that when the people who live in a neighborhood lose their connection with law enforcement, they may start to distrust the police. The situation has been made worse by the lack of integrity in the judicial and political components of the law. For at least a decade or more, the politicians and judicial systems have liberalized law enforcement to the point that most people think that the criminal have more rights than law abiding citizens. Now some politicians want to eliminate their police forces. That idea is beyond stupid, it is criminal. That is why the number of gun owners will soon pass 100 million and maybe it already has. If the police don’t protect you, you have to do it yourself. It is a recipe for anarchy or revolution—and this observer fears there will have to be a revolution to restore sanity and return the law and judicial system to constitutional adherence. The federal judiciary has lost their minds by ignoring the constitutional separation of powers and they are the main reason we are heading towards anarchy and a political cleansing revolution.

On June 5, 2020 on TV show Fox and Friends a former green beret and police officer offered another community policing plan that he says works to once again gain a community’s respect. It may be similar to Police Chief Brown’s community policing in Houston, Texas decades earlier. Today, this new plan in essence wants to replace the beat cop with weekly meetings with the community being policed. He reported that his system works.

In some cities, crime is rampant because the political establishment does not arrest and more importantly prosecute the criminal. What kind of justice is that for the poor people who live in those cities? There is no justice. The people who suffer the most are those in the minority neighborhoods. The responsibility for that situation rests with those politicians who claim to represent those poor people and do nothing to improve their lives. Could these same politicians be filling their pockets with our tax money? Most of these minority neighborhoods are represented by black politicians. Are they more interested in money, power and control than helping their constituents improve their lives?

After watching hours of TV on the issue of police brutality, it is becoming more and more apparent that
most of this NEWS???? is propaganda by a so called mainstream media which has abdicated their responsibility to tell the truth. The sad part is that these liars are supported by the corrupt legal and judicial systems.

For any elected official to be able to instruct his or her police department to stand down and let law breakers wreak havoc on the community should be an unlawful order and prohibited by law. Police officers take an oath to protect the community and they must never be forced to violate that oath.

There are reports that police feel that they need more training. Other professions are licensed by the state and must take additional training every year or two to maintain a valid license. Why not have the police do it too? These other professionals take these courses on their own time and usually have to pay to take the course. That format may not be desired for police, but the additional training should be part of their maintaining a police officer’s job. Periodic training and testing should become part of every officer’s record.

Government employee unions are a problem. Unions always try to protect their members from disciplinary action. For relatively minor infractions, there should be no problem. When a complaint is issued against an officer, it should be investigated and if serious enough, the officer should be fired. Unions should not try to keep unfit officers on the force. In the past, unions have fought to keep unfit members in their unions.

It seems to this observer that most of the police complaints are about city police who are under the direction of a politician. Many city police departments are corrupt. In general, there are fewer complaints against sheriff’s deputies and constables whose leaders are elected directly by the public.

The legal and judicial systems in this country discriminate against the lawful citizens in favor of criminals. The lawyers do it because the criminals have more money than honest citizens. The prosecutors use shady tactics to secure convictions and then wonder why there are injustice complaints. More and more the judicial systems seems to love the power that being a judge gives them and some of their rulings are stupid and outrageous. For years if not decades, these systems have eroded the honest citizens’ rights and then wonder why nobody trusts them.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Nine Congressional Republican Senators have proposed admitting foreign nationals to work in American industry. They most likely want to include Chinese Communist workers for visas.

Sucking up to political donors to the detriment of the needs their constituents is also too frequent. American youngsters and their parents did not go into debt for college loans so that nine self serving Republican senators can help American companies discriminate against these Americans in favor of foreigners so that very wealthy companies can make more money by paying lower wages. More likely than not, these foreign workers are also anti American. If it is true that both our politicians and the imported workers dislike the United States and our Constitution, why should they be allowed to remain in the system?

Hey, you Republicans, don’t forget that the American people are paying your salary and deserve a fair chance in employment—not the discrimination that these companies will employ—been there. Senators, if you want to help American companies discriminate against American workers, maybe you should consider another line of work. We also don’t need a State Department handing out thousands of visas that damage employment opportunities for American workers.

President Trump needs Republican support in the Senate to continue cleaning out the swamp and to keep America great. But will these dumbbell RINOS support him? We don’t want to defeat a Republican and replace him or her with a communist loving Democrat who only wants to increase your taxes and enslave the American people. To be safe, we may need to have an Trump Independent on the ballot or a popular agreed upon write-in candidate available to make sure we elect someone who will help us remain a free people.


It has been reported in the NY Times that there are 430,000 nationals from Communist China in the United States today. Why are there so many Chinese in this country when everybody knows that due to family ties in China, everyone of those people are willingly or are forced to spy for the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese are stealing everything they can that is not nailed down. Four of them that have been employed by American universities and health organizations have been arrested by the FBI for working for China as spies. Why are these Chinese working in critical research areas enabling them to steal the technology and send it to China? What does this say about the caliber of university executive that hire these spies? What about the thousands of supposed Chinese students whose mission is to steal technology? Why are there no American’s in these positions? What kind of bozo United States diplomats are there in China who issue visas for the spies? What do they use for brains or are they just Obama holdovers? Why have 40,000 Chinese been admitted into this country after President Trump issued his ban? More bozo Obama holdovers or is it just poor choice of personnel by our State Department?

China with the Wuhan virus killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. If we didn’t have so many spies from China in this country, we would lose fewer secrets. Cancel all Chinese visas except for diplomats and stop the theft.

If and when the take no prisoners revolution comes to this country and if our political system has not been cleansed, the Chinese will all be deported or sent home in body bags. Let us prevent the body bags and deport all of them now. Any more than 10,00 people or fewer from China in this country at one time is insanity. The Democrats appear to love these Chinese spies who deliberately infected this country with the Wuhan virus which to date has killed more than 100,000 Americans. Hey Joe, what do you and your son think of your Chinese Communist buddies now? Don’t Nancy and Chuck love the Chinese too?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The riots that have engulfed too many American cities have been caused by appeasement policies of the state and/or local governments. The police have been told to stand down and not enforce the law, so therefore, when the criminal class population sees that, the riots and looting begins.

Normally break-ins and theft are criminal acts that deserve an arrest and in most cases that is what is probably done. Those rules cannot be applied in a stand down situation where the police are prohibited from doing their duty. Once rioting and looting begin, there appears to be only one solution. If the police shoot and kill any violent action by a rioter or looter, that action will very soon be known to all the rioters. It should only take one or two dead rioters to shut down the trouble. To this observer, it is only a common sense solution.

For all small business owners whose livelihood has been destroyed, you need to take legal action against the stupid government officials like governors and mayors who issued a stand down order. These officials must be held accountable for their stupid orders. A class action lawsuit against these officials is probably the strongest deterrent from future riots. Once these business owners are reimbursed for their losses, they probably need to move to another state because politicians retaliate even when they are wrong. The money to restore the losses must come from state and local taxes which should be another reason for these wayward politicians not to be stupid again.

Second, the police unions must strike if necessary to get laws passed similar to the military’s “Unlawful order”. In other words, it must be illegal for politicians to tell any police office to not enforce the law he or she has taken an oath to protect. This country has too many stupid politicians who think they are God and can do whatever they want.

It has been reported that the rioters are people who came from another state to cause trouble. Attorney General Barr has declared these people will be prosecuted. Good. More importantly must be the need to identify from where and from whom the money comes to cause riots. These money people must be publicly identified and prosecuted to the maximum. We don’t need any more fake Americans than we have now.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Our criminal justice system has once more failed to do what the American people need. It looks like the coup d’etat planners may not face any punishment. More and more it appears that politics are more important than equal justice under the law. How do we fix it?

M. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has repeatedly declared that President Trump must appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the investigators in order to find the truth. This observer agrees. We must have an investigation started immediately and continue until conclusion no matter how many months or years it takes. Based on this observer’s limited knowledge of potential prosecutors, one person stands out as someone who has the courage to take on the crooks. Once this person has concluded the General Flynn case, and hopefully she will agree, could President Trump convince attorney extraordinaire Ms. Sidney Powell to do that job with trusted associates she would recruit from outside government? It is time for justice to be on offense instead of being on defense all the time.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The insane 3 trillion dollar bill proposed by nasty Nancy Pelosi is more debt intended to bankrupt the United States and reward all the communist members of the Democratic Party. Pelosi still loves the Chinese Communist Party that deliberately infected the United States with COVID-19 which so far has killed more than 80,000 Americans. She doesn’t care because to her they were not people—only votes.

The biggest impediments to a recovery are the politicians who are now issuing unconstitutional orders. What these politicians do not recognize is that ALL JOBS ARE ESSENTIAL. About 70% of the nations’ workforce has continued to work. What are the states doing with the tax money generated by that group? When you must work to pay your bills and put food on the table, to your family, you have an essential job. Short time handouts help but they are not the long term solution needed.

There are numerous predictions that COVID-19 will roar back due to a state’s premature opening of their economy. Some are predicting that the death toll will dramatically rise. Let us look at before and after COVID-19.

In January of this year, the virus COVID-19 was unleashed on the world. While its birth still has not been established, for sure the virus originated in Wuhan China. After sustaining many deaths in Wuhan as indicated by many death urns at mortuaries, China closed down the city and began exporting the virus to the world by sending their people abroad to deliberately infect the world. When the virus arrived in the United States, it appears that little was known about it. Today much more is known about this virus.

Before COVID-19 arrived in January, the public was ignorant of spacing, masks and hand hygiene requirements. These actions along with PPE use have increased public awareness and reduced transmission.

When the virus first arrived, mass testing of the population was not possible. All kinds of tests are available today to help pinpoint problem areas and start measures to prevent a large virus outbreak.

The lockdowns and quarantines were supposed to help reduce transmission but they also prevent work to maintain financial and mental health. Regretfully, some states put COVID-19 infected patients into nursing homes where the most vulnerable population lives increasing the death toll. Were there FDA/CDC warnings about the danger of this practice? Also it appears that states that locked the people down did not take advantage of mass testing that became available. This data for this captive group could have provided information to help fight the disease. Why was that opportunity ignored?

Areas in each state that had little to no COVID-19 activity should be able to resume close to normal financial and work activity. It is stupid for authorities to prevent their return to close to normal activity.

Quick action by government to treat any potential increased virus activity should prevent virus resurgence. Using common sense and reasonable precautions should allow this country to successfully recover our economy.

When the virus arrived, there was no way to treat it. Today the virus can be treated by hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir or antibody transfusion as directed by a doctor and patient. While not necessarily cures, these interventions except for possibly remdesivir have proven to save lives. To this
observer, the CDC and FDA appear to have an unfounded prejudice against hydroxychloroquine. Many people who have recovered from COVID-19 have publicly testified on TV that hydroxychloroquine saved their lives. Shouldn’t that qualify as mass testing? Could the CDC/FDA prejudice be because its use for COVid-19 was not tried by them? In Texas, CVS pharmacies also seem to have a prejudice against its
use for the virus. The State of Texas needs to investigate why. It appears that a German scientist has developed a way to treat the hepatitis B and D viruses by blocking the virus from attacking healthy cells. Has it been used to treat COVID-19? Shouldn’t the CDC and FDA investigate?

Sadly, one more time. the CDC and FDA were unprepared to deal with this pandemic that was deliberately released on the world by the Chinese Communist government. Would the CDC and FDA been more prepared to deal with this pandemic if instead of practicing political science with the Chinese communists they had instead used their resources on biological medical science and research? Why is the National Institute of Health (NIH) using taxpayer money to sponsor virus research in Wuhan China instead of in United States laboratories and research facilities? Of course, if the research is done in China, they don’t have to steal it from the dumb a.. Americans?


This observer recently tried using Google Maps to get directions without much success. Probably my fault.

During the search, the software asked me an interesting question. They wanted my date of birth. What has that have to do with getting driving directions? Facebook asked me the same question years ago when they shutdown my account and gave me no opportunity to cancel my account. Have they shifted Orwell’s 1984 to 2020? Is it time for all members of Congress to remove any lawsuit protection they passed to protect these now huge tech companies who discriminate against the truth in favor of political bias and propaganda? .

Are Google and Facebook American corporations who believe in personal freedom and our constitution or are they shills working for Communist China and the fake American Democratic Party and propaganda media? Why does big tech almost always seem to act like and prefer fascist tactics instead of the individual personal freedom upon which this country was founded? Maybe this is why the tech companies are always wanting foreign workers who may hate the United States. American workers would probably be loyal to the United States and our form of government. Is it time for antitrust legislation on them like the government used on Standard Oil and John D. Rockefeller?

The young Americans going into debt to get a STEM degree only to be shunned by huge anti American tech companies is wrong,

Fascist and communist governments seem to always tolerate oligarchs. Why? Oligarchs control large numbers of people and large sums of money, so they are easier to control than thousands of people and small businesses. Fascists and communists are all about absolute control.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

COVID-19 originated in Communist China. When it started has been reported to be from November 2019 to December 2019, but later reports are suggesting a start as far back as October 2019.

It is still unclear whether it was accidentally released from a Chinese lab or whether it was released on purpose. After many Chinese died, the communists realized that they could have a pandemic on their hands and started purchasing PPE worldwide to corner the market and now are selling PPE at inflated prices. At the same time, they sealed off Wuhan to Chinese people travelling to Shanghai and Beijing while sending many people to the United States and other countries to spread the virus. The Chinese created a worldwide pandemic ON PURPOSE. Since the virus was purposely released on the world, could it be that this release was a germ warfare tactic by the Chinese military? Could it be a test run using a dangerous highly transmittable virus? The Chinese have stored 4000 viruses, so what virus could be “accidently” released next? Could the German scientists’ virus blocker technology stop a pandemic?
To what extent did the CDC and the National Institute of Health (NIC) research funding of the Wuhan lab contribute to COVID-19? Should not all US funding of Chinese research be immediately stopped?

Here in the US, the CDC and FDA were totally unable to defend our country. The tactic to wait for people to get sick and die and to flatten the bell curve is not attacking the problem. Waiting for people to get infected and die is to this observer insane medical practice. Why did not the CDC and FDA have treatment methods and medicines to treat the disease? The CDC and FDA have failed the American people. Now that we know that China has 4000 viruses available to release on the world, what are they going to do to protect us? Isn’t it the CDC’s job to help prevent pandemics instead of shutting down our country because they have no idea on how to medically treat any virus in its early stages? Should they stop politicking the Chinese Communists and start protecting the American people? If there has been no research on medically treating people infected by a virus, why not? In this day and age, should not research be underway today on how to treat and destroy all viruses? No one is saying it will be easy, but isn’t that why we have many research laboratories, super computers and maybe AI? Over 70,000 Americans have died so far. There is probably no universal drug, so instead of denigrating treatments that have shown some success like oxychloroquine, should not it be prescribed for potentially terminal patients or sooner to hopefully prevent a death. Numerous recovered patients have testified to its effectiveness. This observer realizes that it is a cheap safe drug according to the doctors who prescribe it, but if the drug companies make very little money producing it, have they convinced some doctors to oppose its use? Doctors, do no harm. Who cares what some doctor’s think when people are not treated and are dying? Is it the CDC’s method which flattens the curve or is it herd immunity?

Are the Congressional Democrats actively working with the Chinese Communists to use COVID-19 to defeat President Donald J.Trump? Everyone knows that Joe Biden ignores the Chinese threat and his son received 1.4 billion dollars for a management contract from the communists while Biden was vice president. It has been reported that a prominent Democrat has a 4 billion dollar stake in China. A Republican member of Congress and his wife received a 5 million dollar gift from her father via the Chinese Communist Party. We have also have had a Chinese spy working for a US Congress Democratic l Senator. The Chinese buy loyalty with lots of money. What will the drug companies who have transferred too much drug manufacturing to China do? If they have not already started working on rebuilding drug manufacturing infrastructure in the United States, are they working with the Chinese to get rid of President Trump so they can make more money in China? We know that Wall Street only cares about making money, so are they helping the Chinese? China purchased Smithfield several years ago and now there might be a meat shortage and farmers will suffer. Did not the President use his emergency powers to make sure Smithfield and others do their job of processing meat? Now the Chinese want to purchase a Texas oil field due to the depressed crude oil prices they DELIBERATEDLY CAUSED BY REALEASING COVID-19 ON THE WORLD. THE EVIL CHINESE MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO PURCAHSE ANY AMERICAN COMANPY EVER. Who cares what the Chinese want? China will retaliate for sure. Is the Department of Defense still issuing contracts to the Chinese Communists? How does that practice help defend this country? Are those companies’ CEOs and Boards of Director that have heavily invested in China going to oppose President Trump and support Joe Biden and son because they worship money, power and control and no longer believe in the United States of America? All those who support China and the communist loving Congressional Democrats are fake Americans and should consider leaving this country and never return. If those who oppose President Trump’s government clean up persist, will it take a revolution by the real Americans in this country to clean out all the national, state and local government, media and internet garbage? Our country’s survival as a Constitutional Republic is in jeopardy.

With so many unemployed due to China’s deliberate spread of COVID-19, all work visas except for those persons who have previously worked to temporarily help our nation’s farmers should be immediately cancelled. We need workers interested in saving our country and not those who might possibly be interested in destroying it. Get rid of all of them and also cancel all student visas. Due to an evil government, rest assured that every Chinese National sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party is a spy whether that individual likes it or not. Why are 400,000-450,000 Chinese nationals allowed to stay in this country when China wants to destroy us? When the communist loving Congressional Democrats squeal like the pigs they are, let them. If necessary, a revolution by real Americans will take care of them.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

This observer’s summary of what has happened to date is as follows:

COVID-19 originated in Communist China. When it started has been reported to be from November 2019 to December 2019.

It is still unclear to this observer whether it was accidentally released from a Chinese lab or whether it was released on purpose. The Chinese are trying to sell the idea that the US military released the virus. Maybe we will know the truth some day, but we know today that the US did not do such a stupid and evil thing..

After many Chinese started dying, the communists realized that they could have a pandemic on their hands and started purchasing PPE worldwide to corner the market and now are selling PPE at inflated prices. At the same time, they sealed off Wuhan to Chinese people travelling to Shanghai and Beijing while sending many people to the United States and other countries to spread the virus. The Chinese created a worldwide pandemic ON PURPOSE.

Here in the US, the CDC and FDA were totally unable to defend our country. The tactic to wait for people to get sick and die and to flatten the bell curve is not attacking the problem. Waiting for people to get infected and die is to this observer insane medical practice. Why did not the CDC and FDA have treatment methods and medicines to treat the disease? The CDC and FDA have failed the American people. Now that we know that China has 4000 viruses available to release on the world, what are the CDC and FDA going to do besides sitting on their hands? Isn’t it the CDC’s job to help prevent pandemics instead of shutting down our country because they have no idea on how to medically treat any virus in its early stages? Stop politicking the Chinese Communists and start protecting the American people. If there has been no research on medically saving people infected by a virus, why not? In this day and age, should not research be underway today on how to treat and destroy all viruses. No one is saying it will be easy, but isn’t that why we have super computers and maybe AI? Over 50,000 Americans have died so far. There is probably no universal drug, so instead of denigrating treatments that have shown some success, work to inform everyone in what cases these treatments may or may not work. Isn’t that what scientists do? This observer does not give a damn if some doctor’s reputation is diminished when people are not treated and are dying. By the way, is it the CDC’s method which flattens the curve or is it herd immunity?

Are the Congressional Democrats actively working with the Chinese Communists to use COVID-19 to defeat President Donald J.Trump? Everyone knows that Joe Biden ignores the Chinese threat and his son received 1.4 billion dollars for a management contract from the communists while Biden was vice president. It has been reported that a prominent Democrat has a 4 billion dollar stake in China. What will the drug companies who have transferred too much drug manufacturing to China do? If they have not already started working on rebuilding drug manufacturing infrastructure in the United States, are they working with the Chinese to get rid of President Trump so they can make more money in China? We know that Wall Street only cares about making money, so are they helping the Chinese? China purchased Smithfield several years ago and now there might be a meat shortage and farmers will suffer. Did not the President use his emergency powers to make sure Smithfield and others are doing their job of processing meat? Now the Chinese want to purchase a Texas oil field due to the depressed crude oil prices they DELIBERATEDLY CAUSED BY REALEASING COVID-19 ON THE WORLD. THE EVIL CHINESE MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO PURCAHSE ANY AMERICAN COMANPY EVER. Who cares what the Chinese want? China will retaliate for sure. Is the Department of Defense still issuing contracts to the Chinese Communists? How does that practice help defend this country? Are those companies’ CEOs and Boards of Director that have heavily invested in China going to oppose President Trump and support Joe Biden and son because they worship money, power and control and no longer believe in the Unaided States of America? All those who support China and the communist loving Congressional Democrats are fake Americans and should consider leaving this country and never return. If those who oppose President Trump’s government clean up persist, will it take a revolution by the real Americans in this country to clean out all the national, state and local government, media and internet garbage? Our country’s survival as a Constitutional Republic is in jeopardy.

With so many unemployed due to China’s deliberate spread of COVID-19, all work visas except for those persons who have previously worked to temporarily help our nation’s farmers should be immediately cancelled. We need workers interested in saving our country and not those who might possibly be interested in destroying it. Get rid of all of them and also cancel all student visas. Due to an evil government, rest assured that every Chinese National sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party is a spy whether that individual likes it or not. When the communist loving Congressional Democrats squeal like the pigs they are, let them. A revolution by real Americans will take care of them.


To the best of this observer’s knowledge, critical workers designated by every state have worked since the beginning of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Except for those who work in uncontrolled environments (first responders) and medical personnel who work in a hazardous health environment, the rest of these critical workers probably worked in a controlled environment. We must find out what states’ workers did the best job of staying healthy and compare them against those states’ workers who had the worst health record. Maybe comparing the two groups will give the President’s task force some ideas on how best to restart the economy. Those states that did the best job of staying healthy should obviously be the first states to begin to restart their economy.

The time to collect as much data as possible on this virus is right now. Don’t waste the time on deciding what test to run on each person. Run three or four tests if considered necessary on everyone. Yes it cost more money, but if this is not the last pandemic, our government will be very glad to have tons of data from this pandemic to help future treatment. With lockdowns, the military mobile labs with or without civilian assistance could travel to neighborhoods and take many samples and do the tests to produce the data to be used to treat patients for this and the next pandemic.


More than anything else, the medical community keeps emphasizing the 6 foot individual spacing requirements and washing s your hands frequently to help to prevent the virus from spreading.

Doctors on TV have stated that a face mask is good to prevent inhaling the virus and getting sick, but other doctors also recommend wearing a face mask if you have the virus to prevent you giving it to others. Wearing a face mask unless at home or sleeping is a pain in the butt, but it could prevent infection and save your life.

It would seem that anyone who deals with the public on a more or less continuous basis s should probably wear gloves.


Spacing requirements mean fewer customers and loss of income. so all restaurants in the near future should create space for takeout meals. In our area of the country, many restaurants were already selling takeout orders in addition to normal dining until inside dining was stopped. This option allows the owner to keep more employees and could use wait staff to run takeout. If your food was good enough to attract dining in, why not order takeout?

Mom and Pop Stores
If employees and owners observe spacing, masks, gloves and good hygiene, why not open tomorrow? All customers in the store must observe 6 foot spacing requirements. The problem here will be power hungry politicians preventing common sense solutions.

Most construction will normally be outdoors, so common sense solutions must be employed.

Office workers
If they cannot work from home, the spacing, masks and sanitizer would seem to be a good idea.

High Rise Buildings
Without serious testing to learn the truth, it would seem that as someone has already mentioned, elevators and elevator shafts could be a serious source of infection. The shaft and cars are confined spaces. Since it has been reported that soap attacks the virus, maybe recirculation of the elevator car and shaft air through a soap solution might significantly reduce the infection potential.

It is this observer’s opinion that the CDC and FDA have resisted early intervention medication to sick patients increasing the loss of life from this Pandemic. Why did they not have medicines to immediately treat this virus and, to the best of my knowledge, still do not have a medicinal way to attack this virus and save lives. Is there a virus research program being conducted today to treat any virus in its early stages and prevent the illness from reaching the point where a ventilator is needed when 50% of those patients die after being removed from the ventilator. Is plotting the infection rate needing hospitalization and deaths a 21st century way to treat a disease?

On Fox’s April 11th Watters World show, Jesse had a guest who appeared to know a lot about Chinese viruses. He stated that China previously stored 2000 viruses but that number has now reached 4000. What in the world does any government want with 4000 viruses and what will they do with them? If our CDC and FDA do not begin to research how to treat and destroy any and all viruses tomorrow, what happens when the next pandemic comes?

Doctors have successfully and safely treated lupus and malaria with hydroxychloroquine for decades and recent patient testimonials have claimed this drug saved their lives from coronavirus, yet some doctors still insist that the drug is not safe. Why? Why are trials only being conducted today instead of earlier?

To this observer, there appears to be huge resistance to trying anything new to effectively combat viruses. Why are 20,000 deaths every year from the flu acceptable? Has anything ever been done to investigate how to reduce this number?

On the finance side, has the Democratic Party ever changed their agenda to take over our country by causing a national bankruptcy? Isn’t this why the Obama Administration doubled our national debt by adding 10 trillion dollars of national debt?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Is it true that:

The Coronavirus which started in Wuhan, China and is now in over 180 countries has not made it to Beijing or Shanghai?

The Chinese stock market did not crash, but after the American and European markets did, the Chinese cashed in?

Chinese allies Russia and North Korea have not had serious infections?

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Wuhan without wearing hazmat protection?

COVID-19 is a Chinese germ warfare virus creation intended to cripple the Western nations and economies?

After creating COVID-19, the Chinese developed an antidote that they have very selectively used.(Xi Jinping)?

The Chinese very early on cornered the PPE equipment market and for some items like life saving drugs have made purchasing difficult for the United States?


The war the United States is fighting with COVID-19 is very serious and this war indirectly includes the Chinese Communist Party.

Are the Chinese trying to use the virus war to take over the world? It sure looks like it.

It is time for the United States to begin eliminating all supply lines with foreign countries that affect the nation’s health and defense.

All Chinese student visas must be terminated and no H1B, etc. visas for Chinese and Indian workers must be issued despite what some donors want their money hungry moron Republican and Democratic Senators to do. Starting today begin to reform our educational system to produce the workers needed.
Oh yes, these workers may already exist but cost the fake American donors more money. .

Mexican farm workers are welcome, but when they are done, they must return to Mexico. The Bracero program worked for many in the past. Why was it stopped? Politics!!!! No special provisions despite what Republican senators want so they can get elected again.

Why are thousands of Chinese nationals still being admitted into the United States? More spies to take down our country?


Sadly to this observer, we appear to be using medieval medicine to treat a 21st century disease. While this technique is effective, its progress is tracked and predicted by people infected and dying. Why are there no medicines approved to treat and stop this disease?

How soon can Abbott Laboratories produce and issue a thousand test units that can perform 50,000 tests per day. With a thousand units, it would be possible to perform 50,000,000 tests per day and test every person in the United States in one week. Knowing who is infected and how many in each state is crucial to any attempt to resurrect our former economy. A statistical analysis could probably reduce the number of tests needed to make decisions. Please start today.

Three levels of infection should be investigated—high, medium and low. Then using these levels, a plan to restart the economy for each level could be developed. As soon as a preliminary plan has been developed, issue the plans with multiple accuracy warnings to the public so that they can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Since there are many people working 24/7 to keep this country running and fed, it would be nice to inform the public what percentage of the workforce is doing that. Thank God for those companies that have changed their product line to produce needed medical supplies. As more and better information is developed, tell the public so that they can begin their personal plan to return to work. Hopefully, keeping the public informed will prevent despair and maintain acceptable mental health.

It is also important that the various viruses be studied and medical treatment procedures to destroy them and prevent another pandemic must be developed. No excused accepted. This country does not need another pandemic that could be developed by our enemies using a virus. Vaccines will still be needed for the future, but they take a year to develop and we can’t wait while people die.


At the time this post is being written, it has been a little over two months since the American people became aware of the Coronavirus. The results are both good and bad. After watching hours and hours of TV on the virus, some observations are:

It has been obvious that all segments of government were not prepared to deal with this virus. It is probably fair to state that test equipment, not enough testing and material shortages have been the rule since the beginning.

Initially the American public was told that the disease was natural and animal related. The story was that the disease originated from the Chinese wild animal market. Now the Chinese Communist government is telling the world that the U.S. military released the virus in China. Oh yes, if you believe that, then you know that everybody in this world is twelve feet tall. Last summer and fall the Chinese were having problems with a disease killing swine in China. While Dr. Fauci’s Chinese colleagues told him that the virus was animal related, they had no choice if they wanted to continue to live. Chinese who have told the probable truth disappear. The Communists do not want the truth to be known. This observer suspects that the real truth is that this virus probably originated in the Chinese germ warfare lab which is why it is so contagious and deadly.

The CDC now predicts that the Coronavirus may kill as many as 200.000 Americans. Why is this prediction being issued now instead of a month ago or earlier? Has the CDC ever developed treatment scenarios for extremely bad, severe and normal year patient death events? To this observer, preemptive instead of reactive treatment must be developed as soon as possible. In order for this to work, there must be extensive testing which is only now becoming possible with 50,000 per day test units. Based on a probable scenario death rate, the CDC could recommend how many ventilators, masks, etc. would be needed for each scenario. Each state governor could then decide to prepare for a scenario and stock up the recommended units needed to treat the patients and protect their healthcare workers. Could scenario preparation also save lives? Why is nothing being done to reduce a “typical year” flu death rate of 20,000 people using newly developed medicines?

To this observer, the ability to take a drug combination not approved by CDC or FDA for this virus gives the patient a potential live or die decision instead of leaving it to a doctor who may have a reputation to protect.

For this pandemic, extensive testing starting this week would hopefully give the federal government enough data to determine where and when areas of the country could start to plan a return to work with minimal risk. This will work only if migration into the approved area from other areas of the country is prevented by strong enforcement.


The CDC and FDA must become more proactive in dealing with health problems with new research to develop new medicines to treat viruses and shorten the time it takes to approve new medications and treatment protocols.

Having supposedly 80% of our drugs and other medical needs manufactured in China and other countries is now known to be a huge mistake made by drug company executives who falsely used fiduciary responsibility to increase profits and bonuses instead of fidelity to the people of the United States. China and the European Union both have refused to send needed drugs and medical supplies to the United States.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is controlled by the Chinese, so there was a delay in calling this virus a pandemic. As a UN organization, WHO only considers the United States as the world’s piggy bank. When is our government going to leave the UN and make them mover their headquarters somewhere else? How many US deaths did this WHO delay cause?

When are the dumb as a rock American CEOs going to learn that China is a adversary and to have them supply more than 20% of any company’s imports puts the CEO and his company at risk. Like we said “dumb as a rock”.

China and the European Union need to sell to the United States more than we need to buy from them.

The supply of rare earth metals needed for United States defense is also controlled by Communist China. Why did Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama ignore this issue?


Since this observer is not privy to the workings of the Democratic Party, this analysis is based on “reading the tea leaves” of actions taken by the Democratic Party.

The Super Tuesday primaries are over and major changes have occurred. 2020 Presidential candidate Joe Biden was the big Democratic Party winner. He was floundering before the South Carolina primary, but when he got an endorsement from Democratic Congressman James Clyburn, he surged to a major win over opponent Bernie Sanders because simultaneously 2020 Presidential opponents Mike Bloomberg, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigleg withdrew from the race and endorsed him while Elizabeth Warren withdrew without making an endorsement . What happened?

The TV news reported that the Democratic Party became s concerned that the party could nominate Bernie Sanders as their 2020 presidential candidate. Bernie Sanders is an American professional politician who has expressed his admiration for Marxist/communist regimes like Cuba and Venezuela. According to news reports, a Sanders candidacy caused 16 billionaires to take action. Apparently they convinced three of the candidates to withdraw from the race and endorse Joe Biden who was considered to be the one most electable. The plan worked and today Joe Biden is the Democratic Party frontrunner. Later Cory Booker and Kamala Harris endorsed Biden for president.

In 2018 Mike Bloomberg spent millions of dollars to support Democrats for Congress and has been given credit for helping the Democrats to retake control of the House of Representatives. Tina Turner has classified Mr. Bloomberg during a TV interview as a Democratic Party oligarch and she could be right. The Democrats have used their House majority to pursue a coup d’etat to remove President Trump using clearly unconstitutional and fascist tactics in the process. The newly elected Democratic members of Congress have violated their pledge to the voters because Instead of legislating, they and the rest of the Democrats have politicized everything. The House and Senate Democratic leadership has failed their party and the American people. So was the billionaires’ action the beginning of a movement to replace the party leadership with billionaire oligarchs? Who knows? The Democratic Party leadership clearly demonstrates why Congressional term limits are a necessity because professional politicians are only interested in politics instead of working to help the people who elected them. In their political pursuit, these professional politicians violated their oath to faithfully follow and obey the Constitution of the United States. What do you think would happen to ordinary people like you and I if they wanted to destroy us? Do they deserve to be elected again?

This observer does not believe Joe Biden can win a fair and honest election, so the Democratic strategy may be to steal the 2020 election like they did the 1960 election using voter fraud. Since it worked for the Democrats in 1960, it is extremely likely they have committed voter fraud in every election since. Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick will likely be Booker or Harris. Assuming that the Democrats steal the election, at this time Biden does not have the mental or moral (Ukraine video) capacity to be President. Within the first few months of his administration, the Democrats will use the 25th Amendment to remove him from office and replace him with his vice president.

NOTE: Should the Democrats steal the 2020 elections, this observer believes that event will be the trigger that will initiate a take no prisoners revolution that will cleanse our government so we can return to constitutional law but in that process may kill millions of people. Revolution can be avoided by instituting a Peoples Amendment that gives the public final approval rights on all government activity, congressional and bureaucratic term limits with post service prohibitions, public election financing and a return to constitutional law with all political judges including those on the Supreme Court removed and replaced.

No Democratic Party and some Republican Party politicians deserve to be re-elected in 2020. Due to the tainted politics of the past two years, if voters were sincere in their desire for good government, they would insist that every Congressional candidate for every party must sign a legal accountability contract that requires that at any time after being elected, the now member of Congress can be forced to resign if defeated in a recall election by his or her constituents. Only this People Power tactic can begin the political cleansing this country sorely needs.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Attorney General William Barr was appointed to clean up the mess created by his predecessor and the Obama administration attorney generals. So far AG Barr has done little to nothing to clean up the lawless corruption.

FBI Director Christopher Wray was appointed to clean up the FBI, but instead he has been covering up the criminal misdeeds of the FBI agents in his department. If he hasn’t cleaned up the department, why is he still the Director? The public knows that criminal FBI agents still work there, so who wants to call the FBI for help when they don’t know if that agent can be trusted?

The One America News Network (OANN) along with Rudy Giuliani interviewed Ukrainians who have suffered under their country’s corruption and the corruption of too many United States citizens. These interviews were done in this country and in Europe when the Ukrainian participants were refused visas to come to the United States. Will AG Barr use any of the physical evidence collected by that team to prosecute corruption? Who knows? All indications are that the corruption conducted by the Obama administration and the current Democrats is massive. How can AG Barr do his job when it appears that he can trust only a few DOJ employees? Has staff he can trust been added? If not, why?

Inspector General Horowitz made several criminal referrals in his first report. Why would IG Horowitz make any such referrals on the FISA report when nothing was done on his previous recommendations? AG Barr must explain to the American public—his bosses—why nothing has been done. Without indictments and trials the public knows nothing. Is AG Barr waiting for the statute of limitations to expire so he doesn’t have to prosecute anyone? The whole world knows that high public officials were involved in the Mueller witch hunt. Is AG Barr afraid to prosecute them because of one system of justice for the Democrats and another different one for the Republicans? Did President Trump appoint the wrong people to the FBI and Department of Justice to clean up the corrupt mess? To this dumb observer, the answer appears to be yes.

This observer—Mr. Nobody—takes issue with the Gestapo tactics still being used under AG Barr’s DOJ and Director Wray’s FBI to arrest and imprison Republicans who are prosecuted. More and more it looks like some of these persons were convicted using fake evidence manufactured by the Democratic Party. Another investigation not done?

During the impeachment, the Democrats frequently referenced the Constitution and the rule of law. They along with the legal “profession” , the judiciary and five members of the Supreme Court have done their best to destroy the rule of law by using a political agenda to deviate from the written United States Constitution and ignore equal justice for all. With all the crime being committed against law enforcement and the public, this country is moving towards anarchy and a huge political explosion. Please fix it NOW.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It is becoming well known that the Democratic Party during the Obama Administration did its very best to indoctrinate and weaponize the entire federal bureaucracy. It has recently been confirmed that the Democratic Party as early as 2015 had planned on impeaching Donald J. Trump if he was elected President. Why? Is it to cover up crimes they had already committed? If Hillary Clinton had been elected President, we would have never learned of these crimes. Without evidence to the contrary, it must be assumed that corrupt indoctrination and weaponization was and is massive.

It seemed to start with the IRS abuse of the Tea Party groups. Presumably later it spread to the FBI, Department of Justice, CIA, NSA, State Department including members of the Foreign Service and some ambassadors, the military and the rest of the federal bureaucracy.

The FISA court judges have approved more than 98% of all FISA submittals. Can the FISA courts be trusted? Has Chief Justice Roberts been as diligent as necessary to insure the integrity of this court?

Some television networks broadcast organized and coordinated identical propaganda 24/7/365. How can those broadcasts be free speech when yelling fire in a crowded theater is not? Once again the five judges with a political agenda on the Supreme Court do nothing.

It appears that almost every Democratic politician is a control freak hell bent on transforming our country into another Venezuela or worse– a communist one. That is why they are for confiscating the firearms law abiding citizens use to defend their families and themselves.

Many mostly large corporations donate millions of dollars to all politicians to buy influence to help their companies make more money. For instance, the companies that use cheap illegal immigrant labor donate to politicians who protect open borders knowing that they are violating the law and hurting the United States workers and the American taxpayers by increasing illegal immigrant welfare and healthcare costs. These fake Americans don’t give a damn

The federal courts know that legislating from the bench is not constitutional because it ignores the constitutional separation of powers, but knowing that does not stop them..

All illegal aliens are not trustworthy. How can you trust someone whose first act in the United States is to break the law? All aliens once deported who re-enter this country upon proof they have already been deported must be executed and returned home in a body bag. This is a harsh sentence but it is and should be a very strong deterrent to re-entry into this country once deported. It appears that all Democrats support their re-entry and refuse to prosecute them when they kill Americans and otherwise violate the law.

According to recent news reports, the coup d’etat insurance policy planning began when President Trump announced his candidacy for president. How do you try to prevent this from ever happening again? A coup d’etat is treason, so everyone convicted of coup d’etat planning must be executed. No jail time for traitors. Only someone with a death wish would even consider this stupidity again.

How do we start to fix the problem? It appears that most of the government bureaucrats and politicians who overstay their welcome are the problem. They consider themselves entitled to keep their jobs for as long as they wish. The bureaucrats must be term limited to four years and like the rest of this country, their pension accrual must be changed to 401k. Furthermore, they would be prohibited from working for any company that does business with the government for 10 years.

A constitutional amendment would be needed to limit Senators to two terms and House members to three terms.

The Revised Accountability Amendment to our constitution found on this website would give the public the ability to remove any elected or appointed government official, overturn Supreme Court rulings and overturn legislation and regulations passed by the Congress and signed by the President. This amendment would allow the public to clean house at any time in the election cycle to a degree that the politicians will never do.

For abusing the public trust and ignoring needed legislation by trying to impeach President Trump these past three years, the voters should limit Democratic politicians to 40 House seats and 20 Senate seats for at least 20 years. It should be noted that it looks like every change promoted by the Democratic Party and their 2020 Presidential candidates are directed towards removing all constitutional protections for the American public in favor of involuntary slavery to our government. Replace Democrats with Republicans, Independents or a new political party with candidates who believe in our constitution as written, term limits, a balanced budget and sign a legal accountability contract that permits their constituents to recall them after three months in office for any reason .

It is difficult for this observer to understand how Attorney General William Barr and US Attorney John Durham will be able to have the staff to prosecute thousands of criminal cases many of which are for treason. How long must the American public wait before they start to see justice delivered? Could they be assisted by cabinet officers implementing four year term limits on all staff—no amendment needed.

If the rule of law with equal justice for all is not delivered to the American people by our government, sadly the only way to clean house may be armed revolution. The constitution provides for a militia to suppress insurrections and invasions both of which are underway today. This option appears to being ignored by the current administration. Should revolution become necessary to cleanse our country of traitors and illegals, it could become very bloody. Since the revolutionaries have no knowledge about who is trustworthy and who is not, it could happen that all members of government whose loyalty to our country and constitution is unknown will be executed by the revolutionaries. May God help us to prevent this option from becoming necessary to restore this country’s rule of law with equal justice for all.


The Iranians have responded to the death of their chief terrorist leader. According to the TV news reports, it has been reported that while Iran fired missiles at air bases where American troops were housed, no Americans and supposedly no Iraqis were killed. That is good news. Speculation is that Iran deliberately missed killing more Americans to avoid retaliation. This may also be true. Why?

The news has reported that Iran has speeded up their uranium enrichment process to more quickly have enough fissional material for an atomic bomb. Speculation is that they may be only months away from the bomb. What if the time span is only weeks instead of months? If this is true, the Iranians who are not dumb do not want any United States retaliation against those sites until a bomb has been tested. It is this observer’s opinion that this is the reason Iran’s response was so limited. They want to finish the enrichment and test a bomb before entering into any negotiations.

The only hope the world has that Iran will not have a bomb—assuming they already do not have one—is to have the world inspect all of their known and secret nuclear sites now. Good luck with any voluntary inspection.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Do we have another United States Senator selling out to his donors again? Is sure looks like it. Senator Mike Lee from Utah is now insisting on giving large numbers of H1B visas to persons from China and India. Hey sell out man, if we had enough American students in the university pipeline to meet industry’s needs, your request would be outrageous and it still is. Why didn’t you insure enough American students are being educated to fill the high tech jobs that Google, Microsoft and probably more IT companies say they need. Any and all Chinese would become spies for China whether or not they wanted to be because as long as their family remains in China, the Communists have leverage. India probably educates a lot of students, but why doesn’t their economy hire them? This observer remembers when India was in the former Soviet Union sphere of influence when communism was advocated. This statement is not an accusation—only a warning that we must examine this possibility very carefully. Immigrants have different attitudes about this country than do visa holders. Do these IT firms want to hire visa holders so they can fire their American workers again? No visas should be issued. Maybe the IT firms need more enlightened management or possibly, although not wanted, maybe they want to relocate to another part of the planet. American government sponsored research must always stay here.

As one who has used computers for 50 years, IT firms discard software that is good and useful in favor of geek software that loses utility only so they can make more money. For 50 years IT programmers have ignored user friendly software in favor of programmer friendly so they can fix the bugs that almost all new software has. Customer service today is a joke and has almost been destroyed by IT and foreign participants.

With the Iranian/Iraqi militia storming the United States embassy in Baghdad, radical Islam is rearing its ugly head again with the Iraqi government complaining about the United States military response. Their government just voted to expel all United States military.

The tribes in Iraq have been fighting for hundreds of years, so trying to keep Saddam Hussein’s Iraq as one nation may be futile. Only the Kurds have supported the United States. The Shia Muslims have become Iranian allies. Segments of the Sunni Muslims became part of ISIS. We have the same problem in Afghanistan with different tribes. According to news reports, the United States armed forces worked very effectively with the tribes during the early stages of the Afghan war to negate another 9-11. These two countries are among many countries that geographically are one country but politically are many different countries. The United States should never become involved in foreign nation tribal disputes or fighting and it should never spend time and money to keep warring tribes together as one nation. To this observer, this is what we have in Iraq and Afghanistan today. Let the tribes fight as long as our country is not affected and our State Department stays completely out of any countries internal politics and affairs. Look what happened to the former Yugoslavia. It is many countries now. Small nations in general present a lesser threat to our country than large and huge nations.

American farmers beware. China is currently in Russia trying to line up Russian help to supply China with soybeans. Maybe the white South African farmers who have emigrated to Russian to escape death in South Africa can help the Russians in this area. Who knows? In the meantime, our farmers should slowly expand so they will not go bankrupt with too much production and no place to sell their product. Remember that product shortages normally increase prices. Don’t ’take the bait and lose.

With China’s stated intent to rule the world, all United States companies doing business with China should be either increasing domestic production or lining up imports from countries other than China.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It looks like a Phase One trade deal with China has tentatively been done. It should be noted that China according to the news is dealing with agricultural problems. There are reported problems with swine flu killing many of the Chinese pigs. In addition, it seems that they have had problems with their soybean crops. Therefore, although announced as part of the trade deal, are the Chinese making agricultural concessions to buy American or just trying to feed their people?

While our far left loving Democrats are questioning the China trade deal, it should be noted that the tariffs the Chinese do not want are still in the deal. It appears to this observer that since China has violated every trade deal previously made, our government believes that tariffs are necessary to enforce all deals.

Despite the China trade deal and USMCA trade agreement with a total trade value exceeding 2 trillion dollars, Wall Street and the American companies whose CEOs and boards of directors that may have sold out their companies by turning over their technology to the Chinese Communists are not happy. If these people are so unhappy, maybe it would be best for them to give up their American citizenship and go live somewhere else

By the way, if American companies are not looking for new non Chinese suppliers for imports, those companies need new CEOs and boards of directors. China has vowed to obliterate the United States and your company wants to help them? Looks like you need a new country in which to live.

Now that it is common knowledge that the Democratic Party has been planning impeachment of our President since his inauguration because they did not steal enough votes to win, the Democrats have consistently violated the rule of law with manufactured items they call “facts”. Following DOJ rules and recusal are only something Republicans are supposed to follow—not the outlaw leftist Democrats. For this impeachment, the Democrats have paraded out liars and misinformed witnesses one after another while protecting the mysterious whistleblower’s identity defying another rule. Now that One America News Network (OANN) has helped secure Ukrainian evidence of American corruption since 2016, maybe the American public can start to see some arrests and hopefully convictions.

Is it wrong for Senator Graham to want to sweep this potential impeachment under the rug? By doing so is he not telling the Democrats that it is okay to start the next impeachment a week after this one is finished? Is he placing personal preference ahead of what is best for this country? The Senate trial should be so devastating to the Democratic Party and those leading impeachment that no political party will ever again try to impeach a President without a crime being committed and evidence of a crime.
Without total devastation, Congressman Al Green will the nest week resubmit another impeachment resolution. How stupid and ignorant is that? Personal animus would triumph over what is right.

What Senator Graham wants is questionable. Enough “blood” should be shed this time so that an impeachment like this abortion should never never ever be considered again. Senator Graham, your trial must put an end to this insanity once and for all. Please let President Trump defend himself if he so desires.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Once again for the second time in less than 20 years Saudi Arabians have deliberately killed American citizens. What other supposed American ally nation has citizens who have done that?

All Saudi citizens training in this country should be returned to Saudi Arabia and not allowed to return for at least six months while Saudi Arabia and the United States evaluate what vetting procedures are necessary before any Saudi is are admitted into this country. In addition to these acts, the Saudi Arabian government is donating monies to American universities presumably to “educate” Americans on how they perceive and practice their Wahhabi version of Islam. Trusting the Saudis is the problem. Remember, Islam invites Muslims to lie to non Muslims.

In 2001 President Bush kissed their butts because this country’s economy needed their oil. This country no longer needs their oil. Maybe the United States needs to recall their air defense troops recently sent to Saudi Arabia to protect them from Iran.

If the military manufacturing companies cry wolf and worry about sales, that is just too bad. In this day and age, too many large companies sell out for money and don’t seem to give a damn how it affects this country’s security. In other words, too may company CEOs and boards of directors sell out in the name of fiduciary responsibility while ignoring their fidelity responsibility to protect the company and the American people. Anything goes for a buck for too many companies and investors!!


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Have you noticed that if we had congressional term limits all of the Democrats running the fake impeachment witch hunt would not be in Congress? If these old timers were not in control, do you think fixing our country’s problems would be the legislative priority?

Have you noticed that another Democratic control freak has decided to run for President?

Have you noticed that the unelected federal bureaucracy believe that they know better than our elected officials on what policies are best for this country? If you believe them, then it looks like we don’t need a Constitution and to elect people to represent us? Do you think this lunacy would persist if all government employees were term limited and prohibited from doing government business after leaving government?

Have you noticed that the Supreme Court has ruled that yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater is prohibited but when some in the media continuously issue coordinated propaganda it is protected free speech? This same court infringes on law abiding citizens’ second amendment rights and then ignores lawless abuse of the first amendment. Those five judges who ignore free speech abuse are agenda driven politicians—not justices protecting the rule of law and our Constitution.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Millions of years ago many huge dinosaurs were animals that were vegetarians. Unless it can be proven otherwise, it is assumed that those plants consumed carbon dioxide to perform photosynthesis and grow. From where did the carbon dioxide needed come? God only knows.

If God and the planet have been furnishing plants carbon dioxide for millions of years, why do uneducated people now predict the end of mankind in 11 years? Are they using the junk science which started all of this? Do they know that those who have investigated the past climate history of the earth have concluded that the highest carbon dioxide levels occurred when glaciers covered much of the planet? Does anyone know what caused the reversal to get to where we are today?

The climate change saga was started by political agendas and junk science. The charts and predictions made were to agree with the political agenda of those parties funding the studies. So they continue today to predict bad climate changes to continue to receive more funding.

The ugly pagan gods of money, power and control have been used to distort reality. Politicians and environmentalists with stupid agendas are promoting climate change only to gain the power to control the world. Isn’t this what the socialists and communists really want?

By the way, trees are one of the greatest ways to reduce carbon dioxide and store the carbon. Could mass planet forest destruction be one of the main reasons for increased carbon dioxide levels blamed to cause the so-called climate change? While grass and other plants consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, they do not store the carbon like trees do.

When are the countries of India and China going to begin to stop their uncontrolled pollution of the planet? Why not start today? When are the politicians and environmentalists going to stop the annual loss of lives and property by fires in California?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Did Representative Ilhn Omar illegally enter the United States? What are the results of that investigation? If she is guilty don’t expect the crooked Democratic Party to follow the rule of law and equal justice for all and recommend that she must have her citizenship revoked and be deported back to Somalia.

When is Hillary Clinton going to be indicted for her criminal behavior? Is the Justice Department Inspector General trying to run out the clock on the statute of limitations before issuing his report?

It has been reported on Fox TV that the FISA Court is still issuing search warrants to the FBI that violate the Constitution. If those warrants violate the Constitution, when will this court be shut down and the law permitting NSA spying on Americans be repealed? President Bush blew this one. Another lawyer violating our Constitution. All indications are that this law was used to spy on President Trump’s campaign and administration by converting the FBI and DOJ into the American Gestapo. .

It is clear that the Democratic Party and some Republicans are control freaks. This observer believes that while the Democrats are advocating Socialism, they secretly prefer Communism and the total control that system of government gives its leaders to make life and death decisions.


More than 300 people lost their lives when the two Boeing 737 MAX aircraft crashed. Would these accidents have happened if the pilots had a simple way to bypass the control system in an emergency and fly the aircraft manually? We will never know.

What if the control system fails again? Doesn’t the probability for failure increase with control complexity? With worldwide sales of these aircraft and varied pilot experience levels, why doesn’t Boeing provide an aircraft that allows pilots to quickly bypass the automatic control system in an emergency and fly the plane manually?

The news media have reported that pilot attempts to manually fly the 737 MAX were defeated by the control system. With all aircraft, should not safety be more important than aircraft delivery schedules and profits? If flying safety is a concern, why bother flying?

Please note that Neil Armstrong landed the lunar lander on the moon manually when the control system failed.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

This observer agrees with most decisions President Trump makes, but the decision to withdraw all troops from Syria to fulfill a campaign promise made in 2016 seemed to present problems. The conditions that existed in 2016 no longer exist today. Why the withdrawal now?

While Turkey was operating as a secular nation in 2016, there could be some degree of trust. Can the Sharia Muslim Turkey that exists today be trusted?

ISIS fighters entered Syria from a compliant Turkey.

Turkey purchased the oil ISIS stole from confiscated wells in Syria and Iraq

The Turks are considering buying Russian made air defense while they apparently want the United States to sell them our latest fighter planes which may then be turned over to the Russians.

The Kurds fought and died alongside Americans. After our withdrawal, the Turks invaded Syria and began killing the Kurds. President Trump imposed sanctions on Turkey and sent Vice President Pence and Secretary of State Pompeo to Turkey to try to stop the bloodshed. It appears that a 20 mile buffer zone has been established which at this time seems to satisfy both the Turks and Kurds.

With the death of ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi using the United States’ special forces military, it appears that this raid was accomplished only because we had enough American military nearby to quickly use combined Allied and United States intelligence to plan and execute this mission. Instead of being the world‘s policemen with the potential for huge cost, large numbers of troops and loss of American lives, has President Trump found a way for us to protect our country by using much smaller special forces military stationed near hotspots to quickly respond to the latest United States and Allied intelligence?

If saving money or bringing troops home is the issue, bring home all of our troops stationed in Western Europe. It once was a good place for a military deployment, but since the Muslim invasion, how safe is it for American soldiers?

Don’t expect the European NATO nations to protest Turkey’s Russian involvement or to even consider removing Turkey from NATO. They allowed millions of Muslims who will not assimilate to invade their countries and murder and rape their citizens. No more US troops should be sent to Europe to bail them out from their latest stupid mistakes.

By the way, it was good that House Speaker Pelosi was not informed of the raid because she would have probably leaked the information and may have caused a loss of American lives. She and the Democratic Party cannot be trusted to abandon their political agenda to do what is best for the American people.


The Democratic Party in the House of Representatives has chosen to conduct hearings excluding Republicans so they can leak selected testimony from witnesses to the propaganda media to promote their agenda of impeachment. The usual response to Democratic lawlessness is for the Republicans is to wet their pants. It is time for the Republicans to become grownups and counterattack.

How? The Republicans control the committee chairmanships in the Senate. The counterattack is to subpoena all the witnesses who have testified in secrecy to testify before Senate committees in public and under oath. At the same time, all Democratic senators should be excluded from these hearings. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If Senator McConnell, Senator Graham and others do not want to do this, they will have demonstrated that they do not care about saving our Constitution, the rule of law and defending President Trump. Change the rules if necessary in the Senate to exclude Democrats.

It is time for Senator McConnell to demonstrate to everyone whether or not that five million dollar gift from his father-in-law via Communist China is a payoff or not? Do the Kentucky voters want a senator whose loyalty may have been purchased by the same Communist China that wants to destroy the United States and rule the world?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The question is why are the Democrats pursuing the impeachment of President Trump?

The answer is to cover up the crimes committed by prominent Democrats during the Obama Administration. Using impeachment is the way they have chosen to protect their lawlessness and run out the clock on the statute of limitations to negate the rule of law and equal justice for all. There is zero accountability when that happens.

The Republican Party gets a big fat zero in protecting our Constitution, the rule of law and our President.
The Senate committees have subpoena power to investigate the Democratic lawless witch hunts, but don’t use that power. Why are they not trying to counteract Democratic Party lawlessness using the rule of law? The answer is that they are useless fake Americans who don’t care about this country and just wet their pants while doing nothing

More and more it looks like the corrupt legal and judicial systems will not deliver justice. For too many years, the law has given criminals more and more rights while discriminating against and taking away rights from law abiding citizens who have committed no crimes.

If the American public decides that there will be no justice without their intervention, God only knows what will happen. Since impeachment has started, maybe it is time for all citizens who love this country and our way of life to start thinking about how to take back our country from the crooks.

If a revolution by the public becomes necessary, be it known that revolutionaries do not honor statute of limitations and our corrupt legal and judicial systems. Persons who participate in coup d’etat planning are committing treason for which the penalty is death.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The Democratic Party has embarked on a plan to destroy this Republic by violating the rule of law and the United States Constitution. They have become political domestic terrorists. Instead of performing the job for which they were elected, Democrats and some RINO Republicans with support from the propaganda media are trying to use the fascist tactic of creating chaos as a prelude to a coup d’etat. They consistently promote the idea of the rule of law when it supports their agenda, but more consistently they violate the rule of law to promote chaos using fake witch hunt congressional investigations, open border immigration, domestic terrorist groups like Antifa and insane legislative proposals that are designed to destroy our country’s economy. The Democratic Party and propaganda media present a clear and present danger to this republic and must be dealt with as such.

If the rest of America is as tired of the dishonest Democratic Party and the propaganda media as this observer, should action be started to restore political sanity and the rule of law with equal justice for all? Since the Democratic Party’s unlawful coup d’etat action has not been prosecuted, is it time for ordinary Americans who believe in our Constitution and country to begin planning to take back our country from the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats with a grassroots revolt? Based on weekend gunfire, my neighbors appear to have been getting ready for revolution since 2008.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Three decades for all intents and purposes the United States of America has had open borders illegal immigration. How many illegal aliens have crossed our borders and taken up residence in this country? It is common knowledge that due to border understaffing, ludicrous border barriers and insufficient funding, the number of illegals avoiding detection always exceeds the number caught? Both political parties have ignored the problem and tried to use this practice to their benefit. It appears that the Democrats have used illegals to increase population representation and win elections using illegal votes while the Republicans have abused the law by avoiding E-Verify prosecution when hiring illegals to staff their workforce at low wages. The concern now is that maybe the Supreme Court and judicial systems may have joined these outlaws.

What if that instead of the low numbers of illegals being reported, the actual number is much much higher. The Democrats and Supreme Court now have reservations about asking about citizenship when the 2020 census is conducted despite the knowledge that this citizenship question has been asked on many previous censuses. Could it be because we really have 50 million illegals including visa overstays in our country? Have as many as 10 million illegals voted in our elections using fake and dead person IDs? With many citizens leaving California, will that state show a population increase? What about the fake American business persons who avoid hiring American citizens so they can make more money employing illegals? Could the fake American population exceed 70 million when the Democrats, Republicans and illegals are all lumped together? How can all this be fixed in a reasonable time period? It would probably take decades to fix the massive insurrection currently underway in our country with the resources that law enforcement and the federal government have today. Our Constitutional Republic may not survive if it takes that long.

Is it time for the current administration to be realistic and decide that they must invoke the help that our founding fathers incorporated into our Constitution to “execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Are there any Democratic politicians who are not delusional, crooks or communists? If there are, where are they hiding?


Besides the twenty plus House Freedom Caucus members, are there any Republican politicians who place our country’s needs above their personal needs and don’t wet their pants when confronted by a problem? If there are, where are they hiding?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


It seems that in today’s political climate the Democratic Party and their propaganda mainstream media right arm are yelling RACE RACE RACE every five minutes when discussing all Republicans and anyone else who opposes their propaganda. It is propaganda they use because they use only emotional buzz words instead of presenting viable facts and solutions to our country’s problems.

The Congressional Black Caucus has used race to very effectively control the black population’s vote. They apparently have been successful in creating a voluntary Democrat Party slave population in the black community. This population is described as voluntary slaves because in the past they never have received any improvement to their lives but still continued to vote for the Congressional Black Caucus members. Why in the past did the black communities represented by the Congressional Black Caucus continue to have no jobs, poor schools and crime ridden neighborhoods? Was this done because it is easier to control poor uneducated people dependent upon government assistance? Malcolm X recognized these problems. Was he murdered to silence him? Muslim countries have used similar tactics for years to control their people.

President Trump’s administration has worked with members of the black community to try to improve their lives. With record low unemployment in the black community, those people who now have jobs are learning that having work gives them personal freedom that is not possible when government controls your income and life. The question now becomes, will the black voter still be a voluntary Democratic Party slave?

Sadly, Dr. Martin Luther King’s message of racial equality is being pushed into the background. As the white population has become more tolerant towards minorities, the black population led by the Congressional Black Caucus have become more racist and less tolerant.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Common sense tells anyone with a brain that if there has been no crime, there cannot be any collusion and obstruction of justice. Does this mean that the Democratic members of Congress are ignorant of the law or just retarded? When a Congress does not follow the law, does this not endanger all the nation’s citizens?

Those who do not follow the law are supported by some members of legal and court systems whose members’ political bias makes them unfit to serve and unable to deliver any true justice.

Time is of the essence. so If there are no prosecutions, convictions and sentences for the illegal government spying, treason, the coup d’etat effort and too numerous to list violations of the law before the next political party conventions, the public may conclude that nothing has changed and since the rule of law and equal justice for all is necessary but still not possible, the public may decide that they must begin to fix government. With all the TV publicity, if and when the public has to fix the system, they will have the advantage of already knowing who many of the bad persons are. Coup d’etat planners must be executed upon conviction to prevent any future coups. Country club federal prisons are not acceptable.

NOTE: If the United States Constitution had an Accountability Amendment as proposed by this observer, the public would be able to control how we are governed. It was written using a constitutional format.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Are there any Democratic politicians who are not delusional, crooks or communists? If there are, where are they hiding?


Besides the twenty plus House Freedom Caucus members, are there any Republican politicians who place our country’s needs above their personal needs and don’t wet their pants when confronted by a problem? If there are, where are they hiding?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Based on the TV news reports on big tech testimony at recent congressional hearings, big tech is as truthful as the Chinese communists and the Muslim countries—none of them can be trusted. They all lie.

Big tech was granted an exemption from publisher’s liability to provide a forum free of political censorship to promote the internet. Well, the internet doesn’t need promoting and recent evidence confirms that these companies who have the exemption have betrayed the public trust. Since Congress granted the exemption they can also take it away and the courts have no business getting involved. The whole world now knows that big tech violated that trust and is not a non political conduit and discriminates primarily against conservative postings and internet searches.

Congress needs remove lawsuit exemption from all big tech today. These companies have tons of money, so when a user is abused by big tech, they must be able to sue to correct any injustice. Passing legislation with too many rules and regulations that won’t be followed never has not and never will solve the current problems. Only thousands of angry lawsuits against big tech which will cost them a lot of time and money will convince them to do the right thing.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Corporations are created to allow United States citizens to create companies that transfer financial liability from individuals to the corporation. It is a privilege granted by the government to the company owners. Along with the privilege of corporate ownership is the responsibility to do no harm to the people and government of the United States. Ignoring that responsibility should require revocation of the articles of incorporation for that company.

The Chinese Communist government has for decades forced technical transfer from American companies who wanted to do business in China and many inept American companies sold out for short term gains and have lost their future. It is called dumb CEO and board of director’s management. The Chinese government has publicly declared that they intend to displace the United States as the most powerful country in the world. Do you want to learn how to speak Chinese?

Two huge American corporations have publicly decided to support the communist Chinese government instead of the people and government of the United States of America. Google is publicly reported to be working with the Chinese government on Artificial Intelligence and has refused to work with the United States Defense Department. Apple in a fit of petulance has decided to move operations from Austin, Texas to Communist China. In both cases they have shirked their responsibility to do no harm to the American people.

Therefore, notification must be posted that over a period of one month the articles of incorporation for both companies must be revoked. Any and all stupid federal judge or Supreme Court injunctions against this action must be ignored. The judicial branch of government is not the supreme branch only one of three equal branches. Wall Street will go into a panic, but then when was the last time anyone on Wall Street worried about any American but themselves. In addition, all H1B visas for those corporations must be cancelled and the holders of those must leave the United States in two weeks—no exceptions.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Is it now true that the Justice Department Southern District of New York is as corrupt as the Washington D.C. cesspool? Did Jeffery Epstein commit suicide or was he murdered to permanently silence him? The guards who were responsible to protect Epstein are being uncooperative. Once again a person who could cause damage by association with a Clinton mysteriously dies. How many times has this scenario played out? Too many!!

To prevent these guards from mysteriously dying, the Justice Department should put those guards and their families under protective custody.

Have the Democrats decided to use communist tactics and kill their foes? The Democrats propensity to favor violent groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter and their insane response to police officer shootings by blaming guns instead of the deranged killer’s mental condition who used the gun is alarming. If they truly wanted to solve the problem instead trying to create a United States Venezuela, they would fund mental health programs instead of insane free stuff.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


For each session of Congress, each political party selects a “leader” who then appoints each member of the party to various committees. These party members are then supposed to follow the “leader’s” orders on what legislation to support and what legislation to oppose. Who benefits? The political party benefits by gaining more power and influence as their numbers grow, but not necessarily the people who elected each member to Congress. Too often the party “leader” dictates the party agenda because of the “leader’s” power to control party campaign support and financing. Do the members of Congress ever meet to discuss legislation? Aren’t new members of Congress supposed to be seen but not heard much like young children? Do we have a representative Congress or a Congressional dictatorship?

Now if the American public financed elections with a fixed amount of money and strict rules, all extra monies to any politician would be a bribe with criminal consequences. In addition, with no financing worries, Congress must work a 40 hour week with a two week vacation like the rest of America. Since lobbying is a way for rich donors to influence members of Congress, doesn’t this become a kind of bribery if there is public campaign financing?

To get elected, each candidate should get out and meet the people who they want to represent. On the candidate side, until an accountability amendment can be added to our Constitution, every candidate should sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to constituent recall elections at any time and mandatory resignation if recalled. Why would you want to ever vote for someone who does not want to be held accountable? In addition, candidate priorities must be adherence to our Constitution and passing laws that benefit the entire country before addressing local needs. If the whole country is in trouble, does it make sense to have small pockets of prosperity? Aren’t most major issues national?

Congressional term limits with tax revenue exceeding spending every year should be mandatory. Why saddle the young with debts that must be repaid in the future so that today some dumb cluck can get elected?

If you read this post and think that a program like this would be impossible, are you really a can do American interested in good government or maybe just a fake American?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Once upon a time, this observer thought that having more women in Congress and elected offices would probably improve government. This observer was wrong. Exactly the opposite is now known to be true. Why? Too many if not all congressional women are infected by the Mommy Syndrome. The Mommy Syndrome is characterized by each woman married or not who feels that she is always right and so everyone must listen to her, agree with her and do what she wants to do. It is her way or the highway. The result is there is no compromise.

Congress does not effectively function without compromise. Without compromise, no legislation is produced and stalemate on almost all issues dominates.

Having hatred for any person in politics is a condition that consumes the hater who may be mentally ill and dangerous.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Three years ago the Venezuelan people were disarmed by their government. Now the poor starving people are at the mercy of a brutal dictatorship. Since a political solution seems impossible, if the Venezuelan people were rearmed, they could determine their own destiny
Hey Democrats, what was done in Venezuela is what you and the federal courts want to do to this country.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It is time to clean out all of the existing do-nothing members of Congress. If you vote, vote for a new kind of politician who is accountable and can be recalled by the voters at any time (4/30/2019 post).

Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post). More so than ever before, the American people need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution to control government and fix the current political insanity. Until such time that an amendment can be passed, every elected political office except President and Vice President of the United States should require the candidate to sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to a constituent recall election if deemed necessary. Why bother voting for any politician who does not want to be held accountable?

Why is needed legislation being ignored by Congress? Politics

Why was the federal bureaucracy weaponized? Politics

Why do federal, state and local judges ignore
the Constitution? Politics

Why do some prosecutors use unsavory tactics
like perjury traps and withholding evidence
from the defense to secure questionable convictions? Politics

Why does this country have open borders? Politics

Why is the law ignored by those who consider
themselves to be above the law? Politics

Why does the Deep State sabotage our government? Politics

Why do we have huge federal budget deficits
and too often wasteful and corrupt government
spending practices? Politics

Why does the Pentagon seem to have too many
generals and admirals who apparently are more
interested in prolonging military conflicts
than winning them? Politics

Why don’t we have more generals like Eisenhower,
Patton, Marshall and McArthur? Politics

Why does the indoctrinated not-too-bright
public choose to kill police officers who are
only following orders to uphold the law when
it is the politicians and the prosecutors
issuing the orders who are the problem. Politics

What is going to happen if the American public decides that enough is enough and puts a bounty on all persons causing the problems listed above and removes them from office to end their ability to influence and obstruct good government?

It really appears that law schools are producing graduates who are ambulance chasers instead of graduates who believe that the United States Constitution is the law of the land and have a moral and ethical code to want to use their education to pursue the truth and justice.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

During the 2016 presidential election, the Democrats were positive that Hillary Clinton was going to win and they were counting on her to continue President Barack Obama’s transformation. Both Obama and Clinton apparently were planning to continue the transformation by causing so much chaos that the American people would accept a different form of government. The chaos was to be started by spending the country into bankruptcy by doubling the national debt and dividing the country into opposing political groups using the leftist propaganda press and the leftist judiciary to constantly obstruct progress to any problem solving. The roadmap used was very much like the Communist Rules for Revolution.

How does chaos help control people? Isn’t this what Adolf Hitler did in 1930s Germany? He and followers caused so much chaos that the public changed the political leadership and elected him to leadership. From there he and his followers made promises about a grand and glorious future. The propaganda worked and we now know what ultimately happened.

The anger and hatred for President Donald Trump by the Democrats is unprecedented and goes all the way down to their base. They completely ignore the fact that the woman they nominated to run for President was an unindicted criminal. Since when do Democrats want to elect criminals to lead our country?

The Democratic Party has a history for voter fraud and stealing Presidential elections (J.F. Kennedy in 1960), so maybe the reason the Democrats lost is that they did not steal enough votes to win in key states. When the smoke clears and the American public learns who the members of the cabal are who wanted to overthrow our current president and to prevent this type of insanity from ever happening again, all members who are prosecuted and found guilty must be executed—no exceptions. A federal country club prison is absolutely where none of these traitors should go with sentences that later sets them free to try again or who can be pardoned by a future President.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Who has been attacking Christian churches in France? France and other European countries have allowed the Muslim hordes to invade their countries much like the Latin invasion of the United States. It looks like the Europeans have gone as brain dead about preserving their sovereignty as the American Democratic Party has been about solving the United States southern border alien invasion.

The problem is the United Nations and the multitude of two-bit member countries who control the UN General Assembly and whose apparent sole objective is to confiscate the wealth of the more prosperous nations. They have apparently sold the world government baloney to the West so that these less fortunate countries can plunder the more prosperous nations’ wealth. By the way, the Arab oil rich nations had better be careful because they will be the next in line. If China continues to raise their living standards and wealth, they may be the target after the Arab oil rich countries. World government is a scam much like the latest junk science climate change scam. The latest climate scam is concern about millions of species going extinct. The planet’s climate has been changing for billions of years with species extinction. Millions of species going extinct is brainless propaganda. Now it is a political issue for the American Democratic Party and world government crowd. Have you ever noticed that all of these dire predictions are always emotional appeals without any verifiable evidence and facts? They keep telling the same story over and over until the uninformed and under educated public believes the lies so they don’t have to spend any time learning the truth. The propagandists are leading these lazy lambs to slaughter. With that kind of public mentality, kiss your butt, your freedom and your country goodbye.

The inept government leaders in Europe have accepted the Muslim hordes in an attempt to help solve what they consider to be a humanitarian crisis. This was a mistake because the hordes have no intention of assimilating into the native populations and learning that countries language and customs. What other “religion” besides Islam wants to kill those who leave, force persons of another religion to convert, collect special taxes if there is no conversion or just kill those who refuse to convert? The high Muslim birth rate agenda is to procreate to become the majority population and then take over the country. It is part of Islam’s war plan to take over and rule the world.

Europe and the United States need to establish safe areas in countries of origin and deport all invaders back to their country of origin. The price may be high, but not nearly as bad a losing your country. If Islam does not reform, there may be another Crusades. Could this be why China has segregated as many as a million Muslims into detention camps?

The citizens of every country in the world that has a constitution should have an amendment allowing its citizens to be armed so that they might be able to protect themselves from their government. Venezuela’s citizens once had that right but lost it. Look what is happening there now because the people lost their right to defend themselves from their government.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The two party political system has failed the American people. The reason for failure is that the politicians are more interested in party politics and personal exposure than trying to meet the needs of their constituents. The priorities of most of the members of Congress are me, me, me, me, me, me, me instead of us, us, us, us, us. It makes a person wonder how this nation has survived. The present Congress and Judicial system are ignoring the Constitution in favor of insane political activism. Judicial political games have been in season for decades. What are we to do? Has the American voter seen enough of this political dysfunction to want to find another way to elect politicians and/or even maybe to run for political office in order to help create a new kind of politician?

Do we really need political parties? We have majority party and minority party “leaders” who seem to use questionable tactics to control what is voted upon by the Congress. They make the decisions on what goes into omnibus bills that are so huge that no one knows what is in them until the members of Congress without adequate time to review the bill have to vote on and pass them to fund the government. How does this represent good government when the majority of the members of Congress probably get zero input? What good is majority rule without adequate majority review? Are not the numerous committees supposed to meet and discuss the issues? When do they meet with the rest of the Congress to explain what they are trying to do? This observer is guessing that never happens. Why do we need so many members of Congress when only a few make all the decisions? More and more it seems that Congress resembles a totalitarian form of government. How can this be good for the country?

Most Republican Party members seem afraid to challenge anything the Democratic Party does. When confronted with disagreements, they wet their pants. Most Democrats on the other hand seem very confident in want they want to do and while referencing the rule of law, too many of them ignore the rule of law and act as if they are above the law, i.e., they have become outlaws. The antics of the Democrats protecting the lawless Department of Justice and FBI members is dumbfounding. Members of both parties lie to get elected and then fail to deliver. There is no accountability because they expect the voters to forget the ignored promises by the next election. All of us voters are stupid because we fail to hold politicians accountable.

Why would any voter want to elect any Republican or Democrat who will not sign an accountability contract? They lie to the voter during the campaign and then ignore the voter after election and the voter can do nothing but complain. There is no accountability until the next election. Do you think that is good government?

That is why we need a new kind of politician. The new politician must have the following priorities and objectives:

Priority One
Fidelity to the United States Constitution. Politicians currently swear an oath to obey and follow the Constitution but ignore that oath.

Priority Two
The common good for all of the nation’s citizens takes precedence over local issues.

Priority Three
A survey of constituents without any request for money might be helpful for every politician to find out what voters think is needed locally. If a needs list were published, it could serve as the elected candidate’s political agenda as long as there are no conflicts with priorities one and two

Campaign Financing

Donors buy politicians and tell the elected politicians what to do. The best way to eliminate this evil practice is to have strictly enforced public financing with a fixed dollar budget that if exceeded by any candidate would automatically disqualify that candidate from office. Since the Supreme Court has ruled that political action committees are lawful, the PACs would be limited to one per candidate with a fixed dollar budget with the violation of its spending limit being criminal. This would mean that all campaign donations to candidates by outsiders would be criminal bribes which upon conviction would send people to jail. The larger the voter population, the larger would be the campaign budget. Except for presidential candidates, the objective would be for the candidates to meet as many voters as possible. No ivory tower candidates need apply. This kind of financing would likely be opposed by the current politicians and donors. Since a public financing system does not exist, it would appear that any candidate using the new proposed rules and agenda would have to appeal to the small donor to get enough funds to run for office. Until the American voter sees the light and demands public campaign financing and political accountability, the crooked old system will stay in place.

Candidate Accountability

If you vote for a Republican or Democrat without having an accountability contract, you are not interested in accountability and why bother voting. If you want to be a slave to your government, keep doing nothing and your wish will be fulfilled.

Each new kind of politician candidate must sign a legal accountability contract that states if elected, the candidate agrees to honor the results of a constituent recall election if deemed necessary at any time during the election cycle. Upon receiving a negative vote exceeding 50%, the candidate who was elected must immediately resign and be removed from office.

Each Congressional candidate must sign a legal contract agreeing to serve no more than two terms if elected to the Senate and no more than three terms if elected the House of Representatives.

Each Congressional candidate must sign a legal contract agreeing to support a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution and reduce spending until income exceeds spending every year until the amendment is passed.

With these restrictions and demands, a party leader may not be needed. It is envisioned that all of these new kind of politicians could meet as needed to decide how to solve issues. If more meetings were held by current political parties instead of supposed leaders making decisions, we would likely have better government.

If you are of the opinion that the candidate accountability described above is impossible, why do you even bother to vote? Haven’t you already given up on a fair and honest United States political system?

Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It looks like President Trump’s announcement of a tariff on all Mexican exports to the United States is a last ditch effort to stop the alien invasion of our border before the military will have to start shooting all adult invaders. The President and the American people have been confronted by the do nothing insane brainless communist-loving Democratic Party, a moronic Republican party except for a few conscientious House members and a scum federal judiciary led by an anarchist Supreme Court with 41/2 politically activist judges—not justices. The 41/2 judges don’t know the meaning of justice anymore. It is time for the American people to clean out the Congress and investigate every federal employee to clean out the scum. That includes the rank and file who see the corruption and do nothing. The American public must demand that we have the rule of law and equal justice for all—no exceptions. The voters must insist on accountability of all politicians using a legally enforceable contract that allows the voters at any time to petition for a recall election to remove unacceptable politicians from office. Why vote for anyone who does not want to be accountable.

It is this observer’s opinion that the President has brilliantly chosen to use tariffs and the public’s perception that they are bad to exert maximum public pressure on the American and Mexican politicians to fix the immigration system so that the tariffs can be eliminated. Illegal aliens have cost the American taxpayer more than 110 billion dollars so far this year.

If the tariffs cause massive public outrage and demonstrations to force the stupid politicians on both sides of the border to permanently stop illegal invasions, mission accomplished. On the American side, this means Congress passes ALL THE LAWS NECESSARY TO PERMANENTLY FIX IMMIGRATION AND ELIMINATE BIRTH RIGHT CITIZENSHIP EXCEPT FOR US CITIZENS WHICH OUR SLOPPY SUPREME COURT HAS ALLOWED.

On the Mexican side, it appears that total extinction of the cartels must happen. Maybe it will be necessary for all the Mexican citizens to arm themselves and do what their government won’t do. Who knows?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post). More so than ever before, the American people need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution to control government and fix the current political insanity. Until such time that an amendment can be passed, every elected political office except President and Vice President of the United States should require the candidate to sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to a constituent recall election if deemed necessary. Why bother voting for any politician who does not want to be held accountable?

Since the Chinese Communists have been stealing American technology for decades and now openly want to rule the world, why does any American company still want to have operations in China or trade with the Chinese? It would seem that this would happen only if the CEO and Board of Directors consider themselves to be global citizens and not American. Tariffs on Chinese imports should be only a temporary substitute until the United States can find new trading partners who will honor fair trade practices or manufacture in the United States. The American companies who gave up their technology in an attempt to gain access to Chinese markets and more profits could very likely pay a severe price.

American organizations are supplying the money and expertise to the Latin American hordes who are invading our country and causing mass chaos. Upon securing evidence that any American organization is doing that, their American finances must be frozen while a more thorough investigation is done. Any judge who tries to overturn the freeze should be investigated for sedition. It is time to play hard ball with stupid judges.

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and his wife have been reported to have received a $5 million dollar gift from his wife’s father who does business with the Chinese Communists. Has any investigation been started to determine if either or both of them have been compromised or any laws broken? What are the results of that investigation?

Senator Feinstein had a Chinese spy working for her for a number of years. Was any investigation done to determine if the security of the United States was compromised or any laws broken? What are the results of that investigation?

Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden has been reported to have used his influence while Vice President of the United States to help his son do business with both China and Ukraine. Was any investigation done to determine if the security of the United States was compromised or any laws broken? What are the results of that investigation?

If no investigations were done or were started but not finished for McConnell, Feinstein, and Biden, the question is why? Are we still using a corrupt dual justice system and looking at more political cover-ups?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Several Republican Senators have announced that they are working on a new immigration bill. One of its proposed features would be to grant a visa to immigrants who come to this country and invest $1,350,000 or more to create jobs. This would be a good thing if the immigrant is sincere about being an American. This observer would like to know how these senators would prevent another George Soros from coming here and constantly attempting to undermine our and foreign governments. What if a drug lord set up fake companies to hire people to launder their drug profits? What if this type of behavior is not detected until years later? How would these situations be corrected?

Did someone in the corrupt Democratic Party order the murder of former DNC staffer Seth Rich? Why is this murder being covered up by the corrupt DC politicians and crooked cops?

Since the Democrats have so many indoctrinated, undereducated and uniformed supporters of their party who believe the Let’s Pretend mainstream media’s fake news propaganda is the truth, is it time for a sanity check? The Democrats promote fascist and communist doctrine with impunity and the Republican members of Congress wet their pants and say nothing. What will happen to this country if this type of behavior continues?

Despite what our Supreme Court has ruled, this country cannot afford to provide free food, housing, medical care and education to millions of illegal aliens. We need a Supreme Court that protects the American people—not millions of illegal invaders many of whom may be criminals and/or terrorists. We need a Constitutional Supreme Court.

It is this observer’s opinion that politics has not stopped and will not stop the border invasion. Only the use of force will do that. First and foremost, we need to repel the alien invasion to prevent total chaos spreading to the entire country. Total chaos appears to be the Democratic Party’s political objective.

Martial law must be declared for all the counties that are on the Mexican border and a warning issued that only existing border entry stations will allow traffic. Every person and vehicle entering our country must undergo a comprehensive inspection. All adults whether accompanying children or not who try to enter our country anywhere else besides a lawful entry station must be shot. This action is necessary to make all illegal alien invasion so dangerous that the invasion will stop. This action will hopefully serve as a precedent for how to deal with all future unwanted alien invasions. In addition, all drug lord lookouts on United State’s soil must be removed.

The defense of our country should be a military objective but our politically infected generals prefer to defend the borders of other countries instead of ours. We do not need politically appointed generals and staff who do not want to defend our country’s borders.

Maybe the defense can be done by the constitutional militia or a large posse for each border county sheriff. Recently, the Texas’ Lt. Governor stated that to date in Texas, over 1600 bodies and/or skeletons of men, women and children who died after illegal entry into our country have been discovered by ranchers on their land. It would not surprise this observer if the number of illegal aliens in this country is understated because many of them are undetected by living on a cash economy and not paying income taxes. Could there be as many as 50 million illegals here? How long will it take ICE to find and deport all illegal aliens from this country without massive manpower assistance from some other American group? How much taxpayer monies will be saved by deporting all the aliens using federal, state and local government assistance? Billions and billions of dollars. The United States cannot continue to try to support the rest of the world and solve their problems despite what the Supreme Court rules.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The two party political system has failed the American people. The reason for failure is that the politicians are more interested in party politics and personal exposure than trying to meet the needs of their constituents. The priorities of most of the members of Congress are me, me, me, me, me, me, me instead of us, us, us, us, us. It makes a person wonder how this nation has survived. The present Congress and Judicial system are ignoring the Constitution in favor of insane political activism. Judicial political games have been in season for decades. What are we to do? Has the American voter seen enough of this political dysfunction to want to find another way to elect politicians and/or even maybe to run for political office in order to help create a new kind of politician?

Do we really need political parties? We have majority party and minority party “leaders” who seem to use questionable tactics to control what is voted upon by the Congress. They make the decisions on what goes into omnibus bills that are so huge that no one knows what is in them until the members of Congress without adequate time to review the bill have to vote on and pass them to fund the government. How does this represent good government when the majority of the members of Congress probably get zero input? What good is majority rule without adequate majority review? Are not the numerous committees supposed to meet and discuss the issues? When do they meet with the rest of the Congress to explain what they are trying to do? This observer is guessing that never happens. Why do we need so many members of Congress when only a few make all the decisions? More and more it seems that Congress resembles a totalitarian form of government. How can this be good for the country?

Most Republican Party members seem afraid to challenge anything the Democratic Party does. When confronted with disagreements, they wet their pants. Most Democrats on the other hand seem very confident in want they want to do and while referencing the rule of law, too many of them ignore the rule of law and act as if they are above the law, i.e., they have become outlaws. The antics of the Democrats protecting the lawless Department of Justice and FBI members is dumbfounding. Members of both parties lie to get elected and then fail to deliver. There is no accountability because they expect the voters to forget the ignored promises by the next election. All of us voters are stupid because we fail to hold politicians accountable.

Why would any voter want to elect any Republican or Democrat who will not sign an accountability contract? They lie to the voter during the campaign and then ignore the voter after election and the voter can do nothing but complain. There is no accountability until the next election. Do you think that is good government?

That is why we need a new kind of politician. The new politician must have the following priorities and objectives:

Priority One
Fidelity to the United States Constitution. Politicians currently swear an oath to obey and follow the Constitution but ignore that oath.

Priority Two
The common good for all of the nation’s citizens takes precedence over local issues.

Priority Three
A survey of constituents without any request for money might be helpful for every politician to find out what voters think is needed locally. If a needs list were published, it could serve as the elected candidate’s political agenda as long as there are no conflicts with priorities one and two

Campaign Financing

Donors buy politicians and tell the elected politicians what to do. The best way to eliminate this evil practice is to have strictly enforced public financing with a fixed dollar budget that if exceeded by any candidate would automatically disqualify that candidate from office. Since the Supreme Court has ruled that political action committees are lawful, the PACs would be limited to one per candidate with a fixed dollar budget with the violation of its spending limit being criminal. This would mean that all campaign donations to candidates by outsiders would be criminal bribes which upon conviction would send people to jail. The larger the voter population, the larger would be the campaign budget. Except for presidential candidates, the objective would be for the candidates to meet as many voters as possible. No ivory tower candidates need apply. This kind of financing would likely be opposed by the current politicians and donors. Since a public financing system does not exist, it would appear that any candidate using the new proposed rules and agenda would have to appeal to the small donor to get enough funds to run for office. Until the American voter sees the light and demands public campaign financing and political accountability, the crooked old system will stay in place.

Candidate Accountability

If you vote for a Republican or Democrat without having an accountability contract, you are not interested in accountability and why bother voting. If you want to be a slave to your government, keep doing nothing and your wish will be fulfilled.

Each new kind of politician candidate must sign a legal accountability contract that states if elected, the candidate agrees to honor the results of a constituent recall election if deemed necessary at any time during the election cycle. Upon receiving a negative vote exceeding 50%, the candidate who was elected must immediately resign and be removed from office.

Each Congressional candidate must sign a legal contract agreeing to serve no more than two terms if elected to the Senate and no more than three terms if elected the House of Representatives.

Each Congressional candidate must sign a legal contract agreeing to support a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution and reduce spending until income exceeds spending every year until the amendment is passed.

With these restrictions and demands, a party leader may not be needed. It is envisioned that all of these new kind of politicians could meet as needed to decide how to solve issues. If more meetings were held by current political parties instead of supposed leaders making decisions, we would likely have better government.

If you are of the opinion that the candidate accountability described above is impossible, why do you even bother to vote? Haven’t you already given up on a fair and honest United States political system?

Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Congressional representative Ilahn Omar is a person who was born in Somalia and came to this country as an immigrant refugee. Her remarks about the Jews are what would be expected from one who has brought her Muslim prejudices to this country and has not assimilated and accepted the American way of life. If the people who elected her share her prejudice, should not these immigrants have their citizenship revoked and be deported back to their country of origin? Sharia violates our Constitution and potential immigrant terrorists are not welcome in this country. In this age of terrorism, when immigrants do not meet a standard for assimilation within a defined time frame, they must be denied citizenship and deported back to their country of origin. Terrorists have already caused too much pain and suffering in this country.

The Democratic Party is at it again. Ignore the law and regulations and demand that the Mueller Report be issued in its entirety now. Why do the Democrats always believe that they are above the law and can do anything they want? Isn’t that what they did during the presidential witch hunt? Now they want to do it again?

The increased number of women elected to Congress in 2018 was celebrated. It was expected that this event would make Congress better. To this observer, the caliber of legislators was not improved when three freshman women legislators were elected. Understanding United States history appears to have been excluded from their educations and replaced by indoctrination in communism and religious prejudice. So sad!!!


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It is obvious to anyone with a little intelligence that the rule of law and equal justice for all are a joke to many politicians in both political parties, the federal bureaucracy, and too many federal judges. Most of these people view the rule of law and equal justice for all with distain. These persons must be removed from all official government capacity. How is it done and by whom?

The Constitution of the United States created a militia to “execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”. The laws of this nation are not being enforced. This is evident in observing that some people violate the law with no consequences while other people who violate the same law are sent to jail. We have a dual system of justice that cannot be found in our Constitution. Why bother passing any laws if they are not going to be obeyed and enforced? When the members of the FBI and Department of Justice plan a coup d’etat to remove a legally elected President of the United States and they are supported by members of Congress, isn’t that an insurrection? When people from another nation ignore borders and illegally force their way into our country, isn’t that an invasion? Since all of these events are currently underway, should not the militia be activated to deal with these problems? The answer is yes.

Our nation, our President and the new Attorney General need all the help they can get to drain the swamp and restore the rule of law with equal justice for all. Due to the damage done thus far, why must our nation wait decades for restoration?

It is time to use the militia to correct these problems. Since members of Congress are supporting the insurrection, any and all direction of the militia from Congress must be ignored. To restore the rule of law and equal justice for all, this country needs to ask the nation’s highest elected law enforcement group consisting of the sheriffs and constables (6-8000+ members) who believe in the rule of law and our Constitution to lead the restoration of law and order. Hopefully, they will accept this very difficult and dangerous task because they must recruit and vet the millions of militia members who will work with them to restore the rule of law. While it would be nice for the elected law enforcement group and militia to work with federal and state law enforcement, police departments and all sheriffs, it is known that not all of these groups share that fidelity to the Constitution and the rule of law. Therefore, the loyal law enforcement group that must be formed may decide to exclude some groups. It should be the elected law enforcement group’s decision as to who cannot participate in the restoration of the rule of law.

Since the militia members will be unpaid civilians who support the restoration of the rule of law but must continue to work to support their families, they may be able to serve only for short periods of time. That is why It may require 20-40 million militia members to accomplish this most difficult task. Hopefully more than 40 million will volunteer. It is anticipated that militia involvement may require years to prevent retribution from those persons and groups unfavorably affected by the following program:

Every branch and agency of the federal government must be investigated to determine that they are performing their duties as defined by law in an unbiased manner. Lawlessness must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This could include present and former members of the government and Congress.

An investigation of the national news media organizations, political donors and lobbyists must be done to determine that there are no violations of the law.

The militia will be needed to defend our borders by force if necessary to prevent all illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a crime against the United States and the extremely large numbers of illegal alien invaders has caused chaos at the border. Current federal court rulings and congressional inaction have deliberately caused this chaos which will explode if as many as a million illegals are released into our country this year. This is unacceptable. Therefore, to stop the chaos all adult invaders must be shot and killed as they cross the border. Shooting and killing illegal adult invaders is not desired, but it may be only way to create an incentive strong enough to prevent all future illegal invasions. The militia should also participate in the roundup of all illegal aliens who have violated our Mexican border and put them on trains and deport them back to Mexico. They came here through Mexico so it is only fair that they be returned to Mexico.

The militia can be used to enforce our nation’s laws by helping ICE to find and deport all visa overstay illegal aliens.

Illegal aliens who are deported and re-enter the United States are automatically guilty and must be automatically executed. Why waste time and money on lawyers and judges on non citizen criminals? Spending more time and money on this type of an individual is meaningless.

All illegal aliens captured in the United States must be deported. Let them pursue legal immigration from outside the United States. This observer does not believe the people of the United States want to have criminals, sick and diseased persons and citizens from more than 40 countries to continue to illegally enter and stay in our country.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It is obvious to anyone with a little intelligence that the rule of law and equal justice for all are a joke to many politicians in both political parties, the federal bureaucracy, and too many federal judges. Most of these people view the rule of law and equal justice for all with distain. These persons must be removed from all official government capacity. How is it done and by whom?

The Constitution of the United States created a militia to “execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”. The laws of this nation are not being enforced. This is evident in observing that some people violate the law with no consequences while other people who violate the same law are sent to jail. We have a dual system of justice that cannot be found in our Constitution. Why bother passing any laws if they are not going to be obeyed and enforced? When the members of the FBI and Department of Justice plan a coup d’etat to remove a legally elected President of the United States and they are supported by members of Congress, isn’t that an insurrection? When people from another nation ignore borders and illegally force their way into our country, isn’t that an invasion? Since all of these events are currently underway, should not the militia be activated to deal with these problems? The answer is yes.

Our nation, our President and the new Attorney General need all the help they can get to drain the swamp and restore the rule of law with equal justice for all. Due to the damage done thus far, why must our nation wait decades for restoration?

It is time to use the militia to correct these problems. Since members of Congress are supporting the insurrection, any and all direction of the militia from Congress must be ignored. To restore the rule of law and equal justice for all, this country needs to ask the nation’s highest elected law enforcement group consisting of the sheriffs and constables (6-8000+ members) who believe in the rule of law and our Constitution to lead the restoration of law and order. Hopefully, they will accept this very difficult and dangerous task because they must recruit and vet the millions of militia members who will work with them to restore the rule of law. While it would be nice for the elected law enforcement group and militia to work with federal and state law enforcement, police departments and all sheriffs, it is known that not all of these groups share that fidelity to the Constitution and the rule of law. Therefore, the loyal law enforcement group that must be formed may decide to exclude some groups. It should be the elected law enforcement group’s decision as to who cannot participate in the restoration of the rule of law.

Since the militia members will be unpaid civilians who support the restoration of the rule of law but must continue to work to support their families, they may be able to serve only for short periods of time. That is why It may require 20-40 million militia members to accomplish this most difficult task. Hopefully more than 40 million will volunteer. It is anticipated that militia involvement may require years to prevent retribution from those persons and groups unfavorably affected by the following program:

Every branch and agency of the federal government must be investigated to determine that they are performing their duties as defined by law in an unbiased manner. Lawlessness must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This could include present and former members of the government and Congress.

An investigation of the national news media organizations, political donors and lobbyists must be done to determine that there are no violations of the law.

The militia will be needed to defend our borders by force if necessary to prevent all illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a crime against the United States and the extremely large numbers of illegal alien invaders has caused chaos at the border. Current federal court rulings and congressional inaction have deliberately caused this chaos which will explode if as many as a million illegals are released into our country this year. This is unacceptable. Therefore, to stop the chaos all adult invaders must be shot and killed as they cross the border. Shooting and killing illegal adult invaders is not desired, but it may be only way to create an incentive strong enough to prevent all future illegal invasions. The militia should also participate in the roundup of all illegal aliens who have violated our Mexican border and put them on trains and deport them back to Mexico. They came here through Mexico so it is only fair that they be returned to Mexico.

The militia can be used to enforce our nation’s laws by helping ICE to find and deport all visa overstay illegal aliens.

Illegal aliens who are deported and re-enter the United States are automatically guilty and must be automatically executed. Why waste time and money on lawyers and judges on non citizen criminals? Spending more time and money on this type of an individual is meaningless.

All illegal aliens captured in the United States must be deported. Let them pursue legal immigration from outside the United States. This observer does not believe the people of the United States want to have criminals, sick and diseased persons and citizens from more than 40 countries to continue to illegally enter and stay in our country.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

If it is true that as reported by author Peter Schweizer that Senator Mitch McConnell and his wife have received a 5 million dollar gift from his father-in-law who does business with Communist China, does it mean that the Chinese have bought his loyalty? The Chinese don’t want to have to deal with someone difficult and unpredictable like President Trump and want to continue to steal and plunder our economy and society with a different president. Is that why Senator McConnell never passed any legislation to help President Trump get funds for his border wall? Why is McConnell still majority leader in the Senate if he does not support the President’s agenda? Should he be removed from that position and his Secretary of Transportation wife in President Trump’s cabinet resign? Have both become Never Trump members or have they just come out of the closet? Hey Mitch, take your knife out of President Trump’s back. Oh yes, now McConnell is trying to buy votes for his re-election by proposing to use taxpayer dollars to build a new VA hospital. It appears to this observer that Mitch has overstayed his welcome as Majority Leader and needs to be retired in favor of new blood.

The Republican Party is at it again. They have shown personal animus against our President when they voted against emergency border funding. President Trump has demonstrated that politicians can and should honor campaign promises instead of constantly lying to the voters. The need for emergency funding for the border wall is evident to everyone who is not a politician. If Congress really wanted to protect the American people, all of the border wall funding along with a massive update in immigration policy would already be law. The truth is Congress doesn’t give a damn about the American people and neither does the Let’s Pretend propaganda media. When ex-President Obama issued unconstitutional executive orders, the Republicans stayed silent and wet their pants. Now that a Republican President has declared an emergency to protect our borders, our wet pants Republicans who are afraid of the Democrats now feel safe to object. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. It is too bad that we do not have an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution so that the people could petition to recall all these brave wet pants Republicans and some of the more odious Democrats .

Several times since the 1970s, Congress has delegated away legislative responsibility to the Executive Branch of government and now what they are claiming is that emergency border funding violates the constitutional separation of powers. During the Clinton Administration, Congress delegated to the Executive branch the power to write regulations. How about that, the executive branches gets to issue regulations that become law and then enforce them. Where in the Constitution does it grant the Executive branch the power to make laws? Did that kind of delegation violate the constitutional separation of powers? Don’t you think that if the Congress takes the time to write and get a law passed that they should logically write the regulations to implement the law? Wrong!! Not for the geniuses in the Congress. Maybe writing those regulations would interfere with Congressional time off. Little wonder they garner no respect from the people. Nincompoops

Aren’t more nincompoops in the Democratic Party now trying to impeach our President by making up things they want to call facts when the whole country knows what they are doing is not based on facts? Sorry! Are the Democratic voters loyal to their party or just not smart enough to know when the Let’s Pretend Propaganda media are lying. Maybe these voters only read and watch the Let’s Pretend media.

It has been this observer’s experience and observations that two categories of persons are most likely to believe and act as if they are above the law. They are attorneys and politicians.

Socialism and lawyers have two things in common. They both cause more problems than they solve and cost lots and lots of money.

Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post). More so than ever before, the American people need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution to control government and fix the current political insanity. Until such time that an amendment can be passed, every elected political office except President and Vice President of the United States should require the candidate to sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to a constituent recall election if deemed necessary.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It does appear more and more to this observer that paganism is resurging. The names for pagan gods appear to be many, so this observer will use their functional names: Money, Power and Control. The gods of money, power and control are intimately joined. Money is what is usually used to buy the power which is then used to exert control over people, businesses and governments.

At the same time the pagan gods are resurging honesty, ethics, morality and religion are being attacked. This might be considered a survival war—paganism vs. decency. For centuries this battle has been waged and millions of lives have been lost in revolutions and world wars.

As international trade has increased, so has the idea of the global citizen. People have started to consider themselves to be citizens of the world instead of citizens of a nation. Globalism promotes a oneness that destroys national identity and diversity. What a dull world it would be to have every human act the same way as if they were a mechanical robot.

As large international companies have adopted a global mindset with the loss of national identity, the workers who make the products that these large companies sell are treated more and more like mechanical robots instead of people; therefore, who cares if these workers have a job or not. Just go somewhere else and produce your products so the company can make more money. Maybe this phenomenon is what caused the decline of the United States until President Trump came on the scene. It appears that many of the CEOs of the international corporations have pursued the pagan money god without worrying about the impact on the people in the country in which they live. CEOs have a responsibility to their stockholders to maximize profits, but at what cost to the country in which they are incorporated.

Sadly the politicians who were elected to help and protect their constituents and the country appear to agree with the CEOs. The pagan gods of money, power and control have become political and so obsessive that they are the only goals politicians pursue. They lack the intelligence to recognize that the Constitutional guarantee of individual freedom is the engine that has made the United States the envy of the world. Instead the politicians and bureaucrats try to justify their existence by passing laws and regulations that destroy individual freedom. Instead of issuing new regulations, the bureaucrats should be spending most of their time and efforts to protect the public by enforcing the existing laws and regulations. What is wrong with a philosophy of live and let live? As long as no laws are broken and no one is harmed, what is wrong with this philosophy? Nothing. While politicians pursue their selfish interests instead of helping their constituents—and there is no indication that helping constituents will consistently happen—this country is in peril. The selfish interests of today’s lawyers, judges, politicians and bureaucrats have destroyed the Rule of Law to the extent that this country is close to anarchy if not already there.

Are American universities supposed to educate Americans or foreign students? Does admitting foreign students whose governments pay their tuition and expenses take precedence over American students knowing class sizes are limited? It has recently been determined that the Chinese use these students and those who find jobs in the United States to steal American technology and participate in espionage. Why are Chinese nationals still in our universities and companies? The answer is the pagan god of money. Those universities that pursue this god are choosing foreign over American students. Those same universities accept large donations from Arab nations that promote unconstitutional Sharia Islamic practices here in the United States. Does acceptance on these monies translate into the worship of the pagan money god by those school administrators? To this observer, the answer is yes.

The American public educational system is a mess. Test scores have confirmed that students leaving our schools are less educated than previous students. Why? The teachers and their unions have become worshipers of the pagan gods of money, power and control. The teachers unions collect dues and use that money to support politicians who will vote to always increase wages and benefits. This is how some teachers are able to receive $100,000 per year retirement benefits. Public service unions are why all public union members must have 401k accounts like most of the rest of the country instead of fixed benefit pensions. The federal government education monies along with the teachers and their unions are large contributors to the decline in the education of our young people. There is no educational system accountability to improve the educational level of all students. No improvement should mean less money to the educational system with emphasis on classroom improvement instead of excessive management staff.

More and more it seems that nations of the world are worshiping these pagan gods to the detriment of the people they are supposed lead and serve. What happens when money, power and control are concentrated in the hands of too few? What happens when there is no restraint on the use of these pagan gods? What will be the future for the United States and the world?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The Democrats are proposing drones and sensors as part of a supposedly intelligent wall to prevent illegal immigration. How do they propose to use a drone or sensor to prevent illegal immigration? Are they going to put missiles or machine guns on the drones to kill the aliens to prevent invasion? We know Democrats do not want to kill what they believe are their future voters. What about increasing the number of border agents? Since the invaders walk up to the border agents and claim asylum, how will that prevent the illegal alien invasion? The Democrats have become Let’s Pretenders along with the Let’s Pretend media and make up stories to tell the public. Maybe the Let’s Pretend Democrats who previously voted for a wall will sprinkle vanishing dust to stop the illegals at the border. Obviously, to anyone with any intelligence and who is not insane, there will be no illegal alien prevention with the Democratic plan. Without some type of physical barrier at the border, there is no stopping the invasion unless riflemen shoot and kill the invaders as they cross the border into the United States. With open borders the population of this country could reach one billion in five years and turn the United States into a huge slum similar to Venezuela.

There is an old saying “Do a job big or small, do it right or not at all”. According to the latest news reports, the legislation to use the military budget to defend our country and allow barriers to be built is current law. So with that in mind, President Trump should BUILD NOW EVERY MILE OF BORDER WALL THAT HOMELAND SECURITY SAYS THEY NEED TO PROTECT US AND TO HELP PREVENT ANY MORE ILLEGAL ALIENS KILLING AMERICAN CITIZENS. PRESIDENT TRUMP WILL GET ALL KINDS OF HEAT FROM EVERYONE WHETHER HE BUILDS ONE MILE OR THE WHOLE DAMN BORDER WALL NECESSARY, SO BUILD THE WHOLE WALL NOW. If the 9th circuit court says stop with another political order, ignore the order. If the Supreme Court ignores the law and constitution again, ignore them too. They are not the supreme branch of government, only one of three separate and equal branches. Courts have no ability to enforce any ruling—only the executive branch has that power. If the courts try to involve the corrupt FBI and Justice Departments, every member of these departments who has ignored the rule of law should be fired. Reconstitute both departments by rehiring retired former members of these departments who love this country enough to return to service to help the President rebuild fair and honest departments. With regards to the military, there could be a problem with former Obama appointees still there.

According to what this observer has seen on TV, our President has some members of the White House staff who have imbedded their knives in his back. The Republican leadership and too many Republicans have their knives in his back. The entire Democratic Party has their knives in his back. The Let’s Pretend media have their knives in his back.

Many ordinary citizens like me thank the President for what he is trying to do for this country while constantly being attacked by the scum referenced above. We don’t understand how he is able to continue to deliver good results for the American people while enduring these difficult conditions, but we admire his willingness to continue to fight the good fight. Thank you President Trump. Thank you very much.



ISIS was still going strong when the United States under President Trump intervened in the Middle East. When tested, the inept Iraqi army put up little resistance to the brutal ISIS army and lost parts of Iraq. At one time the ISIS army was closing in on Bagdad. After President Trump’s election, the United States joined Russia and Iran and intervened in Syria. As 2019 begins, ISIS still exists but in a much diminished capacity in Syria. What the U.S. military has demonstrated is that they can effectively fight and win a more conventional war. The generals know how to do this. Now President Trump wants to bring our troops home. Some U.S. military and members of Congress appear to oppose this move. When the job is done, bring the troops home.

To this observer the effect that Turkey has had on all this is unclear. Turkey bought the stolen ISIS oil and served as a conduit for ISIS volunteers to enter ISIS occupied Syria and Iraq. In addition, Turkey has gone from a secular type government to a more Islamic Sharia type government despite being a NATO member and is now considering buying Russian made armament. Should Turkey remain a NATO member?

After we leave, Assad’s Syria—which does appear to protect Christians whereas the Islamic forces do not—Russia, Iran, Turkey and maybe some remnants of NATO forces will have to work together to stop the bloodshed in Syria. The United States has not had much success in nation building and/or restoration without the enemy being totally defeated similar to post World War II. So when total defeat is not secured, why should any nation building attempts be made? If needed, maybe our forces stationed in Iraq could be used to assist in destroying any new ISIS activity. We need to make sure that we keep our allies like the Kurds safe from Iraq, Iran and Turkey. Maybe we need to station part of our Iraqi forces in Kurdistan.

The murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Arabian Istanbul embassy in Turkey became an issue for some American congressmen. Khashoggi was a Saudi Arabian citizen who was murdered by Saudi agents in a Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey. Isn’t that an entirely Saudi Arabian issue despite the fact that this man worked for an American newspaper? Why was this deplorable act an international incident that had American congressmen demanding President Trump take action? Shouldn’t these politicians worry more about keeping America safe from alien invaders? When are the crooked cops and politicians in Washington D.C. going to solve instead of covering up the murder of American DNC staffer Seth Rich and announce the result? When are the crooked FBI and Justice Department bureaucrats going to start going to jail? Don’t we need to clean up our house first?

Afghanistan is another story. It looks like the native populations may not have accepted a central Afghan government and our nation building effort may have failed. Let’s find out what the whole of Afghanistan wants and then try to make the country safe enough for us to leave. It sure looks like our generals do not know how to fight guerilla wars and win them. If safe haven is and has been in Pakistan, why weren’t the escape routes in Afghanistan blown up and kept permanently closed? Didn’t President Trump remove the military restraints on execution of the war? How and why are the Taliban more successful than our troops? Do our generals need to learn from the enemy on how to succeed in a guerilla warfare environment? Maybe we should have those generals who have not succeeded retire.

Should American emphasis be more on how to help the Afghans economically instead of just protection? It might be cheaper in the long run. Afghanistan is a very poor country with undeveloped resources. The greatest way to improve any people’s living standard is to provide the economic environment that only free markets and that nasty capitalism offer. Personal freedom is the key ingredient.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post). More so than ever before, the American people need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution to control government and fix the current political insanity. Until such time that an amendment can be passed, every elected political office except President and Vice President of the United States should require the candidate to sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to a constituent recall election if deemed necessary.

During this federal government shutdown some 30 Democratic members of Congress recently enjoyed a retreat in Puerto Rico after arriving on a chartered jet along with more than 100 lobbyists. Is it possible that future campaign donations were mentioned during the flight? Do you think the lobbyists will be assisting the legislators with future legislation or possibly future legislation change or prevention? If you are a Democratic voter and voted for one of these members of Congress, are you going to hold them accountable for promises made during their campaigns? If not, why did you bother voting? Did someone pay you to vote a certain way? Please note that these accountability questions and the voting comment should apply to every single member of Congress.

Unfortunately, during this shutdown some 800,000 government workers are being furloughed or working without pay. To date, it has been reported that some 10,000 of them have filed for unemployment insurance—which they must repay—to pay their bills. What will happen if this shutdown lasts another month or two and the public sees that there are very few bad effects on government operations? Won’t this demonstrate that maybe we don’t need so many workers to run the government?

The fact is that walls help reduce illegal immigration wherever they have been installed. Will it become necessary to shoot and kill all adults illegally entering our country to defend our border and deliver the message that ALL IMMIGRATION MUST BE LEGAL? Since that action is unlikely, maybe the next best thing is to completely shut down the border with Mexico and stop all individual money transmittals from illegals in this country to those countries sending illegals to our borders. Shouldn’t the Congress stop playing politics and fix our bad immigration laws immediately?

Since almost every Presidential appointee that requires Senate approval has been grilled as if they had committed a crime, is it time for all elected members of Congress to undergo a comprehensive background check? Since the FBI which would usually do this cannot be trusted to be impartial, those investigations could be performed by local sheriffs and/or state law enforcement. This country must have fair and impartial Rule of Law. If we had an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution, the public would have the ability to start action to change legislation and personnel if change was desired.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post). More so than ever before, the American people need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution to control government and fix the current political insanity. Until such time that an amendment can be passed, every elected political office except President and Vice President of the United States should require the candidate to sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to a constituent recall election if deemed necessary.

For decades the news media has leaned towards the left (Socialism and Communism). Since President Trump was elected, the shift to the left has become overt instead of covert and its intensity has increased to a fever pitch. The let’s pretend media has pretended to broadcast news when in fact many of the reports are opinion and make-believe. The true facts are not important to them. What is important is that their make-believe propaganda is working if you believe the unreliable polls that are constantly being issued. Why?

It is this observer’s opinion that one of the reasons this is taking place is that the let’s pretend TV media broadcasts are the kings of FREE TV. This observer is unaware of any conservative TV stations in major metropolitan areas in both Blue and Red States. The most effective broadcasts on these stations might well be 24 hour 100% news broadcasts or simulcasts. That way the viewer could dial in news at any time of the day or night FOR FREE. No cable or satellite purchases would be needed. Two existing networks might serve as broadcast or simulcast candidate models. They would be FOX NEWS (lots and lots of politics) and One America News Network (mostly straight news with some opinion and special reports).

Republicans call themselves conservatives but when push comes to shove and they must take a stand, most of them wet their pants. Only our President has the guts to fight for what is right, but he has very little support from the wet pants Republicans. The Democrats are all firm in their push for enslavement of the American people using what they call Socialism—they prefer communism but that would result in millions of Americans being killed. The news has reported that Stalin killed 40 million people to convert Russia into the Soviet Union and Mao Zedong killed 100 million Chinese to make communism happen. Communists do not share power.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It looks like the priorities for 98% of the politicians are:






More and more it seems like the Supreme Court and the federal, state and local court systems have adopted the politicians’ priorities. How much longer will the American voter continue to accept this type of political behavior before they rebel? Or will the voters instead do nothing until that beacon light from the shining city on the hill is permanently extinguished?

Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post). More so than ever before, the American people need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution to control government and fix the current political insanity. Until such time that an amendment can be passed, every elected political office except President and Vice President of the United States should require the candidate to sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to a constituent recall election if deemed necessary.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

While talking to a businessman last week, the subject of the Wall came up. He told me that several of the people with whom he had talked had told him that they would volunteer to help build the Wall. When, how and for how long was not mentioned. Furthermore, he told me that he would be willing to donate a week of his time to help build the Wall.

If volunteers were to help build the Wall, it is anticipated that armed security would be necessary to protect them from the illegal alien invaders. Please note that in Section 8 of the Constitution it states “for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions”, so maybe the Militia may be needed to protect our southern border and repel any foreign invasion if for some reason the military cannot do the job.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

In the heyday of radio (1930s to the 1950s) there was a children’s show called Let’s Pretend. Its broadcasts featured make believe stories or fairy tales. For someone who grew up during that era, the stories stimulated the minds of the young listeners to imagine and dream. Imagination is the birth place of innovation and discovery.

Today, this concept of let’s pretend is being co-opted by many groups to deliver political messages and/or propaganda. The messages or stories delivered are primarily make-believe. The groups who are the source of these make-believe stories want everyone who reads or listens to their messages to believe them to be fact or true.

The most extreme make-believe story today is the Mueller Witch Hunt. Two years of investigation has not discovered any crime committed by our President, but has uncovered a whole litany of crimes committed by those who supposedly were to objectively investigate. Why then does the witch hunt continue? Politics is the reason. The witch hunt team has basically ignored the Rule of Law and rules for Special Counsel formation and conduct by its staff in their insane desire to remove President Trump from office by impeachment or a coup d’etat. Should any coup d’etat planning be proved, all participants must be executed upon conviction. There must be no more nefarious political witch hunts In this country.

The let’s pretend mainstream media and the let’s pretend politicians are helped by the fact that the listener or reader may want these make-believe stories to be true. These Let’s Pretenders have no ethical standards of behavior. By repeating their messages hundreds of times the groups targeted may finally believe the propaganda to be true. Fascist governments have used this principle for decades to indoctrinate their citizens. That is why during political campaign season—which is now all the time—the messages are continuously repeated.

The sad truth is that the Supreme Court has ruled that propaganda is legal and protected by the First Amendment; however, the Second Amendment which states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” can be regulated. Their interpretation of these two amendments is the height of hypocrisy and illustrates that political bias by Supreme Court Justices have denigrated their ability to reason making them unfit to serve as Supreme Court Justices. The politicians love to politicize the courts and this observer believes that most Americans despise this practice because the people– not the politicians—are always the ones who suffer the consequences.

We can hope that the Supreme Court Justices will have an epiphany and realize that propaganda by organizations who the public expects to deal only with facts and the truth must be regulated because these groups have no ethical standards of behavior. The federal courts tolerance to propaganda has besmirched their reputation to the point that it enforces the belief that we no longer have the Rule of Law in this country. Some federal courts have become a cruel joke.


What if a Build The Wall gofundme account was started to build the southern border wall opposed by all politicians who support violence and anarchy. The goal would be five billion dollars needed for construction this year. In addition to any donation sent by the public, the donors could inform their members of congress of their dissatisfaction with their inaction.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.




When the law, rules and regulations for corporations were written many years ago, they affected everyone who was an American. Since many corporate endeavors can be risky, corporations are a way to reduce individual liability.  With all the parts being American, corporate law seemed to work for the benefit of all Americans.


Today, we have globalists and maybe corporate law should be changed to accommodate this change. It would seem to this observer that existing corporate law may no longer be valid in a world of globalization.  The United States Constitution was written to protect the rights of American citizens who lived in the United States.  Corporate law should also protect American workers and companies.  Currently, Iran, North Korea and Cuba are prohibited from owning an American corporation.  Since China has embarked on a goal to become the world’s foremost power, China needs to be added to this list.  China has used purchasing US corporations as a way to steal our technology and American companies have willing turned over their technology to the Chinese in order to increase profits by participation in the Chinese economy.  Have these corporations exchanged short term profits for potential long term disaster?  There are reports that the Chinese are using contracts with congressional relatives to buy congressional favor.  One California Senator had a Chinese spy working for her for a number of years.  Where is the accountability for these acts?


To some American companies making money is more important than protecting American technology and their workers. Maybe it is time to revoke their articles of incorporation and let them become a corporation in another country under the laws in that country.  In recent times, American corporations have used immigration law to reduce costs by importing foreign workers using the H-1B and H-2B visas.  To add insult to injury, some companies had qualified American employees train the foreigners who were there to replace them. Are corporations who employ mostly non citizens really American?  Maybe when 30% of any company’s employees are non citizens, then that company should automatically be classified as a foreign corporation and must register as a foreign corporation.  It must also be banned from doing any classified work for the United States government.  In today’s world of corporate technology theft and espionage, a 30% non citizen worker threshold may be much too high.  Digital flash drives make cyber espionage theft much easier.  Could it be that repressive foreign countries find it easier to steal technology than spend the time and money to develop their own technology?  Don’t help our enemies steal years of research and work using a flash drive.  Without access to the technology, theft is much more difficult.


American finance, genius, research and innovation should benefit the United States first and foremost. If you live in America, take care of Americans first.  No American technology should ever be shared with any organization whose country’s goal is to supplant and destroy the United States of America.  If American company CEOs and boards of directors are not smart enough to increase stockholder value and protect their technology, they should not be running any company.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).  More so than ever before, the American people need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution to control government and fix the current political insanity.  Until such time that an amendment can be passed, every elected political office except President and Vice President of the United States should require the candidate to sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to a constituent recall election if deemed necessary.



With the Democratic Party taking control of the House of Representatives and the Republicans increasing their number in the Senate, there has been a lot of discussion in the media as to why this happened and what does it portend for the future.


The Democratic Party campaigned on increasing taxes, healthcare and impeaching President Trump.   Are the Democratic voters so stupid that they want increased taxes?  This observer does not think they are that stupid.  Obamacare was passed first and foremost to show the American public that the federal government was in control no matter what the public wanted, was designed to fail and has not delivered good and economical healthcare.  What about the irrational hatred for our President?  Do the Democrats want to waste time and money on a futile attempt to impeach the President?  It appears that those insane politicians do want to be stupid.  Where are they going to get the 67 votes in the Senate?  Any Republican senator who would vote for impeachment will find that there is no safe rabbit hole.  President Trump has done more to restore the American economy, implement common sense foreign policy and increase the general wellbeing of the American public in two years than any president in my lifetime.  Is the American public so stupid that they want to throw all of that away because they don’t like the President’s tweets?  The answer is no.


If the Democrats’ campaign was based on tax increases, healthcare, character assassination and the divisive politics that they always use, why did they win? The answer is retribution.  The public did not vote the Democrats into office as much as they voted the useless lying Republicans out.  Why did so many Republican members of Congress retire or announce retirement?  They were afraid of the backlash for lying.  If viable independent candidates were running for Congress, they would have been an alternative to any Democrat.  When the Tea Parties were formed they became such formidable organizations that the Obama Administration used the IRS to sabotage them.  If the Tea Party zeal still exists today, to effect change they must transform into a political party.  It is this observer’s opinion that every politician should support President Trump’s agenda because it is the best one for AMERICA:  “Promises made, promises kept” or out the door they go.  There are still too many garbage Republicans and all of the returning Democrats in Congress that must be replaced to continue the restoration of America.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).  More than ever, the American people need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution to control government and fix the current political insanity.  At a minimum, every political office except President and Vice President of the United States should require that person to sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to a constituent recall election at any time.



For years our politicians have been stealing money from the Social Security Trust Fund into which hard working Americans have been forced to deposit a part of their income. The value of this observer’s account at age 62 based on accumulated deposits at 5% compound interest would have been worth more than $300,000 if the monies had been in an independent fund.


In the 1980s when a man older than 65 immigrated to the United States, he started receiving Social Security checks. Why?  He earned nothing here.  Was this an entitlement that some politician used to buy votes?  The same logic applies for young people who claim Social Security disability.  Instead of choosing another way to earn a living, many claim that they are disabled.  Why?  In what way are they disabled?  Is this a scam to get free money?  The lawyers are making money or they would not take the case.  Who pays for that?  Is this just another entitlement benefit the young have been promised?


For healthcare, Congress has mandated that everyone who shows up at a hospital must be treated regardless of the ability to pay, so they get treated.


Now the Democratic politicians and maybe some dumb Republicans want to provide Medicare for everyone. They never discuss how they will pay for this program that has been estimated to cost trillions of dollars.  Remember that every federal, state or local government program increases the size of the bureaucracy that administers that program and increases the cost of government.  The Democrats also do not discuss how the government decides whether healthcare is approved or denied.  Using a government healthcare administration like that formerly used at the Veterans Administration created the long waits to receive healthcare that killed many veterans seeking help.  Long waits and denied healthcare with potentially fatal consequences are part of every socialized medicine healthcare program.  In the past, government supplied healthcare has led to abuse and corrupt practices instead of good healthcare.


Until World War II, to have or not have healthcare insurance was an individual’s responsibility. Healthcare is still an individual responsibility and not a right that the insane politicians are peddling.  Healthcare costs will go down when there is more consumer input into the cost and less input from government and the insurance companies.  Bureaucrats justify their existence by issuing more regulations whether needed or not.  More government regulations have always increased the cost of health insurance.   When the consumer insists on more input into their healthcare costs and demand accountability for the charges made by the insurance companies, healthcare providers, hospitals and drug companies, the cost of healthcare will begin to decrease.


If an economic system gives an individual the opportunity to earn millions of dollars per year, why is all or some of that income exempt from Social Security and Medicare taxes? If Social Security and Medicare vanish into bankruptcy, guess whose taxes will really be raised to provide the money if there is government intervention to care for elderly persons who can no longer help themselves?  In the past before the federal government got involved, when older people could no longer help themselves, family and church groups would try to help.  Help from family or a caring church group has to be better than that received from a bureaucrat who may be indifferent to providing good healthcare and is just doing a job.  Big government is not the answer.


Since so many people now depend on Social Security and Medicare, we must save these programs. How do we increase the money being collected to help Social Security and Medicare?


Currently many of the big money people do not collect a salary. Instead they laugh at ordinary Americans by selling their stock and paying a lower capital gains tax with no Social Security or Medicare deductions.  Interest and dividend income are also exempt from Social Security and Medicare taxes.  To help Social Security and Medicare stay solvent, why not have these taxes be collected on ALL PERSONAL INCOME with no maximum income limit?  Why discriminate against the lower income American wage earner and favor the high dollar investment earners?  We know why.  The answer is politics and political campaign financing.  Another way to finance elections is proposed in my book.[1]


Without the American workers helping them, most rich people would never have been able to get rich. The time has come for those who have been so richly rewarded by our economic system to financially help the system which enabled them to become rich by paying Social Security and Medicare taxes on ALL THEIR PERSONAL INCOME just like the rest of the American people. Stop the discrimination!!!  If the politicians don’t want to do this, remove them from office.  Politicians who only worry about themselves are another reason we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution.

[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See it, Outskirts Press (2014), P  72,73



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force. Sometimes this pursuit of power to use government force becomes so strong it can become criminal.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post)




Well, the mid-term elections are over and the Democratic Party is trying to steal the elections of a United States senator and state governor in Florida. They are using the same tactic used by Mayor Richard J. Daley to steal the 1960 presidential election for John F. Kennedy.  After Republican votes have been reported, two heavily Democratic counties are seemingly manufacturing votes to decide those races.  Mayor Daley used that tactic in 1960.  By not contesting the vote, Richard Nixon and President Eisenhower later admitted that they had made a mistake.  So the Democrats have been stealing elections ever since with no Republican contesting the results in court.  By the way, election fraud is criminal.  If there is any good news about this situation, it is that Governor Scott is filing a lawsuit to protect his win.  IT IS ABOUT TIME THAT A REPUBLICAN HAS FOUGHT BACK.  Since there have been no negative consequences for Democrats stealing elections, why would they ever stop.  Forget about ethics and integrity, Democrats have  none.  Oh, by the way, in 2016 the Democrats were so sure Hillary would win,  they probably cut back on their voter fraud assault which is why they are so angry now.  When Broward County did not follow the law during and after the election they forfeited their right to report more votes, so a judge should declare that all votes after the deadline are null and void: therefore, the Republican candidates who were leading at that time should be declared the winners.  When are the Republicans going to insist that Democrats follow the law and file as many lawsuits as needed when they do not.  Wake up stupid Republicans!!!!!!


Now that we have a new Acting Attorney General, it is time for the Justice Department to start releasing all of the documents requested by the Congressional committees—no excuses. The public needs full disclosure of the illegal activity perpetrated by the FBI and Justice Department as well as the rest of the DEEP STATE.  There is no justice today in this country due to the activist federal judiciary and bureaucratic criminal activity, so there are no reputations left to protect.  This must be done now before the Democrats take over.


When the coup d’etat participants have been indentified, prosecuted and convicted, they must be executed to serve as an example so that no coup d’etat is ever considered again.   In addition, a new special prosecutor must be appointed to investigate the IRS, Uranium One, Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, Benghazi, the FISA Court and judges, the fake dossier used by the Mueller Russian witch hunt and more.


If the caravan breeches the concertina wire placed at our border, the military stationed at the border must defend our country against these terrorists and criminal invaders and shoot to kill all adults. When the casualties get high enough, the invasion will stop.  The goal is to protect American citizens and United States sovereignty by stopping all illegal immigration.  Let the fascist loving Democrats and their legal team protest to protect their love for open borders anarchy.  If the UN wants to get involved, please tell them that it would be a good idea if they can move their headquarters out of our country within the next six months.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).  More than ever the American public needs this amendment to make the changes needed to determine how and by whom we will be governed.




Isn’t it really suspicious that less than two weeks before the mid-term elections that someone has sent pipe bombs to Democratic leaders, CNN and pack leader George Soros? Now who would do that?  Could it have been Democratic Party operatives?  Yes, it is possible because recent vicious attacks on Justice Kavanaugh, Republican politicians and now Democratic undeclared support for border anarchy have cost the Democrats in the polls and possibly the election.  The violent tactics recommended by national Democratic politicians and supported by the fake news mainstream media seem to be backfiring in their faces.


It is presumed that the pipe bombs are real and dangerous because they have to be to make any investigation credible. If the bombs are real but the attacks are part of a plan, everyone knows that it will take weeks to months to investigate and that takes resolution past the mid-term elections.  Will we now have fake attacks on Democrats as part of the fake news?  Will the FBI do a fair and honest investigation?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).  This amendment would allow the American people to overturn Supreme Court rulings.



Once again we may have anarchy at our southern border with Mexico. It time for this lunacy to stop.


As long as Mexico does nothing to stop the anarchist invasion, the United States must do something. The border with Mexico must be totally shut down.  Nothing crosses the border.


Since our border patrol and DHS do not have the staff to do this, other measures must be taken.


If the President declared martial law in all counties bordering Mexico and then sends the federal military to the border with orders to shoot and kill all border invaders, the invasion will stop. These invaders will certainly include terrorists and criminals as these groups always do.  If thousands of invaders must die to protect our country, it must be done to send the message that illegal immigration will no longer be tolerated.  When an anarchist stupid federal judge issues an order to cease and desist, the judge’s orders will be ignored as unconstitutional.  All active military officers and generals who oppose this tactic to protect the United States must be removed from the military because they no longer want to defend and protect this country.


All money transmittals to Mexico and Latin America from the United States must be stopped.



Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).  Recent events have clearly demonstrated the need for the public to help solve our problems and not the politicians.  We need a constitutional Accountability Amendment now.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns. Chaotic politics were the norm during the Justice Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings.  During this time every Democratic Senator confirmed that Democrats do not believe in the Rule of Law.  The Democrats have also demonstrated a complete lack of civility and decency.


In 2016, the Democratic rank and file voter demonstrated that had the party nominated Al Capone for President, they would have voted for him—but since he was no longer alive, they voted for unindicted criminal Hillary Clinton.


The gods worshiped by the Democrats are money, power and control.


Their coup d‘etat allies in the federal government Deep State bureaucracy like the corrupt FBI and Justice Department manufactured a false dossier to spy on Republican candidate Donald J. Trump and then created the Mueller witch hunt to try to remove duly elected President Trump from office. When will the convictions and executions of these coup d’etat participants begin?  Hopefully, soon.  No long court appeals are needed for lawyers to make money and justice to be denied.


Democrats support violent groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Their promotion of violence against others is dangerous and insane.


When Democrats want demonstrations or riots, their billionaire supporters hire the people needed. Why are these billionaires allowed to come into our country and bring their seditious practices with them?  Answer.  Stupid immigration policy is why.


Why not publicly issue the name and address of every demonstrator or rioter every time they are arrested? Or better yet, do that and have the police develop and maintain a file to be shared with all police departments on these scum bucket people.


A vote for every Democratic politician is a vote for fascist and/or communist government.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).  After the Kavanaugh debacle, this country clearly needs a constitutional Accountability Amendment.



The Democrats have declared that they want higher taxes and more big government regulation and control which will likely kill many jobs and the economy. They don’t care.  They want power and control.  In addition, the Democrats want to kill all of the criminal FBI and Justice Department investigations to protect the Democratic Party and want to continue the Supreme Court political activism appointments like those made by Democratic Presidents.  Ironically, the Supreme Court was created to rule on constitutional issues, but recent appointments to the Court have been justices who want to unconstitutionally change and destroy our written Constitution.  Most of those justices appointed by Democratic presidents are political hacks whose political bias make them unfit to serve on the Court.  The Democrats were terrified that if Judge Kavanaugh was made a justice, the Supreme Court might actually go back to following our Constitution.  If you think that the Democrats want the rule of law instead of corrupt criminal politics, you must be reading and/or watching the fake news.  The Democratic politicians’ open borders advocacy presents a clear and present danger to the future of this country.  Vote Democrat and you will soon be a minority in your country of birth.


If you vote for a Republican who wants to follow President Trump’s agenda, you should get more common sense governance. Otherwise voting for a Republican is voting for a pig in a poke—who knows what you will get.  There are no honest, ethical and moral Democratic politicians and not enough Republicans who meet this standard.  A vote for a Democrat is a vote for fascism/communism.  It is the opinion of this observer that a vote for a Republican member of Congress is the lesser of two evils unless that candidate supports President Trump’s agenda.


If possible, always get every candidate to sign a legal accountability recall contract.


When the candidates from both parties are questionable, try to have a write-in candidate available to elect and an organization formed and ready to get that individual elected.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The Democratic Party is terrified that having Judge Kavanaugh appointed to the Supreme Court will start the return of this country back to constitutional rule of law. Fewer left wing activist Supreme Court rulings would be a vast improvement in the Court.  To try to stop this appointment, Democrats and their minions are slandering this poor man.  Within days of the slander initiation, 65 women many of whom have known the judge for years have contradicted the slander and endorsed the judge.


We know that there are a few Republican Senators who are playing games with this country’s future solely for TV face time and to show everyone how important they think they are. This is what is wrong and has been for decades with the U.S. Senate.  These senators think they are gods and try to act that way.  The good of the country does not matter to these individuals.  They think that they are more important.


It is hoped that the FBI investigation ordered by President Trump will be fair and honest–if any honest and impartial FBI agents still exist. With charges like this one, it is only fair that the accuser be subjected to the same type of FBI investigation as the accused.  Absent this accuser investigation, the Democratic Party has succeeded in starting another witch hunt without any evidence.  Obviously they have no use for fairness and the rule of law.  Any future charades like this one must include a FBI background investigation of both parties.  In addition, the rules of the Senate must be changed, if necessary, to state that all charges made after the candidate’s interviews and interrogation by the Senators will not be not be considered.


It is interesting to note that everyone except the accuser has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and now the Democrats have displayed total ignorance of it by declaring Judge Kavanaugh guilty without providing any evidence and constitutional due process protection. Did you expect anything fair from these Democratic witch hunters?


It was wonderful to see the Judge have the guts to defend his family and his reputation while declaring the Democrats were on a search and destroy mission. This country needs nine impartial constitutional justices on our Supreme Court—no more biased activist justices who are destroying our country.


May Judge Kavanaugh go with God and be confirmed to be a Supreme Court Justice.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.




Mr. President and those who support him:


Your supposed Republican allies, the Democrats, the donors, the DEEP STATE bureaucrats, the lobbyists and the propaganda media all hate your guts because you have started to destroy the corrupt status quo. Maybe you have become more political being in Washington.  Therefore do not listen to anyone who tells you that funding for immigration and THE WALL will be forthcoming after the election.  All those groups above are liars.  Their strategy is to prevent immigration reform and THE WALL from being done in order for the voters to vote you out of office in 2020 and cause chaos until then.


Now if you shut down the government to get funding for immigration reform and THE WALL before the election, everyone will of course blame you—but you have broad shoulders. Assuming that the government is still shutdown at election, how will all those groups referenced above explain to the voters why they do not want to fix our immigration system and build the WALL.  They can’t and many will be defeated.  It doesn’t make any difference whether you are trying to work will obstructionist Democrats or obstructionist Republicans since neither want to help you.  Stick to your promise not to sign any appropriations bill if there is no WALL and immigration funding.  Don’t break your promise  made to the people.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. This is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)



Is it time to remove useless politicians from office? These politicians are only in politics for what they can suck from the government teat in the sky and feed from the public government trough.  They are constantly going for more goodies for themselves.  These are the worst kind of local, state and national politicians.  Many of these politicians have never had a real job in our economy.  They are professional politicians.  These are the worst kind of politician.  More on that is discussed in “The Book”.  The country is full of them.  For them, the need for personal power greatly exceeds any desire to do anything good for their constituents.  Almost every non term limited politician in office for more than two terms, every member of the United States Senate who has been in office for two or more terms and every Representative in the United States House of Representatives who has been in office for three or more terms are defined as professional politicians.  There are some good politicians who meet this definition, but they are few and far between and so we are back to counting the good ones using fingers and toes.


Please note that the statistics listed below are for this session of Congress and are based on data from website For some reason this database lists former members of Congress resulting in a total of 554 entries instead of 535.  This writer did not edit that list and used the data as presented to draw conclusions.


Did you know that there are 129 House Republicans, 119 House Democrats, 19 Senate Republicans and 11 Senate Democrats on the list of 554 that would meet the definition of a professional politician? These members represent 50% of the congressional delegation who probably should be at home living under the laws they passed.  It should be noted that the “politician’s union” defined in “The Book” tries to prevent new men and women to Congress from being effective.  Why send people to Congress if they cannot be effective?


21% on the list are females. This observer in the past has voted for female politicians in the hope that having more females in government would improve government.  It hasn’t–it has gotten worse but not totally due to their presence.   No more voting for females unless she is clearly the best candidate.


Did you know that 25 (5%) of the members listed are or were in Congress for more than 30 years.


Ninety one members (34 Republicans and 57 Democrats) listed are or were in Congress for more than 20 years.


One hundred forty (60 Republicans and 80 Democrats) listed are or were in Congress for more than 15 years.


The question is how can so many persons spend so many years in Congress and do so little good for the people of this country?


Based on more data from website for this year through August 30,2018, the House of Representatives were in session for 121 days, the Senate was in session for 128 days while the number of days most Americans were required to work was 175 days. Why pay Congress full time pay when they only work part time?  Is part time attention to the peoples’ business why so little gets done?  Since most professional politicians are bought and paid for by their donors and don’t always tell the truth, why do they take so much time off?


The American voter is insane because they allow politicians to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. If the American public does not become more informed on political matters that affect them, we may lose this country and all personal freedom.  Politicians do not want people who think for themselves.  They want indoctrinated human robots who will do what they are told to do.  If our forefathers did not politic, we would not have the country we have today.


With the internet and email, small groups of voters could communicate on issues that interest them. These groups could share ideas on these issues.  Prior to the primary elections, these small groups could contact other small groups in each election jurisdiction to form a large group to develop and agree on a legislative agenda that they would like their elected representative to pursue.  In other words, give all the candidates a people’s agenda to do if elected.  No candidate should be allowed to set an agenda.  In addition, all candidates would be required to sign a legal accountability contract that would state that if and when the voters needed at any time during the election cycle to change representation, they circulate a petition and have a recall election which would decide whether or not the politician representing them stays or leaves office.  Defeat requires immediate resignation.


There will be resistance to an accountability contract, so the group needs to have a write-in candidate in mind to be the group’s representative. If a write-in candidate is elected several times, it is suspected that candidates will begin signing accountability contracts.


Why give any politician an agenda to pursue? Accountability is the reason.  Given an agenda of say 5-10 items to pursue, accomplishing the agenda items gives the voters a way to measure how effective their elected representative is.  If you give that person 6 items to do and they do none, has that person represented you?  The answer is no.  You need a new representative.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Has the mainstream propaganda media taken themselves beyond redemption? While the First Amendment will remain strong, those members of the mainstream media who ignore truth and preach an agenda of lies and propaganda should permanently lose the platforms which facilitate their ability to lie to the public.




This observer is totally disgusted with the national politicians and media. How long are the American people going to have to put up with corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, a justice system where there is no equal justice under the law and media propagandists?




The business pundits, politicians and so-called experts are always spouting trade war garbage. For years, other countries have used very high tariffs against all American goods and services while our brain dead government (politicians) had very low tariffs.  Now that President Trump is trying to get everyone’s attention by raising our tariffs in order to implement fair trades practices, these not-too-bright politicians and media are warning about a trade war when we have been in a one sided trade war for decades.  Does stealing intellectual property qualify as a fair trade practice?  Where have the politicians, the media, the rich and Wall Street crowd been the last 20-30 years when our trading partners have been stealing our country’s wealth and technology?  Have the business CEOs traded short term profits for long term disaster?  All of them have been making money while ignoring the damage these practices have done to our working class people and our economy.  They have forgotten that countries are primarily the people who inhabit a specific piece of dirt on this planet.  They just want to make tons of money and do not seem to care about any problems ordinary Americans have trying to work and pay their bills.  In all this, the media has been AWOL.


What will Wall Street do if China starts selling copies of Apple’s iPhone for half price because they have stolen enough technology to produce knock-off copies of the phone? What will happen if all the companies that have transferred technology to the Chinese have the same thing happen?  Stock prices will plummet and Wall Street will feel the pain that ordinary Americans have had to deal with for past decades.  Sadly, the little guy may get stiffed again if his 401k has those stocks.  By the way, returning production of many imported products back to the United States eliminates import tariffs.


One way to deal with the cheaper low cost items that the American public buys is source diversification. If you buy at Walmart, look at the label to see what country produced that product.  You will see that this diversification is underway today.  If those countries expand their product range, should not imports from Chine go down along with the trade deficit?


Remember the definition of GDP is Consumption + Investment + Government Spending + Net Exports which translates into a formula: GDP = C + I + G + NX[1].  For those who love Socialism and Communism, please note that without a job, from where is the money going to come to consume; with the government owning the means of production, from where is the investment going to come; government spending will depend on how much the people can be taxed; with low tariffs, the net imports will greatly exceed our exports so this number becomes a huge negative.  How much improvement have Venezuela and Cuba provided their people?  For the umpteenth time, Socialism and Communism destroy individual incentive, so they are contrary to human nature.  In human nature, God has given Man the desire to improve life for himself and his family, so he works hard to do that.


One of the biggest jokes of the century is Democrats professing that they want the rule of law.   They illegally spied on a presidential election, didn’t steal enough votes to win, fabricated charges against President Trump using the Obama weaponized FBI and Justice Department, began the Robert Mueller Trump Inquisition without proof of a crime being committed as required for a special counsel investigation to be started, bought and paid for a false dossier against the President, defrauded FISA judges who may or may not have been complicit—we need to find out—cooked up charges against persons associated with the Trump political campaign using unethical perjury traps, the Mueller gang is misusing  plea bargaining to get persons to “compose” lies about President Trump, have leaked classified intelligence to the crooked mainstream propaganda machine, have supported the fascist Antifa gangs and NOW THEY SAY THEY WANT THE RULE OF LAW.  HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA.  If they want the rule of law, this observer is 12 feet tall.  HA, HA, HA, HA.


By the way, this observer believes that the DEEP STATE and RINO establishment politicians, donors, pundits and media have supported the Democratic tactics listed above. No wonder this country is in such a mess.  Today we do not have the rule of law and equal justice for all, so it sure looks like that if we wait for the politicians to clean up this mess, it will never be done.  By the way, aren’t the lawyers making tons of money representing the criminals and illegals?  When will the American public tire of all this political and media corruption and decide that since the government is not cleaning up the mess, they will?  If and when they start, they may also include fixing the illegal immigration problem.  Remember, the Founders in their wisdom created a militia in our Constitution which reads as follows:


15: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel Invasions;[2]


16: To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;[3]


The Democratic Party along with their Republican allies are trying to use the crooked departments of the federal government weaponized by the previous administration to execute a coup d’etat (an insurrection). Those planners must be identified, arrested, convicted and executed before they do more damage to our country.  This observer recommends that the government fix the problem now before the public decides to do so.


[2] United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8, List item 15

[3] United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8, List item 16


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post)



Every since the Warren Court ignored the separation of powers in the Constitution, the Supreme Court has slowly been chipping away at the Constitution to the detriment of our Constitutional Republic. Too many of the appointees to the federal judiciary during past administrations were political activists instead of impartial constitutional judges.  Is the Court trying to show that they are the supreme branch of the federal government?  Should this Court attitude continue, it is only a matter of time before Supreme Court decisions will be ignored by the legislative and executive branches.  Hello anarchy.


Let us briefly examine Roe v. Wade which has been the source of much political conflict.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the public use of birth control pills in 1960. With this pill, women could have sex without becoming pregnant.  Note that the pill was not always 100% effective.


Despite the availability of a pill to prevent pregnancy in most instances, the right for a woman to terminate a pregnancy was desired by many women. So in 1973 the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that women had the right to have an abortion subject to state regulations.


In previous times women died using coat hangers to self induce the abortion of a fetus. Obviously this was an unsatisfactory, unhealthy and unsafe way to abort a fetus.  This country cannot return to those times.  There has to be a better solution.


Pregnancies due to rape and incest—many times involving very young females– can be the source of emotional trauma for those victims which if not treated can become a lifetime problem for them and any future families. Whatever the disposition of the any pregnancy, mental health treatment must be offered in all these cases.  Help the victims for a change.  They are more important than the criminals.


The reason why the Supreme Court should not get into the business of legislating from the bench is that many times they screw it up like they have with Roe v. Wade. By not defining the circumstances under which an abortion could or could not be performed and throwing it to the states, they created a horrible mess.  As it has been reported in the factual news, full term babies are murdered and their body parts sold.   Has selling murdered baby body parts become what abortion now represents?


The current court position on abortion is not justice and those Supreme Court Justices who created this mess should roast in hell. It has happened because the Supreme Court did not define the time during a pregnancy beyond which a fetus becomes a baby human being and killing this baby becomes murder.  If they had properly defined the problem, maybe we would not have the political mess that we have today.  It doesn’t say much for the competency of the judiciary legislating from the bench.  This is why this country needs an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution similar to the one referenced above so the American people can determine how we should be governed.

Another area where the judiciary is screwing things up is criminal law. Those persons who commit murder and are given a life without parole sentence in prison are an enormous expense to the state because they are given free room, board and healthcare until they die.  What benefit to the people of the country is there for such a sentence?  What do judges that do this kind of damage to the public use for brains?  What kind morality allows innocent babies to be murdered and then coddles criminals?  This observer fails to see anything that was gained by keeping a monster like Charles Manson alive.  Every person who murders another human being without just cause should be evaluated for execution after conviction.  Nothing is served by keeping young and/or mentally ill murders alive.  Don’t victims and their families also have rights?  Oh, they can’t vote anymore!!!!!  Those murdered are forever absent from their loved ones lives and can never come back.  Keeping murderers alive will never compensate for the loss of all those innocent crime victims and body part babies.  What kind of court and justice system allows innocent babies to be murdered and then rules that persons who murder someone cannot be given a death sentence?  That is politics not justice.  Once again, when politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


One of our Supreme Court Justices has repeatedly stated that our United States Constitution is inferior to South Africa’s Constitution. Apparently that justice has decided that the specificity of their constitution in areas undefined by ours is good.  In this observer’s humble opinion and you don’t have to be a lawyer to see it, those undefined areas are one of our constitution’s greatest features.  It allows future generations to legislate changes needed instead of letting potentially biased Supreme Court Justices decide.  History has shown that the legislative and executive branches of government will more readily change laws to meet a country’s needs than will the courts—except in today’s world where local, state, and federal judges have gone wild legislating from the bench and ignoring the separation of powers.


Returning to the issue of constitutions, with all those supposed safeguards in the South African constitution, why is wholesale white genocide being committed in South Africa with government approval? Why isn’t  their constitution protecting those white people who have been there for more than 100 years?  One of the reasons is that the judiciary cannot use force to implement their decisions.  Another reason is that the politicians are the ones who control the use of government force and these South African politicians are racists.  A constitution is only good when uniformly followed, respected by everyone and is enforced using the rule of law and equal justice under the law.  Sadly, these conditions no longer exist in South Africa and in this country.  In this country, the United States Supreme Court and the corrupt Justice Department are the reasons why and they are aided and abetted by incompetent prosecutors who resort to unethical perjury traps and plea bargains in order to notch up convictions against potentially innocent persons.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force. Sometimes this pursuit of power to use government force becomes so strong it can become criminal.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post)


Has the mainstream propaganda media taken themselves beyond redemption? While the First Amendment will remain strong, those members of the mainstream media who ignore truth and preach an agenda of lies and propaganda should permanently lose their platforms which facilitate their ability to lie to the public.




Can we assume that those former members of the Obama Administration who recommended that everyone vote Democrat in the mid-term elections are among those who have been leaking classified information to the propaganda press?


Can we assume that those former members of government who presumably still have their security clearances and have criticized President Trump for pulling John Brennan’s security clearance are among those who have been leaking classified information to the propaganda press?


When this observer was in the military during the 1960s with a TOP SECRET / CRYPTO security clearance, access to secrets was limited to a “need to know” basis. If all those complaining about the loss of security clearances are no longer in government, on what basis do they still have a “need to know”?    Do we now know why there have been so many security leaks in President Trump’s Administration?


All security clearances should be terminated within six months after leaving government. It is a matter of common sense that the more security clearances that exist, the higher will be the probability that someone will betray this country.  In addition, these security clearances have been reported to cost the taxpayer $25000 each.  Why should any taxpayer money be spent on any security clearance not actively being used today when one can be reinstated when needed?


All these complainers are doing is creating the impression that security clearances should be handed out like candy. Not true.  Having a security clearance is a privilege not a right.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post)




As a retired engineer who spent many years providing solutions to meet clients’ needs, analyzing and solving problems was my job. The book The Way I See It is a way of trying to use that type of logic and problem solving to help fix our government.  If you read the book, remember that it was written and published in 2014 and has very likely been blacklisted since publication.


Almost all politicians are “owned” by their donors to the detriment of the American people. The book suggests a way to run for office without donors.


The format used is one that addresses and suggests that the public’s help is needed to fix our government. Why did the Obama Administration order 1.5 billion hollow point killing bullets or why are there so many uninformed voters?  Do you want to reform government to improve our country or do you just want to bitch?


This small book briefly covers many topics including voter fraud and how the Democrats stole the 1960 presidential election, the politician’s union, a Social Security alternative, the economies, public corporations, healthcare, the failing educational system, the federal bureaucracy without knowing it was the “Deep State”, energy, problems with the branches of the federal government and more. Brevity was the rule.


The book can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


If you don’t know that there is a problem, how can you solve it? Do politicians fear the solutions proposed in my little book?  Read it and find out.  The book can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Revised Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post)




The Republican Party is being duped again by the Democrats. The Mueller witch hunt is nothing more than an effort to cover up criminal activity committed during the 2016 election and the Uranium One sale.  The Republicans seem to be buying witch hunt delays hook, line and sinker.  Mueller is trying to run out the statute of limitations clock on Uranium One to save Clinton, himself and his buddy Rod Rosenstein.  The outlaws don’t want to go to jail or be executed for coup d’etat planning.


The Republicans in Congress must act and do something besides talking and start action to abolish the Justice Department and FBI. It is up to the honest rank and file in these departments to take action TODAY to try to save these departments and their jobs.  Absent full transparency and accountability, these departments are so corrupt that they must be abolished.  Since we do not have equal justice for all now, we don’t have a Justice Department now.  The Fumbling Bureau of Insurrection or Incompetence has been so weaponized by the last administration and FBI directors that it may not be able to be saved, so abolish it.  State courts and law enforcement will have to pick up the slack until new departments with honest staffs can be created.


President Trump must also do his part to clear the air. He must try to recruit as many trustworthy former Justice Department and FBI employees as possible and temporarily rehire them for a short term single task.  After regaining the security clearances they once held, these patriots would be tasked with reading all FBI and Justice Department correspondence to redact only classified material before President Trump declassifies that material and makes it public.  No names should be redacted.  THE PUBLIC MUST KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON BEFORE WE HAVE A “HUNGER GAMES” TYPE REBELION OR WORSE—VIGILANTE JUSTICE.  The longer politicians play games with the truth, it is this observer’s opinion that we get closer to violent anarchy instead of a constitutional militia putting down this insurrection. We have an excuse for an Attorney General and entire federal departments who only worry about themselves instead of our country, so the future is likely to become more dangerous.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post). The existing mainstream personnel are no longer broadcasters but are now propaganda ministers.


My book has more suggestions on ways to fix our government. It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.  It takes about 4 hours to read cover to cover.



With the election of a new Mexican government, maybe it is time to change how we deal with them, Latin American and other countries. For instance, if Mexico and Latin America do not want to help us prevent violations of our southern border by their citizens, maybe we need to make some changes to convince them that they must help.  For other countries, illegal entry and visa violations are problems which must be fixed.


Over the last decades, our southern border has been invaded by all classes of people from terrorists who wish to harm us to poor uneducated persons wanting to improve their lives. Our government has no clue as to how many persons have come across that border and which ones have evil intent.  This must be stopped.  EVERYONE WHO UNLAWFULLY ENTERS OUR COUNTRY IS AN INVADER, SO IF OUR MILITARY WERE TO DEFEND OUR BORDER WITH ORDERS TO SHOOT TO KILL ANYONE WHO INVADES THIS COUNTRY, illegal crossings should dramatically drop.  To convince all countries that we mean business about eliminating illegal border crossings, illegal alien interdictions and visa violations, there should be a total shutdown of all southern border crossings into the United States for one week.  No commerce, no trucks, no nothing.  It also means that the income that these countries derive from commerce with the United States will be reduced.  Any foreign aid is reduced by 50%.  In addition, a 5% surcharge should be levied on all international money transfers from the U.S. into Mexico, Latin America and other selected countries.  These actions should get their attention.  The insane Democrats and their insane mainstream media propaganda ministers will scream.  Before these screams get too loud, the left and their masters need to review the fascist and communist tactics they have used for years to gain power, control and promote disruption and anarchy.


The border shutdown would mean that all American businesses that employ Mexicans who cross the border into the U.S. every day to work will not show up for work for one week. If those businesses employed Americans, there would be no problem.


If these countries cooperate but only for a short time, the monetary surcharge must be increased and the border completely shut down for two weeks or more. Visa violations must be accorded a higher priority so deportations can be increased.  Wall Street and almost every person who claims to be a financial expert or pundit will scream gloom and doom, but what do you expect from someone whose self interest is using this country only to get rich and richer.  Worries about the everyday American citizen are way down on their desirable needs lists.


Once the border wall is complete and the U.S. immigration laws are changed to meet this country’s current and future needs, then depending on the degree of foreign cooperation, a reduction or elimination of the surcharge and border shutdowns can be evaluated. Also with sufficient Homeland Security staffing and the WALL, the military should no longer be needed to defend and protect our southern border.


After we have good border and immigration control, we must locate and increase deportation of visa violators. Since our government has no idea of the illegal alien population, could we have as many as 50,000.000 illegals living in this country?  This observer suspects the answer could be yes.




















When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post). The existing mainstream personnel are no longer broadcasters but are now propaganda ministers.



Watching TV a few days ago, a prominent jurist suggested a political affiliation for the new Supreme Court Justice. His comments made me sad that such a well known and respected jurist would make such a suggestion.  If he truly believes that justices should have party affiliation, then it is time to amend the Constitution to remove federal judicial lifetime appointments and elect all judges as many states currently do.  Since this jurist taught law and he is one of many who teach or have taught at blue state universities, it is now understandable why there are so many politically active judges who rule based on their bias instead of the Constitution.  Judges and lawyers from these universities and others who practice and share this philosophy are destroying the Rule of Law.  Without Constitutional Rule of Law, there will no longer be the United States of America that most older citizens have known and loved.  We want our country back.


It is difficult if not impossible to understand how any judge with party affiliation can be truly fair and impartial in non political constitutional deliberations when there is no accountability like an election. The stench of corruption currently permeates the whole federal court system which in effect promotes lawlessness and anarchy.  My apologies are offered to the few true and honest judges who may still be in the system.


For the last 50 years or so, the federal courts have ignored and abused our constitution way beyond what this observer believes our founding fathers envisioned to the detriment of our people and our Constitutional Republic. The federal courts have envisioned themselves as the supreme branch of government and have usurped legislative and executive powers contrary to our Constitution.


Many of the jurisdictional problems we have today can be fixed by following the original Bill of Rights 16th Amendment [1]–which was never approved.  Is it time that we add this amendment to our Constitution?  It reads as follows:


“The powers delegated by the constitution to the government of the United States, shall be exercised as therein appropriated, so that the legislature shall never exercise the powers vested in the executive or judicial; nor the executive the powers vested in the legislative or judicial;  nor the judicial the powers vested in the legislative or executive”.[2]


This country needs a new constitutional Supreme Court Justice who interprets the constitution as written–not a liberal, conservative or any other political affiliation justice.


[2] Ibid
















When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. If the American voter at any time during the election cycle wants to control how we are being governed, we will need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post). The existing mainstream personnel are no longer broadcasters but are now propaganda ministers.




The” Never Trump” Republican leadership and Democrats in Congress are working diligently to sabotage the current legislative session. One of the ways they are trying to do so is by ignoring the President’s immigration position in favor of one dictated by their open border masters.   We need to reform how elections are financed.  My book has suggestions on ways to finance our elections.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.


The President made a mistake in proposing a DACA fix without completion of the border wall, mandatory E-verify, elimination of chain immigration and the visa lottery and fixing our current immigration laws and staffing to meet the reality of 21st century needs.  The warm body labor requirements of the 1930s do not come close to meeting the country’s current needs.


It was good that the House of Representatives voted on the Goodlatte and Speaker Ryan’s Immigration bills. When is the House of Representatives going to have real not fake leadership?  Now voters in the mid-term elections can base their vote on how their current representative running for re-election voted.  The U.S. Senate makes everyone wonder if they are Americans because they seem to ignore most legislation passed by the House.  So a choice there is more difficult.  One thing for sure, don’t vote for anyone who has “served” two or more terms no matter what party they represent.  Senators are only concerned with self importance and TV face time.


The American public needs to start DEMANDING THAT EACH CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE SIGN A LEGAL ACCOUNTABILITY CONTRACT AGREEING TO BE RECALLED IF HIS OR HER CONSTITUENTS PETITION FOR A RECALL VOTE, AN ELECTION IS HELD, AND IF THE ELECTION RESULTS IN A LOSS, IMMEDIATE TERMINATION. If the United States Constitution had an Accountability Amendment, the responsibility for good government would be securely in the hands of the voters.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. To give the American voter the ability at any time during the election cycle to make changes necessary to control how we are governed, we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post). The existing mainstream personnel are no longer broadcasters but are now propaganda ministers.


My book has more suggestions on ways to fix our government. It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.




Some news anchors have consistently reported that the rank and file members of the FBI are not a problem. This observer disagrees with any statement that implies that all rank and file members are loyal patriots.


What these anchors seem to be forgetting is that many FBI agents quit or were fired during the Obama Administration. Ex- President Obama was and is always politically motivated.  You can rest assured that any member of the federal bureaucracy hired by his administration was vetted to make sure that he or she agreed with the Obama left wing political philosophy.  Many of these persons are still in the federal bureaucracy.  Therefore, while there may still be some non-political members of the federal bureaucracy, after eight years of Obama, it is difficult to believe that their numbers are more than just a few.  The only way to cleanse the bureaucracy is to fire every member of each politically weaponized bureau or department.  Rehiring of properly vetted persons could be done by trusted President Trump loyalists.  It is this observer’s opinion that all federal bureaus and departments were politically weaponized by the Obama Administration.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post). The existing mainstream personnel are no longer broadcasters but are now propaganda ministers.



As an ordinary American citizen, this observer is extremely offended by the outrageous abuse to which the White House press corps puts Sarah Huckabee Sanders each time she tries to communicate with them. The press corps has no class or behavior standards and for that reason this observer hopes that the American people demand that the daily TV broadcast be terminated immediately.  Instead, the White House can issue a bulletin and take only written questions to be answered later.  It won’t stop the propaganda press from issuing the garbage they do, but they don’t get the TV face time.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. This is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



The Inspector General’s Report and conclusions prove that THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN THE AMERICAN JUSTICE SYSTEM. No bias!!!  Are you kidding?  Does this report reflect the corruption cover up changes made by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his head henchman Rod Rosenstein?  Does it not confirm that the Justice Department does not prosecute crimes by politically connected persons—only ordinary people without political connections are prosecuted and sent to jail?  There will never be equal justice under the law in any Justice Department run by Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein.


Arresting underlings to get them to testify and perjure themselves to convict their boss is despicable. Is the prosecutor informing everyone that there is no crime or that his or her investigative staff is lazy or just incompetent?  How many people are currently in jail due to this tactic?  Any judge at any level that tolerates this type of prosecutor behavior is unfit to serve.  This used to be America, but maybe it isn’t any more.


Since the United States Supreme Court is infected by six justices who are biased political activists, their lack of allegiance to and protection of the United States Constitution has negatively infected the whole legal system.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. This is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)



It has been reported in the press that FBI agent Peter Strozk was demoted by sending him to the FBI human resources department. Anyone who believes that is completely naive or stupid.  His masters sent him there to cleanse and modify as necessary all relevant personnel files.  If he had access to past employee files, those files were probably modified as well.


It is this observer’s opinion that his announcement that he is willing to testify before another toothless congressional committee was his signal to his masters that the file transformation was complete. Who are his masters?  The public needs to know.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).


My book The Way I See It has a suggestion on how to stop political candidates for office begging for money.  The book can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



The G-7 countries are all worried that President Trump’s tariff policy will stop them from practicing unfair trade practices. Almost all of the “economic experts, news commentators and politicians” have spoken out against American tariffs and advocate free trade.  What is free trade?


Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary defines free trade as: “trade carried out without governmental regulations, especially, international trade conducted, without protective tariffs, customs duties, etc.”  Webster further defines a tariff as:  “a list or system of taxes placed by a government upon exports or, especially, imports.”


All these so-called experts must not know what free trade is because you can see that if a tariff is imposed on an import, free trade no longer exists. Are these so-called experts now preaching propaganda or do they think everyone is just dumb?  You decide.  As long as a tariff exists, there is no free trade.


When foreign cars are imported into the United States with a 2.5% tariff and our American made cars must pay a 25-30% tariff to be imported into a foreign country, the truth is that this kind of international trade Is neither free nor fair. When Wall Street, the Chamber of Commerce and politicians complain that high tariffs here will harm the American people, they are only worried that they will make less money.  They don’t give a damn about the loss of American jobs that these unfair tariffs cause.


Ordinary Americans understand that these so-called experts and politicians are full of what makes green grass grow and why they support illegal immigration so much. It is all about money, power and control.  When poor young people grow up and learn more about life, they see what the selfish rich half wants.  Money, money, money and they don’t care who gets hurt as long as they get their money.  We don’t need Americans like that.


Prior to Donald J. Trump being elected President of the United States, the world’s economy was in the doldrums. After he became President and began destroying the stupid regulations THAT THE DEMOCRATS AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION PUT IN PLACE TO CONTROL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO SHOW US WHO WAS BOSS, the economy started to take off and grow.  GDP went up by 1% just based on less regulation and business owners’ optimism.  The economies of the world began to grow again.  Based on their inept immigration policies, the EU may not have the brainpower to fix the mess they have willingly created.  They will complain about tariffs and mismanage their countries until the cows come home.  We saved their butts twice before, but not this time.


This is America and Americans come first. Let the world government loyalists pack their bags and permanently move overseas.  Good riddance to bad rubbish.  Oh yes, please take with you the garbage celebrities that promised that they would leave the country if President Trump was elected but are still here.  Most of the filthy entertainment celebrities are pure scum we just don’t need.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.



Minority rule began with the Warren Supreme Court when those justices decided that they would start making law instead of interpreting and adjudicating constitutionality of laws passed by the Congress and signed by our President. With the appointment of political hack justices, it has continued to the present day as the “court” forces 320 million people to accede to the demands of extremely small groups of citizens.  Where has” majority rule” gone?


Soon the day will come when everyone chooses to ignore Supreme Court rulings because they know that the justices have gone on another unconstitutional law making spree. Since the first approval of Obamacare, six justices on the Supreme Court have become an anarchist court contributing to the lawless behavior of our citizens and government.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).



This analysis is based totally on what this observer has seen and heard on TV on the North Korean denuclearization issue.


During the time when Kim Jong Un and North Korea were detonating nuclear weapons and firing ballistic missiles over Japan and towards the United States, he and his nation got a lot of international press coverage. Successful tests were celebrated.  As a vassal of Communist China, he accepted China’s necessary support and apparently did not worry about consequences until threatened by United States potential military retaliation and his potential removal.  After President Trump put him on notice that these nuclear and missile tests would no longer be tolerated, on a personal level, Kim Jong Un’s demeanor became grim.


During the Korean War, when North Korea was close to defeat, China entered the war and sent thousands of men to fight. A Korean War veteran once told me that the waves of Chinese used to attack our forces was such that when a Chinese soldier was shot and killed, the next wave of Chinese would attack without any weapons.  The attackers would pick up and use the dead Chinese soldiers’ weapon.  Obviously, human casualties were of no concern to the Chinese at that time.


For over 50 years North Korea has been a Chinese vassal. China does not want to lose the diplomatic pain to the West by having a complacent North Korea.  China has very likely used North Korea to test their weaponry so they could gain the knowledge without notoriety.  If North Korea denuclearizes and eliminates ballistic missile testing, China may have to do all of their own testing.


It is interesting to note that when North Korea agreed to participate in the Winter Olympics with South Korea, the deep chill with the West seemed to start to thaw. Subsequently North Korea agreed to meet with the South Korean President Moon Jae-in.  Kim Jong Un went to the demilitarized zone and met with the South Korean President.  To this observer, Kim Jong Un’s demeanor was one of a man who had become more relaxed and at ease with what he was doing during his visit.  Is an agreement to possibly end the Korean War a way for North Korea to begin to escape from their servitude to China and possibly Russia and rejoin the world’s community of nations?

During the meeting between the North Koreans and then CIA Director Mike Pompeo, could it be that an offer was made to keep Kim Jong Un in power with his regime rejoining the community of nations and have “normal” trade and diplomatic relations? Would a North Korea with normal trade and diplomatic relations still need to remain under total Chinese control?  Is it possible that the loss of North Korea to the world might cause problems for China?


After tentatively agreeing to meet with President Trump, Kim Jong Un visited China and their President Xi Jinping. After this meeting, relations with the United States became strained and President Trump cancelled the June 12th meeting in Singapore.  Could it be that Xi Jinping warned North Korea about getting too friendly with the West?  Please note that according to news reports, within hours of the meeting cancellation the North Korean government requested that the meeting previously planned should be held.  Subsequently, North Korea sent a high ranking emissary to Washington D.C. to deliver a letter to President Trump.


Recently the official Korean Central News Agency has reported that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s will visit North Korea. Is he going to North Korea to try to get nuclear and missile technology from North Korea?  Is this another attempt by China and Russia to try to keep North Korea in their camp?  Logically, if a country has been under the control of another nation for over 50 years, why would the controlled country want to remain in servitude if their survival is no longer dependent on this control?


At the time this blog is being written, the June 12th meeting is once more on the schedule.  Since the Libya comment was made public, it is understandable the Kim Jong Un is uneasy about any future deal with the United States.  So it looks like a “trust, but verify” approach will be used by both sides of any agreement and for that reason progress will likely proceed in stages—but quickly and not at diplomatic speed.  President Trump does not appear to be someone who will patiently let the consummation of any agreement be delayed for long and he has a “big stick”.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. This is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post).



To this observer, Attorney General Jeff Sessions appears to be allowing Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to execute a coup d’etat to remove President Trump from office.  The so-called evidence presented to start the Trump witch hunt investigation has been proven to be false.  If anyone believes that the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) leadership is honest, they have been living on another planet.


One way to combat this corruption may be to have a brave member of the House of Representative file articles of impeachment on Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller. This trio of individuals has consistently demonstrated that they think they are above the law by ignoring all rules, regulations and laws that they don’t like.  The emails published so far document the evil intent of past and present FBI and DOJ leadership.  Now that the witch hunt has evolved into a coup d’etat, it is imperative that these three persons be removed from government.  It would be very enlightening for the 2018 mid-term voters to have an impeachment vote in both the House and Senate before the 2018 election so that they can see where their representatives will stand on law and order and equal justice under the law.  This observer’s prediction is that almost every lawyer in Congress votes no.


“Never Trump” Speaker Paul Ryan will try to prevent a vote in the House if he can.   It is not known what Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell will do in the Senate.  A political attack must be opened in this war against corruption by starting action to remove Paul Ryan as House Speaker now and replace him with someone who will support a real cleanup of the corrupt FBI, Department of Justice, IRS, EPA and NSA.  The FISA Court must be changed because when over 95% of all warrant applications are approved, there is something fishy with the system and/or the judges.


All coup d’etat conspirators must be arrested and executed upon conviction.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. This is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The biggest joke of this year is the Democratic Party calling for the return to the rule of law. The Democrats ignored the rule of law when a Special Counsel was appointed without any of the required evidence of a crime being committed.  All Democratic appointed judges including Supreme Court Justices ignore recusal when a conflict of interest is evident.   The Democrats paid for manufactured false evidence in order to spy on President Trump’s campaign with Fisa Court approval.  The Special Counsel was in charge of the FBI while the FBI was weaponized by the Obama Administration.  In 2016 the Democrats nominated for President of the United States an candidate that the whole world could see from the evidence presented on TV that she was an unindicted criminal.  The fix was in.  Why are the Democrats covering up the murder of Seth Rich using the dirty Washington DC cops and corrupt politicians?  What about Uranium One sale of 20% America’s uranium supply to the Russians and the Clinton connection?  This observer’s opinion is that the Democratic Party politicians and judges are so corrupt that they are evil and in their efforts to regain power and control are trashing the rule of law and endangering the security and future of this nation.


Why is it that our schools do not have perimeter security such as TV surveillance and fences (with motion detection to detect intruders), limited entry points with detection technology (metal detectors) and armed protectors inside each school to keep our kids and school staff safe when this security package is possible and can be done TODAY? Guns kill but only when used by a person.  Entitlement and political correctness—censorship—supported by the school administrations and teachers unions are the reasons some young people think that they have the right to kill.  Every person advocating more gun control who has a firearm or armed security protection and is not a 100% gun free person or group is a scum covered hypocrite.


The Justice Department and AG Jeff Sessions are a cruel joke and a DEEP STATE organization. AG Sessions is more concerned with his reputation than restoring integrity to his department.  His inaction proves he doesn’t give a damn about this country.  He ignores and covers up Democratic criminal activity.  The rule of law and equal justice under the law will never happen under his administration.  HE MUST GO.  If vigilante justice begins in this country, he will be one of the reasons why.


The Mueller gang exists only to execute a coup d’etat. Sure looks like the Deputy AG is an active member of this group.  This group must be investigated for planning a coup d’etat.  Upon conviction, all coup d’etat members must be executed.


The Democrats do not want another Special Counsel because that person would still be on the job investigating no matter who wins the 2018 election. The Democrats do not want the truth to be known.  Hopefully President Trump’s team can figure out a way to get another Special Counsel appointed.  It would really help if Justice Department rank and file would declare themselves to be whistleblowers and testify against the department outlaws at every level.  As long as they stay silent, the whole department will remain suspect and will not be trusted by the public.


It is this observer’s opinion that current law does not adequately protect whistleblowers. They need to be compensated 1-3 million dollars upon verification of their evidence so that they can avoid future job discrimination and disappear to start a new life after having served their country.  If you think that 1-3 million dollars is too much money to fix a problem, how much money do you think is disappearing into the pockets of the crooked and dishonest politicians and bureaucrats?


During his administration, ex-President Barack Obama declared that he wanted to visit all 57 states—but there are only 50. Now he is on the record saying that the world would be a better place if there were a million Barack Obamas.  Really??  Really??


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. This is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



President Trump is hated by all establishment politicians because he has and is currently proving that political leaders are accountable to the voters and that campaign promises can be kept. The President is hated by the corrupt mainstream media because he routinely bypasses them and makes them irrelevant by communicating directly with the people using his Twitter account.  How can they distort and change what he says when everyone can read it—although they keep trying to do so every day.  Observation shows us that the corrupt media are doing their level best to sabotage everything the President does or says.  “What goes around comes around” and they will in due time become more and more irrelevant.


Now for the mid-term elections, every politician running for office must be held accountable to the best interests of the Constitution and country first and then their constituency. This can be accomplished by making every candidate sign a legal accountability contract that stipulates that, if elected, the politician agrees to be recalled and resign from office upon losing a special election initiated by a constituent petition and a special election—one or more of which can be held at any time after the general election.  Candidate failure to sign any accountability contract informs the public that the candidate does not want to be held accountable.  Do you Mr. and Mrs. American voter want to be represented by anyone like that?  If you say yes, you are insane and don’t deserve good government.  Since it appears that half of the U.S. population gets their news from mainstream propaganda media sources, half of this country’s voters are insane to varying degrees because they probably voted in 2016 for an unindicted criminal to be President of the United States.  So dumb and so sad!!


What do you do when no one signs an accountability contract? You go to war against the current political system.  It will take a war attitude to be effective and get what you want—which is an honest politician who wants to be elected to actually fight the system to improve the country and help his constituents.  It may be too late to find a true Independent who has no party allegiance and does not want any.  As long as that person signs a legal accountability contract, that person’s supporters must do what it is necessary in terms of phone calls, newspaper and TV ads, leaflets, etc. to promote the candidate.


If it is too late to place an independent on the ballot, then a write-in candidate is your only choice. To be effective, you will need to convince the voters that voting for a Democrat or RINO is throwing your vote away.  Both parties will spend a lot of money to smear any independent or write-in candidate.  That is just how the dirty politics of today works.  Be prepared to fight this with a true grassroots organization that goes out into the public to inform the public of why they should vote for your candidate.  Distributing leaflets can be an effective and inexpensive way to get your message out.  Be sure to point out the political bias of the newspapers and TV stations and the recent track record of Democratic and RINO politicians.  If the voter is smart, this information will be duly noted.  If the voters are fascist/communist lovers, don’t waste your time with them.  They are part of the problem.  They are brain dead and will never change their minds.


On term limits, if your current local, state and federal representatives are reformists seeking smaller less costly government with less regulation and more individual freedom, then perhaps that person deserves your vote. Lacking such qualifications, enforce term limits by rejecting any incumbent politician who has been in office for more than two terms or six years.  Long term politicians oppose progress and only vote to preserve the status quo (THE SWAMP).


Comrade Bernie Sanders will promise free everything if he runs for President again. The young people of this country who have been indoctrinated by their teachers in school want free everything without recognizing that free everything will bankrupt the country and turn this country into a banana republic.  The teachers and their unions have not been held accountable to the voters so the quality of education delivered continues to deteriorate.  Do the teachers really care about the country as long as they get their pensions?  Do they dumb down everything instead of intellectually challenging their students?  The answers are yes.


The Obama Administration convinced too many people that a college education is a must. Will a college grad be able to fix his air conditioner, repair plumbing or clogged sewer lines or fix an electrical problem without calling in a technician?  The answer for most of them is no.  Maybe those college degrees will pay dividends in today’s economy approaching full employment.  Did the government sell these young people a bill of goods to get them to incur debt when thousands of high paying skilled labor jobs go unfilled due to lack of qualified applicants?  The answer is yes.  These jobs come without incurring any student loan debt.


Many of the jurisdictional problems we have today are due to ignoring the following original Bill of Rights 16th Amendment [1] which was never approved.


“The powers delegated by the constitution to the government of the United States, shall be exercised as therein appropriated, so that the legislature shall never exercise the powers vested in the executive or judicial; nor the executive the powers vested in the legislative or judicial; nor the judicial the powers vested in the legislative or executive”.[2]


You will note that in recent years that the executive and judicial branches have exercised powers they do not have while the legislature has abdicated their legislative responsibilities by letting the executive issue regulations that become law. This is bad government.  No wonder no one respects the Congress.  They are always on vacation.  With so little time spent and so little accomplished, is it time to start paying Congress part time pay with benefits only when in session?




[2] Ibid


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.


Once again school children were attacked for being alive and wanting an education. Once again government came up short by not using common sense to protect our children.  God help us that we must tolerate our ineffective political system to accomplish something very simple and this important.


Based on news reports—non mainstream—it appears that the Santa Fe, Texas school had implemented a program to protect the children, but they came up short. Why??  They apparently did not have perimeter security with restricted entry.  All schools must have a restricted entry perimeter security defense system.  Why is a perimeter defense system mandatory?  Quite simply it is because you cannot prevent something unless you know it is coming.  Perimeter security must warn the defenders of imminent danger in time to lock down the school and activate the defense before there is a single casualty except for the armed assailant.  The objective is to prevent the deaths of students and faculty—not minimizes the number of dead and wounded.


Despite two officers at the Santa Fe school,10 people were still killed. That is 10 people too many.  A perimeter fence system with fewer entry points can be defended.  If this perimeter is violated, then an alarm can be sounded and the killer’s entry and passage obstructed to buy time for the school locked-down system to work before the killer enters the school proper to kill.  With armed security on-site and TV surveillance, armed security can attack the persons who have violated the perimeter.  With electronic metal detectors at every perimeter entry point, guns can be detected.  In addition, motion detectors must monitor the entire perimeter so when someone throws something over the fence and/or tries to come over the fence, they are detected, an alarm is sounded and the violators are intercepted and stopped.  The hell with the cost and how it looks to the world, the important thing is how it works to stop the killing.


WE DON’T NEED ANY MORE STUPID LAWS THAT POLITICIANS PASS AND THE CRIMINALS AND KILLERS ALWAYS IGNORE. Banks have armed guards to protect their money while our children who are our future go unprotected.  If money is the problem, remove the security from the court system and sporting events so our children can be protected.  What is more important?  Why do our duplicitous politicians always want to punish law abiding Americans to deny the right to bear arms to be able to defend their families and themselves?   The true answer is to make a violent overthrow of our government much easier for the fascist/communist wannabes.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. This is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



Both Special Counsel Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein have violated the rules of conduct and Department of Justice procedures in their witch hunt prosecution of our President. This observer believes that these persons consider themselves to be above the law and therefore violate and ignore the law.  They are masquerading as honest and diligent public servants.  Are they are trying to run out the statute of limitations clock on their potential Uranium One involvement?  What they are trying to do or may have already done is destroy all FBI and Department of Justice creditability.  Since the Attorney General and the rank and file members of these departments appear to be doing nothing to restore the rule of law and equal justice under the law, maybe the President should fire everyone in both departments and start over with people who do respect these principles.


Is it time for the Second Amendment militia to be activated to help President Trump restore the rule of law to this country? Is it time to start detaining government officials including judges in detention centers while the American people deal with the political insurrection currently underway?  All coup d’etat conspirators must be executed after conviction.  The longer the government takes to fix the problem, the greater will be the risk that there may be a “Hunger Games Rebellion” against those persons who have promoted corruption in politics, government and in the propaganda plagued (fake news) mainstream media.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



To operate a motor vehicle in each state every driver must have a driver’s license with his or her photo identification. These head and shoulder photos are routinely made each time a driver’s license is renewed.


If every state required a head and shoulder photo with the voter’s name attached to be made for every voter prior to casting a ballot, there would be a record of everyone who voted. This procedure is simple, fast and easy to implement.  After the election, every photo would be scanned by facial recognition software to determine if that person voted illegally.  All write-in ballots should be verified as received because the easiest way for dead people and people who have moved out of district to vote is by someone sending in a write-in ballot.


Those states that refuse to use this procedure are telling the world that they tolerate and/or promote voter fraud. This procedure should be used for all states because it is possible for illegal voters to vote under different names using a photo ID.  A backup copy of these voter photos must be made to discourage “lost and missing” data.  Any discrepancies in these records require them to be impounded and stored under lock and key until resolution is reached.  All voter fraud convictions of a voter or election official must require a minimum 10 year prison sentence.  Prevention not punishment is the goal.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post for suggestions)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth and not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.


The stench of corruption is pervasive in our country. It starts with the indoctrination of our children in the educational system to convince them that the state rather than their parents are the ones to tell the children how to live.  This is a good communist tactic used successfully in the former Soviet Union.  Is this why young people today are more inclined to kill their parents?  To this observer, the answer is yes.  Next the indoctrination includes entitlement and then political correctness—censorship—to keep the children from learning the truth.  Religion and teaching history without liberal fascist interpretation are forbidden subjects.  Do these issues contribute to student mass murders?  To this observer, the answer is yes.  The schools seem to have forgotten that the Pilgrims escaped from Europe to avoid religious persecution.  The world government devotees love raising stupid kids so they can import  better educated aliens to staff and run the businesses at lower cost.  Our kids have the native intelligence but, while smart enough, do not have the quality education needed to help them compete.  Whose fault is that?  The fault lies with the school systems which have teachers unions.  No wonder more and more parents are home schooling their children.


The public school student test scores have been dropping for at least two decades. How are the businesses in this country going to compete in a world economy with under educated employees?  The school systems are not educating the young before they enter the workforce, so the youngsters have little value beyond another warm body. When the young people go into the workforce most likely in customer service, these entitlement and PC creatures are a disaster.  They are arrogant, rude and uninformed.  Several years ago this observer called a satellite TV company with a question.  I talked to three different representatives and got three different answers to the same question.  For the same company, I had to write two letters to discontinue charges for a premium channel I didn’t watch.  Oh yes, when this company needed to install a new satellite dish, their programmed installer tried to tell me how the installation must be done after my discussion with customer service allowed me to do what I wanted to do.  This kind of treatment is called customer service?  This country will be in serious serious trouble in the future with more young people like these.


Student test scores to measure attainment and student indoctrination are as dumb as the teachers’ unions and the teachers. Teachers have been known to teach only how to get good test scores instead of educating the children in their classes.  Like everything else, the teachers must be held accountable to educate their students to a high standard which may be something other than a standardized test score.  The government employee unions must be held accountable to the public for the services they provide—not by how much money they contribute to a political party.


Politically, the Democrats continuously make wild emotional accusations against conservatives without any documented factual basis or they make up “facts” to support their argument. They claim to support minorities, but only do so to get their vote and then ignore minority needs after elected.  They also condone and support violent groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  The Democrats and establishment Republicans support open borders and unlimited immigration without realizing that when the immigrant numbers exceed native born Americans, the immigrants will control everything.  How stupid can they be in this ugly pursuit of illegal immigrant votes?  Sanctuary cities which protect illegal aliens negate the rule of law and the crime rate goes up because there is no rule of law.  But the non citizens do illegally vote and the Democrats want them to vote early and often.  The Republicans support open borders so they can import and exploit immigrant labor.  Instead of votes, they place their personal pursuit of money and wealth ahead of safe and secure cities.  As long as they are rich and can protect themselves, they don’t care about anyone else.  Are any of these politicians really human beings?  Both parties support government programs that we cannot afford in pursuit of power and control over what they consider to be stupid uninformed voters.  Medicare, Social Security, Welfare, Medicaid and Food Stamps are all programs that will ultimately create chaos for the American people if not reformed, but the politicians will not do it.  The stench of political corruption is overpowering in these areas.  We need statesmen who are concerned about the future of this country—not politicians who are only worried about the next election.  Reform not politics is what is necessary or we will no longer have a country.  Once again we need statesmen instead of the many politicians who have become fascists.  Politically, the establishment politicians in both parties have gone from corrupt and bad to evil.  Evil must be destroyed.


By the way, the so-called mainstream media has morphed from simply bad to evil and evil must be destroyed.


Please note that the stench of corruption is not limited to the federal government.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth instead of propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice have become the American Gestapo. Until the rank and file members of the Fumbling Bureau of Incompetence and Department of InJustice repeatedly demonstrate to the American public that they are loyal Americans, they will be considered to be members of the dirtiest scumbag departments in the federal government collection of scumbag agencies politicized and weaponized by the administration of our 44th President of the United States.  If the rank and file members of these departments don’t arrest their corrupt management soon, then it is time to completely dissolve both departments and start over.  Since we do not have the rule of law and equal justice under the law as well as good and honest federal law enforcement now, they will never be missed in the interim.  The outlaw Democratic and RINO Republican members of Congress will oppose this action for obvious reasons.  Only those members of Congress who support reform deserve the public’s support.


The coup d’etat planning is still underway. Now a New York section of the DOJ is part of the cabal.  You know that Rosenstein and Mueller would have never included them in the cabal unless they were dirty.  This is another reason to dissolve the Department of Justice and start over.  Prosecution must begin before the Uranium One statute of limitations is reached.


Please note that to my knowledge the only time in the last decade that the FBI did an excellent job was recently when they worked with state and local officials to identify and find in four days the Austin, Texas bomber who killed himself when they tried to arrest him.


Sadly, it is this observer’s opinion that there is no branch of the federal government that that is free from the corrupt practices of the last administration including six members of the Anarchist Supreme Court. If the Special Counsel continues to proceed with action to remove President Trump, what will they do if millions of militia members suddenly grab their guns and go into the streets hunting for coup d’etat planners?  A coup d’etat is anarchy which we know means no rule of law and anarchy can work in both directions.  Those members of the government currently trying to execute a coup d’etat to replace President Trump must be arrested convicted and executed.  An example must be made of them to show present and future citizens that the consequence of coup d’etat participation is death.


Is it time for the President to call out the militia created by our founding fathers to quell the domestic insurrection currently underway? It is this observer’s opinion that the military should not be part of any militia operation.  The highest ranking law enforcement official in each political jurisdiction is the sheriff.  Is it time for the honest patriotic sheriffs to start recruiting and deputizing the millions of armed unpaid volunteer militia members needed to quell this insurrection?


By evading the investigation and prosecution of the lawless behavior of the FBI and Justice Department, the government risks the public losing patience with them and then deciding to bypass the government to directly administer justice to these outlaws. Don’t be surprised if it happens.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The way the Omnibus bill was drawn up at the last minute ignored the other members of Congress and forced them to vote for it to prevent a government shutdown which might have endangered the security of this nation. For that abuse of power, Senators Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell and Representatives Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi must be impeached.  Please note that impeachment is possible.  These four politicians chose to ignore the wishes of the American people and told everyone else to go to hell.  They are despicable.  To remove them would be good riddance to bad rubbish.  Who in the House of Representatives is going to have the courage to introduce the articles of impeachment?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth (see 2/1/2018 post)


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  For $5 you can buy and download a PDF copy from Outskirts  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.




Why hasn’t James Comey been arrested? Answer:  We don’t have an attorney general.


Why haven’t lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page been arrested? Answer:  We don’t have an attorney general.


Why hasn’t Hillary Clinton been arrested? Answer:  We don’t have an attorney general.


Why hasn’t Andrew McCabe been arrested? Answer:  We don’t have an attorney general.


Why have there been no arrests of the scum in the FBI and Department of Justice? Answer:  We don’t have an attorney general.


When are the American people going to get an attorney general who aggressively enforces the rule of law and equal justice under the law? Answer:  Who knows!!!!



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth (see 2/1/2018 post)


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  For $5 you can buy and download a PDF copy from Outskirts  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.




In the 1960s while in Australia, this observer became ill and spent three weeks in the hospital. At that time, Australia had a dual health care system.  They had a government run health care system and a private health care system.  As an American, while I suspect that initially I was in the government system, I was later transferred into the private system for which when I left, my company insurance policy was charged for my medical services.  Clearly, medical services as a non citizen were not free.  Why are they free here in the United States for anyone?  We do not have universal health care which as the VA has demonstrated can be a series of delays and possibly a death sentence.  Is the United States providing free healthcare for illegal aliens—and if so why?  Since illegals are not citizens, back charges should be sent to their country of origin for all medical services rendered followed by deportation.  If the illegals had to pay for their healthcare, would they still be here?  Are the American taxpayers supposed to provide free healthcare for the whole world?  Let us stop the politicians from using our tax money to buy illegal votes.  21 trillion dollars in debt and we provide free healthcare?


Welfare, food stamps, Medicare disability and Medicaid are all government run programs that are rife with waste, fraud and corruption. Without the public demanding bureaucratic accountability, the problems in these programs will never be fixed.  Save our tax money and country by aggressively agitating your congressional delegation to fix these problems NOW and accept no excuses.


For the young people who seem to dearly love socialism/communism, how will you pay off our national debt when too many government services are FREE????? Oh, I know how.  You become a slave to your government.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth (see 2/1/2018 post)


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  For $5 you can buy and download a PDF copy from Outskirts  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



It is the opinion of this observer that the reason the President Trump witch hunt is taking so much time is that it is a diversionary tactic to prevent investigation of Uranium One and other potentially corrupt activity. Mueller, Rosenstein and others to be named later must be investigated to determine the extent of their involvement in Uranium One which sold 20% of America’s uranium to Russia.  To save their butts, will the aforementioned two try to run the witch hunt for years?  That would be evil when there is no evidence that the Trump campaign committed a crime!!!


There was collusion with Russia to produce the fictional dossier, but the Democrats are the ones colluding with Russia–not the Trump administration. Why hasn’t Mueller investigated the spying on the Trump campaign by the Obama Administration during and after the 2016 election?  Anyone with integrity investigating Russian collusion would have started an investigation on the misuse of the fake Trump dossier by the Democratic Party in collusion with their FBI and Department of Justice operatives.  To what extent were the State Department, National Security Agency and FISA court involved in activities against the Trump Administration?


The firing of FBI deputy director McCabe by Attorney General Sessions is a step in the right direction to move towards the return to the rule of law, but it is not enough. Has McCabe participated in planning a coup d’etat?  After the smoke clears, anyone associated with planning a coup must be tried, convicted and executed.  If AG Sessions does not start indicting and arresting the Obama Administration outlaws he will have failed to perform his duties as Attorney General.  Wouldn’t that be a kind of obstruction of justice?


The American public has waited long enough for reason and common sense to return to the federal government. It would seem that now is the time to activate millions of constitutional militia members to clean out the insurrection that is the swamp.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth (see 2/1/2018 post)


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  For $5 you can buy and download a PDF copy from Outskirts  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



Mr. President, now that the Omnibus bill crafted by four corrupt politicians is now law, maybe it is time for you to repay them. The Democrats and establishment Republicans have sabotaged your administration from day one.  Together they have forged an alliance to inhibit your ability to govern with false accusations of Russian collusion—which legal commentators have agreed that collusion is not a crime.  In addition, they and their saboteur comrades in the federal bureaucracy have covered up crimes and delayed your attempts to properly staff the government.


Since you now do not have the constitutional authority to overturn the law, maybe you need to return the favor of slow walking and obstruction. May I suggest that all of those appropriations with which you do not agree—and this observer is not a constitutional authority—be released very slowly in small amounts.  If there is no time limit on when all the monies must be dispersed, then those payments could be spread out until you leave office.  As long as you release funds, you would be following the law.  The funds reduction would be done to help reduce the budget deficit until the remaining funds must be spent and the increased tax revenues from the tax cut begin to be received by the Treasury.  The benefits of this tactic would be plainly obvious to everyone.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Instead of building a humane border wall to eliminate illegal immigration and smuggling, a gruesome border wall could be put in place.


The gruesome border wall would consist of riflemen stationed 24/7/365 every 100 yards apart for the entire 2000 plus mile southern border with orders to shoot every invader who crosses the border illegally and render no aid after the person is shot. Leave the buzzards clean up the mess.  Should Mexico start shooting from their side of the border to wreck the gruesome wall, the US should return fire and destroy that section of the Mexican border.  When the shooting from Mexico stops, so does the destruction.


The gruesome wall effect would be so horrendous and sickening that all illegal trafficking would very likely stop within two to three weeks. Desperate measures like this might be considered by the public only if there are enough jackass members of Congress to play their political games and do nothing.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  For $5 you can buy and download a PDF copy from Outskirts  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.


It is time to start regulating the fake news media in order to receive factual and honest news. Please see my 2/1/2018 post on First Amendment Regulations.


Now to the tariffs

The Wall Street world government crowd is all upset and up in arms about President Trump’s steel and aluminum tariff announcements. Why should anyone be surprised?  After all, these money grubbers loved the corruption that came with the Obama Administration because they made loads of money and the government and stock market were very predictable.  Wall Street gave millions to the Clinton campaign to try to insure her election.  According to them, we ordinary people are pure scum.  Wrong!!!  They are the scum.  They all suffer from “Shifting brain disease”.  The greedy ones have zero common sense and no loyalty to this country.   Most of them made their millions and billions using the capitalistic system only to become socialist/communist advocates once they became rich.  All of a sudden these fat cats know everything there is to know about politics and how the poor peasants like us must be treated.  Paraphrasing what Rachel Campos-Duffy said on Fox and Friends one morning, socialist/communist governments don’t care about individual rights for their people.  These kinds of government are evil!!!


Over the last few decades these world government advocates have gained more influence and control over the nincompoop class of government and political workers. They even tried to elect an unindicted criminal President of the United States.  The Fumbling Bureau of Incompetence (FBI) even started planning a coup d’etat.  For that, those involved must be indicted, tried, convicted and executed.  Such is the sad state of affairs in this country.  And don’t expect Attorney General Sessions to do anything to prosecute Obama Administration corruption and to drain the SWAMP because he is timid and apparently does not believe in equal justice under the law..


Over the last decades, the unfair trade practiced by our government has transferred more and more critical and strategic industries to countries overseas. The time for U.S. largesse to help the world move to middle class is over.  Once again, from Fox and Friends and paraphrasing guest Anthony Scaramucci, for 71 years since the end of World War II, we have had trade practices which have hurt this country in order to help other countries.  While the Marshall Plan after World War II helped Western Europe from becoming communist, more recently our inept politicians and bureaucrats did not have the common sense and brains to anticipate the unintended consequences of their giveaway trade practices.  Mr. Economist, how can we have a consumer driven economy if no one has a job to earn the money to spend?   Enough is enough.  No more.


Steel and aluminum industries are critical to the defense of our country. Until President Trump, it appears that only our government didn’t know that.  This observer has not seen one TV broadcast that tried to differentiate between trade practices in general and critical defense trade practices.  Maybe it is because they have been world government indoctrinated and don’t care what happens to the people in this country.  Much like the car and energy industries, these industries are critical to the security of this country.  The EPA has tried to edict plastic cars that no one could survive in a crash in pursuit of insane fuel standards .  The Obama Administration EPA must have been populated by persons with zero technology expertise to dictate fuel standards that existing technology cannot achieve.  All of them must have suffered from “Shifting brain disease”.


Common sense—and there was little to none of that in previous administrations—tells us that a country selling motorcycles here with no tariff, but requiring a 100% tariff on our motorcycles exported to their country does not practice fair trade. Free trade is for only them—not us.  Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has explained how little these tariffs will affect costs to the American consumer.  But, of course, we know that the fake news world government crowd ignores him and makes statements that all tariffs are bad.  Note to mainstream newspersons:  Please help our country and get the hell out of it and never come back.  Go live in one of your favorite socialistic/communist countries .  And take the “entertainment” celebrities with you.  Good riddance to bad rubbish.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  For $5 you can buy and download a PDF copy from Outskirts  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



There is universal agreement that our school children must be safe in their school environment. There are two parts to this issue—security and politics.



According to a TV report, both political parties are guilty of making schools gun free zones. Former Vice President Biden proposed the gun free zone bill and President George H.W. Bush signed it into law.  The law is now a detriment to school security.


The local school boards and law enforcement must provide armed security for our schools ASAP. No excuses to avoid doing what must be done.  The type of armed security inside the schools must be determined by each locality.  The President favors training and arming teachers and other people prefer retired military or law enforcement.  The decision must be made locally with the law permitting either option.  In addition, perimeter security is needed.  For large schools, a perimeter fence with TV camera monitored entry is a must.  A roving armed guard would add another layer of security.  This type of security would be to prevent an incident instead of reacting to an incident.  Smaller schools might need less but at a minimum all schools would need TV monitored perimeter security.  The person monitoring perimeter security does not need to be armed to alert armed security of an impending incident.  Providing security to all schools is the ultimate way to keep our kids safe—not passing more stupid laws that will likely be ignored.


Security also includes classroom discipline. When any student attacks a teacher, the police must be called.  Tell your school board that if classroom discipline is not enforced that you will sue every one of them for dereliction of duty and then do it.  Troublesome students belong in a special school where they can get help as well as an education.  Sticking your head in the sand does not solve the problem.  These special schools must be designed to address drug addiction which usually increases crime as well as mental illness.  From where does the money come?  Go after the fraud and waste in food stamps, welfare, Medicare and Medicaid.  If the state and local government authorities are not up to the job, then have them resign and find someone who knows how to use their brains to solve problems.  Throwing money at these problems has solved NOTHING.



The background checks, potential weapon prohibition, new gun purchase age limits, etc. will all be discussed and politicized until the cows come home with very little if any good legislation proposed and passed. It will also depend on persons in the Fumbling Bureau of Incompetence (FBI) doing their jobs by following the law which we have seen does not always happen.  By the way, the FBI failure to notify local FBI personnel in Florida was probably made by a rank and file FBI agent.  Is this another example of what happens when an FBI Director and a President politicize and weaponize a branch of government?  Hello James Comey, Robert Mueller and ex-President Barack Obama!!!!!!!


We all know that the outlaws will ignore the law to try to kill the innocents.  The actions and competency of local law enforcement are problems that must be solved by the local and state governments.  While the President is right to insist that we must act now to prevent future mass killings, the nincompoops in the United States Congress seem to be incapable of doing anything to fix the problem.  Let the states and locals handle security and let the feds pass more stupid legislation.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns


Well, another school tragedy has happened and 17 people will never get to experience life. Why??  Politics, politics, politics.


What politicians seem to forget is that our government’s most important obligation and priority must be safety for all Americans. This means we must have a strong military to protect our country from foreign aggression and fair and just enforcement of our laws at all levels of government to protect every American citizen from violence and discrimination.  This also means that there is no place in this system for activist judges who want to make law instead of interpreting the law.  We do not have a fair and just justice system today.  We have segments of our law enforcement and judicial system which seem to have total disregard for equal justice under the law and have adopted a dual justice system—one for the politically connected and another for the rest of us.  The political climate in this country has degenerated into one that advocates class warfare and anarchy.  This must change before the public rebels against this stupid political system that is doing nothing to prosecute and jail the corrupt political rattlesnakes.  A Constitutional crisis cannot be averted because it is already here.


Common sense tells us that any firearm without someone operating it cannot kill anyone.


Two things must be done immediately and neither requires new laws. The number of persons killed by a mass murderer or terrorist is highest in the first five minutes of the attack.  This is how long it usually takes for the police to get to the crime scene.  Common sense now tells us that to prevent this, trained armed security must always be onsite.  For onsite security to be effective, they must monitor every person coming on campus.  This means that open campuses will become a thing of the past.  For a large school of 3000 children this would mean a fenced perimeter campus with enough entrances and security personnel for multiple entrances.  The most important thing this plan provides is security for everyone on campus.  Isn’t that what is desired?  The parents of every school student must demand that their children be protected by trained armed guards until a permanent solution can be found.


At the same time, discipline in the classroom is mandatory. Unruly students must be removed from classes and sent to a school that has only problem children where they can be closely observed to determine whether or not anyone could later become a danger to society.  Build and staff whatever schools are required to meet this need.  No place to send a troubled child is an unacceptable excuse that politicians use all the time.  Get rid of those politicians.  Build and staff what is needed to stop the carnage.


Our young people are addicted to violent video games, movies and noise that the rappers call music.  Our constitution may not permit banning, so if a special expensive tax on these activities were charged, then hopefully their popularity would radically decrease along with the violence.


Common sense tells us that the social media companies should monitor sites for potential violent behavior. All of them spy on their users to collect information that they later sell.  When someone posts something on social media they have given up their privacy.  Why can’t social media companies advise law enforcement when a potential mass murderer is detected so a judge can decide whether or not to issue a warrant that allows the police to monitor that individual or group until such time that the degree of danger to the public can be determined.  Go to a FISA judge, they approve everything.


Common sense says that the indoctrination of our young students by teachers of questionable character and motives creates obedient human robots who will do what they are told to do instead of thinking about the consequences of their actions.


Common sense tells us that entitlement can raise an individual’s expectations above what many persons could reasonably expect with tragic and violent results.


Common sense tells us that political correctness prevents any discussion with persons of opposing views to solve problems. Institutional promotion of political correctness is dangerous and unconstitutional.


We don’t need more stupid laws that are not obeyed by those who wish to do violence on others. What is needed is recognition that the consequence of killing another human being is a death sentence upon conviction regardless of the murderer’s mental state.  This society does not need to provide years of room, board and healthcare at public expense for anyone who has denied life to another human being or pay legal fees for appeals in those cases where there is undeniable evidence of guilt.


At the same time, this country cannot continue to ignore and deny help to persons with mental illness and/or addiction problems. Armed protection may be both the short and long term solution to school shootings, but addressing mental health issues will be the way we must work towards resolving dysfunctional family issues, crime and addiction.  Maybe a return to God and the traditional family are the true solutions.  Sadly, the road to mental health solutions must go through the jackass Congress and the jackass judicial systems where politics always prevails over common sense solutions that benefit the American people.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


At one time in this country’s history, miscegenation was illegal and outlawed. Like so many of the stupid laws passed by legislatures, these laws were repealed.  Miscegenation is taking place on a much higher frequency than in the past.  This observer believes that it occurs naturally in many societies.


Why then have TV commercials been promoting miscegenation for the past two years? Since this observer does not watch mainstream TV media, it is unknown if this message is part of their programming as well.  Most of these commercials have a couple consisting of a black man and a white woman.  More recently the ads have used a white man with a minority child and maybe he is kissing a black woman.  In reality, it has been reported that when a black woman marries a white man, the black community call her a whore.  Is this why Tina Turner lives in Europe?  Why are there so many black racists who have no tolerance for someone who chooses a non conforming lifestyle?  When they do that, aren’t they denigrating Dr. Martin Luther King’s message?


It is assumed that these commercials are part of the left’s attack on the white man and his values. Could all of this be part of a plan to promote minority rule such as that found in socialist and communist governments or is it just following the Communist Rules for Revolution as the Democratic Party has done for most of the last decade?



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


As each day passes, the concerned American public learns more about the corruption of our federal government. Those citizens who watch the mainstream media blissfully see nothing wrong because they only see and hear the propaganda.  Shame on them for being so disinterested and uniformed.


The more we learn, the more corruption in new areas comes to light. This is a sad commentary on the state of the union.  To make matters worse, the Justice Department under Attorney General Sessions does nothing to indict and prosecute the outlaws despite the whole world knowing that the evidence to do so exists.  More and more his inaction makes everyone wonder if his loyalty is to our country or to the Deep State.  With inaction each day the demand for justice becomes stronger and more dangerous.


Will the lack of justice precipitate nationwide public action similar to the “Hunger Games Rebellion”? This country does not need that type of response, but it is extremely apparent that the rule of law and equal justice under the law are absent for the political class in Washington DC.


To avoid a rebellion, the President could activate the constitutionally created militia but without the executive orders issued by Presidents Bush and Obama involving the military. The military’s mission is to defend and protect us from external enemies.  It makes more sense to have the country’s highest elected law enforcement official in each county or parish (sheriff) organize and deputize a posse (militia) to begin the return to the rule of law.  In this case, the rule of law must begin at the grassroots and work its way up the government chain.  Those government officials who do not support  the rule of law could be placed in the detention centers for which ex-President Obama requested quotes and may have had built until it has been decided what to do with them.


Those persons who are part of the cabal to overthrow the duly elected administration of President Trump with a coup must be prosecuted, convicted and executed.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth (see 2/1/2018 post)


Based on the White House press corps’ questions to the President’s doctor about President Trump’s recent health examination, it has been confirmed that at least 95% of the White House press corps suffer from “Shifting Brain Disease”. Sadly, “Shifting Brain Disease” most likely affects many of the persons who believe those reports issued by the White House press corps.


NEWSFLASH: The mainstream media has fallen in love with Rocket Man’s little sister at the Olympics and have characterized her as a “Political Princess”.  To assist the mainstream media with their love fest, let us charter a ship and then load the mainstream media aboard and send them on a one way trip to North Korea so that they can always be near the princess they adore.  Have a good day.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The question is: Is the FISA court a real court or just a rubber stamp for the government spying on all Americans?  The court’s history is that they have approved over 98% of all requests.  If this were an election and one candidate received over 98% of the votes, there would be widespread accusations of voter fraud.  In this observer’s opinion, the same conclusion can be reached here.  While there may not always be fraud, this court provides zero protection to all citizens from intrusive government spying and ignores the Fourth Amendment supposedly in the interest of protecting national security. Baloney!!  Where is the accountability of this court to the American people and to our Constitution?


Now due to the court’s lack of due diligence, they are rightfully involved in a constitutional crisis which questions the trustworthiness of the federal courts—which already since President Trump’s election have demonstrated that they do not care about constitutionality but only political activism. Scum bags all.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns

Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


There currently is congressional oversight of the executive branch departments. In the past, there have been endless meaningless committee meetings using a lot of TV face time, but no real problem resolution has been accomplished.  Why spend all that time and money investigating a problem only to have no corrective action taken?  Fast and Furious was a prime example of the Justice Department telling Congress to shove it.  As a result, no action was taken because no grand jury was impaneled and no indictment issued.  The law was broken and the outlaw got away with it.


Some of the members of the Justice Department think that they are mini-gods who literally are above the law. They do not believe in equal justice under the law.  This is wrong and must be corrected.  How do we do it?  We do it by having any congressional committee empanel a grand jury and pursue an indictment—please no ham sandwich indictments or witch hunts.  When an indictment is received, it is then turned over to the Justice Department for prosecution.  Let’s say the Justice Department fails to prosecute the case.  Then when their budget is under consideration for the next fiscal year, the monies appropriated are reduced by an appropriate amount until the useless department does its job or no longer exists.


If given subpoena authority, some members of congress will surely want to abuse this authority and issue 25 subpoenas from each oversight committee because they are only interested in TV and news face time. i.e., they are the scum politicians. Therefore, starting out each committee must be monitored and maybe the number of indictments limited by the House and Senate leadership.


After writing this post, this observer seems to remember that a congressman on TV recently stated that Congress already has some form of prosecution authority and used it for 175 years. Hopefully that is true and it will be used again soon.


Congressional committees that investigate and discuss problems that need solving but then do nothing to fix them are a waste of time and taxpayer money.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns

Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American public expects their news reports to true and factual. When they are not, they become propaganda or fake news.  Writer opinions in print and opinion broadcast reports are interpreted differently than hard news by the public.  Therefore, it is mandatory that all hard news must be accurate and truthful.


It is time for Congress to start setting down rules for the press to follow. The first amendment states that:  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”  Where are the mainstream media headlines and broadcast reports protesting the fascist/communist riots threatening and preventing conservative speakers from speaking on college campuses?  Where are the media reports when Christianity is attacked using the federal courts?  Where are the media attacks against censorship which they call political correctness?  Instead of telling the truth, the mainstream media issues propaganda.


The second amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” The Democratic Party has continually attacked and advocated gun control as a way to remove the Second Amendment despite the Second Amendment stating that the right to “bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.  Only communist  and fascist governments need gun control.  These laws only restrict the law abiding citizens’ rights because we all know outlaws ignore and disobey the laws.  We already know that there are many fascist/communists in the Democratic Party because they never condemn violence when it supports their cause.  Can these gun control advocates explain why Switzerland has required all their Militia members to keep their guns in their homes for many years with few problems?


Since the media has attacked the Second Amendment with such energy and vigor, it is now time to use that same energy and vigor to regulate how the freedom of the press must be regulated. Freedom of the press will not be abridged—only regulated much like the gun grabbers like to regulate the right to buy and own a firearm.  If the political hack Supreme Court Justices who make up the Anarchist Court object, then we need to start impeachment proceedings to remove them or pass an Accountability Amendment which would give the American public the right to remove any government official and make other changes at any time during the election cycle.  This amendment must be initiated by the states because our corrupt Congress will not.


Print Press

The veracity of all news material must be guaranteed or a disclaimer issued at the time the publication is released. Do your fact verification before you print.


If a printed item is later determined to be false, a retraction commensurate with the original item must be published; i.e., if it was a front page news item, the retraction must on the front page with the same size print.

A first violation without retraction constitutes a mandatory $10000 fine-no stupid judge leniency .

A second violation without retraction garners a mandatory $100000 fine—no stupid judge leniency.

A third violation removes all libel and/or slander protection from a lawsuit.

Three violations without retraction on the same day automatically removes all libel and/or slander protection.


Broadcast Media

The veracity of all news material must be guaranteed or a disclaimer issued at the time of the broadcast. Do the fact verification before the broadcast.


If a broadcast is later determined to be false, a retraction must be issued on a broadcast commensurate with the original one. Retraction of a 5 PM news item must be made on a later 5 PM broadcast on the same station.


A first violation without retraction constitutes a mandatory $10000 fine (no stupid judge leniency) .

A second violation without retraction garners a five day mandatory station or network broadcast shutdown (no stupid judge leniency).

A third violation without retraction garners a two week mandatory station or network broadcast shutdown (no stupid judge leniency).

A fourth violation without retraction causes permanent loss of the station or network broadcast license. Approval of a new license by a previous owner under a new name must necessarily take a year or more to investigate why the previous license was lost.


Although the press already knows what is correct, they continually ignore correctness. The object of these regulations would be to redefine what is and what is not permissible.  Violations of these regulations must be severe to preferably have compliance instead of punishment.


Fake news is propaganda that has absolutely no redeeming value to the American people. Abuse of a right always invites government intervention.


The government must fix the system now before the American people get angry enough to fix it for them.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The rats in the FBI, Justice Department, intelligence agencies and IRS just to name a few have created a constitutional crisis. Saboteurs are saboteurs no matter where in the government that they work.  It appears that our Attorney General and some Republican members of Congress still wet their pants when it becomes necessary to confront the Democratic scum for what they are—corrupt  government employees and un-American saboteurs trying to overthrow a duly elected government.  These wet their pants Republicans suffer from shifting brain disease which prevents them from intelligent thinking.


All persons no matter what their current or former status conspiring to overthrow the Trump presidency are traitors who must arrested, prosecuted and upon conviction executed. Holding hands with saboteurs and providing them with free room, board and healthcare is insane.  Persons favoring leniency are insane.  Sentencing must be so severe that in the future no one will ever consider trying to do this again—prevention not punishment is the goal.


The President needs to put the needs of the country ahead of his ego. If necessary, address the out-of-control Mueller witch hunt by answering written submitted questions.  The people of this country do not need a constitutional crisis for next three years because the President made a dumb ass mistake in testimony.  We need the President to clean up the mess Obama and the Democrats have purposely created and commonly referred to as the Deep State.


This observer’s major concern is that disregard for the rule of law and the lack of prosecution of the avalanche of government corruption will cause the public to lose their patience and then they will decide to fix the problem their way—whatever that may be.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


It was recently suggested that the way to try to eliminate voter fraud would be to go back to paper ballots. The suggestion was that two paper ballots would be generated by each voter.  Each voter would be given an election voting ID and that ID would be printed on the ballot that would be counted and also a second ballot given to the voter.  The problem that this observer sees with this system is that if and when there is any problem with the election, each voter could be called back and the election judges would be able to identify how each person voted.  This could and will be abused.


Voter ID would be better, but then a political party usually Democrats would object because they would not be able to steal elections. Of course, that excuse would not be used.


What if each voter’s head and shoulder photograph was taken similar to your driver’s license renewal and automatically time stamped. A refusal to be photographed would prevent that person from voting.  If the excuse became that the photo equipment did not work, then the instruction to the election judges would be to manually do the photography and time stamping.  Failure to follow these instructions by election officials would be an arrest and upon conviction a 10 year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine per incident.  With current facial recognition software, thousands of photos can be quickly scanned.  Illegal voting would be punishable by 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine per incident.  Therefore, if some dumb joker gets caught voting three times, it costs that person 30 years in prison and $30,000.  With penalties this severe, it is hoped that no one is stupid enough to commit voter fraud.  Prevention not punishment is the goal and preferable.


If you think the idea to prevent voter fraud is good, then please keep contacting your elected officials until they finally agree to implement voter fraud prevention.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary defines a traitor as “one who betrays his country, cause, friends, etc.: one guilty of treason.”


The most recent FBI emails released to the public refer to a team. It is this observer’s opinion that the use of the word team implies that we have persons in our midst who may be currently planning a coup d’etat.  Since the Democrats continue trying to manufacture evidence against the President, it really looks like the coup planning continues.  As the layers of evidence continue to become public, what is going to happen if it is learned that the team of coup traitors may include ex-Presidents, members of Congress in both parties, members of the press and potentially hundreds to thousands of bureaucrats.  The Republic will survive these disclosures, but these traitors may not.  Any and all coup team members must be charged, convicted and executed irrespective of any current or former political status.  An example must be made of these traitors to demonstrate to the American public that the rule of law and equal justice under the law must apply for everyone.


If the public’s patience becomes exhausted and they decide to fix the problem, the government will lose control and this country will have a big, big mess.


By the way, all of those coup plotters cannot call themselves Americans because they do not believe that peaceful succession for a government elected by the people must always be followed; therefore, they do not believe in the rule of law and equal justice under the law. They are traitors.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Accountability is a dirty word in Washington DC. For years, politicians have made promises during their campaigns for office only to ignore those promises when elected.  The horrendous truth is that they have gotten away with their deception.  What does this say about the intelligence of the voters?  Does this mean the voting public has an IQ barely above 50?  We know that is not true because many of these voters are college graduates and a 50 IQ is probably not high enough to earn a college degree.


When ex- President Obama was elected, he claimed his administration would be the most transparent in history. Ha, ha, ha, ha.  In fact his administration was the most secretive in recent history.  When it became known that the IRS targeted conservative political groups and the corrupt officials were identified, he promoted them because he agreed with and supported their actions.  Where was the accountability?   There was neither true transparency nor accountability.


Why does Washington DC hate President Donald Trump? Simply put, it is because since his inauguration he has consistently fulfilled campaign promises to “Make America Great Again”.  Our elected Congressional representatives and federal bureaucrats fear that the public will soon insist that all of them must also be held accountable to keep their jobs.  Sometimes hard decisions are necessary to decide what is best for the country and the public in general.  Will the politicians be accountable to the country or to a small group of influential supporters?  When politicians must make a decision between accountability to the public or to their influential donors to get re-elected, they will choose the donors most of the time.  Very few politicians can be trusted to be frugal with the public’s money.


What Congress could very easily do is to pass a budget which makes cuts to every department by 2%. Make the bureaucrats earn their pay by forcing them to provide the same level of services with less money by finding and eliminating the fraud and waste in their departments.  If they fail to meet this standard, then their department must be audited.  Bureaucratic accountability must be a constant element of government employment.


Since the teachers formed their union, the test scores of public school children have gone down. The schools are producing dumber and dumber students.  If the quality of public school students continues to drop, how can this nation compete internationally and why should teachers be allowed to get pay increases by unionizing?  Could it be that these schools now produce indoctrinated students instead of students taught to think for themselves to solve problems?  Instead too many schools are now producing human robots who use political correctness to openly discriminate against conservatives, demand entitlement and prefer violence instead of rational discussion—and the dumber still elected school boards agree with these fascist tactics.


What about the police and fire fighters unions? The know they can cause havoc if they strike and so do their political bosses, so they fill their pensions with money the public does not have.  Do they care?  Do these organizations sound like ones who respect and protect the public?  What happens when they retire and there is no money for these fixed benefit pensions?


By having the Little Rock Federal Attorneys office continue the investigation into the Uranium One scandal, isn’t Attorney General Sessions admitting that he does not trust any headquarter FBI agents and Justice Department attorneys? AG Sessions, please get rid of all that scum and put them in jail or preferably have them executed if warranted for the crimes committed.  Do it before the public decides they must solve the problem.


What we really need is an Accountability Amendment. We need to add something similar to the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) to our Constitution.  The Revised Accountability Amendment would enable the public to initiate action at any time during the election cycle to remove federal officials and/or overturn federal laws and court decisions.  How about using it to stop the corrupt NSA from spying on the American public for political reasons?


It is time to remove the crazy activist federal judges who cause so much trouble from the bench. If a federal judiciary amendment similar to the proposed Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) were passed, the public—not a politician–would decide whether or not someone was fit to be a judge.  The Federal Judiciary Amendment removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term–although In retrospect a single 5 year term might provide better government.


All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


Since many local and state officials are out of control, it might help if state and local laws introducing accountability were also passed. There are no kings or queens in any branch of government.


For accountability to be implemented, voters like you will need to call your elected officials and demand change.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.




The open borders Democrats are once again against building a southern border wall so that this country’s population can swell to a billion people with immigrants making up the majority of the population. Native born Americans, you lose.  It should be noted that if our Canadian neighbors insist on admitting all kinds of refugees into their country, in the future we may have to consider a northern border wall.


When our politicians make changes, these items must be included:



Two things must be done to make this law more effective.

First, it must become mandatory.

Second, the lawless employer fines are not high enough to deter anyone. To work, the fines need to start at $100,000 per incident and a second violation must include prison sentences.  Remember punishment is not the goal, compliance with the law and illegal alien deterrence are.


Repeat Border Offenders

Are the people of this country as tired as am I of learning that another illegal alien who has been deported multiple times has been caught again in this country? The system used by our federal government to deal with previously deported illegal aliens upon catching them once more in this country is completely useless.  Changing the system to incarcerate them for any time is equally useless.  Why should our hard working taxpayers give this outlaw free room, board and medical services at all?  When this country starts executing these outlaws who return after deportation, we will have a serious deterrent.


EB-5 Permanent Workers

This is a dangerous part of current law. It allows malcontents into this country so that they can try to subvert our form of government.  To qualify, they must invest $500,000 to $1,000,000 and employ 10 workers.  Who is the dumb ass who came up with and created this immigration category nightmare?  A drug lord could qualify—right?  Get rid of EB-5.


If you agree with these changes to immigration law, please keep contacting your member of Congress until these changes have been debated in both houses of Congress.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


In recent times, much of this nation’s population has become afflicted with a new shifting brain disease. This disease causes the brain to shift from between the ears in someone’s head to between their buttocks.  At the same time its composition changes from gray matter to some brown stinky stuff causing a very serious loss in intelligence quotient (IQ).


Most career politicians suffer from this disease because this disease causes the afflicted to have very little to no common sense. Persons with common sense do not get this disease.


Common sense and truthful TV news reporting inform us that Hillary Clinton is an unindicted criminal who so far has avoided all responsibility for what ordinary persons like you and I would be sent to prison. Yet millions of people voted for her to be President of the United States and cried when she lost to President Donald Trump.


All those people who voted for Mrs. Clinton suffer from shifting brain disease. All those people who currently are planning a coup to remove President Trump suffer from this same shifting brain disease.





When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP


Law enforcement universally has a double standard when investigating, enforcing and prosecuting those who break the law. For us ordinary people, we do the crime, we do the time.  For the politically connected lawbreakers, once law enforcement determines that the one breaking the law is politically connected and inform their political bosses, everything comes to a halt.  They slow walk the investigation before deciding to either decline to seriously investigate or start the cover-up.  This is not the rule of law and equal justice under the law for everyone.  This double standard is one of the reasons we have dirty cops and crooked politicians.  This situation must be fixed now before the general public decides they have had enough and fix it.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Is Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ directive to federal prosecutors to enforce federal marijuana laws his revenge on President Trump for the President’s criticism of how Sessions is doing his job as Attorney General? To this observer, AG Sessions has done a poor job and failed our country by not prosecuting the seemingly unlimited Obama Administration corruption.  He is a SWAMP member who believes in a dual justice system—one for us folks and another for the politically connected; therefore, he does not believe in equal justice under the law.


On the other hand, was President Trump wrong to proclaim that he like Obama did not want to strictly enforce federal marijuana laws? Wasn’t he like Obama making law when he does not have the constitutional authority?


Isn’t the Senate member from Colorado wrong to expect this law and order administration to follow an illegal Obama directive? What is he using for brains—a shortage of which is a serious problem in the United States Senate?  It is suggested that this senator get off his butt and introduce legislation to nullify the part of the law causing the problem and then pass a new federal law returning the issue of marijuana use back to the states.  Maybe that makes too much sense and there is also a shortage of common sense in the United States Senate.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP


What is wrong with hundreds of thousands of hard working people receiving $1000 bonus checks? Are the Democrats so jealous of this largesse that they are calling it bad?  Well, are these large corporations stealing the Democratic thunder on giveaways?  It looks like that if you can’t buy votes with the money, then it should not be allowed.  Sorry comrades.  What kind of pay are the Democratic Party Antifa thugs getting for breaking the law with their planned riots?  Is Soros running out of money?


Is the mainstream media ever going to love an America that is non communist again? What about it comrades?


When are the so-called Christian countries of the world going to demand that a Christian sanctuary be created in the Middle East to reduce but not stop Christian genocide? Christians have inhabited the Middle East for at least two thousand years—hundreds of years before Mohammed.  With the unsettled situation in Syria, now would be the time and that would be the place to establish a Christian sanctuary.  As long as there are Muslims in control, there will be Christian genocide.  If you are a Christian, can you look in a mirror and tell yourself that you are trying to help prevent Christian genocide?



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Attorney General Jeff Sessions has stated that he does not want to prosecute previous administration members. Is this because the Democrats have discovered something in AG Sessions’ past that he does not want made public; i.e., they are blackmailing him.  If this is the case, the AG must decide whether the integrity of the Justice Department and fidelity to our country is more important than his personal reputation.  Will AG Sessions ever enforce equal justice under the law?


It has been reported that ex-President Obama had Supreme Court Justice Roberts under surveillance. Was Justice Roberts blackmailed into ignoring the Affordable Care Act wording in order to approve the constitutionality of the law?


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


When are the federal judicial system and the United States Supreme Court going to stop playing politics with the American people by forcing our entire population to bend to the will of a minority? Obamacare is an example.  The Democratic Party used their power to pass a law that was intended to force 320 million people to provide for the health care of 20 million people.  Why wasn’t the legislation restricted to helping only those who needed the health care assistance and funded without individually involving the entire population?  This abuse of government power to penalize and control the majority to promote a political minority need is wrong.  However, this type of strategy is frequently used by the six political activist justices on the Supreme Court and illustrates why the Supreme Court is anarchist and a clear and present danger to this country.  This country was founded on majority rule and a constitution to protect minority rights from abuse—not minority rule like that used by fascist and communist regimes.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Watching TV recently an expert/commentator mentioned the words coup d’état while discussing the FBI and Justice Department corruption.


About the time that President Trump became the Republican nominee for President, FBI emails prove that members of the FBI and Justice Department started planning ways to remove President Trump from office if he was elected President. In this observer’s opinion, they went beyond just expressing a political opinion.  The emails published clearly showed that action was being planned to remove President Trump from office.  Where does political corruption stop and the planning for a coup begin?  Were Special Counsel Mueller and Democratic members of Congress part of this coup cabal?  To set an example for the future, all those convicted of plotting the coup must be prosecuted, convicted and executed—no jail time or pensions


So far Attorney General Jeff Sessions is doing a terrible job of uprooting and prosecuting corruption. Is this inaction due to the possibility that there are no trustworthy attorneys in the Justice Department? Are all the existing Justice Department employees suspect saboteurs?  If so, why doesn’t he AG fire the scum and hire new attorneys and have them report directly to him?  This country needs to START THE SWAMP CLEANUP NOW.


In addition, President Trump could order that all executive departments must honor all Congressional oversight committee and FOIA requests for information within one week.   Since it has been reported that all oversight committee members have security clearances, all documentation sent to them should not be redacted.  All illegal activity discovered by an oversight committee or by FOIA investigators should be sent to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution and processed by the Justice Department on a high priority basis.  Failure to follow this type of procedure would confirm that those inhibiting prosecution are truly SWAMP creatures who must be removed from office–not reassigned within the department–and permanently barred from any future government work.


Since whistleblowers are almost always discriminated against by the scum departments from which they came, they should be awarded a $1-5 million bounty so they have the ability to start a new life outside of government. Since it has been reported that billions of our tax dollars are stolen and wasted every year, any bounty paid to a whistleblower is a cheap price to pay for good government.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


The Republicans in the United States Senate are once again seeking TV face time and putting personal desires ahead of reforming the tax system to benefit the American people. The Democrats and Independents in the Senate are using the mainstream media robots to broadcast propaganda warning the American public that having their taxes lowered and keeping more of their earnings is a disaster.  Is there anyone in the United States Senate with an IQ over 50?



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Why Socialism/Communism?

It has troubled this observer that billionaires love capitalism and free markets while they are becoming richer and richer. It is almost universal that when they have mega bucks, they suddenly decide that they prefer socialism and perhaps communism.  Why?  The only thing that makes sense is that during their climb up the financial ladder, they learn that all that money buys influence to get what they want.  Then they realize that socialism and communism concentrates power and control in the hands of fewer people, so buying influence is easier.


Wealth Tax

Maybe this country needs to start taxing wealth above a certain threshold. The family business owner and family owned farms should be exempt from this tax.  If a fifty million dollar threshold were instituted, then at this point in time, would only the mega rich have to pay this tax?  The country would benefit because these tax monies would be directed to be used only to reduce the national debt.  The law should stipulate debt reduction can only be changed by passage of a law needing 80% of the House and Senate votes.  Why 80%?  In the past, the Congress stole the money taken from each worker’s paycheck put into the Social Security Trust Fund to get re-elected.  Now they want to tell everyone social security is an entitlement.  Wrong!! Wrong!!  Congress cannot be trusted with our money.



If an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution was passed, and the Supreme Court ruled the wealth tax law was unconstitutional, then the public would be able to overrule the Supreme Court. Better to have 320 million people having the opportunity to decide how we are governed than potentially nine political activist justices.


Illegal Immigration

It makes no sense to tolerate repeat immigration alien invaders by deporting them only to have them return. To send them to an American jail only provides them with free room and board and health care at American taxpayer expense.  What would happen if these alien invaders were shot once they illegally crossed the border?  What if repeat invaders were automatically executed if apprehended illegally entering the United States after being deported?  There is no doubt that they are guilty, so why would there be any need for a lawyer to do anything?



For any of the above to be implemented, the public needs will need to contact their three members of congress and demand change.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The Christians and Jews have lived in the Middle East for over two thousand years and both must have a permanent place in the Middle East. The Jews have Israel, but the Christians do not have a place to go to be safe.  With the destruction of the ISIS caliphate almost finished except for small pockets in Iraq and Syria, now is the time to do something about preventing Christian genocide in the Middle East.  The way to stop genocide is to create a Christian sanctuary in southern Syria.  The United States must have troops in Syria after the jihadist hordes have been exterminated to maintain the peace and prevent ISIS from returning.  They should also be there to prevent Iranian political control of Iraq and Syria.  We know that the jihadist Iranian mullahs want to exercise control over both nations and will start World War III if they ever become a nuclear nation, so a non nuclear Iran is necessary.  Waiting until Iran becomes a nuclear power to destroy any nuclear capabilities is insane.


There must also be a Muslim sanctuary created in northern Syria so that when the Muslim failure to assimilate creates enough problems for the European nations and Muslims are expelled, there will be a place to send them. Since the problem was created by Muslim immigration to Europe, it would make sense that NATO forces working with friendly Muslim nations would be the logical choices to support and control the Muslim sanctuary.


If Russia is really interested in Middle Eastern peace, they should support or participate in providing these sanctuaries?



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Recent news has just informed the American public that the FBI and Justice Department colluded to cover up senior level FBI and Justice Department conspiracies to protect Hillary Clinton and then prosecute the Trump campaign and administration. Is this why the Democrats were so concerned with Christopher Wray stating his independence?  Has Director Wray tarnished his appointment and should he resign?  Dirty cops have no place in the FBI if the FBI wishes to try to restore any creditability.  It is common knowledge that corrupt FBI officials have not been fired when evidence shows they have conflicts of interest and are not politically impartial.  Right now the FBI and Justice Department are scum filled with lawless members.  Attorney General Sessions has done nothing to clean up the mess and, while he may be a good man, he may also be unfit to serve as this country’s attorney general because of his failure to prosecute corruption in these two agencies.  If no one can be trusted, fire those not trusted and hire people that you can trust to honestly serve the public and this nation.


Robert Mueller is running a corrupt Democratic witch hunt and is unfit to serve as Special Counsel.

Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller and has done nothing to control his out-of-control Special Counsel and therefore he is unfit to serve as Deputy Attorney General.

James Comey needs to be arrested for breaking the law.

There must be evidence that there will be equal justice under the law.


To stay as FBI Director, Christopher Wray must prove he is honestly serving his country and is not a Deep State advocate. Time is of the essence, so this determination must be made in weeks.


If the American public wants equal justice under the law, harass your three members of congress until they stop going on vacation and fix the system NOW!!!!!!! Inaction means becoming a slave to your government.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Where is the highest concentration of jackasses in the world? They are in the United States Senate.  These useless senators are a collection of Democrats who prefer to use violent anarchist thugs, censorship and media propaganda similar to that used by fascist and communist regimes and Republicans who lack backbone, crave TV face time and when voting on a bill put their personal preferences ahead of the needs of all the American people.  All of them in both parties are living testimonials to why senators should be term limited and appointed by their state government legislatures instead of being independently elected.


What do the initials NFL represent? Your guess is as good as mine.


Why are ex-President Obama’s appointed operatives still part of President Trump’s bureaucracy? Their presence and ideology do not support the current administration.  Someone should publish a list of the total number of bureaucrats in departments such as NSA, FBI, Justice Department, State Department , etc.  Then list the number of appointees still remaining in the bureaucracy from the administrations of Presidents Bush and Obama.  This listing should be posted on the Internet under a government accountability tab so that the American public can see the progress or lack thereof being made to drain the swamp.  Transparency is a wonderful cleanser and it sure looks like President Trump needs a lot more help in draining the swamp.


It is interesting to see the Democratic left TV ads using cover names and a billionaire warning the American people that tax cuts will increase the national debt. Ha, ha, ha, ha.  With Obama, the Democrats doubled our national debt by adding 10 trillion dollars to try to bankrupt the country to satisfy one of the communist rules for revolution.  It didn’t work.  They love increasing the debt as long as they are the ones spending the money.  As for the billionaire, he made his money using the old system, so why would he want to change what worked for him?  Let the American people spend the money they earn.


Using the judicial system, private organization Judicial Watch is doing more than President Trump’s Justice Department to investigate and publicize Obama Administration corruption. Maybe the President should fire the entire Justice Department and hire Judicial Watch to function as the Justice Department.  The Justice Department is as slow and as transparent as a mud wall three feet thick.  When is there going to be equal justice under the law?


It is time to begin the investigation of Uranium One before Special Counsel Mueller does damage with his Democratic witch hunt. Is jail time coming for Mueller and Rosenstein?   Not with Attorney General Sessions in charge.


Lois Lerner belongs in jail for abuse of power and betraying the trust of the American people. What she and others in the IRS have done is despicable and must be punished by time spent in jail.


When is the constitutional militia going to be activated to quell the current domestic insurrection?


For any of the above to be implemented, the voters will need to contact their member of Congress and demand change.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Since the middle 1990s, business and government in the United States have discriminated against the white male solely because of his race and gender. It was wrong then and since it has continued to this day, it is wrong now.


In the 1990s, the races were still trying to follow Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Race relations became worse during the Obama Administration and that trend continues today.  One bad feature of 1990s was that in the black community, a good education was considered a white man’s trait and therefore many blacks discriminated against a good education.  Sadly, that idea may still persist since too many blacks are undereducated and cannot qualify for the better higher paying jobs because they do not have the necessary education.  So companies, schools and government discriminate against whites to meet minority quotas by lowering the standards.  In this day of international competition, how do you compete to produce a product using lower standards?  It didn’t work for the American car industry.  In fairness to the blacks, this lowering of standards is used to qualify all minorities and women.  In almost every case, instead of working with disadvantaged workers to increase their ability to meet the high standards, Democrats and liberals have lowered the standards.  It should be noted that the Anarchist Supreme Court has approved this unconstitutional discrimination.


Why do Oriental workers not need lower standards to become successful? Could it be because they value education and are willing to work to meet the higher standards?


During the 1990s, a good job was one that allowed people to buy a home and raise a family.  While many people did not like factory jobs because many were boring and repetitive, the pay was sufficient to have a home and family.  Today hundreds of thousands jobs go unfilled because the employer canot find enough qualified workers.  It seems to this observer that the Obama Administration and Democrats convinced millions of young people that they must have a college education.  They did not want to work with their hands and do dirty jobs.  Since shop courses are no longer offered in high schools, how does a young person become a skilled carpenter, plumber, AC technician, etc.?  For your information, our economy will not function without these skilled workers.


So the college grads listened to the government and now are trying to pay off college loans instead of earning a good salary with no college debt. Did they select a profession for which there is demand and pays enough to live comfortably and pay off college loans?  How many voters are Senator Bernie Sanders and the Democrats trying to collect by offering free college educations when the whole world knows nothing is free?


Today there are many members of the black community who are working hard to improve race relations and help the black community improve their lives. Sadly, too many of them face discrimination from the black community.  Is this the America everyone wants?


With the rise in sexual discrimination, the white male is now characterized on TV as a bumbling fool kowtowing to the woman in his life. On TV, the women experts now outnumber the male experts presumably due to their superior knowledge and intellect.  Are there good female analysts?  Yes.  Are there bad female analysts?  Yes.  Do you believe that all female analysts are better than all male analysts?  If you believe that you will believe that this observer is twelve feet tall.  The bottom line is that the females have the jobs and the white males do not.


The Anarchist US Supreme Court currently has six justices who are unfit to be on the court. They are unfit because they are making law by pursuing a political agenda instead of impartially interpreting the Constitution.  We have a Congress which if the Constitution is followed states “all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States”.  In the 1950s, the Warren Supreme Court started using the court to promote political activism–making law instead of interpreting the Constitution.  Since the Congress does not have the political will to impeach these justices, a Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) would let the American public decide how they wish to be governed and by whom.


The Supreme Court has allowed discrimination against segments of our population to benefit minorities instituting minority rule instead of majority rule. How is our country made better by discriminating against one segment of our population in favor of another?  If a minority segment is disadvantaged, would it not be better to have found another way to help them?  All discrimination is not fair and must be unconstitutional.  Unfit judges make unconstitutional decisions.


Judicial discrimination leads people to consider themselves entitled. Many times entitlement could lead to excessive expectations.  What happens when excessive expectations are not met?  Does it precipitate violence?


In spite of discrimination in favor of minorities, it has been reported that life in the black community has not improved. Why have they not benefited?  Politics.  Who wants to invest money to provide jobs in a community with a high crime rate and drug use?  Many young people lack a good education due to poor schools.  As a business person, would you hire someone with a poor education and an entitlement attitude who may or may not show up to work every day?  Why do the good black people who live and vote in a community continue to vote for black and white politicians who do nothing to improve their community?  When are they going to demand that their politicians be accountable?  Haven’t their communities become more and more violent in recent years?  How has discrimination helped?


It is difficult to see any improvement in society since judicial discrimination began. In recent years discrimination against conservative white males has created entitlement in favor of females and minorities.  Increased racial division and economic class warfare have increased random violence in society.  These conditions combined with ineffective and poor political leadership have degraded the quality of life in this country.  Maybe it is time for this continue country’s sheriffs to start rounding up and deputizing a posse to fix the problem.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


The biggest obstruction to doing anything useful for the people in this country is the United States Senate. The senate is populated by 100 self important jackasses who  care nothing about the well being of the American people but only with how much TV face time they can get to show the audience how important they are.  They are pure scum.


Since Congress seems to be on recess more time than doing the peoples’ business, let us make being a member of congress a part time job with part time pay and benefits only when in session. Convert all those fat pensions to a 401k like the rest of the country.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass the Revised Accountability (March 19, 2017 post) and Federal Judiciary (March 31, 2016 post) Amendments to the Constitution.  The Revised Accountability Amendment would enable the public to remove federal officials and overturn federal laws and court decisions.  The Federal Judiciary Amendment removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term. In retrospect, a single 5 year term might provide better government.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


The voters will need to get on the phone to call their member of congress and demand these changes.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Is Special Counsel Robert Mueller along with his buddy Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein diverting attention from the Democratic Party and Uranium One by indicting Paul Manafort? Are they close to hitting the panic button?  They along with their witch hunt Democratic appointees may be starting to worry about their potential implication in the funny business that went on during Uranium One.  Could any or all of them be indicted for corruption related to Uranium One?  Obviously, this observer does not know, but it is this observer’s opinion that is why Mueller is speeding up grand jury indictments—no ham sandwiches please—of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.  Oh, by the way, John Podesta’s brother Tony failed to register as a foreign country agent just like Manafort.  When is the investigation into his affairs going to start?  Ha, ha, ha.  It appears that Hillary wasn’t the only one who was crooked.


Is the current Democratic and establishment Republican campaign against Judge Roy Moore for real or really a smear campaign? The wimpy Republicans are so afraid of their shadows that all of them are against candidate Moore.  Guess they have never heard of due process.  By the way, what about the $15,000,000 in taxpayer money spent to hush up Congressional sexual harassment?


Like some have said, it is really up to the voters of Alabama to decide what happens to Judge Moore. The investigation of sexual misconduct  should continue whether or not Roy Moore wins.  At some time during the campaign, maybe Judge Roy Moore should help the conflicted Republicans by renouncing all allegiance to the Republican Party and declare himself to be an Independent—loyal only to his constituency, God and country.  Would the Congress do a better job if everyone running for Congress ran as a true Independent with no party ties?


Wasn’t the Judge Moore sexual misconduct tactics used to remove Herman Cain from the 2012 presidential election? Was there any trial to determine whether or not he was guilty after he withdrew?  Didn’t the opposition try to use this tactic on President Trump during the 2016 campaign and since then use it to get Fox News to fire pro Trump Fox News employees?  When organizations pay off those making the charges like insurance companies do, the truth never becomes known.  Payoffs lead to the public assuming guilt whether that is true or not.


Then there is the claim that President Trump believes Russian President Putin more than his own intelligence departments. Didn’t both of them conspire to elect the ready and willing Hillary Clinton to the presidency?  Where have all the intelligence department leaks originated—In Russia?  Oh yes, what about the unconstitutional surveillance of the Trump organization from during the campaign through President Trump’s inauguration by the NSA domestic spies with subsequent unmasking of Americans?


When is the Democratic Party cover up of the political murder of Seth Rich going to end and his murder be solved?


All of this really suggests that there is no place for a person with integrity in the Democratic Party or the establishment Republican Party. Furthermore, it appears that anyone who served in the Obama Administration may have been honest when they arrived, but left corrupt and tainted.


With the possibility that Fox may start to drift to the left, it is apparent that this country needs honest TV networks that tell the public the truth. Do you think that the snowflakes and millennials would be willing to perform one year of public service to learn what this country is really about?  Ha, ha, ha.  Entitlement and political correctness precludes those indoctrinated communists from doing that.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


If a nuclear bomb were detonated 294 miles above the United States, it would wipe out our electrical grid and it is reported millions will die. This is completely unacceptable and can be prevented.


It has been reported on TV that a Michigan congressman is preventing a system from being installed that would protect the country. Should that report be true, and Congress can prevent such a catastrophe from happening, why has it not been installed?


If such a catastrophe takes place, what do you think will happen to every member of Congress?


For the above to be implemented, the voters will need to demand action.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Based on the sentence (ha-ha) that the military judge gave Bowe Bergdahl, we now know that the politicization of the military by ex-President Obama is still in effect.  It would be a joke if it were not so serious.  If the four star general in charge agrees with this sentence, then we must ask Secretary of Defense James Mattis if there is anyone in the military that he can trust.  Mr. Secretary Mattis, please clean out the garbage left in the military by ex-President Obama.  Thank you sir.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Now that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is using a sympathetic PAC to oppose selected 2018 Republican candidates for the Senate, we know why nothing gets done in the Senate. The Majority Leader isn’t spending any time trying to pass legislation to help and support the American people.  Isn’t McConnell an establishment swamp dweller? He and is his ilk are why the Republicans are so ineffective and unable to govern.  It is time for the voters to retire all of them.


If the Republican National Party is not going to spend any money to support primary candidates elected by the people, what good are they? Do not send a penny to the Republican Party.  President Trump deserves financial support, but his literature always shares funds with the party that gets nothing done.  During the primary elections, it appears that the people want reformist candidates to run against the swamp dwelling fascist Democrats—the fascists who always support violence on their behalf and censorship which they like to call political correctness.


As an Independent who formerly wasted my limited funds on losers like Republican presidential candidates John McCain and Mitt Romney, no more.  If he can, will McConnell select a swamp dweller candidate who he wants to control or help the fascist Democrats?


John McCain was once a war hero, but today he is a senator who is a living demonstration of why we need term limits. It is all about John McCain and the hell with the rest of the country.  He has overstayed his usefulness.  There are too many other politicians in both parties for which this applies.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


If Congress reduces the monies that can be saved per year in an IRA or 401k, they must immediately resign and put someone else with a brain and common sense in charge. Personal saving using a 401k or IRA  is now the only way every American can try to save for retirement since the Congress stole our money from the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for their extravagant spending in order to get re-elected.  Now they want to steal more from the American people.  Too bad Congress cannot be charged with theft and put in jail.


This observer is tired of the corrupt megalomaniac politicians abusing the public trust for their personal gain. Fire all of them.  These politicians are interested only in the power to use government force, i.e., control.


If home mortgage interest and taxes will no longer be a federal income tax deduction, the change must be phased into the tax code over 10 years starting next year so that everyone can decide if he or she is living in the right state. The state and local taxing authorities in those high tax states don’t care about how much in taxes their residents pay.  If you observe the sad state of the infrastructure in those states, where is all that money going?  Stop the discrimination against the people living in low tax states in order to subsidize these high tax states.


Obamacare was never about healthcare for 3-6% of the population but the power to control 100% of the population.


The Obama EPA was never about environmental protection, but more odious power and control of 100% of the population. Ethanol in gasoline is another stupid political decision when butanol would have been a much smarter blending component.


The tax cut must favor the small business companies who generate the most of the new jobs in this country. While tax cuts for large international corporations are important, what percent of their jobs are American?  For small businesses, almost all of the new jobs are for Americans.  We live in America.


Is it possible that the stock market gains since the election have been primarily due to deregulation that is underway? Freedom to run a company without reading another stupid regulation or worrying about more new government regulations help the small business owner’s optimism.  This observer believes that deregulation and optimism have created a 1% increase in GDP over President Obama’s socialist/communist economy; however, sadly, the stock market by and large ignores how important the small business owner is to this country.


By the way even rich people who pay most of the taxes deserve a tax cut. To level out the tax rate, limit the dollars of capital gains that have favorable tax rates and when these millionaires and billionaires exceed that limit, normal tax rates begin.  Get rid of any tax break that allows those people making millions of dollars pay a lower tax rate than any middle class American.


For any of the above to be implemented, the voters will need to aggressively demand change


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Is Attorney General Jeff Sessions in charge of the Justice Department or not? If he is in charge, should he not sign to release all Justice Department and FBI documentation enumerated by FOIA requests now—not three months from now?  Have the clerks work overtime if necessary.  He must also allow the former FBI agent to testify about Uranium One before Congress by removing and canceling the Justice Department’s non disclosure agreement with him.  These Justice Department and FBI cover-ups smell to high heaven.


Until he executes these simple tasks, he is demonstrating that he IS NOT IN CHARGE OF HIS DEPARTMENT. If he can’t do these simple tasks, then maybe he needs to resign and be replaced by someone who can.


According to recent TV news reports, the Democrats appear to be buried up to their ears in the Uranium One scandal cover-up. Selling American uranium to the Russians who ship it abroad?  That is good?  Some reports indicate that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Special Counsel Mueller may be implicated in this cover-up.  Are Democrats honest and patriotic?  If you say yes, then this observer is twelve feet tall.  Ha, ha, ha, ha.


Why have all of the Justice Department and FBI saboteurs not been fired? Fire all members if necessary.  How much intelligence does it take to figure out that the country would be better off with all new bureaucrats than departments loaded with saboteurs?  When President Reagan fired all of the traffic controllers, the country survived did it not?  Do it again with all departments until the Rule of Law is returned.


For any of the above to be implemented, the voters will need to strongly demand action NOW.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.



What do you think will happen if the voters demand that every political candidate sign a legally enforceable accountability contract giving his constituents the power to petition and vote to recall him or her for non performance? If the voters make a mistake, with the contract, they petition and recall that person and elect someone new.  Sounds good, huh?


What do you think will happen if the American voters demand that Congress spend more time working for the American people and take no more than two weeks vacation and stop wasting time on useless committee meetings and political party nonsense like the Trump witch hunt? If all members continue to abuse recesses (too many vacations), should all members of Congress be forced to become part-time employees with part-time pay and receive benefits only when in session?


With the bureaucrats in the Federal government leaking government secrets to the un-American propaganda media to sabotage the current administration, should all bureaucrats except for the military be limited to a maximum of five years of service and be executed if found guilty of leaking classified secrets?


What if the voting public refused to re-elect any politician to any office after that person has “served” two terms? Don’t most members become swamp dwellers by the end of the second term?


The American Communists using the teachers union have taken over too many of the educational systems in this country and indoctrinated impressionable young people into favoring violence and communism. Should all federal funding be stopped to all schools that promote this indoctrination?  Let the local taxpayers and college student parents fund communist propaganda.


For any of the above to be implemented, the voters will need to organize and demand change.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled A New American Way??? suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Political crime is still immune to prosecution. Why?  The reason is that the SWAMP called Washington DC wants it that way.  If a regular American commits a crime, that person will be tried, and if convicted will be sent to jail unless he or she is rich enough to afford lots of attorneys to buy their way out.  If a politically connected person commits a crime, they may not even be charged with a crime.


Since Debbie Wasserman Schultz has threatened the Washington DC Capitol Police, would it not be safe to assume that the Democrats control the Washington DC local politicians? If the murder of Seth Rich is being covered up by these politicians and the dirty cops they control, would not this confirm that politicians can literally get away with murder?  In addition, there have been a couple of recent suspicious deaths of persons investigating missing Clinton emails and past Clinton activities in the Dominican Republic.  Are these more political crimes?  When was the last time a political crime was truly investigated and solved?   The Special Counsel will do that?  Ha, ha, ha, ha.


It appears that the Justice Department is so afraid of the Democrats that they will not prosecute any Obama Administration corruption or take on suspicious local deaths like previous Attorneys General did in the Obama Administration. This leads to more crime going unpunished and no justice for the victims.


With a Trump witch hunt going on conducted by a former FBI director who helped former President Obama politicize the FBI, and Obama Justice Department political appointees deciding to become career attorneys so they supposedly cannot be fired—how stupid is any government policy that allows this to occur—the conclusion that most people might reach is that the Justice Department is not draining the SWAMP, it is helping to replenish the SWAMP.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Crime as defined in Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition is “an act committed in violation of a law prohibiting it, or omitted in violation of a law ordering it.” A criminal is defined as “guilty of a crime.”  Therefore, using these definitions, all illegal aliens are by definition criminals.  It is my understanding that existing law assigns guilt to anyone who aids or harbors a criminal.  Doesn’t this mean that all those people who are aiding illegal aliens have become subject to arrest for violating the law?  Oh yes, I forgot.  Those people don’t believe in the rule of law and, like some judges in our court system, seem instead to prefer anarchy.  Have we become a nation of criminals?  Since when have illegal aliens become entitled?


Dreamers are young people brought into the United States illegally by their parents. Those parents knew that they could be deported, but chose to ignore the law.  Due to inaction by the last four past presidents, the problem has exploded and has become a cancer to the rule of law.  The Democrats and establishment Republicans claim that these illegals are entitled to stay.  Not true.  Cheap labor for Democratic and Republican businessmen and illegal voters for the Democrats are what they want.  Illegals are not entitled to anything.  The problem has been greatly exacerbated to huge proportions by the federal government’s inaction for last 30 years.


One of the winners in the more illegal children situation is the teachers union. Since bilingual education is offered in most schools, the school districts must hire and pay for these teachers increasing the tax burden on local residents.  Teachers unions support the fascist Democrats and use their organizations to extort sometimes outrageous retirement benefits like one Illinois teacher’s yearly $105,000 pension.


What purpose is served by open borders immigration? If allowed, do you want a billion people living in this country?  With that many people here, native born Americans would become the minority in the country of their birth.  Do you believe that is what most Americans want?  If you say yes, then you are a world government advocate like most of the Democratic politicians in office now.  If you think that most politicians are working on your behalf, you are naïve beyond belief and would confirm the Albert Einstein quotation “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits”.


Now that this country has presently avoided open borders and uncontrolled unlimited immigration—which again would make native born citizens a minority in their country of birth–by electing Donald J. Trump as our President, we need to take another look at our immigration policy. The mainstream propaganda media has supported the Democratic Party which advocates unlimited immigration. The media also censor and edit the news they report to follow a fascist political agenda.  During the 2016 Presidential election, they openly advocated against conservative views and policies to support a Democratic candidate that supported world government control of our nation.  World government is all about total population control that would destroy personal freedom and the national identity of every nation.  They seek a homogenous world population to which they as masters would dictate how these people must live their lives in minute detail.  Sound good?  If you think yes, you belong in a mental institution.  World government is another form of totalitarian government.  The European Union appears to be a mini world government organization that is destroying European national identity and replacing national government controls with dictates from unelected bureaucrats.  What happened to the diversity that the parrot media and governments keep advocating?  Ha, ha, ha, ha


Illegal immigration has caused many problems in this country. Due to political party advocacy, these problems are a source of great distress to many Americans.  Therefore, let us explore some of the problems the illegal aliens have created before we try to propose solutions.


In truth, the heart of our immigration policy should be only about following and abiding by the Rule of Law.   It would be nice if our Supreme Court would also follow the Rule of Law instead of their activist “let’s make law” anarchist philosophy, but they won’t and they will remain the Anarchist Court.  The five justices that don’t belong on the court and should be impeached will remain because the wet their pants Republican Members of Congress are spineless and the Democratic members want the totalitarian World Government favored by the UN with unelected bureaucrats controlling everything. It really appears to the public that all three branches of the Federal government believe in the Rule of Law only if meets their needs.  It is encouraging that President Trump’s Administration seems to be on the path of taking the Rule of Law seriously.


It is colossal stupidity to allow immigrants into this country from countries that support jihad without extensive vetting. Another issue is the one of assimilation. There has always been a problem with immigrant assimilation, but it becomes preeminent when religion is involved and that religion preaches jihad.  The Democrats seem to be interested only in finding more adults that they can use to illegally vote in our elections, so they oppose restricting and vetting new immigrants.  Based on recent Project Veritas videos, the illegals are expected to vote Democrat early and often.


It is time to restart a Bracero temporary worker program to help those businesses who need seasonal part time help; however, due to terrorism concerns, the temporary employer must keep the government informed on the whereabouts of all the temporary workers they employ.   A Bracero program would give the temporary workers legal work status and might help reduce illegal immigration.    Why would a business hire an American when they can hire an illegal and pay less money by using a deportation threat?


For jobs requiring technical skills, why hire an American when business can import cheap foreign workers using an H-1B work permit? Many of these people overstay their visas and the federal government doesn’t even know where they are.  This is why E-Verify must become a mandatory federal program to verify everyone’s eligibility to work in the United States.  It is encouraging to note that more than 10 states have passed laws making E-Verify mandatory for employment.  The “bought and paid for” Congress will not do anything that will help ordinary American citizens, so maybe a message must be sent to Congress by refusing to re-elect all incumbent members of Congress.  Too many employers don’t give a damn what it does to the American citizen who cannot find work due to illegal immigration and Congress caters more to their donors than to the country and their constituents.


It has been reported on TV that the Silicon Valley tech companies have imported people into this country on an H-1B work visa and then had existing American employees train the new recruits so that the higher paid American can be laid off and replaced by these new recruits. This is all about corporate greed.  There is another downside to this practice.  These companies will often place these imported workers in customer service and technical support.  The problem is that these company representatives cannot speak understandable English.  You have to ask them to repeat themselves four or five times before you start to understand what they are saying.  This is totally unacceptable.  The stupid and greedy company CEO only looks at his financial bottom line and ignores what this problem might do to the reputation of his company.


It has been observed that illegals will band together after enough of them begin to work for a company and then when the company hires an American, the illegals will harass and do everything they can to get the American to quit. Food service and construction industries are the ones where this practice is usually utilized.  Generally this will happen when the greedy employer has hired so many illegals that his company is in jeopardy of going out of business if all his illegal workers leave at the same time.  Maybe it is time for that company to go out of business.


How can the illegals work so cheaply and survive. One way is called warehousing.  One illegal rents housing and then after moving in, invites more illegals to move in and share the cost of rent.  By sharing housing costs, many people can live in one apartment or house.  The owner of this housing now has much more wear and tear on the facilities with increased utility costs—which are normally paid for by the tenant.  Thus if four or five illegals share a two bedroom apartment, the cost per person is substantially reduced.  With lower housing costs and possibly shared food costs, the illegal worker can work for less money and undercut any American competition.  The losers are the jobless Americans and the property owner who has increased property wear and tear which later leads to higher maintenance costs.


To avoid E-Verify and to avoid the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) notice, many illegals decide to start a business. In some parts of the country, the landscaping business avoids ICE detection and provides the owner with cash customers.  Taxes can be and are avoided when the owner has only cash customers.  Therefore, the claim that illegals pay taxes is not necessarily true.  If the illegals have children who have limited English ability, then the school system has to hire bilingual teachers and most likely will feed the children lunch.  When they show up at the hospital to have an illness treated and cannot pay, Medicaid goes into effect.  Many illegals have children but do not marry so that the woman can qualify for welfare.  Most of the uneducated illegals pouring into our country therefore do little to contribute to the nation’s economy and cost the hard working American taxpayers higher taxes.  This is not fair.


Have you ever wondered why so many Immigrants own convenience stores and gas stations? The reason is that your federal government actively promotes immigrant owned businesses with loans and then assists them after they are in business.  It is assumed that only legal immigrants have this opportunity.  American citizens are not invited to apply.


One really terrible part of illegal immigration is sex trafficking. Young women and girls are smuggled across our southern border and sold to be sex slaves.  Sadly it appears from local TV news reports that these sex traffickers are now also kidnapping American born women and girls and forcing them into this business.


The United States is under siege from the drug cartels. Apparently, the switch from prescription opiate drugs to illegal drugs like heroin is now a very serious problem.


Open borders and unrestricted immigration make all of these problems become worse. During the Obama Presidency, this practice permitted terrorists to enter our country.  They are here now and blood will be on the hands of those who permitted this to happen.


What are we going to do to fix these problems?


It has been reported that we have 800,000 young illegal aliens who qualify for DACA. Now that President Trump has returned the problem to the Congress where it belongs, legislation must be drafted to deal with the issue.  The last time our government granted amnesty to illegal aliens, we got 20,000,000 or more illegal aliens most of whom are receiving benefits.  No amnesty.  We cannot grant citizenship to lawbreakers who broke the law.  If they stay here on a permanent work visa, they should not be eligible for free health and welfare benefits, citizenship and the right to vote.


Another way to address this issue is to do what some have already done. That is to return to their country of origin and apply for admission into the United States.  It has been reported on TV that those individuals who did this took six months to be able to legally re-enter the United States making them eligible for citizenship and the right to vote.  It would seem that this course of action is the best for everyone except those DACA members who have had trouble with the law.


The southern border WALL must be built. Since some monies have already been appropriated for this purpose, planning and some construction might be possible early in the Trump administration.  Equally important to our country is to stop the flow of illegal drugs and illegal immigration.  As part of the effort to stop the flow of illegal drugs, it might be wise to determine why so many people feel that they must use drugs.


We must build the wall. This is the only country in the world that needs a wall to keep people out instead of keeping them in.  Underground tunnels must be detected and destroyed as well. Anyone who states that walls don’t work is an open borders advocate and should look to Israel and see how effective theirs have been.  These open border advocates want our country flooded by hundreds of millions of immigrants who will vote Democrat, bankrupt our country and turn out once and for all time that light from “a shining city upon a hill”.


We must eliminate birth citizenship. When the child is a citizen, how to you deport the mother?  The United States is one of the few nations that have this practice.  In most nations citizenship is not automatic.  There is some discussion that the Constitution does not permit birth citizenship.  This needs to be clarified by the Anarchist Supreme Court and if birth citizenship is confirmed, the Congress must pass a law to eliminate pregnant women coming to the United States solely to give birth to a US citizen.


The government must deny all H-1B visas when the U-6 unemployment rate is greater than 8%. In addition, E-Verify must become mandatory for all employers.  Enforcement should start with the large employers because they are the worst abusers.  Many small mom and pop companies may be forced to hire illegals or go out of business, but the larger companies do it to increase profits.  Greed based on the distress of other human beings is  blood money.


Illegal aliens are illegal and must be deported to comply with the law. That is the law.  Does this mean that ICE and local law enforcement begin a dragnet to find and deport all illegal aliens?  No.  What it does mean is that when someone breaks the law and is arrested and later identified as an illegal alien, ICE must be notified and the alien turned over to the federal government for deportation. While in ICE custody, a background check should be performed to determine if a criminal record exists.  As for the consequences of deportation, all illegals knew that they were breaking the law when they entered the country.


All work visa recipients must verify their location every six months until their visa expires. Failure to do so subjects the visa holder to immediate deportation.  With mandatory E-Verify that is strictly enforced, without a job, most visa holders cannot stay here.  Missing a visa report places that person on a police most wanted list.


Any part of any religion that is contradictory to our United States Constitution must be disavowed before admittance into this country. Sharia law is not consistent with our constitution and must be disavowed.  Compliance with this principle must be verified later.


In years past, immigrants have tended to live in segregated sections of many large cities and did not quickly assimilate, but those immigrants were not terrorists. To enter and stay in this country, immigrants must assimilate.  There has to be a way for the federal government to verify that true assimilation has taken place.  When immigrants cannot or will not assimilate, they must be deported.


Some immigrants especially those who came here as refugees may not want to assimilate but do not want to harm this country or its citizens. For those people, the United States government should offer to return those individuals to their country of origin free of charge.  If they do not like it here and want to return home, let us help them.


One of our most stupid permanent work visas is the EB-5. As long as you invest $500,000-1,000,000 in this country and employ 10 workers you can get one.  Is this how persons who support organizations that want to overthrow our government are allowed to stay in this country and cause problems?  Surely those persons are not citizens, are they?  All must be deported permanently from this country and lose their citizenship if they have become citizens.


Any immigration reform passed by Congress must permanently guarantee that native born Americans must always constitute a majority of at least 60-75% of the nation’s population.


Please note that at this time that most of the issues like chain immigration that it is assumed are addressed by the RAISE Act are not discussed in this post.





When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Attorney General Sessions made this observer uncomfortable when the DOJ announced that the department would not prosecute the crooks in the IRS. If the DOJ’s job is not to investigate and prosecute lawlessness, what is it?  Are they afraid to enforce the law?  That decision advised those Americans who were harmed by the IRS that they don’t count.  That decision is swamp politics.  AG Sessions, you are supposed to drain the swamp—not keep filling it up.  There has not been one case announced where the Department of Justice is investigating and will prosecute Obama Administration corruption.  Do we have a Caspar Milquetoast Attorney General?  This country needs a Patton type Give Em Hell type Attorney General to drain the swamp.  We need an Attorney General that will strike fear in the hearts of every crooked politician before sending them to jail.


Mr. AG Sessions, are you a Caspar Milquetoast AG or a Give Em Hell AG? It would seem that your course of future action depends on the answer to that question.  My observations make me suspect Caspar Milquetoast.  Do you keep Obama Democrats in your department so that you will have an excuse to fail?  Another four years of a corrupt Justice Department is completely unacceptable.


By the way, if you investigated the DC police department cover-up of the murder of Seth Rich, the Democratic Party would probably go ballistic with fear. How can Debbie Wasserman Schultz threaten the DC police department if the Democrats don’t own them?


Reading the email correspondence between then FBI Director Mueller and the White House during the time Obama was politicizing the FBI and Intelligence Agencies should be very interesting reading.


When is the DOJ going to arrest James Comey for the crimes he committed?



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP


Poor leadership by our last three lawyer presidents {Clinton, Bush and Obama) deferred critical foreign policy decisions on North Korea that must now be faced. The chickens have come home to roost.  With North Korea testing potential nuclear warheads on ICBMs capable of reaching the United States and our allies, it appears that the Trump Administration has reached the conclusion that a solution to the problem must be reached very soon because the last 25 years of negotiating with North Korea have accomplished nothing.  The holdover Obama State Department bureaucrats together with their not too bright power and control Democratic allies, the propaganda media, the inept wet their pants establishment Republicans and the big business world government CEOs will all insist that force must be avoided at all costs.  They are all wrong and if we follow their advice, every single one of them will run for their rabbit hole to stay safe when the first bomb is on its way to the United States.


The United States invented the nuclear bomb and used two of them to end World War II. Recently it seems that other countries now want one.  Recognizing the danger of nuclear weapons, the nuclear nations previously have tried to prevent proliferation.  For some time it seemed to have worked until a Pakistani metallurgist sold nuclear technology to North Korea, Iran and Libya.  Until then, with or without a nuclear non-proliferation treaty, the spread of bomb technology seemed to be under control.  No more.  Rogue nations like North Korea and Iran will never be responsible nuclear nations.  They cannot have these weapons.


While North Korea is the bad guy now, they are only doing what Communist China wants them to do. Retired generals have reported on TV that the North Korean missile technology is really of Chinese origin.  China is using North Korea to refine and test Chinese bomb and missile technology.  China is the problem along with the Iranians who are sharing development costs.  Maybe China will reconsider if the mountain collapses where North Korea tested what they called a hydrogen bomb and floods China and the world with radioactivity.  Only China can affect a diplomatic solution for North Korea.  To do so, they must force North Korea to give up all their nuclear weapons and ICBMs and the technology for them.  They must guarantee that North Korea does this and does not sell the technology to more rogue nations.  The time for China to do this is now.  If China delays and North Korea starts a nuclear war, it will be China’s fault.  In any case, compliance must be confirmed and verified by the United States and other nations—not China or the corruption riddled United Nations.


If normal political diplomatic negotiations are conducted, will North Korea continue their bomb production in secrecy until it has 100 or more bombs? Will they sell the nuclear technology to any rogue nation that will pay them?  The answer is yes.  How many more nations will want the atomic bomb?  Will the world be safe with many nations having as many as 100 nuclear weapons?  Will there be nuclear blackmail?  Without some proliferation enforcement, is there any way to limit nuclear bomb production?  The answer is no.  Will it be easier to stop proliferation when these countries have few or no bombs or after they have 100?  If you do not know the answer to that question, stop reading—you are beyond help.


In the Middle East, Iran fits into the same mold as North Korea. No nukes for Iran no matter what Obama promised.  Iran reports that they do not yet have nuclear weapons.   Since they are sharing nuclear bomb and ICBM technology with North Korea, do you believe them?  How can you believe them when there is no independent verification without advance notice?  What imbecile agreed to those terms?  Was it the Obama Administration and the European Union?  Remember that Muslims have no problem with lying to non-believers.  Oh yes, Iran also continually broadcasts that they want to destroy the United States and Israel.  Do you believe that they can be trusted with atomic weapons?  Only an imbecile would say yes.


We saw in Texas how the public assisted the government by volunteering to help those in need during and after Hurricane Harvey. It was an awesome sight. China exports billions of dollars of products to the United States.  Maybe the public can help convince China to be more responsible by not buying and boycotting all Chinese imports.  No effect may be seen in the short term.  Long term, we start making more of what we consume here in the United States.  There will very likely be an economic penalty, but we are Americans and when we band together, we can do almost anything.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled A New American Way??? suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


The politics in this country has become so toxic that the warfare must be stopped before the constitutional militia is required to quell the insurrection.


It was recently reported by Judicial Watch that the Trump Administration is resisting filling FOIA requests much like the Obama gang did. Who is obstructing this information release?  Judicial Watch is suggesting “Extreme Transparency.[1]”  “With the stroke of a pen, President Trump and his cabinet secretaries can order the release of all government records concerning any number of important issues and lingering questions.”[2]  Why hasn’t this been done?


After more than seven months in office, doesn’t the Trump administration need to inform the American public why so many holdover officials are still in the positions they held during the Obama administration? Corruption was king during that time.  Is corruption still the main course?


The Trump Inquisition continues despite no evidence. It is suggested that a FOIA request be made for all FBI communications with the White House during the time when Special Counsel Robert Mueller was the FBI Director and former President Barack Obama was politicizing the FBI and Intelligence agencies.  Those communications should make very interesting reading.


[1] Chris Farrell, The Judicial Watch Verdict, Volume 23, Issue 8, August 2017

[2] Ibid


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Since the election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States, it appears that the political SWAMP has pulled out all the stops to remove him from the Presidency. The fact is that no matter what President Trump does, it gets criticized—sometimes fairly but most of the time unfairly.


When the President pointed out that both patties were guilty of and came prepared to commit violence in Charlottesville, VA, he was vilified as usual. He was correct because peaceful protestors do not need any weapons and, when the police do their job and keep opposing parties well separated and lawful, there should be no violence.  No one gets hurt when only yelling is done.  The Charlottesville police for whatever reason became bystanders to violence instead of enforcing the law—bad cops.


Why then all the commotion? Politics.  Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are worth spit.  It is normal for the minority party to vote in one big block in Congress, but it is not normal for their supporters to hire thugs to cause violence and destruction at meetings, to promote censorship to suppress free speech and assembly, to ally with segments of the press to issue propaganda under the pretext it is the truth, and sadly possibly murdering persons who could damage members of the Democratic Party; i.e., they have become fascists and their followers use fascist tactics.  On the other hand, the Republicans’ loyalty is only to their re-election.  As far as they are concerned, the citizens of this country can go to hell.  After seven years of broadcasting what they would do if the Republicans controlled both houses of congress and the presidency, once they had that power, they wet their pants and can’t pass important legislation.  They could drop off the end of the world and we would never miss them.


My July 30, 2017 post entitled A New American Way??? suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled A New American Way??? suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


A potential way to get every politician’s attention is for ordinary citizens to refuse to donate any campaign money and refuse to re-elect any incumbent politician to office. The politicians that must suffer are federal, state and local.  We need to elect good honest people to office that are absolutely independent of any political party and who will sign a legally binding accountability contract that allows their constituents to petition for a recall election and, if defeated in that election, removes that elected official from office on that day.  It is conceded that this tactic may defeat some good politicians, but in the usual American way, we punish everyone for the transgressions of the few.  By the way, your incumbent member of congress, state and local politicians will continue to sell out to the highest bidder.


Immediately all politicians will insist someone with political experience must be elected and use President Trump as an example of that need. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a huge load of bullcrap.  President Trump’s administration has been sabotaged by the Democratic Party delaying appointment approvals, the Propaganda mainstream press, the Never Trump Republicans, the slimy and evil bureaucrats who leaked government secrets to discredit the President and the holdover resistance members of the Obama Administration.


Oh yes, Bernie Sanders needs to sell one of his three homes so he can help provide the money for the free everything he is proposing. He is a delusional politician and so are his followers who confirm Albert Einstein’s quote that “the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits”.



At the present time, there are nine countries presumed to possess nuclear weapons. They are the United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom, France, Israel, India, Pakistan and now North Korea.


In 2004, a Pakistani scientist confessed to having sold nuclear weapons technology to North Korea, Iran and Libya. In 2006, North Korea tested their first nuclear bomb.


Now North Korea is trying to blackmail the world and especially the United States. Is this action a prelude to what the world can expect if other nations succeed in producing a nuclear bomb?  The answer is yes.  However, this type of behavior is completely unacceptable.


Can the world accept the possibility that possibly 50 nations could eventually have nuclear bomb technology and possess 100 nuclear bombs each? Can the world accept that every year of two one of these countries might have a major dispute with another country and try to settle the issue with a nuclear bomb?  The answer to that question is obvious.  This type of behavior is completely unacceptable.  What to do?  Nuclear non-proliferation seemed to have worked until the Pakistani scientist sold the technology.  Now the future is unknown.


The answer must be that this terrible technology must be limited to eight nations who must enforce this restriction by force if necessary. These eight nations in possession of nuclear bombs must band together to prevent nuclear proliferation.  This technology is too dangerous to have it fall into the hands of anyone seeking world dominance or a deranged head of state.  Lacking an enforcement agreement, God help us and the world.


My prediction is that the leaders of these eight nations do not have the political will to cooperate and are not smart enough to stop proliferation until the earth has become a nuclear wasteland.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Note to President Trump and Attorney General Sessions:


One of the reasons both of you occupy the political offices you hold today is that you strongly embraced the Rule of Law. If a plea deal is offered and accepted by Hillary Clinton to avoid jail, this observer predicts that both of you will be doing something else after the 2020 election because that one act will prove to the American public that you are both part of the swamp.  Only swamp dwellers believe politicians have a different justice system.


A more appropriate action would be a vigorous prosecution within the next six months and conviction after which when a minimum time of one year was spent in jail, she could use a plea deal to be released.



America’s most useless citizens are the members of the United States Congress followed very closely by the corrupt fascist mainstream propaganda press and the un-American bureaucratic saboteurs–who need to be executed for their crimes.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Why does the United States need more than 5.000,000 persons with a security clearance? Doesn’t this promote fishing expeditions instead of enforcing need to know?  The NSA scans everything and we still had people die in Boston, San Bernardino and Orlando.  We have 17 supposed intelligence agencies and still these killings were committed.  Why didn’t any of these agencies help prevent these killings?  Politics.  Was Robert Mueller or James Comey in charge of the FBI when the Russian Boston terrorist warnings were ignored?  Why were they ignored?  Politics.  Politicization of the FBI prevented the surveillance needed to prevent the killings.  Whose fault was that?  Was it Mueller, Comey, Obama or all three?  Over 5 million people with security clearances with massive spying on the American public and nobody did anything to stop the killing.  What good is a system that is designed to fail?  Until the FBI cleans out the political scum in their ranks, it is my opinion that the American public will trust nothing that they do.  No witch hunts!!!!


Since the NSA and the compliant Fisa Courts did not prevent unmasking of American citizens ostensibly for political purposes, what good is accomplished by the Fisa Courts and domestic NSA spying?  If the judges don’t check to see if their orders are being implemented correctly, why are they on the court?  This observer suspects that the Fisa Judges knew of the unlawful use of their orders, but sadly did nothing.


If the number of security clearances were reduced to 1 million, that is still too many to keep secrets. How many people worked on the Manhattan Project?  Who in government is charged with the responsibility to keep tabs on these security clearance holders and identify saboteurs?  Obviously the answer is that is the system we have now has no one.  What happens when an Inspector General reports a problem and nothing is done to correct it?  Corruption reigns!!!!


It is this observer’s opinion that the American public are fed up with what is going on in Washington and could quite possibly be close joining a posse to attempt to fix the system themselves. That would create a huge mess, but then except for the President and his staff along with a few members of congress, our politicians are corrupt with agendas opposed to serving the American public.  Based on TV interviews, the more recently elected members of congress seem more attuned to the wishes of the public than the dead wood members—those who have “served” more than two terms.  If the American public refused to financially support and re-elect any member of congress who has served two or more terms, we have citizen enforced term limits.  We need congressional term limits as well as a 5 year or less non renewable term limit on all federal bureaucrats.


By the way, due to the constant political party warfare, endless meaningless congressional committee meetings and congressional recesses, my vote is still for a part time congress with part time pay and no benefits while not in session.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Once again the politicians have lied to us and mucked up any legislative fixes for healthcare and tax reform. Are you as mad at these simpletons as am I?  I hope so because it is time we start to fix it.


They are not the only problem. The fascist propaganda press–mainstream media—has appeared to have convinced their audience that there are problems when no evidence of a problem exists.  In other words, the press lies to an audience that believes the lies.  They are a serious problem to our constitutional republic which has a constitution protecting freedom of the press ON THE ASSMUMPTION THAT THE PRESS IS REPORTING THE TRUTH.  But hasn’t the Supreme Court ruled that even press propaganda is protected?  These media institutions and their owners are a threat to our country’s political stability and must be vigorously opposed.  In order to restore the true meaning of freedom of the press, the American public must financially destroy these malicious media organizations and their owners.  An Internet search should allow the public to learn who these owners and their allies are.


Money and re-election are the reasons we have corrupt politics and politicians. We can solve this one.  There is no reason any politician must be re-elected.  Beyond the first term, too many members join the swamp President Trump is trying to drain.  We need single term Members of Congress to eliminate the need for money for re-election.  One way to effect this change is to amend the Constitution to a single four year term for Representatives and a single six year term for Senators.  Another way is for the American voter to decide enough is enough is enough and decide to experiment at the next election by rejecting the re-election bids for all current Members of Congress.  It is time to see if that strategy works to get improved congressional performance.  Under this scenario, there is no need to donate to any political party.  For whom do you vote?  You don’t want to vote for a Republican because they only lie to you and wet their pants when asked to govern.  You don’t want to vote for a Democrat because like all good fascists, they want to control the whole American population and make every American a slave to the government.  Under this election experiment, if a true Independent with no ties to any Independent Party were to run, if qualified, why not vote for that person? Since the aim of this reform is to destroy party loyalty and replace it with constituent and country loyalty, there should be no problem with a true independent working with a President whose objective and actions are directed to helping the good people of this country.  We seem to have forgotten that to have a great country we must all work together for our common goal.  To protect the public, make all candidates sign a legally enforceable accountability contract for recall by the public due to non performance.


In the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) if passed, the six judges masquerading as Supreme Court Justices, who have in fact have demonstrated political activism, could be removed from office by a public petition and subsequent vote. This would also apply to federal judges who want to follow the Supreme Court’s lead and legislate from the bench.  If the Supreme Court legislated again, with an Accountability Amendment the public could overturn that decision.  If the Congress passed another atrocity like the Affordable Care Act, the public by petition and national vote could repeal the law.  If a bureaucrat was corrupt, the public could remove that person.  Note:  All federal bureaucrats should be appointed to a single nonrenewable 5 year term.  If the President reappointed the bureaucrat, the public could remove the President.  If made part of our Constitution, it would make the public—not the untrustworthy politicians–the final arbitrator of how we are willing to be governed.  Please note that the Accountability Amendment would not allow the public to replace the three branches of government—only reject persons and actions taken by any of those three branches of the federal government.  That is why everyone in the federal government would probably live in fear of being removed by the public and hopefully give all members of the federal government a very strong incentive to stay accountable to their constituents and within the confines of our Constitution.


The Judiciary Amendment removes federal lifetime appointments and makes federal judges run as politicians for a single 10 year nonrenewable term. In retrospect, a 5 year term might yield better government.  In conjunction with the Accountability Amendment, if these judges do not perform as necessary, they can be removed by the public.


Only American voters who provide a photo ID would have their votes counted. Photo ID is a precondition to vote on any action using the Accountability Amendment.  Since it would be a constitutional amendment, the Supreme Court must accept this precondition.


Like all new ideas, learning how best to use this people power would experience some bumps in the road early after approval. If for some reason, these changes cause major problems, remember that our founding fathers’ wisdom gave us a way to change the Constitution by amending it.  Remember that the only constant thing in everyone’s life is change.


In the meantime, we can’t let work that must be done and laws to be passed interfere with congressional recesses, can we? More and more it looks like being a member of congress is a part time job and deserves part time pay and no benefits.


The corruption and sabotage being generated by longtime bureaucrats and Obama appointees who leak classified information to the fascist media clearly highlights why all government employees must be term limited. Except for the military and maybe some first responders, once again it is suggested that all government employees be limited to a single nonrenewable 5 year term.  To prevent the problems the states and cities are having with pensions, all government employees including Congress must convert to a 401k retirement plan and must use the same health insurance plans as the general public.  Currently, Congress doesn’t care if Obamacare is repealed because they have their own sweetheart health plan.


It is really sad to note that too many law schools no longer teach law. It appears that these schools are following the lead of journalism schools which no longer teach journalism.  The major problem these professions have is they rely more on “is it legal?” instead of “is it right or wrong?” and our country is the loser.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


From the peanut gallery, Mr. Attorney General, it really appears that you find yourself in a pickle. You  recused yourself from the Russia fairytale investigation and immediately your Deputy Attorney General appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a Special Counsel.  Mr. Attorney General, that is the reason so many Democrats approved your deputy.  Hello, hello


A guest on Maria Bartiromo’s show this week suggested that you un-recuse yourself. If possible, you need to do it and then give Special Counsel Robert Mueller two months to provide concrete evidence of Russian collusion during the 2016 election.  If that condition is not met, the investigation should be terminated.  I hope I speak for many Americans when I tell you that we do not want to pay for and have to listen to the garbage in the media of a multi-year witch hunt for a fake crime.  To me the act of spending millions of dollars and thousands of hours hunting for a fake crime is criminal and needs to be prosecuted.  Haven’t ordinary Americans been prosecuted for reporting fake crimes?  What is different?


If your recusal reversal cannot be done, fire your deputy attorney general. As his immediate superior, you would then become in charge of the investigation.  Then issue the above ultimatum.  Sure the FASCIST Democrats, the hate Trump Republicans and the fascist mainstream press will scream and holler.  Tell them to shove it.


Mr. Attorney General, almost from day one, former President Barack Obama started to corrupt the federal bureaucracy. Please try to provide justice to the many good Americans who were abused by the IRS  only to have Obama promote the worst offenders. You are supposed to be for law and order.  Those good people have been waiting for 7 years for justice.  Do you expect them to wait for another 7 years to receive justice?  What kind of Justice Department makes victims wait that long?


More recently, there have been one murder and two supposed suicides of persons investigating the Clintons and the Democratic Party. Piecing together TV news clues, it appears that Seth Rich gave Wikileaks the DNC emails to publish.  When the DHC’s and FBI’s help was refused by the DNC, it was because they already knew how Wikileaks got the emails and didn’t want that information made public.  Ex-President Obama had to be informed about the email release by Mr. Rich and for that reason he did not report the Russian cyber attempts to influence the election.  When Mr. Rich was scheduled to testify, the DNC most likely had him murdered.  It has also been reported on TV that a member of the Democratic Party may also be linked to this crime.  TV news has reported that the DC Capital Police department has evidence from two assisting police officers who attended Seth Rich before he died as well as surveillance video.    The Capital Police are refusing to release any information on these issues.  Are we seeing the Capital Police complicit in a cover up of a political assassination?  Since the Russians are involved, where is the Justice Department investigation?


In Miami, a Haitian was questioning how the Clinton’s handled Haitian recovery money.  This man supposedly committed suicide.  It looks like the gang is getting good at faking suicides, but then Miami is a Democratic controlled city.  Where is the Justice Department investigation?


In Rochester, Minn. a Chicagoan was found dead from another supposed suicide that the police called suspicious after stating he was close to finding the missing Hillary Clinton emails. Doesn’t this warrant another Justice Department investigation?


If investigations are needed, is there anyone left in the FBI who has not been tainted by bureau politicization and can be trusted to have the integrity to do what is necessary? Since Mueller was FBI Director when Obama politicized the FBI, does that become another Justice Department investigation?  Who does the investigation?


Mr. Attorney General, please take some advice from someone several years your senior. It is time to go on offense and get off defense.  That is this old man’s opinion of how you can demonstrate to the country that you are capable of doing this tough job.  Could it be that is what President Trump’s tweets have been trying to tell you?  Do you have the guts to do the job and stay the course?



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


It is time to fix one problem. That problem is deported illegal aliens returning to the United States and killing American citizens.


If the Congress and the President had the guts and really wanted to stop this carnage, they would pass a law that any illegal alien who was apprehended again in the United States after deportation would be automatically executed within 48 hours. The people of this country need to be safe and do not need multiple illegal alien eportations.  This law would also prohibit all judicial review and appeal.  Illegal aliens are not American citizens and should not be entitled to a free taxpayer paid legal defense.  Enough is enough is enough is enough!!!!!!! Anyone who calls himself or herself an American who obstructs and violates the enforcement of a law like this must be charged with a felony.


The dumb as a rock Republicans and the fascist Democratic—yes liberals can be fascists– members of Congress along with their fascist propaganda media are sure to oppose any law like this.


If all members of Congress were part time and were paid part time wages with no benefits, maybe they would not have time for useless committee meetings that solve nothing and party political warfare.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


What it appears like now is that we have a fifth column entrenched in the federal bureaucracy. Together with the Fourth Estate, they leak classified materials which the Fourth Estate publishes.  To the best of my knowledge, treason is not protected by freedom of the press.  The conclusion is that both parties are committing treason for which they must be arrested and tried.  If necessary, the law must be changed so that those persons found guilty of espionage can be executed instead of just sent to jail.


Freedom of the press applies only as long as we have a stable government and the rule of law. If these illegal acts incite anarchy, that protection is lost.  Anarchy brings all kinds of bad things to this country.  Equally lost is the protection that the fifth column bureaucrats now enjoy.  What is to prevent these traitors from becoming recipients of retribution?  If anarchy brings violence, those persons fighting the anarchists may not know which Fourth Estate or fifth column party is guilty, so it is possible that many innocent people could die.


With the politicization of the FBI during the Obama Administration, it is this observer’s opinion that they cannot be trusted to investigate any important national security issues.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Since 9-11-2001, the United States has engaged in a war against radical Islam.


We attacked the terrorist’s sanctuary in Afghanistan, but never destroyed the jihadists. Moreover, a supposed ally in Pakistan has supported the terrorists by giving them sanctuary.  During the administrations of Bush and Obama, many mistakes were made mostly by the politicians who either did not have the backbone or the political will to solve the problem.  From this inaction, ISIS was born. During this period the Muslim nations have allowed terrorists to commit genocide against Christians without any consequences.  That leaves us with the mess we have today.


The United States now has a President who wants to finally solve the problems and try to establish peace. He has in place a competent Secretary of Defense and generals.  Previous Secretaries of Defense may have also been competent, but the politicians in Washington worried more about politics instead of winning the war and establishing peace.  As a result, they continually screwed things up.  Only a moron would try to micromanage a war from the White House.


During all this incompetence, Christian genocide continued. Christians who along with the Jews have been in the Middle East for two thousand years have no sanctuary, so they continue to get slaughtered.  The Christians must have a Middle Eastern sanctuary.  How can this be done?


From all accounts in the news, the Syrian Democratic Forces are not trusted by the American military supporting them. For years their loyalty to whom has been questioned.  What this observer is about to propose will not find favor with the Muslim Arabs and Kurds.  It is time to start recruiting Christian Arabs exclusively into the Syrian Democratic Forces to fight the terrorists with the prospect that this force will become so large that it will handily defeat ISIS and Bashar Assad’s Iranian and Russian backed forces to then lay claim to the land they occupy. This sanctuary area must begin at the Israeli and Lebanese borders and spread north and east.  If Hezbollah in Lebanon contest this action, they must be exterminated for the ruthless terrorists they are. It will be the beginning of a Middle Eastern Christian sanctuary that so far the Muslim Arabs have prevented.  It is not a religious war although that is what ISIS has been waging.  The critics especially the American Fascist Democratic Party will call it a religious war—but this action will only be fixing a problem too long ignored by the so-called civilized world.  Besides the American Fascist Democratic Party lies so much who can believe anything they say.


The so-called peaceful Muslims still have their religion which calls for killing infidels. Until their religion is reformed, Muslims will be a constant threat to world peace.


As part of the sanctuary creation, a large part of Syrian land near Turkey should be established so that the Muslims who emigrated to Europe can return home to the Middle East. Naturally in the interest of world peace, the rest of the world should help support both of these sanctuaries for 5-10 years until these refugees can establish a permanent home.  Without a Christian presence in the Middle East, there will never be peace.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


What Congress and/or the President must do:


The President must terminate all federal government employees who were hired by the Obama Administration. In addition, terminate all government employees except the military and first responders who have more than 8 years service and prohibit rehiring them for two years.  All rehires must require congressional approval.  Is it better to try to run government with a much reduced staff while hiring new members or constantly dealing with saboteurs?  What is to prevent placing new hires not requiring congressional approval in senior staff positions on a temporary basis?


The Congress must pass and the President sign the laws necessary to insure that all new federal employees except the military and first responders’ tenure in office to be restricted to 8 years. No rehires within two years without congressional approval.  All rehires are limited to a final one year of service.  We have to kill King Corruption.  They must have education and/or experience in the field for which they will be hired and serve.  More qualifications are listed in my book. [1]   They must have the same medical plan as the American public and their retirement plan will be a 401k.


It is disgusting to observe the rancorous politics that wastes time and money only to support useless party politics warfare. What is the justification for all the Special Counsel attorneys who are Democrats like the ones who staffed the Obama Justice Department?  Isn’t the Justice Department supposed to be impartial?  It is time for the scope of the Special Counsel to be changed to investigate the corrupt practices of the Obama Administration starting with the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious, the Clinton email scandal, etc.  If Special Counsel declines to investigate these practices, he and his staff should submit their resignations or be fired by the Deputy Attorney General who hired them.  Mr. Deputy Attorney General, are you really interested investigating crime or do you only want to play politics?


By the way, during the Obama Administration, my “neighbors” held firearm “target practice” every weekend. After President Trump was elected, “target practice” stopped.  The Democrats since the election have used fascist tactics supported by a fascist mainstream media to try to destroy our President without any evidence of his guilt of any crime.  Well, recently my “neighbors” have resumed to weekly “target practice”.  If the Fascist Democrats, Never Trump Republicans and the federal bureaucracy are stupid enough to try to overthrow the government, they risk starting domestic insurrection suppression by more than 70,000,000 armed militia members who will very likely disagree.


With Congress spending so much time pursuing Democratic-Republican warfare, wasting time in televised committee hearings that solve nothing, and congressional recesses, Congress has demonstrated that so little time is spent doing what they were sent to Washington to do that Congressional membership must be changed to a part time job with part time pay and no full time benefits.


[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It. Outskirts Press (2014), p 75


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


While passing healthcare reform, a tax cut bill to stimulate our economy, build the southern border wall and rebuild our nation’s infrastructure are all extremely important, so is law and order and enforcement of the rule of law. Mr. President and Mr. Attorney General, it is this observer’s opinion that while you support the police, you have been derelict in investigating and pursuing the lawlessness of the Obama Administration.  This must stop immediately.  If every attorney in the Justice Department who was hired during the Obama Administration has not been terminated and new hires started, you are trashing the American public who want justice regardless of anyone’s politics.  If the Fascist Democrats and their propaganda media are so busy covering their backsides defending themselves, maybe there will be a little relief on the attacks on the President.


After the 2010 mid-term congressional elections during which the Tea Party was significant, the Democrats lost 63 seats and control of the House of Representatives. It is evident that the Obama Administration decided to do something to try to reverse this trend.  The method they chose was to weaponize the IRS to deny 501(c)(4) applications submitted by conservative organizations.  This tactic became public knowledge in 2012.  Nobody went to jail because the Obama Administration did nothing.  Is the current administration going to wait until the statute of limitations is passed so that they do not have to panel a grand jury and investigate?


Where is the grand jury investigation of Fast and Furious? One border agent was killed and more recently another was killed by one of the weapons involved.  Where is the justice for their families?


Did the Obama Administration spying on American citizens and companies start with James Rosen and the Associated Press? Did the spying using NSA, possibly other intelligence agencies and maybe the FBI continue until January of this year?  This extremely important matter must be investigated to insure that we still have a constitution and that these agencies are keeping this country safe.  This observer questions their loyalty to this country.  Rehire some retired agents and terminate everyone who cannot pass a lie detector test.  Having no staff is better that one that sabotages your administration.  Begin hiring new agents.  This country is not safe with saboteurs in the intelligence agencies.  It is too bad that the law does not allow treasonous people to be executed if found guilty.


The only thing that the Congressional Benghazi hearings have proved is how ineffective congressional committees are. They are as useful as the teats on a bull.  When will the Benghazi attack be fully investigated?  This event cost four Americans their lives and Obama Administration lied about the real cause.  Was it true that the United States was running guns to Syrian terrorists as rumor has it?  The cover-up after this incident was blatant.  This incident must have a grand jury with subpoena power paneled and investigated.


As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton had a private email server installed in her home. Upon the public discovering this fact and questions raised about emails on this server, she promptly deleted thousands of emails.  All this was swept under the rug during the useless congressional committee hearings.  Now is the time to impanel a grand jury with subpoena power and investigate this matter until the complete truth is uncovered.  The politicized FBI is totally worthless investigating this.  Once again if some retired FBI agents loyal to our country can be talked into returning long enough to find the truth, rehire them.  It may be the best way.  All FBI agents hired by the Obama Administration must be fired if they cannot pass a lie detector test or some better way of determining their loyalty to the country.  Clean out the FBI.  Having no staff is better than a staff that will sabotage your administration.


No matter how many hires it takes, when is this administration going to begin the job of cleaning up the federal cesspool commonly referred to as the bureaucracy? The time to begin is today and make sure the public knows and is kept informed.  We all know the fascist mainstream media will not broadcast or print a word.


Oh yes, someone needs to get after the DC Metropolitan Police to wrap up the Seth Rich case no matter what politicians or political organizations are involved. Lacking this, fire the police department management and investigate them for obstruction of justice.


In the meantime, Congress wastes too much time and money on party politics in committee meetings that solve nothing. With all the Congressional recesses, it is evident that being a member of Congress is a part time job and deserves part time pay and no benefits.  It is surprising that they sometimes find time to legislate.  Isn’t that supposed to be their primary job?




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass the Revised Accountability (March 19, 2017 post) and Federal Judiciary (March 31, 2016 post) Amendments to the Constitution. The Revised Accountability Amendment would enable the public to remove federal officials and federal overturn laws and court decisions.  The Federal Judiciary Amendment removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



In the meantime, we can’t let work that must be done and laws to be passed interfere with congressional recesses, can we? More and more it looks like being a member of congress is a part time job and deserves part time pay and no benefits.  When they do work, they are concerned mostly about party politics and warfare that only wastes our tax dollars and does nothing to benefit us.  By the way, your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected.





The political hack federal judges don’t give a damn about the Constitution because they think they are smarter than the founding fathers and will change the Constitution to suit their personal agenda. The federal courts have ruled that a politician can be held accountable for what is said during the campaign prior to election, then so can a judge prior to election or appointment as well as every bureaucrat prior to appointment.  Now is the time to investigate every judge, politician and bureaucrat’s background prior to appointment or election so a lawsuit can be filed to make them accountable for any statements made prior to their appointment or election.  If the courts reject these lawsuits stating no standing, then it is time for any judge ruling that way to resign permanently from the bench.  If these judges are going to make up law, then they must follow that law for everyone.  No selective lawsuits are acceptable.



If you agree with judicial activism, then you can expect judicial interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every constitutional issue is revisited by different judges. When the Constitution is changed every 5-10 years, the public begins to believe that the law does not need to be followed because it will soon change; therefore, ignore all the laws and do what you want to do.  When that happens and it is close to happening now, that ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.



It is really sad to note that too many law schools no longer teach law. It appears that these schools are following the lead of many journalism schools which no longer teach journalism.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Once upon a time, members of the American Fascist Party (Democratic Party and mainstream media) were good Americans. No more.  In today’s world, these organizations have advocated violence, censorship called political correctness, school indoctrination instead of education, entitlement for everyone for almost everything, and open borders which could admit more than 600 million uneducated illegal aliens into our country converting it into a third world country.  They have ignored reports of NSA spying and unmasking of political opponents by the Obama Administration.  No questions were raised when the Obama Justice Department sued to stop state voter ID implementation intended to prevent election voter fraud.  This Fascist Party always uses political opponent character assassination instead of promotion of viable programs to help the people of this nation.  Now there have been TV news reports of possible Democratic Party connections to the murder of Democratic Operative Seth Rich.  A major political party possibly connected to a murder with a media blackout?  Why are there now reports that the DC police appear to be impeding and covering up this murder investigation?  Where is justice and law and order?  Where are all those lawsuits that are supposed to resolve these issues?  During this time the Fascist media has resorted to broadcasting propaganda instead of factual news reports.  They have avoided “News Distortion” FCC intervention by having the Fascist Party politicians continually repeat the same fake news over and over.  Is it possible that a major political party and mainstream media have lost all integrity and morals to have sunk this low?  Yes.


While Establishment Republicans do not appear to embrace fascism at this time, their agenda to destroy President Trump is real. If you don’t believe these many problems exist, spend some time and do some research for yourself—or maybe you have been living under a rock on another planet.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Both Judaism and Christianity were well established religions in the Middle East before Islam was even an idea. Today the Muslims continually persecute and kill Christians because Christians have no refuge in the Middle East.  This is unacceptable.  To make matters worse, elements of Islam have started a worldwide war against all non Muslims.  This is also unacceptable.  Islam doctrine to murder non believers if they do not convert to Islam is barbaric.  Therefore, any settlement in the Middle East after ISIS has been exterminated must include the formation of two Christian countries where Middle Eastern Christians can seek refuge from Islam.  It is an absolute necessity that both Judaism and Christianity be forever represented in the Middle East.


For many years the Muslims have used oil to blackmail other nations to get the political environment they want. Soon new technologies will reduce reliance on hydrocarbons for energy.  When this happens, the oil cartels may shrivel.  Without oil blackmail, who needs the Muslim countries?  Without the technology that comes primarily from the West, and without a reformation of Islam to remove barbarism, the Muslim countries will slowly begin to return to the 6th century where they can remain isolated from the rest of the world.




A man who was born an American but never became an American.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.



Former FBI Director Robert Mueller has been appointed as a special investigator to investigate any Russia-Trump connections. This is the same person who was Director and in charge of the FBI when former President Barack Obama politicized it.  Instead of objecting and resigning, he continued to serve President Obama.  Nothing fair and impartial can be expected to be issued by any politicized federal bureaucracy.  They are all part of the swamp that must be permanently destroyed.


What can we expect from a special investigator who lacked the integrity to resign when his department was being politicized–a witch hunt or a fair and impartial investigation? This observer’s vote is for the witch hunt.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


It made sense to station troops in Europe to maintain law and order after World War II ended 72 years ago. Today, with 23 of 28 NATO countries not paying their voluntary 2% of GDP NATO dues, they obviously think that their country is not in any danger.  That being the case, there is no need for American armed forces to be stationed in their country.  Mr. President, please close all American military installations in those 23 countries—which should make the Russians very happy–and bring those troops home.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Based on a 2014 World Bank study[1] the world’s fertility rate for child bearing females dropped in 187 out of the 190 countries surveyed for the time period of 1960 to 2014.  With so many countries reporting drops in fertility rates, there is the possibility that world population will begin to decline.  This observer believes that most economists use population demographics to predict economic growth with more workers paying more taxes.  What happens when there are fewer workers due to robotics?  The TV news reported that Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates has suggested that when a robot replaces a human, the robot is taxed.  This is an excellent idea and gives the government money it needs to function when a country’s population is declining.  It also negates the excuse that immigrant workers are needed to maintain a healthy economy.  The European Union appears to have used that immigration logic when they opened their borders to over a million mostly Muslim refugees who are not assimilating into their destination countries.  Who knows what the future holds for Europe?  The economists should–but probably won’t–develop declining population economic models.


If you are sick of hearing politicians complain about how the rich–who in reality pay most of the taxes collected now—do not pay their fair share of taxes, maybe it is time start taxing wealth. It is my understanding that this wealth tax must be called a tax to be legal.  This tax would in fact be a “thank you for the opportunity” tax that recognizes that an individual is able to accumulate great wealth because of our constitutional republic system of government and the individual’s freedom to pursue personal goals.


Businesses are already taxed, so this new wealth tax would not apply to them, but institutional value and personal net worth wealth would be. Foundations, many of which stray from their original purpose after the originator passes, grow in value and are infiltrated by persons who use those collected and accumulated monies to pursue a political agenda.  When the foundation toe is dipped into politics, taxes should and must be paid and the foundation must be liquidated. It is also suggested that there should be a sunset provision for all foundations.  The same analogy can be used for university endowment funds when the university diverges from pure education.


The suggested yearly tax rates for a million dollars of value or net worth is 1%, a tax rate of 2% for a value or net worth of a billion dollars and a 5% tax rate for a trillion dollar value or net worth. These tax monies would be paid to the U.S. Treasury for the sole purpose to help pay down the national debt.  It would need a Constitutional Amendment to pass because after what the Federal Government did to the Social Security Trust Fund, they CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH THESE COLLECTED MONIES.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass Accountability and Federal Judiciary Amendments to the Constitution. We can’t let work that must be done and laws to be passed interfere with congressional recesses, can we?  The political hack federal judges don’t give a damn about the Constitution because they think they are smarter than the founding fathers and will change the Constitution to suit their personal agenda.  If you agree with activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every constitutional issue is revisited by different judges.  When the Constitution is changed every 5-10 years, the public begins to believe that the law does not need to be followed because it will soon change; therefore, ignore all the laws and do what you want to do.  When that happens and it is close to happening now, that ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) enabling the public to remove federal officials and overturn laws and court decisions, and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) which removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


As fans of Western novels and movies know, when the sheriff had bad guys causing problems and he needed help, he rounded up a group of citizens to form a posse and together they pursued and captured or killed the bad guys. In reality, those posse members were really members of the militia referenced in the United States Constitution.


Is it time to call out the posse and deputize them so they can help clean out the slimy swamp that the federal bureaucracy represents?


It would seem that if the President were to fill all the bureaucratic slots not requiring Senate confirmation and then fire everyone else after the new hires are in place, he would be doing the country a favor. This should be done for every federal bureaucracy except the military and possibly those protecting our borders. But then, what do I know?


In my book, I called for a 10 year service limit on bureaucrats.[1]  The current state of affairs demonstrates that 10 year terms may be too long without yearly appointment reaffirmation after 4 years.  Term limits for bureaucrats are necessary.


With so little work being done by the Congress due to party infighting and recesses, a part time Congress with part time pay and no benefits is looking better and better.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass Accountability and Federal Judiciary Amendments to the Constitution. We can’t let work that must be done and laws to be passed interfere with congressional recesses, can we?  The political hack federal judges don’t give a damn about the Constitution because they think they are smarter than the founding fathers and will change the Constitution to suit their personal agenda.  If you agree with activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every constitutional issue is revisited by different judges.  When the Constitution is changed every 5-10 years, the public begins to believe that the law does not need to be followed because it will soon change; therefore, ignore all the laws and do what you want to do.  When that happens and it is close to happening now, that ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.



Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) enabling the public to remove federal officials and overturn laws and court decisions, and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) which removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p. 75


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Now that President Trump is out of the country conducting foreign policy, what will the New American Fascist Party do to sabotage his administration? What kind of leak will the vermin in the intelligence agencies send out today?  What kind of fake news will their propaganda arm make up in their efforts to fabricate a case for impeachment?


It is interesting to wonder if the party faithful are aware that by supporting the Democratic Party, they are in fact supporting fascists who routinely use fascist tactics. Have a good day.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Let’s face it. The American political system is a mess.  Many times it is a corrupt system that favors the wealthy, politically connected and does its best to ignore the desires of the voting constituency.  There is too much emphasis on personality and almost none on competency.  The Congress is a union organization that rewards tenure with increasing power and influence without any consideration for honesty and competency.  Too many politicians lie all the time and get away with it.  When there is no accountability and it seems that too many American voters don’t care about what their politicians are doing to our country, the voters are ignored by the politicians.  Do your Members of Congress really contribute to the good of the country or just show up and vote present?


The two party system is a failure because the politicians have used it to create loyalty to their political party instead of to the voters and country. Party identification is one of the major reasons we have so much political fighting and confrontation today. The politicians spend so much time fighting that they do not do the job for which they were elected which by the way is to pass legislation to benefit the public.  Between all the interparty fighting and Congressional recesses, when do they find time to do their jobs?  They are really demonstrating that being a Member of Congress should be a part time job with a part time salary and no benefits?


Why defend the party? The party provides an organization that is a source of support and money that many candidates need to run for political office. While President Trump ran as a Republican, he does not fit the mold and is unusual because he is demonstrating that he believes in hard work and political accountability.  His use of social media to communicate directly with the public infuriates the Democrats and the press.  These are the reasons why he is disliked and feared by the politicians and the political and media establishments.  Since his election, President Trump has made progress in his attempts to unite the country and bring back well paying jobs to the United States.  The politicians are terrified that a businessman with a hard working agenda will become successful and then all politicians will have to have a strong work ethic.  Hard work scares the hell out of most politicians.  The lazy politicians need press support to lie to the public, so the not too bright media assists them.  The establishment politicians and media need one another.  Their fear is also another reason why President Trump is continually criticized.


Based on past history, very few politicians believe in accountability. As Congress is currently organized, party affiliation determines who runs the House and Senate and appoints committee chairmen/women.  Now if the public financed elections as I mention in my book[1], the need for a political party should diminish.  Another problem with a two party system is that when one party achieves a super majority, how far away are we from slipping into a totalitarian dictatorship government?  Too close for comfort.


The current batch of Republicans have made promises that they are either unwilling or knowingly do not want to keep. For six years they have been saying that they would repeal Obamacare if given the power to do so.  So in 2016 they were given that power and have been totally ineffective.  It is uncertain if the establishment Congressional Republican “leaders” are complete liars and fools, they don’t care about the American people or they just don’t have the guts to take on the challenge to effect the political change that is needed.


The Democrats have spent congressional time and money pursuing a Trump connection with the Russians that the Obama administration admitted did not exist. Meanwhile the mainstream media  reports on this issue almost continuously and the FBI is still investigating this issue.  Will the FBI fabricate a connection that doesn’t exist?  Can the FBI be trusted to do a fair and nonpolitical investigation?  It is sad to ask these questions, but that is what happens when an agency is politicized.


When conservatives attempt to speak at a university these days and masked thugs show up and cause physical damage, why is there no Democratic and mainstream media condemnation? Isn’t strong arming crowds a fascist tactic? As matter of fact, there are reports on FOX that these thugs may be financially supported by leftist organizations allied with the Democratic Party.  “Foment strikes in vital industries,; encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward these disorders”[2] is one of the Communist Rules for Revolution that the Obama Administration appeared to like.


By the way, aren’t universities and colleges supposed to be the bastions of free speech? Yes, but many are not. Why should the taxpayer send one cent to any school that does not guarantee free speech on campus?  No free speech—no taxpayer monies of any kind for any purpose.  The so-called liberal Democrats and mainstream media have not supported free conservative speech—only free liberal speech.  If they are Americans, shouldn’t they support both?


The Democrats/mainstream media support censorship and call it political correctness. Isn’t censorship a fascist tactic?


Once again probably reported only on FOX, the Obama Administration used NSA surveillance on the Trump political campaign and the President-Elect. Why?  The stated reason was to investigate a potential Russian connection to the Trump election campaign.  The FBI is still investigating this issue.  Why wasn’t this issue settled when the Obama Administration stated there was no connection?  The law stipulates that Americans recorded during NSA foreign surveillance will not be identified, but the Democrats unmasked Americans.  Who will go to jail over this one?  Don’t only fascist and communist regimes spy on their own citizens? Why does NSA do it? Where are the Democrats and the media on this one?


If the Russian issue deserves more investigation, then the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious, the Russian uranium sale, Benghazi, and the Clinton personal email server issues ignored by the Obama Administration also deserve to be revisited and investigated. Why were there no Democratic Party and mainstream media calls for special prosecutor investigations of these issues?  All these issues must be impartially investigated by a nonpolitical party and the results issued with full public disclosure.  No attempts to hide behind secrecy are acceptable because the public does not need to know the classified details—only the final results.


This observer does not trust the politically infected NSA and FBI leadership to do any impartial and professional work on any issue. It is this observer’s opinion that the whole intelligence arm of our federal government cannot be trusted.  They have demonstrated that they do not deserve our trust.  It is time to remove this vermin in our midst ASAP.  It is known that there may be many or most members of these agencies who are honest and impartial, but who are they?  By their failure to stop the sabotage, they are guilty by association much like the German people were guilty of ignoring the Nazi atrocities.  Until saboteur and subversive members of their agency are identified, expelled and prosecuted if necessary, it is doubtful that the American public will trust any intelligence agency. Any investigation must determine how NSA and the FBI were politicized because these agencies must be and stay fair and nonpolitical.  Firing FBI Director Comey does not solve the credibility problem.


The Democratic Party after President Trump’s inauguration deliberately delayed approving President Trump’s cabinet appointments which in turn delayed approving staff members seemingly to keep Obama appointees in power–some of whom openly opposed Trump policy directives. These attempts to disrupt the smooth transfer of power from a Democrat to a Republican administration are un-American and appear to have been supported by the mainstream press.  Sadly, it then appears to this observer that Democratic Party and mainstream media support the use of fascist tactics and fascist propaganda.  Neither has condemned the short list of tactics enumerated above.  Therefore, it does appear that they have joined forces to form the new American Fascist Party.


This mess will not be fixed anytime soon, so how do we start a voter initiative to fix it—Congress will never do it. To bypass this corrupt system, the country needs to start electing truly independent Members of Congress.  The independent candidate must answer only to the people in his or her voter jurisdiction, the Constitution and the well being of the United States of America.  He or she is there to resolve any issues when these goals seem to conflict.  How then does someone begin to run for office?


To be elected, someone would need name recognition. Start by placing a want ad in the local newspaper with a candidate photo announcing your intention to run as a true independent candidate.  This ad should also solicit invitations to meet with the voters at a location of their choice to discuss the issues important to them.  To serve them, you need to know what concerns them.  Avoid soliciting large dollar contributions as this would let the donor buy influence.  No candidates should be for sale.  This candidate initiative should probably begin about a year prior to the primary election.  So the time to begin is now.


This true independent will not be affiliated with any Independent Party hierarchy. There can be no Independent Party.  Why?  A party organization just replicates the union rules used by the Republican and Democratic Parties.  If enough independents were elected, then the rules used in the House of Representatives and the Senate may need to be changed.  New rules for leadership and committee assignments may need to be created.  This would cause all kinds of mayhem in Congress, but they do so little work and take so many recesses that it may not really affect progress of any laws.


To truly succeed, the independent candidate must be someone that is honest to the bone and will truly represent the voter and our country. As added insurance, it would be a good idea if every candidate including the Democrats and Republicans would sign a legally binding contract with the public to vigorously pursue his or her stated goals for the office and agree to resign if those goals are not vigorously pursued.  “Motherhood goals” desired by all politicians cannot be used.  Some criteria for meeting goals would need to be developed.  The public would decide by a petition if the candidate has been meeting goals or maybe has ignored them.  A petition for a recall election should be started only if the public perceives that the elected member has not met his or her conditions for employment.  It is hoped that this procedure would bring some accountability to the office.


If public moneys are used to finance the campaign, to eliminate any independent challenge for public office, the Republicans and Democrats will try to corrupt the primary election and install a minimum percentage of the primary votes cast requirement in order to receive public financing and then organize their party faithful in an attempt to eliminate any independent candidate. This defeats the whole idea of public financing and cannot be allowed to happen.  The Independent candidate must receive the same financing as the Republican and Democrat candidates.  If the establishment politicians win this one, only a concerted effort by the electorate to boycott the established party candidates and have everyone vote independent can win for the little guy.  Oh yes, if public financing prevails, then any campaign funds not spent will be returned to the Treasury instead staying with the candidate to use as he or she sees fit as is current practice.


Based on the reasons listed in this post, a recommendation to vote for a Republican or Democratic candidate for any political office cannot be made. In each congressional election, we must start voting for a true independent who will sign a contract to place his constituents and country ahead of personal ambition and agree, if elected to Congress, to serve a maximum of only 12 years as a Senator or 6 years as a Representative.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) enabling the public to remove federal officials and overturn laws and court decisions, and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) which removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p72

[2] , rule 7


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


As usual the Congress let their extended recesses interfere with getting anything done. It appears more and more that all the public does is fund Congressional recesses.


The House passed their version of the American Health Care Act on May 4th and promptly went on recess presumably to meet with constituents.  But they just came back from meeting with them.  Leftists are showing up at Republican town hall meetings fully intending to complain and protest.  Why bother with more meetings?  If Congress worked the traditional 2000 hours a year—not the 1500 Obamacare hours per year –like the rest of American full time workers, they would not have time for all those recesses.


Who was the dumb Senator who said that now the Senate could start from scratch on healthcare? For months the House has tried to tailor healthcare to stay within reconciliation due to the Senate’s stupid rules and then that Senator opened his or her mouth.  What do senators who make statements like that use for brains?  Now there is speculation that because the Senate will take so much time on healthcare there will not be a tax reduction bill this year.  Now you know why my blog has been calling for an Accountability Amendment.  Stupid politicians think that they are more important than the American public.  If the Congress does not pass healthcare and tax reduction by October, the public needs to hit the streets and ask for the resignation of every senator immediately.  There are good members of Congress but I am concerned when I count them using my fingers and toes, I still do not use all my toes.


The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is an abomination because it was passed to provide federal government control over American healthcare. At the time it was passed, it was advertised that 20 million people could not get healthcare insurance.  So what did the control obsessed Democrats do, they passed a law that affected all 320 million Americans supposedly to help 20 million people get healthcare.  Why didn’t the government limit any healthcare bill to those 20 million who needed insurance to help with their healthcare bills?  With all the taxes that are in Obamacare, they could have easily paid to help those 20 million.  The reason was politics.  Ugh, we can all get sick now.


Since a Democrat federal government inserted itself into healthcare and messed it up, now it is the Republican’s turn to try to fix this failing monstrosity. If they mess it up like the Democrats, the public needs to tar and feather every member of congress and run all of them out of town.  Won’t happen, but it sure sounds good.


According to Fox News, 5% of the population generates 50% of the healthcare cost. By the way, no place in our Constitution does it mention healthcare and the federal government will as usual mess it up if they try to regulate it.  If the federal government has decided to help the 5% who are causing the problem, then try to fix it and let the other 95% of the people use freedom of choice and the free market to find reasonable healthcare insurance.  Remember that until World War II, the decision whether or not to have health insurance was a personal decision and we had many religious supported hospitals to support the poor.  It appears that most of those hospitals are gone.  When wages were frozen during WW II, companies started offering health insurance in lieu of wage increases.  Today most companies that can afford it offer health insurance.  Federal and state intervention into healthcare seems to only make this insurance more expensive.


With potentially unlawful Obama Administration surveillance, it has been reported on TV that Obama spied on Chief Justice Roberts. Was it before or after the Obamacare Supreme Court decisions?  Don’t expect the propaganda press to investigate.


Before Obamacare, the states were in charge of healthcare insurance. The problem here is that insurance commissions are run by bureaucrats who apparently have nothing better to do than issue insurance mandates that always increase cost.  Common sense is totally absent along with consumer freedom of choice.  Bureaucrats and politicians have an extremely strong bad habit of treating the public as if we were all 8 years old and cannot be trusted to make intelligent decisions.  Wrong!! Wrong!!  More and more it is becoming apparent that the bureaucrats and politicians are the 8 year olds and they need to find a new job.


Obamacare introduced elimination of pre-existing conditions and the public agrees. It must stay.


Young people staying on their parent’s insurance until 26 years old is also popular and will stay.


It has been suggested that those persons with existing conditions generating 50% of the healthcare cost go into a special high-risk pool. The smart thing for the government to do is to subsidize the higher pre-existing conditions insurance premiums if policy issue is guaranteed instead of paying for the cost of the healthcare.  Don’t count on that happening.


Let the consumer decide what mandates should be included in his or her policy. If, based on the applicant’s health history, the insurance company concludes that certain mandates should be included but are not, then the consumer signs a release of liability to decline those mandates and assumes liability should that condition need to be treated.  Consumer freedom of choice on mandates is a win-win option.  Sometimes you cannot afford to buy all the insurance you need.  With an option to decline mandates, the consumer who really wants the mandates but cannot afford them can add them to the policy later when their financial situation makes mandates affordable.  This strategy also protects the insurance companies from adverse selection.


How is the CBO going to estimate the cost of a new plan? They cannot develop a cost without knowing how many people will have insurance and what kind of insurance.  It will become a guessing game.  To make any cost estimate, the CBO must make many assumptions.  Since the number and type of insured are unknown, a number of cost scenarios must be developed using their assumptions.  Any cost estimate with many assumptions may be accurate to only plus or minus 40%.  The Congress and the public must understand the problems, so in the interest of transparency, the CBO should publish their assumptions for each cost estimate scenario.  This gives the user of the estimates an opportunity to study where they perceive the greatest cost impacts are.  Good cost estimates are a wonderful tool and cost is cost whether in a business or government.


The healthcare cost objective should be to reduce it by improving it. Common sense and reality tells us that the medical profession should be the best source of new and better ways to deliver healthcare.  They know it best.  Innovation is needed.  Government can assist by providing money for research where needed.  Politics must be kept to a minimum and if and when political interference becomes a problem, the medical profession must shut everything down because they have the most to lose from failure.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) enabling the public to remove federal officials and overturn laws and court decisions.  The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Hello, hello, hello. The Democrats are now insisting that immigration control is now so good that we do not need a wall.  Why?  It’s simple.  They want to resume open border immigration once they again have control of the presidency and having a wall makes it more difficult to explain why.  They don’t care if crime increases, drug deaths increase, welfare costs rise, education costs funded by the states rise and human trafficking increase because they expect that most of those new immigrants will be Democratic voters as they have been in the past.  When the population reaches one billion, the United States will have become a huge third world slum. Who wants to live in a third world slum? It appears that as long as the Democrats are in control, they don’t care.  Like Obamacare was never about health, immigration boils down to more votes to insure Democratic control of government.  Democratic control will bring higher taxes, reduced personal freedom, loss of free speech, more government regulation in all areas, more school indoctrination at all levels and potential loss of the second amendment if the constitutional militia does not stop it before our constitutional republic vanishes into history.  The question is when will the militia get tired of anarchy and insurrection and begin the grassroots movement to quell the insurrection.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court rulings are prime examples of why we need the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) and Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) to the Constitution. We can’t let congressional work that must be done to pass laws interfere with recesses, can we?


Legally incompetent federal judges have demonstrated that their political agenda is more important to them than correctly interpreting laws passed by the Congress or the Constitution when they issue rulings that ignore both. If you agree with judicial activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every constitutional issue is revisited by different judges.  When the Constitution is changed every 5-10 years, the public begins to believe that the law does not need to be followed because it will soon change; therefore, ignore all the laws and do what you want to do.  When that happens and it is close to happening now, that ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Despite no evidence, the Democrats and some Republicans are calling for a special prosecutor to investigate for possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election. If it is decided that an investigation is necessary, it should begin the day after the special prosecutor investigations of Benghazi, Hillary Clinton’s uranium deal and email issues and the Obama administration’s surveillance of the Trump campaign and criminal disclosure of Americans have been concluded.


If any yellow-bellied Republicans do not want these other investigations, then let them resign and have the public elect someone with a spine.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


During the Obama Administration, President Obama successfully politicized the Internal Revenue Service, State Department, Justice Department, FBI, EPA, Department of Education, etc. He also was at least partially successful with the military, CIA, NSA and the federal judiciary.  It is safe to assume that all of the personnel in these many federal departments and agencies were subjected to brainwashing and indoctrination to follow a world government model to have diversity.  World government is a totalitarian form of government where government controls all facets of citizen life, free speech is not allowed and cookie cutter human robots are produced instead of a diverse population.  It appears that many Obama devotees have accepted this type of government as their own.  As a self proclaimed Muslim (2008 video interview), Obama promoted Islam while continually criticizing Christianity.  He followed a policy to admit Muslim refugees into the United States and discriminate against Christian refugees.  This philosophy follows past Muslim practice to emigrate to democratic countries and over time breed their way into a majority population in order to take over the government and that country.  They did it in Lebanon.


With the Democratic strategy to delay President Trump’s cabinet and other appointments, the Democratic Members of Congress have delayed approvals of all President Trump’s appointments. The apparent objective is to have their leftover Democratic comrades sabotage President Trump’s administration with outright refusal to follow President Trump’s orders and criminal intelligence leaks.  With Obama appointed federal judges, the outrageous federal judicial rulings on refugees follows this pattern.


Now is the time for all citizens to decide whether they are Never Trump Republican activists, Democratic Party activists or Americans. The Never Trump Republican activists and Democratic Party activists are Un-American if they are responsible for sabotaging the administration and the criminal leaks.  It is time for the Americans in these organizations to help weed out the Un-American activists from our government.  They must be very careful in doing this because the stakes are high and their lives may be danger.


Since sabotage and previously staged riots might be considered to be an insurrection, will it be necessary to call up the constitutionally created militia—in the Frontier West, they were called posse members? During the Obama Administration in 2012, request for quotes were issued to construct 150 detention centers within 72 hours.  These would be ideal places, if constructed, to detain bureaucrats who could not pass the law and order smell test while the saboteurs are found, removed from government and sent to jail.


Another option might be to start a Go Fund Me Account to financially support one or two million armed constitutionally authorized militia members to occupy Washington D.C. to maintain law and order and prevent mob rule. With over 70 million militia members in this country, members could be rotated in and out of Washington to minimize the disruption to their normal civilian lives.  These are just a couple of ideas on how the issue might be addressed.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass Accountability and Federal Judiciary Amendments to the Constitution. We can’t let Congressional work that must be done and laws to be passed interfere with their recesses, can we?  Ugh, I am sick to my stomach.


The political hack federal judges don’t give a damn about the Constitution because they think they are smarter than the founding fathers and will change the Constitution to suit their personal agenda. If you agree with activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every constitutional issue is revisited by different judges.  When the Constitution is changed every 5-10 years, the public begins to believe that the law does not need to be followed because it will soon change; therefore, ignore all the laws and do what you want to do.  When that happens, and it is close to happening now, that ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) enabling the public to remove federal officials and overturn laws and court decisions, and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) which removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


When is the Congress going to start treating the American public like adults?


As someone who once tried to sell insurance, cost was always a problem. When I asked an insurance company representative why insurance premiums kept rising, his response was that the state kept adding mandates forcing everyone to have that coverage.


Obamacare followed the state mandate logic and loaded up the ACA with mandates some of which are outright stupid.


The Republicans have advertised that insurance premiums will go down, so they must deliver and eliminate all mandates. Offer coverages as options and do it now because most Americans do not trust anyone in the Congress to deliver phases two and three.


Oh yes, if they don’t deliver phase two—which may not now be needed—and phase three, we will have new members of Congress after the 2018 elections.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass Accountability and Federal Judiciary Amendments to the Constitution. We can’t let work that must be done and laws to be passed interfere with congressional recesses, can we?  The political hack federal judges don’t give a damn about the Constitution because they think they are smarter than the founding fathers and will change the Constitution to suit their personal agenda.  If you agree with activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every constitutional issue is revisited by different judges.  When the Constitution is changed every 5-10 years, the public begins to believe that the law does not need to be followed because it will soon change; therefore, ignore all the laws and do what you want to do.  When that happens and it is close to happening now, that ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) enabling the public to remove federal officials and overturn laws and court decisions, and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) which removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Based on TV reports, there is controversy about whether or not the proposed House American Health Care Act bill will repeal Obamacare. The establishment Republicans say it does.  The Conservatives say no.  Establishment Republicans cannot be trusted.  A leopard does not change its spots.


The bill as proposed by the establishment Republicans is the damage President Trump and contest the 2020 nomination version. The establishment swamp members are bound and determined to have President Trump damaged to the point he cannot run for re-election in 2020.  It is the 2020 Paul Ryan for president version.


This current bill offers health care credits for individual taxpayers paid directly to the insurance companies. That indeed is Obamacare Lite and completely stupid.  Who gets the money if the individual decides not to apply for health insurance?  Remember this transition is supposed to repeal Obamacare—not revise it.  Eliminate payments to the insurance companies.  It is supposed to be a free market.  Insurance premiums must be reduced.  Repeal all the Obamacare regulations with this bill.  This should free up insurance companies to do their thing.  Oh by the way, OMB is making who knows what kind of assumptions on the number of people participating in the new health care system.  Don’t they know that the health system is supposed to be freedom of choice?


I know nothing about the details of this bill other than what I hear on TV—not the mainstream propaganda TV version. If they truly repeal Obamacare and repeal all Obamacare regulations, this later version may have a chance of becoming the 2020 Trump for President version.  This old man remembers the freedom to choose my health care insurance and prefers that version.  Get it done right and then let us start on the tax reforms needed to jumpstart the economy.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass Accountability and Federal Judiciary Amendments to the Constitution. We can’t let the work that must be done and the laws to be passed interfere with congressional recesses, can we?  The political hack federal judges don’t give a damn about the Constitution because they think they are smarter than the founding fathers and will change the Constitution to suit their personal agenda.  If you agree with activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every constitutional issue is revisited by different judges.  When the Constitution is changed every 5-10 years, the public begins to believe that the law does not need to be followed because it will soon change; therefore, ignore all the laws and do what you want to do.  When that happens and it is close to happening now, that ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) enabling the public to remove federal officials and overturn laws and court decisions, and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) which removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Recently Speaker of the House Paul Ryan informed the nation that the reason work had not progressed on the Obamacare repeal is that Congress had spent that time of this congressional session repealing regulations issued by the Obama Administration. Good.


My response to this is that if Congress had done their constitutional duty, wrote and issued the regulations needed to support the laws they pass, this repeal exercise would not have been needed. My understanding of the situation is that during the Clinton Administration, a deal was made that the executive branch of the federal government would write the regulations to support the laws passed by the Congress with a time limit during which if Congress objected to these regulations, the regulations would become null and void.  By agreeing to this, the Congress gave full authority to the executive branch to write the regulations which when approved become law and then enforce them.  Congressional dereliction of duty occurred when the Congress abdicated their constitutional responsibility to make and pass laws by not writing and issuing necessary regulations.  By having the executive branch write regulations which become law, not only did this action delegate too much power to the executive branch, but it created a wonderful opportunity for corruption to occur and create the swamp that now needs to be drained.  How stupid can the members of a branch of government be?


When is the Congress going to begin writing the regulations needed to support the laws they pass? If not now, this country is going to experience one constitutional crisis after another with who knows what final outcome.  We already have a federal judicial system with judges who do not know how to read, ignore the laws passed by Congress and the Constitution and are fast becoming another branch of government which promotes anarchy.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass Accountability and Federal Judiciary Amendments to the Constitution. We can’t let work that must be done and laws to be passed interfere with congressional recesses, can we?  The political hack federal judges don’t give a damn about the Constitution because they think they are smarter than the founding fathers and will change the Constitution to suit their personal agenda.  If you agree with activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every constitutional issue is revisited by different judges.  When the Constitution is changed every 5-10 years, the public begins to believe that the law does not need to be followed because it will soon change; therefore, ignore all the laws and do what you want to do.  When that happens and it is close to happening now, that ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) enabling the public to remove federal officials and overturn laws and court decisions, and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) which removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When the United States was formed, it took one day to travel 20 miles by horseback. Today it takes 20 minutes on an interstate highway.  Using email and social media, communications can be almost instantaneous.  Since the Constitution is over 200 years old, many lawyers and judges have started to take liberties with their interpretation of what this document means.  The smart ones believe in what is written, the not so smart ones become activists and bend the hell out of their interpretation.  What this means is that the activists do not believe in the rule of law and in their hearts are anarchists.  The march towards anarchy is why we have so much conflict today.


Based on the 2016 presidential primaries and caucuses and subsequent election, it appears that the United States is in the middle of another political revolution. This revolution is due to the failure of all forms of government to do the job for which they were elected or appointed.  The political class has abused the system so badly that the American people are fed up with them and are embracing political change.  I suspect that by using my fingers and toes that I could count the number of honest and trustworthy politicians in office without running out of toes.


The American people are completely frustrated with lying politicians who promise the moon and deliver nothing. There is no accountability.  Despite the fact that the Constitution is excellent, it protects bad politicians by shielding them from retribution by allowing removal from office only by death, resignation, impeachment or another election.  For today’s gutless politicians, impeachment is out of the question because it might interfere with individual re-election efforts.  Of course, if all politicians served only one term, re-election would not be a problem.  All the politicians depend on the public’s short memory to forget their political mistakes and miscalculations between elections and therefore accountability is lost.  Without accountability, the politician or any government official can do as they please.  This is wrong.


When government ignores doing the right thing, then we must find a way for the public to make the needed changes. To do this, we need a new constitutional amendment.  When ordinary citizens can force government action, accountability comes to government.  With accountability, some of the constitutional amendments currently under consideration and the Convention of the States may be nice but probably not necessary.  A Convention of the States risks the wrong participants representing the states who could make changes to the current constitution that are not wanted, needed or desirable.   This new amendment would give the public a way to remove any government official including a newly elected President and repeal any law or judicial decision without making any changes in how we currently amend our constitution.  Furthermore, the Accountability Amendment should be written in simple English and not with all the legal language.  Legal language invites lawsuits that benefit only the lawyers.


How would this new amendment work? All changes are initiated by a petition signed by the registered voters in the appropriate jurisdiction.  Voter fraud must be eliminated.  After the petition has been validated, an election date is set and the people vote.  Could this be costly?  Yes.  The cost will depend on how large the jurisdictional population of voters is.  As with most change, every government official and probably most political pundits will oppose this amendment for any number of reasons.  What this amendment does is bring accountability to government that is currently nonexistent.  Any time there is a serious issue that needs quick resolution, the voters could petition the government to hold an accountability election.  Government abuse of power and corruption are best handled by one of these elections.  The abuse of power must be stopped to return the country back to the rule of law.


Examples of how the amendment would work:


Recall United States Representative

When 20% of the registered voters in a congressional district submit a petition to recall their House of Representatives member of Congress, a recall election is held. If a majority of voters agree to recall the Representative, that person is immediately removed from office and a new Representative must be elected.  Lacking a majority recall vote permits the Representative to remain.


Recall United States Senator      

When 20% of the registered voters in a state submit a petition to recall their Senator, a recall election is held. If a majority of voters agree to recall the Senator, that person is immediately removed from office and a new Senator must be elected.  Lacking a majority recall vote permits the Senator to remain.


Recall a nationally elected official

The voters in all 50 states can petition, but when 10% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states submit a petition to recall a nationally elected official, a recall election is held in all 50 states. If a majority of voters in three fourths of the states vote for recall, that official is immediately removed from office and a new official must be elected.  Lacking a majority vote in three fourths of the states permits the official to remain.


A twenty state minimum for petition initiation was chosen to insure that two or three states do not try to monopolize and control changes.


Repeal a federal law and regulations

The voters in all 50 states can petition, but when 10% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states submit a petition to repeal a federal law and regulations, a recall election is held in all 50 states. If a majority of voters in three fourths of the states vote for recall, that law and regulations are immediately null and void.  Lacking a majority vote in three fourths of the states permits the law and regulations to remain.


Voters are not elected to pass laws—only the legislative branch can do that. This amendment would empower the public to repeal any law and regulations and force the Congress and the President to either pass a revised law or let the repeal stand.


Repeal a federal court decision or remove a Supreme Court Justice          

The voters in all 50 states can petition, but when 10% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states submit a petition to repeal a federal court decision or remove a Supreme Court Justice, a recall election is held in all 50 states. If a majority of voters in three fourths of the states vote for recall, that federal court decision is repealed or that a Supreme Court Justice is immediately removed from office.  Lacking a majority vote in three fourths of the states permits the court decision to stand or the Supreme Court Justice to remain.


Remove any appointed federal official or non Supreme Court federal judge

The preferred method for removal is impeachment, but with political hacks and gutless politicians involved, what should be done many times does not get done. The voters in all 50 states can petition, but when 5% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states submit a petition to recall any appointed federal official or non Supreme Court federal judge, a recall election is held in all 50 states.  If a majority of voters in three fourths the states vote for recall, the appointed federal official or non Supreme Court federal judge is immediately removed from office.  Lacking a majority vote in three fourths the states permits the appointed federal official or non Supreme Court federal judge to remain.


Remember, for this Amendment to work, voter fraud must be eliminated.


Since there are many doubts about the intention of all candidates in every election, passage of this amendment could be critical in trying to keep the politicians honest. If they don’t keep their word, then recall them and elect someone new.  It will likely take a few recall elections before the politicians get the message that lying to their voters may require that they find a new job.


For too long, as this country has grown and its population has greatly increased, voter communication with our government officials has deteriorated. A political class has evolved with the attitude that the public are just dumb people who need to be told when, where and what to do.  That is simply not true and government’s attitude towards the public is a major source of conflict.


With recent federal judge political activism, it is time for an amendment to remove federal judge lifetime appointments and make these judges run for the position like all politicians must. It is a sad commentary that the political system has bastardized the federal judiciary with political hack judges.  It is time for the Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) which would make all federal judges run for a single 10 year term.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Based on the educational statistics published in recent years, millennials educated in our public schools are leaving those schools dumber and dumber. Is it their fault?  NO.  For at least the last 30 years, school districts and teachers have been tinkering with education using half baked ideas that have intimidated young students into believing that they are dumb.  New math is one of the stupidest ideas yet.  According to my understanding of the latest version, the answer to a math problem is not constant.  As a retired engineer, I can tell you that 2 plus 2 will always be 4 until hell freezes over.  Anyone who tries to teach or tell you there is more than one answer is an imbecile.  The objective of these educational monkeyshines is to confuse the student in order to make the student more dependent on the teacher for the answer which in turn is intended to brainwash and indoctrinate the student into believing that the government (teacher) knows best.  Some parents have learned that the best way to prevent their children from being brainwashed and indoctrinated is to home school them.


Entitlement is an indoctrination method. By awarding a participation trophy to each student, the lesson is that the participant is entitled to a trophy regardless of performance.  These youngsters gladly accept the trophy and entitlement principle.  Those who go to college get more indoctrination from their big government loving leftist professors.  Reality begins to set in when they try to get a job.  If they get the job, now their ability to keep that job is measured by job performance—not just by showing up.  They are not prepared for this.


When they begin to have problems, now the political correctness (censorship) indoctrination method is used. Censorship is one of the best ways to prevent intelligent discussion of the problem.  All the millennials who have been indoctrinated and find a job now begin to learn that entitlement and political correctness are a fraud.  Companies are in business to make a profit and are not interested in coddling employees when there are many more job applicants than available jobs.


When this observer was going to college in the 1960s, one joke was that some students at the University of Miami were pursuing a degree in basket weaving. It is unknown if such a degree was offered, but obviously there was no demand for that kind of degree in commerce.  It was a rich kid’s degree.  Have today’s college students ignored the employment opportunities for the kind of degree they want?  Have they pursued degrees that while beneficial to society may pay so little that they cannot repay their student loans after graduation?  Who is advising high school graduates on potential future jobs?  Do you think that if students were taught to think for themselves instead of being indoctrinated that those unwise decisions would be made?


The Obama Administration convinced the people that a college education was necessary to have a good life. Not true.  In the process, the Feds took over the student loan program and now the total student debt is 1.35 trillion dollars per the TV news reports.  The main objective for the college push was to get students into college so that the Communist leaning professors could indoctrinate them into becoming good communist activists who would do what they were told to do.  It worked and we have millions of simple minded college students and grads who have no clue what this country represents.  While dumb activists are living with mom and dad, millions of jobs that require the worker to use his or her hands and get dirty go vacant with no applicants.  Many of these jobs pay more than $50,000 per year and many will have benefits.  So who is the dumb one?  Is it the student who went to college, incurred debt and sits at home without a job or the one who works with his or her hands and gets dirty who is earning more than $50,000 per year with no college debt?  Oh yes, those college grads who want to have their loans forgiven will still pay because their debt will be added to the national for which they will pay until they die.  They never want to learn that the government will lie to you to get your vote to stay in power so that they can continue to lie to you.  Not too smart.


The political education system for these past 30 years has dumbed down the system to increase diversity instead of maintaining high educational standards—which are needed to compete in the world economy—because it took too much time to work with a student to meet the high standard. If they complain that there are too many students needing assistance, whose fault is that?


Indoctrination as currently practiced by the educational system destroys diversity in favor of a one size fits all uniform product. Isn’t it nice that the system is producing lots of good little robots?   Ha, ha, ha.

But they do what they are told to do!!!!!


It is doubtful that employers will provide safe spaces for anyone. Safe spaces are more indoctrination college propaganda.


Oh yes, companies will not let employees go out to protest when they are employed to do a job. This is entitlement to the extreme when an employee considers that they have the right to go protest without risking a loss of their job.  Who indoctrinated those people into believing that they could?  What are these young people smoking or taking?


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass Accountability and Federal Judiciary Amendments to the Constitution. We can’t let work to be done and laws to be passed interfere with congressional recesses, can we?  The anarchist federal judges don’t give a damn about the Constitution because they think they are smarter than the founding fathers and will change the Constitution to suit their personal agenda.  If you agree with activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every issue is revisited by different judges.  That ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


As an observer of the American scene for more than 70 years and based on mostly information seen on TV and found on the Internet, this is what it looks like:


The Democratic Party and Democrats are Americans in name only. They will do almost anything to subvert the country into a cesspool open borders world government.  They prefer low class uneducated but indoctrinated members and target the same class of people.


After observing the antics of the White House press corps, my conclusion is that they believe they are entitled to get everything they want, they are ignorant of the real American history, so don’t confuse them with facts, they do not have the intellectual capacity to think and reason for themselves so they continue to ask the same stupid questions over and over and they live in the cesspool sewer with their corrupt Democratic comrades intent on destroying this country.


Barack Hussein Obama is a 100% political animal who is only concerned on securing power using government force to revolutionize America. He succeeded to a large degree in degrading the country’s political system to third rate banana republic status while President.  Now he is setting up shop in Washington DC to begin an assault on the Trump Administration.


During the Obama Administration and under former Director Robert Mueller, Obama politicized the FBI and had procedures revised to favor Muslims. Obama criticized Christians at every opportunity and praised his fellow Muslims.  Until there is irrefutable evidence showing a change in policy, the FBI cannot be trusted.


When is the Justice Department going to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Benghazi and Hillary Clinton’s email scandal?


Maintaining government secrecy is very difficult when large numbers of people have access to the secrets. To that point, there are too many intelligence agencies.  Reduce the number to the NSA, CIA, MI and possibly one more agency about which little is known.  The rest of the intelligence agencies need to be eliminated.  Those agents who are leaking secrets to the press must be identified, prosecuted and if found guilty executed.


The Pentagon non military staff needs to be eliminated or drastically reduced in size. There are too many people with knowledge of military secrets.  In addition, the military staff needs to be reduced to only those who participate in design, procurement and futuristic defense research.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass Accountability and Federal Judiciary Amendments to the Constitution. We can’t let work to be done and laws to be passed interfere with congressional recesses, can we?  The anarchist federal judges don’t give a damn about the Constitution because they think they are smarter than the founding fathers and will change the Constitution to suit their personal agenda.  If you agree with activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every issue is revisited by different judges.  That ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Entertainment celebrities are out in full force making statements and giving the public their political opinions. They bestow their ultimate political wisdom on the public and their sponsors without once ever sacrificing anything of personal value.  There is only one thing that concerns them—loss of income.  Follow the money baby and you will find all the celebrities.  Most of these celebrities are hypocrites.  They believe in “do as I say, not do as I do”.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


When are the DC Metro Police going to find out who murdered Seth Rich? In a time when many police departments seem to use forensic technology to quickly solve random murders, if this was a random murder, should it not have been solved by now?  If politics was involved, will it ever be solved?


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Are the Democratic Party open borders crowd and the mainstream propaganda press trying to use the entitlement argument to convince the American public that all illegal aliens need to stay? Just think, with enough immigration, a citizen born here can become a minority in this country in a few short years.  Is that what you want?  With all the money American citizens have to pay to support and educate illegals, the lawyers add insult to injury by making the taxpayer pay for the legal costs to deport these illegals.  With all due respect, every adult alien who illegally entered this country with children knew from minute one that they were breaking the law and, if caught, all members of their family who had illegally entered this country would be returned to their country of origin.  Feel sorry for the poor American taxpayer—not the rich lawyers or the illegal aliens.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


The Democratic Party has and is deliberately delaying confirmation of President Trump’s cabinet choices. Everybody in the United States knows that ex-President Obama curried favor with his bureaucrats by promoting those who violated the law to support him thereby building a loyalty to him and his agenda.  By delaying approvals of the new cabinet secretaries, proper staffing by these new secretaries with Trump loyalists was prevented and forced the Trump White House to use holdover Democratic loyalists.  For starters, it is the opinion of this observer that any so called White House leaks coming from the State Department, IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA,  Justice Department, EPA, etc. are from agents in those departments who are loyal to and support the Democratic Party agenda.  They will obstruct as best they can progress by the Trump administration.  Can these observations be proved?  No.  Can the bureaucrats prove that these observations are not true?  No.  If they reply yes, make them prove it with facts—not their usual boilerplate propaganda.  Will they try hiding Democratic operatives in these department bureaucracies to obstruct progress?  Yes.  Hopefully, the venal Democratic bureaucrats and their media cohorts both of whom have trouble with the truth will not resort to sabotaging our country.  Common sense observation of politics in this country leads to the sad conclusion that our federal government is a huge cesspool of corruption.


Recently the 9th Federal Circuit Court of Appeals has just become part of the swamp that needs to be drained.  Much like our Anarchist Supreme Court, these judges seem to have forgotten how to read and ignored precedent to produce new law instead of following the Constitution and case law.  The conclusion is that political hack judges do not deserve lifetime appointments, so all federal judges should be required to run for election to a single 10 year term like the politicians they are.  If these judges continue to disgrace the Constitution and the judicial system, then a single 5 year term and out would be more appropriate.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Our Members of Congress appear to forever want to do stupid things—-and this observer and many Americans are sick and tired of it. When are they going to discard the congressional way of doing things and begin to use their brains which seem to have become rusty from non use?


The stupidest thing they do is to pass a law and then turn the law over to the executive department bureaucrats to corrupt with regulations that the bureaucrats want. How stupid can you be?  Very stupid because this practice has been going on for much too long.  It is insanity to let one branch write and enforce their own regulations.  Oversight committee hearings are like locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen.  STOP STOP STOP being lazy and stupid.  Do you want to be an equal branch of government or not?  If so, then act like you do.


Next, do not turn any law over to lawyers to write. Lawyers do not solve problems—only create them so they can make more money adjudicating the law.  They fill it with words that only a lawyer can understand so they can adjudicate it.  Remember, our Constitution is a beautiful document because it was written in English that everyone can read and understand.


A law passed by Congress that is longer than 10 pages is no good because any law that affects over 300 million people cannot address all the problems. It is impossible.  Therefore, Congress must issue laws in stages—it is more work but then let them earn their money for a change instead of going on vacation all the time.  Issuing laws in stages is intended to make Congress write the regulations needed to support the law and by doing so, they reduce executive branch power and let that branch do their constitutional duty—enforce the laws.  This means that the Obamacare repeal, tax reform and immigration can be dealt with in stages.  When a mistake is made—and there will be many—it is fixed during the next stage.  Waiting to pass and issue one all encompassing law is STUPID STUPID STUPID.  That is what Obamacare did and it is a mess.  Ask the poor people who have to deal with Obamacare.


Nothing in government is more important than repealing Obamacare and passing a tax reform law; therefore, there should be no congressional recesses until a first issue of each law is passed and signed by the President. Stop all this political B.S.—it stinks.  If no recess until a first issue law is passed concerns your Member of Congress, then maybe that person should not be representing you in Congress.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Four federal judges ignored the Constitution, federal law and legal precedent to deny President Trump’s temporary refugee ban. The federal court system has followed the Supreme Court’s lead and has gone anarchist again.  The Supreme Court started promoting anarchy by approving Obamacare with Chief Justice Robert’s inability to read the law and translating fine into tax.   Now the 9th Circuit Appeals Court has followed the Anarchist Court’s lead and has continued to promote anarchy.  The Constitution specifies that federal judges should have lifetime appointments in order for them to remain politically independent.  This is no longer true.  The politicians have succeeded in promoting a bastardized interpretation of the constitution to meet their political needs.


Maybe these four federal judges don’t know how to read because they have ignored their oath to support the Constitution of the United States of America. These four judges and the five Supreme Court Justices who voted for Obamacare need to be impeached, but we all know that will not happen because our scum politicians are more concerned with re-election than the good of the country.  Hopefully the elected state and local judges can be removed from office for failure to faithfully adjudicate the law because some really bad judicial decisions are issued by judges that have to be brain dead.


The Accountability Amendment to our Constitution would allow we the people to remove these bad apples from government


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


The same media that lies to us much of the time is now stating that there is no evidence of voter fraud. Really!!!!  Have they ever looked?  You got to be kidding.  Investigating corruption is not part of their job description.  They are supposed to report only what they call news.  Ha, ha, ha.  Do they know what news is?  Ha, ha, ha.  Unless the media starts reporting the news accurately and with integrity, it will continue to be a serious threat to our system of government.


Early last year, Project Veritas issued an undercover video of a Democratic operative from New York that discussed transporting people from one voter location to others in order to commit voter fraud and said that he had done so for more than 50 years. The mainstream media disregarded the video as a false claim.  Isn’t this a case of the “pot calling the kettle black”?  It is interesting to note that it has been reported this Democratic operative had made frequent visits to the Obama White House.  Also interesting is that it is common knowledge that 57 years ago in 1960 the mayor of Chicago used voter fraud to elect John F. Kennedy President of the United States.  It has been reported that both Nixon and President Eisenhower regretted not having investigated the matter.  What is the media smoking?


During the 2012 Presidential election, there were reports of people voting for Romney and the machine recorded an Obama vote. Are we supposed to believe that was coincidence?  Ha, ha, ha.  Congressional testimony to the effect that changing two words of code will produce fraudulent results has done nothing to make elections more honest.”[1]


Are we supposed to ignore dead people voting and more votes cast than voters? Does the media want the public to believe that illegal aliens have not voted in our elections?  Ha, ha, ha.


Political parties that have committed voter fraud should be fearful of the consequences of any investigation. With all the POLITICIANS of both parties commenting that it should be a state/local investigation for voter fraud, and there should be no funds for a federal investigation, makes this observer start to smell a skunk.  Translation:  Both parties are guilty of voter fraud and do not want the public to know the extent.  The fiscal explanation does not wash because the Obama Justice Department  investigated Ferguson and Baltimore and litigated against voter roll updates and voter ID all the time—and spent maybe ten dollars??  Ha, ha, ha.  Are the media and establishment politicians in bed with one another?  Sorry, but this observer has trouble trusting either one of them.


The time to clean up our voter registration and voting system is now with this new administration. With all the voter data on computer discs and working with local voter officials, every voter precinct in all 50 states must be examined.  All cases of voter fraud must be published and prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by the law.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press(2014), p. 10




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Due to the 24/7/365 nature of television today, the networks must fill up time. Most networks fill up their time with entertainment programming, so news reporting was originally an afterthought.  In recent times, the networks have discovered that news can be a profit center along with their other programming.


Forty years or more ago, the broadcast networks had a monopoly on national news. When the cable networks started showing up in the 1980s, competition in entertainment programming and news started.  During the days when this observer watched broadcast network news, the networks trotted out their experts to voice an opinion on a subject.  During this “expert” testimony, either the expert’s opinion became the network’s position or perhaps the network hired the expert based on that expert’s opinions.  Unfortunately, most if not all of the time, no dissenting opinion was given.  If any position can be supported by hard verifiable facts, there should be no problem.  Many times these opinions are not supported by verifiable documented facts.  When that happens, the news broadcast can become propaganda.  Recently political correctness (censorship) has limited what is broadcast and news trivia is broadcast instead.  In the 1990s, the Internet was invented and it was used as an information source and product sales.  Later news opinions and articles were posted.  In the late 1990s, blogs and social media websites were invented.  Since then, many Americans have learned that Internet blogs and social media can provide them with more truthful information about their government than will the mainstream news media.  By censoring the news, the media is shooting themselves in the foot.  Why go to the mainstream media for news when it is available on the Internet without all the propaganda and commercials?  The news media will insist that Internet news is not complete and accurate, but then neither are the mainstream media news reports.


With the 2016 election, President Donald Trump’s use of social media has impacted the news media in a major way by allowing him to communicate directly with the American people and bypass the all news media interpretation and censorship. During the 2016 election, the mainstream media took sides by supporting the Democratic Party and advocated against the Republicans and candidate Donald Trump.  The attacks became so bad that the American public learned that the mainstream media TV and newspapers cannot be trusted to tell the truth.  By taking sides, the media may have forever abdicated their former role as guardians of truth and impartial reporting.  It serves the public interest for President Trump to continue to communicate directly with the American public.


Why would someone who watches the news want to hear the Democratic Party side of the story when it is almost always boilerplate propaganda? Have the last 20 years or more of workplace discrimination against white Christian males reached the point that only minorities and females are allowed to be experts?  For this observer, watching the news on TV can only be done with proper use of the remote mute button.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

Have the wet their pants Congressional Republicans have done it again? Once again the Congressional Republicans have demonstrated that they may not have the leadership and ability to get anything done that will benefit the country.  The only thing that they are consistent at is making excuses why they cannot deliver the progress for which they were elected.  Will there be tax reform and healthcare plans issued this year?  Are these professional politicians only interested in sucking the government teat and taking vacations instead of making progress on tax reform and healthcare?  They are demonstrating a strong case for implementing congressional term limits?  Are they excuses incorporated?


The Democrats are even worse. The corrupt Obama Justice Department did everything but promote voter fraud by suing the states that tried to clean up the voter rolls and implement voter ID.  Could it be that the voter fraud that the Democrats and the mainstream media insist does not exist was insufficient to elect a Democrat President of the United States?  By the way, Judicial Watch is continuing their legal proceedings to investigate federal government departmental corruption.  Did the Obama Administration destroy the files before they left?


Now the Democrats are possibly endangering the country by stalling confirmation of President Trump’s cabinet. These delays are causing departmental personnel gaps which prevent proper department operation.  Do the Democrats care?  Maybe, maybe not.  Of course, it remains to be seen which political agenda the holdover bureaucrats will try to execute–the Democratic Party or the Republican Party.  If it is the former party, staff reductions must begin immediately.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary defines free trade as “trade carried on without governmental regulations; especially, international trade conducted without protective tariffs, customs duties, etc.” There is a lot of blathering by politicians, economic pundits and analysts about how important free trade is to the American economy.  While trade is important to all of us, it appears that most free traders ignore or do not have a clue what free trade is and that many if not all of our trading partners do not abide by free trade. With government export subsidies and currency manipulation, those international traders are not practicing free trade.  Sadly our free trade advocates ignore these deviations—which is not very intelligent.  But when you consider that many of these free traders are Wall Street members, it makes sense.  Wall Street only worries about company profit and loss and doesn’t give a damn where that money is generated, so they don’t care who loses their jobs as long as it is not theirs.  By all appearances, many to maybe most of the American international company CEOs share the Wall Street attitude.


The more the TV experts talk about this issue, the less knowledgeable they appear to be. What good does so-called free trade do for someone who does not have a job and cannot afford to buy much beyond food and shelter?  Would it not be better to be employed to be able to afford those imports?  These TV experts appear to be bagmen for Wall Street and it is becoming hard if not impossible to continue to watch them when they are on air.


Now a border tax is being discussed to level the economic trade playing field. It would seem that while it is being promoted to provide fairer trade, it is still a tax that will increase consumer cost.  How does it address international currency manipulation if at all?  If anything like that is passed into law, should it not be passed with a sunset provision which expires three to four months before the next mid-term elections?  It will be great if it benefits the country and helps increase domestic employment, and if it does not, let the politicians defend it at the ballot box.


Oh yes, if you think that our trading partners will willingly give up their competitive advantage, may I suggest that you grab your left ear in your right hand, your right ear in your left hand and pull your head from your rectum. Have a good day.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force


Do you really need a smart phone? As someone who rarely uses his cell phone these days, the answer for me is no.  For someone who needs up-to-date news and has to go on the Internet frequently, the answer is probably yes.  It makes someone wonder why so many people have one when it can be hacked and your personal information stolen.  Do you need that much personal exposure?


The computer and smart phone suppliers are giving every buyer a bad deal. What would happen if you bought a car that you could not lock?  Would you worry about a thief stealing it?  Probably yes.  Why then is your computer or smart phone sold without security protection? Why must you buy virus protection from another company that cannot guarantee your security?  Are these computer and smart phone companies, whose profit margins have been reported in the news to be high, ever going to put product security for their customers ahead of profits?  Not likely!!!


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.




When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


As long as the Muslims rule in the Middle East, Christian genocide and jihad will continue to plague the rest of the world. With their goal of breeding themselves into dominant populations in democratic countries, Muslim immigration into non-Muslim countries is very problematic.  Sharia law is in direct conflict with self determination and therefore cannot be tolerated.  Human rights demand that women and children cannot be a man’s property to do with them as he sees fit.  It is very difficult to call Islam a religion of peace when genocide is promoted and the Koran dictates that leaving Islam is a death sentence.


At this time there is no place in the Middle East outside of possibly Israel where Christians are free from persecution and genocide. Therefore, to bring some stability to the Middle East, it is proposed that when the jihadists have been removed from Syria and Lebanon, these nations should peacefully transition into Christian countries and control.  With radical Islamic terrorism against Christians, minority Muslim sects and humanity in general, the Muslims have lost the right to participate and determine the fate of these countries.  Radical Islamic terror is trying to start a worldwide religious war.  Remember, Judaism and Christianity were established in the Middle East a thousand years before Mohammed and Islam, so Islam is an interloper and their plan of breeding themselves into political dominance has worked.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


It was really encouraging to learn on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 that President Trump was going to investigate the election process for voter fraud. Voter fraud is something that the Democrats have indirectly supported for over 50 years starting at with the stolen presidential election in 1960.


When the mainstream media operating in propaganda mode during the January 24th press briefing tried to trivialize the voter fraud issue with numerous repetitive questions, in reality it really emphasized how worried the Democrats are about any voter fraud investigation.  Supposedly, the Justice Department observers and DHS assistance during the past presidential election was done to allay any worries about fraud.  The problem with that is that the Obama Justice Department for eight years fought all state attempts to reform the election process.  The usual excuse was that using voter photo I.D. discriminated while ignoring the fact that almost every business transaction in today’s world requires photo identification (drivers license).  It is suggested that any voter fraud investigation should include investigating the Justice Department.  Casual observations of former President Obama’s highly politicized Justice Department showed them to be the most racially biased and prejudiced department in recent memory.


Oh by the way, all the news commentators who have been claiming that there is no record of voter fraud do not provide on what statistical basis on which they are making their claim. Absence of statistics does not prove anything if the issue has not been thoroughly investigated.  Until they provide verifiable statistics to prove their claim, they are propaganda ministers.  Show everyone the facts before you start pontificating.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


A note to the White House Press Corps:


Please note that your eight year honeymoon with ex-President Obama is over. Grow up and now pay the price for leading the anti-Trump campaign with your fellow communist wannabe Democratic allies.  You occupied White House space for eight years and did nothing for us ordinary Americans because you consider us to be trash.  If you really want to see trash, look in the mirror.


The White House staff is there to help run the White House. Why should anyone else be present?  What benefit has ever been gained by having the press corps stationed in the White House?  Can the press prove there have been gains?  Not likely!!!


By the way, the press briefings and conferences should be moved to a larger facility on the White House grounds to allow more people to attend. If 1000 reporters from all 50 states were vetted and rotated to attend a briefing or conference and each event limited to 100 attendees, it should be a good thing for the public and increase transparency and diversity.  It would seem that the White House Press Corps is more concerned about further loss of relevance due to many local TV station staff attending and issuing direct reports instead of using network news.  Elitism is only a good thing in sports where everyone can see it demonstrated.


Even if the press briefings and conferences are not moved to larger quarters, it still seems like a good idea to vet 1000 reporters from the 50 states and rotate them to increase transparency and diversity.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Watching the confirmation hearings and listening to the pundit comments afterward has been enlightening.  The hearings starkly illustrate the difference between how the Trump administration will differ from the Obama administration.  The Obama Administration, their Democratic supporters and Members of Congress remind me of the fabled lemming migration into the sea.  It has become apparent that the Democratic Party and its supporters are lemmings who will do what their lemming leaders want them to do and so they all will figuratively commit suicide by running into the sea and drowning.  In contrast, President-Elect Trump is trying to build a cabinet that by nominating people who are not in total agreement with him, he is endeavoring to build a non lemming administration.  It is anticipated that he will use these differences to solicit opinions and make each cabinet member defend his or her position.  In the interaction between both parties, the issue will be discussed and the President will select a course of action to be implemented.  It is called management.


On the other hand, President Obama is a 100% political animal who has only worried about himself and how it affected his goal to build permanent Democratic Party control of domestic politics. As a community organizer, he negotiated on behalf of his clients to get the target of his clients’ disagreement to agree to changes.  During this process, community organizer Obama did not have to make any binding decisions—this was done by his clients’ target and his clients.  He tried to use this community organizer methodology as President in international relations with disastrous results because he became the client and had trouble making decisions and acting upon them.  Domestically, with impeachment the remedy for constitutional violations, he used that remedy to bulldoze the wimpy Republicans who only worried about their re-election and issued unconstitutional executive orders.


President Obama has never realized that there will never be enough international unity to create the world government that the United Nations is trying to sell and implement. The damage the U.N. does outweighs what little good they do and the U.N. should be dissolved.  They are a prime example of what happens when politics triumphs over common sense and chaos reigns.  Get the United States out of the U.N.  The only thing the U.N. is united upon is their desire to destroy the United States of America.


It is painfully obvious from recent statements from some Members of Congress who in their youth were outstanding role model examples that they have been in Congress too long and have lost their relevance. Both parties have membership in this “You need to retire” category.  They still command the status to get in front of the microphone and news cameras, but all they do is talk and do nothing to fix our country’s problems.  Term limits would help reduce this problem.


Oh yes, on the issue of Hillary Clinton’s supposed number of plurality votes, consider this. These high voter plurality counts were recorded in states which have a high tolerance for voter fraud and illegal immigrants voting.  Therefore, before you take those reported vote counts to the bank in those states, determine how many illegals voted and how much fraud took place.  Ha, ha, ha.  The Democrats and their mainstream propaganda media will never do that because they do not have the integrity to investigate these issues.  They are only interested in promoting their agenda and not seeking the truth.


The mayor of the city of Chicago has declared that Chicago will remain a sanctuary city. Velly, velly interesting.  Many, many years ago Chicago had a reputation for being a union town.  It took years for someone to get union approval to join the union.  Unless the situation has dramatically changed since the 1970s, how much support will the mayor get from the unions when the city will be flooded with thousands of illegal aliens who work cheap?  Only mandatory E-Verify with enforcement of much higher company fines can help remedy illegal employment.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


As an ordinary person, is it necessary for others to daily inform me of events in their life? Has World War III started?  Has something happened to one of my loved ones?  What kind of personal information must I divulge to the world?  Does everyone need to know when I was born to maintain membership when some stranger might use this information to steal my identity?  Do I need a website recording and cataloging everything I do on their site so that they can profile my use for who knows what purpose? How much time must I spend every day trying to keep up with others’ additions to my account?


Recently Facebook informed me that to log on to my account, I must change my date of birth. Really??  Do you mean that now that they have shut down the account, I will not be bombarded at least two or three times each day informing me that I have received a notification?  I lead a relatively dull life, so there is not much reason for me to log on and write something just to say something and dodge the want ads that I have no interest in reading.


Unfortunately, after making several attempts to reach website support, I can find no way to inform Facebook that I no longer want a Facebook account and I would appreciate it if my account was deleted from their site.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


The mainstream media and the Democratic Party still have not accepted the fact that Donald J. Trump instead of Hillary R. Clinton will be the next President of the United States. The latest issue is President Obama’s retribution for what he has charged is Russian cyber hacking and for which he expelled 35 Russian diplomats and their families.  Did the Russians hack the Democratic National Committee (DNC) or not?  Our intelligence community says yes.  As an ordinary citizen watching and listening to the news, I am not sure that I believe them.  Why?  President Obama has politicized his administration to such a high degree that it is difficult to tell whether or not the truth is being told.  It seems that every federal department has been tarnished by this politicization.  For sure the top management of every department with its head appointed by President Obama is totally political.  This means that the propaganda and the truth, when used, are treated the same.  President Obama has a bad habit of making up “facts” to support his positions.


Obamacare was never intended to help the uninsured Americans get health insurance. If it truly had been about delivering health insurance to 20 million Americans, it would have covered only those who could not get and/or afford healthcare.  Instead the bill was written to apply to all 320 million Americans in one way or another.  Using government force, political power and control were the main objectives.


Obamacare required all companies with more than 50 employees to make healthcare available for all employees who worked 30 hours or more a week. So to keep costs down, companies hired only part time employees to work 30 hours a week or less and paid them the lower wages that part time

employees usually earn. What happened to those who needed to work more than 30 hours a week to provide for their families?  Hopefully they were able to find another part time job to make up the short fall.


President Obama convinced the Anarchist Supreme Court to label the fines a tax for everyone who did not join Obamacare. How do you get young people to buy insurance that they believe that they do not need?  You don’t, so they pay the fine.


Obamacare is an outstanding example of why big government in all its forms is a total disaster. No small group of so-called “experts” can effectively meet the needs of millions of people.  Even with all the supercomputers helping, no group is smart enough.  To make matters worse, the lawmakers tried to cover all contingencies.  Not possible and all the lawyers and politicians in the world together are not smart enough.  Big voluminous laws are as bad for the public as big government.  The lawmakers also demonstrated that they knew little about how to economically deliver affordable health insurance.


Why does a post menopausal woman need maternity benefits?   It is a dumb, stupid requirement contrary to human biology and common sense—much like communism.  Government mandates always increase insurance costs as the states have demonstrated in the past.  Government programs have always seemed to try to appeal to the lowest human intelligence denominator.  Mistake!!!!!!  In the selection of healthcare insurance, the individual must decide how much risk they are willing to undertake and then deal with the consequences if they make the wrong choice.  Now because of political  ineptitude and low healthy person enrollment, to keep insurance company costs down, the Obamacare premiums and deductibles have been raised so high that it is almost impossible to have the insurance pay for anything, so the insured pays for everything.  What good is it to have insurance if you pay for everything?  If you want to totally mess up any system, have your friendly federal, state or local government design and run it.


Why are the Democrats trying to save a health care debacle that contributed to their loss in 2016? Are they smoking too much weed or shooting up something?  Where were they when the Good Lord passed out brains?


The bureaucrats running most federal, state and local agencies don’t have a clue on how to effectively govern and cost is something about which only the taxpayer is concerned. The laws and regulations enacted are too detailed to the point that no one can use them without many times violating them.  Another stupid government practice.  When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



In today’s world here in the United States, the young are being brain washed by the public schools and indoctrinated with propaganda instead of being educated by their teachers, school administrations and school boards. This means that many millennials are scammed into believing the propaganda and don’t know it.  Listed below are some other issues:


Communism—The Obama administration has used the Communist Rules for Revolution to govern. These rules promote corrupting the young, media control, division of the people into hostile groups, civil disorders and firearm registration prior to confiscation.  Look up the Communist Rules for Revolution and you determine whether or not they have been used.


Conformance—The federal government has preached diversity while at the same time it has promoted conformance to political correctness (censorship). What gives?  What do they really want?  The politicos want the millennials to do what they are told and not to question why.  Good little robots in human form.


Control—Big government of all kinds and world governance are all about total control of the population using government force. Big government forms such as socialism and communism want a small cadre of people to control the daily lives of everyone with the result that the people have very little or no personal freedom.  This is insanity.


Censorship—The way to stuff a political agenda down people’s throats is to censor all opposition by labeling opponents as racists, bigots, deplorables, etc. Once again, the left has labeled this censorship as political correctness.


Propaganda—The Obama administration has created the illusion that the only education worth having is a college degree. This way they get students and their parents to borrow the money for this education and then later try to forever buy their loyalty to a political party by forgiving these student loans and sticking the taxpayer with the bill.  What no one wants to acknowledge is that this forgiveness increases the national debt that the student will spend the rest of his life paying off.  In fact, all work performed should give the person doing the work a sense of satisfaction irrespective of what anyone else thinks.  People who work with their hands like electricians, carpenters, plumbers, factory workers, etc. are a necessary part of all economies and to denigrate them in any way is elitist.  Elite thinking and action demonstrate a total lack of humility creating disgustingly arrogant individuals.


Entitlement—Participation trophies are given to each participant to create a sense of entitlement in each young person. Delusional college students issue demands for safe space and safe language on campus and the ignorant college administrations acquiesce.  If you were the manager or owner of a business, would you want one of these retards as an employee—one who would continually be making demands for promotion, more pay and will most likely be an unproductive and disruptive employee?  My answer is.  Hell no!!!!!!!!  In addition, the problem with persons who think of themselves as entitled, when they do not receive the praise expected and become angry, their reaction to that lack of praise may become violent.  Entitlement creates a false sense of worth that when frustrated may become violent enough to commit mass murder against the innocent.


Cursive—The teachers’ unions and stupid school boards have decided that cursive reading and writing should no longer be taught in schools. Presumably this is done because everyone is supposed to be computer literate.  This practice serves several purposes.  First, this ensures that the young will never be able to read historic documents and therefore will remain ignorant of history as it was written.  This allows the government to write a revisionist history that is consistent with their political agenda.  Secondly, since the young do not have a cursive signature, it is much easier to steal their identity and money.  If you are a millennial, protect yourself and learn to read and write cursive.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



President-elect Trump has started to select people who he would like in his cabinet. The peanut gallery would like to comment on one selection and several potential picks.


Mitt Romney—Mr. Romney has demonstrated by his attacks on President-elect Trump that he does not like to accept reality and is not a team player. By making his attacks on Trump personal, he followed typical Republican establishment behavior that knows it is safe to criticize Republicans because they will not retaliate like the Democrats will.   There is doubt that Romney fought hard enough to defeat Barack Obama during 2012.  More importantly, the peanut gallery does not visualize Romney fighting to defend Trump’s diplomatic agenda which will very likely be diametrically opposed to what President Obama has paraded out as a foreign policy.  Does Romney have the backbone to promote what may very well be a totally new kind of foreign policy—one that places the United States first instead of catering to the many countries that hate and are jealous of our country?  Does he have the right stuff?  If he is appointed Secretary of State, will we hear a “You’re fired” within a year?


Nikki Haley—Governor Haley is going to an organization where most members do not like the United States but tolerate us because we send a lot of money. Does she have the backbone to take on an organization that is hell bent on implementing world government policies—policies that a few corrupt members want to use to control the world with stupid rules, regulations and policies while taxing the prosperous nations into poverty?  These people are not diplomats but thugs.  It is time for the United States to leave the United Nations.  The U.N. does very little good.  They need to move their world headquarters to another country.


Dr. Ben Carson—Dr. Carson as a brain surgeon had to solve problems in order to do his job. No matter what post he may accept, he will figure out how to solve the problems if the President and Congress give him the authority to do so.


Congress must help the new administration by making it possible to replace political appointments with those made based on qualifications and performance. It is about time for Congress to get off their fat butts and do something constructive for a change.  Politics has transformed Washington D.C. from terrible to third world status.  Political elitism must be flushed down the toilet into the sewer where it belongs.


By the way, the scum (mainstream) media should appreciate how they cover Donald Trump. After putting up with the smell as they kissed President Obama’s butt for the past eight years, they may like the fresh air.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



On election night, this old man went to bed dreading the news that unindicted outlaw Hillary Clinton might be elected President of the United States. It really really bothered me that so many people had used their genitals-where there are no brains-to vote for someone who had put her personal desires ahead of those of the country while serving as the nation’s Secretary of State.  In doing so, she used an unsecure personal internet server instead of a secure State Department server for her email communications enabling foreign espionage.  Speculation has it that this was done so that she could bypass State Department records and Freedom of Information inquiries while collecting Clinton Foundation donations which may or may not have been legal and/or reported.


Absent an Obama Presidential pardon, Hillary Clinton must be charged and prosecuted for her actions and, if convicted, serve at least 2-3 months in prison to serve as an example of what public officials must NEVER do. Failure to prosecute will negate all Trump claims of draining the swamp.  If she is then pardoned, so must all those who have been charged for the same crime.


Since Donald J. Trump has become President-elect, the Democrats and scum (mainstream) media has gone on a fanatical rampage against Mr. Trump criticizing him for anything and everything. Mr. President-elect, please note that the swamp you want to drain includes the scum media.  The press are venal and a disgrace to all former journalists who had integrity.  Lacking an epiphany, the American public can expect more Democratic Party and scum media propaganda and garbage for the next four years.  To counteract these attacks, President-elect Trump must carefully continue to use social media to bypass the garbage dump and keep the nation informed.


All the polls, pundits and experts predicted Mrs. Clinton would win———-BUT SHE DIDN’T. Why was everyone wrong?  They were wrong because all of them were so convinced of their methods and false intellectual superiority above the masses of everyday Americans that they never really tried to learn the truth.  It appears to me that all the scum networks and newspapers never bothered to get out of their plush offices and into the streets across the nation to poll the American people.  The Fox News Channel and the Wall Street Journal also appear to be guilty of this slothful behavior.  All of them were lazy, incompetent and reported on the lies they were receiving as if it were the gospel.


Some news networks never bothered hiding their prejudices against Mr. Trump. My God, there is scum everywhere.  You have a better chance of learning the truth off of the unreliable Internet than you do by watching your TV.  Oh, by the way, the scum networks include their biases and contempt for religion and the people in their programming and commercials.  Twenty four hours a day seven days a week the scum networks broadcast propaganda issued by various government entities that have used the Communist Rules for Revolution as a governing guide.  You don’t have to believe me, look it up.


When the cast of a Broadway show stood on stage and badgered Vice-President Elect Pence, they demonstrated that they have no class. Entertainers in the past usually were classy individuals.  It sure looks like classy entertainers in this country are about to go extinct.


As for the so-called protesters—many of whom may being paid by wealthy left wing immigrants to this country—we need to give each of them a warm baby bottle so that they will feel better and have something to suck on.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


God Bless President-elect Donald Trump and the United States of America.



Do you want a political party running the government in Washington that negates your vote by committing voter fraud and has done so for more than 50 years?


Barack Obama has a corrupt administration and has consistently lied to the American people on almost every issue. Do you want another liar as your president who can look directly into your eyes and lie to you?


Do you want a person and party in charge in Washington that used an unsecured internet server which may have enabled espionage against the United States? How many people have died because of this?


Do you want to use your genitals to pick the next president like President Obama wants?


Do you want someone as your president who uses political office for personal enrichment?


Do you want someone as your president who lied to the American public and the parents of murdered patriots about Benghazi?


Do you want someone who indirectly promotes anarchy and distains the rule of law as your president?


Do you want someone like President Obama who does not seriously condemn violence and the murder of police officers as your president? He and she will say that this statement is not true, but what do you expect them to say?


Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi repeated three times that Obamacare is affordable, affordable, affordable. Is Obamacare really affordable?  No.  With the high deductibles in Obamacare, many people will not be able to use their insurance and will pay all of their medical costs.  But that is really the way it was designed so that the gullible American public would later accept a 100% government controlled health insurance plan which, of course, will increase government control over the American people.


Do you want someone as your president who favors open borders which with uncontrolled immigration could make American born citizens a minority in their own country in less than fifteen years?


If your answers to the above questions are yes, then vote for Hillary Clinton.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



It is amusing as well as somewhat frightening to listen to the news media comments about Donald Trump’s answer to Chris Wallace’s question about affirming the election results. It also points out why all the media are totally corrupt.


For Mr. Trump to affirm election results as he has explained, he needs to confirm that no voter fraud has taken place. Those committing voter fraud know that in the absence of hard copy paper ballots, it is very difficult if not impossible to prove voter fraud after the election is over.  Therefore, the best way to prevent voter fraud is to raise the issue before the election and make everyone aware that voter fraud prevention methods must be instituted.  The best way may be to photograph everyone as they enter the polls to vote.  This would provide a visual record of who voted.


In 2012 there were 70000 votes cast for Obama and none for Romney at one location in Pennsylvania. Not one vote for Romney.  Also in 2012, voters reported that when they voted for Romney, the voting machine recorded Obama.  Were these incidents investigated by the Republicans and authorities?  Probably not because the Republican establishment are yellow bellies who wet their pants when a confrontation is likely and probably did nothing to start an investigation—and then they wonder why they lost.  How stupid can you be?


The supposedly creditable pundits and experts say that if there is fraud it is not significant. Really?  In 2000, the Presidency was determined by 500 votes.  Out of 15-20 million voters, 500 is insignificant.  So the pundits and experts are full of crap and do not know about what they are talking.  They are also following the same line of thinking when they discuss illegals voting multiple times, dead people voting and much more.  Why do you think the Democrats want all these refugees coming into our country?  If you think a politician is worried about your safely, you are wrong.  One vote can determine the winner and the pundits and experts know it and deliberately ignore it.  Aren’t these people and the TV station providing false information to their viewers?  Under what rock and from which planet do the TV stations find these people?  The news media needs to find a new and better way to fill airtime rather than interviewing some dumb pundit or expert.


The media knows that almost every poll has one mainstream (scumbag) media partner who detest Mr. Trump and will spend untold effort to attack him instead of Hillary Clinton. If you believe those poll results, do you still believe in the tooth fairy?  All the news media know those polls are rigged and still they dutifully report the results.  Don’t they know that if you take an average of ten polls that are dishonest, the poll results don’t get any more accurate?  Don’t they know that if they cannot confirm the integrity of the results, they are sending out probable propaganda?  It doesn’t seem to worry them though.  It just shows how lazy and unprofessional the news media of today is.


The broadcast news media of today reads their news from a teleprompter. It doesn’t make it any more accurate.  Media bias is rampant today and has generated public distrust of their reports.  Personally, I have read news items on the internet that showed up on the news months or even a year later. Where have the reporters been?  Carrying water for their favorite politician.


The news media is reactive and only interested in gutter articles. The function of the news media was supposed to be proactive and investigative in an attempt to keep government honest.  Today’s news media is as dirty and corrupt as government.  Their political agenda is very liberal and pro communist.


The Wikipedia issue of Democratic Party emails showing utter distain for Catholics is troubling, but constituent with Communist Rule for Revolution No. 8 which states:

“By special argument cause a breakdown of the old moral virtues; honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.”[1]


Much press has been issued citing Barack Obama using radical Saul Alinsky’s “How to Create a Social State”. Hillary Clinton met with Alinsky and wrote her college thesis on his writings.


David Mikkelson has written an excellent Snopes fact check “How to Create a Social State”[2]  that everyone should go on the internet and read before casting your vote.

[1] Communist Rules for Revolution No. 8,


[2] David Mikkelson, “How to Create a Social State”,


What impact would an open border policy (unlimited uncontrolled immigration) favored by the world government political hacks and seemingly some politicians in both parties do to this country? It would destroy this country to the point that it may never recover its former greatness.  Here is how.


Let us use some common sense in this evaluation. To date, the reason the United States has been a magnet for immigrants is personal freedom.  People have wanted to come here not for the freebees the millennials demand but to live their lives as they choose instead of being confined to rules of conduct that in their country of birth may have existed for hundreds of years.  Those systems were developed for the rich and powerful to maintain their influence and wealth.  In order to do that, the rich and powerful must control those who are not rich and powerful.


With the personal freedom the potential immigrants seek, they desire to become one of the rich and powerful, but that goal can only be achieved if there is opportunity. In today’s economy, there is not enough opportunity for everyone to find work.  The rich CEOs of the large companies in our country have exported those needed jobs to other countries in search of larger compensation.  They don’t care where the money comes from as long as it becomes theirs.


In a welfare society as it currently exists in this country, welfare must be supported by taxes on the workers or increased public debt. To have to pay taxes, one must have a job and therein is the problem.  Therefore, what will result with open borders is a huge population seeking a job that does not exist in their search for a better life.


Most countries sending us their emigrants are sending us their undereducated people. These countries want to keep the educated persons who can help their economy and willingly send us those who they don’t want. Without a huge working population, there is no tax base to support millions on welfare.  To finance all this welfare, the country’s debt will keep increasing until the dollar sinks in value to the point that we cannot pay our bills and bankruptcy is reached.  Bankruptcy would have the wealthy having removed their money out of country to a safe haven if they can find one and create another 1930s Depression only worse.


With open borders, what is to prevent 50,000 immigrants from coming into the country each day? At that rate, it will take about sixteen years for our population to double to 600 million and those citizens born in this country will become the minority.  Is this what Americans want or don’t they care?  If we have an economy that is currently having trouble providing full employment with 320 million people, how will it be possible to find jobs for 600 million?  How will those people support themselves?  Where will the money come from to provide the welfare benefits that these immigrants will need to stay alive without work?


Once again, if there are no jobs for these immigrants, what will they do? The likely scenario is that eventually they will sink into permanent poverty or resort to violence. Sadly, the black inner city residents may be the poster children for what happens.  Don’t you think that before we have open borders immigration we should help those who are here now and need our help?  The only reason open borders immigration is desired by politicians is to grow the voting population that favors their party so they can control government force.  We can see how that has turned out.


With open borders, drugs flood and jihadists waltz into our country. Both do their damage to our people—and the politicians don’t give a crap.  Scumbags all.


The final open border result is our population exploding with violence and anarchy everywhere if law enforcement cannot maintain law and order. Only the 70,000,000 plus constitutionally authorized militia members will be able to quell the domestic insurrection.  The United States may become and maybe forever remain a large third rate banana republic.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (my August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment(my March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


The category of Americans who have suffered continuous job discrimination for over the last 20 years is the white Christian male. Every large company has promoted women and minorities instead of the white male without worrying about qualifications.  It is time to stop this discrimination.


This country in the last 20 years has continued to decline. Using politics instead of qualifications will continue the decline and may even accelerate it.  Let everyone compete on a competitive basis without prejudice instead of solely using gender and ethnicity/race.  Women and minorities can compete without these prejudicial rules if given the chance, so let them do so.  Oh yes, our anarchist Supreme Court has contributed to this stupidity.


Women state they want equality, but they also insist on being treated as women. They want to have their cake and eat it too.  This is an admission that they cannot handle the rough and tumble of the real world.  Hillary Clinton is not naïve, but her actions tell us that she believes most of her supporters are naïve enough to believe the womanhood bullcrap.  She expects womanhood to protect her during the campaign, but she has as much of a chance as a snowball in hell that international leaders, if she is elected,  will treat her that way without wanting something from the United States government.  With our national debt, we have nothing left to give.  Oh yes, the mad dog media does not care about honesty and fairness when it interferes with their political agenda.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



The American public is being asked to decide between a man who lets his mouth run away with his brain and a woman who gets away with criminal activity because she has political influence. It is a tough decision.  The decision is made more difficult by a mad dog media who so hate the man that they resort to character assassination and propaganda instead of the truth.


Polls can be rigged by how questions are asked and the poll political population. Almost every poll is co-sponsored by a member of the mad dog media.  That being the case, the poll results reported cannot be trusted.  To try to establish credibility, the mad dog media poll results will report that the man’s poll numbers are getting much better and he may even be leading when that is not true.  All the pundits and newscasters will use these poll results as if they were the gospel and make their predictions.


During this time the establishment in one political party is registering dead people, illegal aliens, etc. to vote.


Someone in either the establishment or media will research their files to uncover a negative event that might harm the man and divert attention from the illegal voter registrations.


A negative event will be reported that is so bad that the man’s poll numbers will begin to drop and the woman’s poll numbers will increase beyond the truth. This will be done within a week of the election so the time to uncover the truth will not be long enough to correct.


There are two objectives to this scenario. First if the pollsters predict a fictitiously large gap in voter preference for the woman, they want the man’s voters to stay home and not vote.  Second, predicting a large gap is intended to provide cover for voter fraud.


If you think this scenario cannot happen, what are you smoking or shooting up?


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



When is America going to stop listening to and believing politicians who continually lie to them and will not stand up to defend the rights of the majority of their constituents? Since these same politicians get elected over and over, does this mean the American public is brain dead?  Doesn’t this meet Einstein’s definition of insanity which is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”?


What really bothers me is how very small minorities have succeeded in dictating government action and policy. Since when have we become the country of minority rule?  I do know that corrupt politicians don’t care about right and wrong—only that they get re-elected to continue sucking on the government teat.  The threat of a lawsuit starts many government authorities running scared.  What this describes is a government which has no moral authority to do the right thing to protect the rights of the majority.


Dissent is always allowable and reasonable, but forcing your view on the majority by threatening law suits is blackmail. When is one of those bright-eyed tech-savvy persons going to start and correctly manage a site which accepts public donations to start and fund an organization that will hire investigators and attorneys to fight the blackmailers?  The politicians will not do the right thing, so the public must.


If and when governments start defending what is right, and when they win their case, they must then start civil proceedings for damages and legal costs against the complaining party with the goal of publicizing and shutting down these organizations. It is called retribution and Obama does it all the time.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (my August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (my March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the United States is a concern. As a former President’s first lady, a United States senator from New York and more recently United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2012, she has been a public figure for more than 20 years.  With such a background, you would expect that she would know quite a bit about how government conducts its business.  Recently she has been confessing to less knowledge than someone would expect from a person with that much government exposure.


Simply put:


The news media has reported that Mrs. Clinton had a private unsecured Internet server installed in her home around the time she became Secretary of State. She said that it was for her convenience and government business was never received or sent on this server.  Could it be that the private server was intended to avoid Freedom of Information Act State Department accountability?  According to the FBI Director’s testimony before Congress, she lied about conducting government business on her server. The FBI Director testified that classified government secrets were both sent and received on this unsecure server.  Hello Russia and China!!!!!  She communicated with the President using this server so he was aware of the private server and did nothing.  More recently, after the Congress notified her to save all her emails, she had more than 30000 of them permanently destroyed with software called Bleach-Bit.  The company that destroyed the files is complicit in the cover-up and all participants need to go to jail along with Hillary.  In addition, she and her staff had more than a dozen mobile devices destroyed by using a hammer on some of them.  Has the Propaganda Press (mainstream or scumbag media) been investigating this negative news?  Ha, ha, ha.  Are you kidding?  What happened to the most transparent administration and an honest media?   Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.


By not recommending a criminal indictment of Hillary Clinton, the FBI Director has tarnished the reputation of the FBI so badly that it will take years of honest work to restore confidence in the integrity of the bureau. We all know that the Department of Injustice is in the tank for the Democrats.


She and her husband also set up a nonprofit foundation. She and former President Clinton have accepted millions of dollars in donations from foreign and domestic sources based on “speaking fees” and they now have a net worth in excess of 100 million dollars.  If you believe that those monies were for speaking fees, you still believe in the tooth fairy– but you are not alone, so does the scumbag media.  Ha, ha, ha, ha.  How is it that 200 million dollars in donations to the foundation were forgotten and initially not reported?


What were Hillary and the President doing when Benghazi was attacked? Why did she not authorize more security?  Was it because she and the President were doing something they didn’t want known to the American public—like selling and shipping weapons to Muslim terrorists from that location?  After Benghazi, Obama considered his campaign fund raiser and re-election more important than respecting the lives of the four Americans who were murdered.  Worst of all were the administration’s and Hillary’s lies to the relatives of the dead and the nation about Benghazi.


Oh yes, during this political campaign, Hillary has tried to blunt Trump’s criticism of her by using her gender. Really!!!!  If she were President does she truly believe that our foreign enemies will defer to her gender during disagreements?  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Hillary Clinton belongs in jail for what she has done—not running for President of the United States. The people who voted for Barack Obama in 2012 are to blame for the last miserable four years of his presidency.  They and the Democratic policies are to blame for our miserable economy, the lack of an effective foreign policy, poor schools for our children, etc. etc. etc.  Are these people on a mission to see if they can destroy a nation by voting for an outlaw who in turn is protected from criminal prosecution by an outlaw Presidential administration?


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (my August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (my March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.



My first chance to vote while living in the Chicago metropolitan area was in the 1960 presidential election that resulted in John F. Kennedy being elected president. Since I was in the army on election day, I did not vote.  After separation from the army and back in the Chicago land area, there was an article in a Chicago newspaper stating that voter fraud had been committed by Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley’s Democratic Party to give Kennedy the victory in 1960.


At that time, the City of Chicago was heavily Democratic and controlled by the Daley machine. His strength started at the precinct level with his precinct captains fixing traffic tickets and in general assisting the public when asked where they could use their political influence.  As a result of this precinct level public assistance, the public voted Democrat.


The Chicago suburbs generally voted Republican along with most of downstate Illinois.


How was the 1960 election stolen? It was really very simple.  As explained in the newspaper, on election day the Chicago Democrats delayed reporting their vote count until the Chicago suburbs and downstate Illinois had reported their vote counts.  When that was done, Daley knew how many votes it would take to secure the victory for Kennedy.  His party reported enough votes to give the Democrats a majority and the presidential victory.  HINDSIGHT SAYS BOTH NIXON AND EISENHOWER WERE WRONG NOT TO CONTEST THE ELECTION.


As a young man who was recently able to vote, I was dumbfounded to learn that the crooked politicians would have the audacity to steal a federal presidential election.


During the 1964 election, President Johnson painted Republican Barry Goldwater as a war monger. Johnson convinced the voters and badly defeated Goldwater in the election.  After re-election, he then proceeded to implement much of what Goldwater had proposed to deal with the Viet Nam war.  In the 2012 election, dead persons voted and in some districts there were more votes than possible voters.  These elections proved to me that politics is a dirty slimy endeavor.  Sadly, nothing has changed in the last 56 years.


Many establishment Republicans have stated that they will not vote for Donald Trump and may vote for Hillary Clinton. First off, most of these Republicans have embraced big government spending and programs.  Secondly, in doing so, they never worried about balancing the budget.  Thirdly, they all seem to advocate spying on the American people in the name of national security.  And finally, they all seem to support open borders and unlimited illegal immigration.


The Propaganda Press (mainstream media) gleefully list the establishment Republicans who have announced that they will not vote for Donald J. Trump. The press supports a leftist agenda such as political censorship.  They apparently have forgotten that communism does not embrace free speech and very strictly controls news (propaganda) dissemination.


Get control of all means of publicity. Get peoples’ minds off government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books, plays and other trivialities.[1]


It appears that Mr. Trump has relegated the establishment Republican defection to: “He doesn’t mind and they don’t matter.”  I suspect that many people agree with him.  Some of those defectors agreed to support the party candidate, but have changed their minds.   More politicians lying to the public again. So what is new?

[1] Communist Rules for Revolution No. 2,


A number of issues have been in the news the past few days.


Hillary Clinton raised once more the “birther” issue.

Divide people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.[1]


She also pronounced that Donald Trump is unfit to be President. Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?

Destroy the peoples’ faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule and . (speak against, condemnatory utterances)[2]


When Donald Trump suggested that Hillary Clinton lead by example on gun control and disarm her bodyguards, the Propaganda Press suggested that he was suggesting assassination. The real reason Hillary wants gun control is confiscation.

Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext with a view of confiscation of them and leaving the population helpless.[3]


The mainstream media consider themselves to be elite along with most of the uninformed members of the press. While care must be taken when browsing the Internet, more correct information can be found there than in the media.  Sad, but true.  This is why there is a federal government potential goal of turning over CONTROL OF THE INTERNET to the despots and corrupt U.N. officials as part of Obama’s misinformed world government agenda.


With the exception of the Muslim terrorists, the main problem we have in the world today is not the people, but corrupt politics and politicians.

[1] Communist Rules for Revolution No. 3,

[2] Communist Rules for Revolution No. 4,

[3] Communist Rules for Revolution No. 9,


The world has been for quite some time been shifting from agrarian societies and economies to industrial economies. Technology has been an important factor in this shift because it makes daily living easier.  For instance, living in a city with public services such as power, water, garbage pickup and sewerage disposal with food and transportation readily available, the public’s daily life and routine becomes easier.  The concentration of many people in a small geographical area makes it easier to provide healthcare.  In a simple agrarian society, much time and energy must be spent securing food and energy—usually wood—to cook and heat a shelter.  If nighttime lighting is desired, another form of energy may be needed.  Little time may be left for anything else.  Healthcare for the most part is minimal with high infant mortality and reduced adult lifespan.  As a result for thousands of years people have had many children so that when old age comes, someone will be there to take care of them.  It has been a free market environment which has facilitated the world’s climb out of poverty.


Modern technology has improved living conditions for millions of people, so as their standard of living has improved, demographics are showing that people are living longer. An improved standard of living has also affected a country’s fertility rate.  With improved living conditions and lower adult mortality, the need for many children has diminished.  As a result, a trend for fewer children has generated lower and lower country fertility rates.  A fertility rate of 2.1 has been used as the number of children each childbearing age woman must have to replace a country’s population.


Economies must have workers to generate goods and services. Better economic conditions exist when an expanding economy creates more jobs which in turn generate more tax revenues for government.  Implicit in an economic expansion definition is a demographic that requires more workers.  The fertility rate for many countries in Europe is below replacement.  In an attempt to have more workers, some European countries have created a serious problem by admitting foreign refugees who cannot and may not want to speak the native language.  In addition, since many of the refugees do not speak the native language, unless they are capable of working, they have to be a financial burden on that country’s taxpayers.


Japan’s population has been below replacement for years and they cannot induce the people to have more children. Since Japan is more or less a closed society, they have not imported foreign workers into their country.  China recently changed their one child policy to grant a permit to those couples who want to have a second child.  At last report, the demand did not meet government expectations for a second child and applications were still available.  Of the 190 countries surveyed by the World Bank in 2014[1], 187 of them reported a fertility rate lower in 2014 than it was in 1960.  In general, the lower the standard of living is, the higher the fertility rate.  The writing is on the wall:  if the 2014 trend continues, the world may soon be experiencing a fertility rate that is below replacement.


The economists must now start to consider how an economy can expand with fewer workers. This means that higher worker productivity must compensate for fewer workers.  This burden will be placed on the shoulders of the young.  To accomplish this task, it would be expected that more automation and robotics must be used and new economic models may have to be developed.


With more automation and robotics required, the future job market would favor those persons who can design, develop, build, repair and maintain advanced information technology (IT) systems. It would seem that to prevent intellectual property theft by others, that outsourcing of any technology must be limited.  To spend millions of dollars developing a product and then turn much of the technology over to someone in another country is insanity and should get any CEO who does it fired.  For too long, it is suspected that the not too smart CEOs have been making new technology available to other countries in search of higher profits.  It would appear that short term this tactic could be very profitable but long term it could spell disaster.  Why give away technology that has taken possibly years of research and millions of dollars to develop.  Not too smart.


The investment newsletters have recently been touting what they are describing as a newly invented way to recover much of the energy from the sun. Numbers like enough energy for the whole world for 32000 years and costs of five cents a kilowatt-hr have been mentioned.  This new technology was invented by a small company and it has been reported that countries and companies are spending billions of dollars to license this technology.  Since new technologies usually require years to fully implement, current oil, gas and coal energy will continue to be used.


The EPA is supposed to protect us–not abuse us with stupid rules and regulations intended to shut down existing companies in the best big government way. Yes, they are acting like dictators hurting instead of helping millions of our citizens.  They are only interested in political control using government force and don’t give a damn about us.  One of the stupidest EPA political objectives is a carbon tax.  This tax is touted as one way to save the world, but it is really a way for all governments to tax their citizens to pay for stupid government programs.  Everyone seems to forget that plants need carbon dioxide to survive in order to produce the oxygen we breathe.  Trees as part of photosynthesis convert carbon dioxide into a carbon molecule and store it, so why are massive numbers of trees being cut down around the world?


During this election, the Democrats are trying to buy votes by promising free college at public institutions. They have not offered to forgive college debt yet but I suspect it will be done in the last week or two of this election.  Too many young people are going to college to get degrees they may never use or the job they can get using their degree does not pay enough to live on and pay back the loan.  Not too smart, but the colleges apparently do not care as long as they get their money.  In the past, some people have worked full time and gone to night school to get a degree.  It takes longer to get a degree, but you can graduate without college loan debt.  Internet college courses have made this type of program easier by eliminating or decreasing any commute.


The educational system is not educating the right people to fill the jobs that are currently available. In years past, high schools large enough offered shop courses for those persons who liked to work with their hands and did not intend to go to college.   Now these people need to pay to attend a technical school or get company training to get the type of education needed.  Companies do not want to spend money training someone to do a job only to have them soon thereafter leave to go work for someone else for more money.  The more the federal government interferes with K-12 education, the less educated the students become.  It is time to return the responsibility for educating our children back to the local school boards and remove all federal government programs.  All federal monies collected for education must be returned to the local schools without any preconditions.  Return the tax dollars to the community instead of sending them to a bumbling and inept federal government to be wasted.


Many large companies are trying to develop and sell driverless cars. This creates jobs but not too many because IT does not employ a lot of people.  Who will fix those cars when they don’t function properly?  Are you going to send the vehicle back to the manufacturer?  No way.  It is anticipated that most driverless car jobs will come in the maintenance and repair areas and will be located in all parts of the country.


Anyone who thinks that in the future we will not need auto mechanics, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, steel workers, etc. is insane. Do we have the young people who will be up to the task or will they believe all the lies that you must have a college degree to survive?  Look at the mess this country’s legal system is in due to too many indoctrinated lawyers being produced.  The most prestigious colleges and universities are the biggest culprits producing big government communist wannabe graduates.  The big government communist wannabes want as many young people in college as possible so that they can be indoctrinated into believing that government solves problems. Ha, ha, ha.


Factory jobs will still likely to be necessary. This is where outsourcing has destroyed American jobs.  People are still needed to assemble the parts produced by automation and robots and then test the finished product.  Once again, assembly, repair and maintenance workers will be needed to keep the factories running.  Using cheap labor without American labor regulations together with foreign country currency manipulation, countries have subsidized their workforce to gain a financial competitive advantage over American workers.  This tactic is unacceptable and the use of import taxes should level the field.  Foreign country refusal to pay import taxes will mean that domestic industries will need to be built up to support domestic and possibly international demand.  While not recommended, historically the United States has survived reasonably well without foreign trade.


Machinists and tool and die makers will be needed to produce the parts needed by factories. Companies need these workers now.  In general, if someone likes to work with their hands and does not want to “fly” a desk, a college education might not be a good choice.  Many times people who work in the trade area start out working for a company and then decide they want to be the boss and start their own company.


The largest impediment to job production is an out of control federal, state and local government bureaucracies producing thousands and thousands of pages of stupid regulations. You can blame your Member of Congress (MOC) for the federal mess.  It is called Dereliction of Duty.  They use lawyers to write laws that no one can understand so that more lawyers can charge millions of dollars to adjudicate the law for years.  Instead of having a bevy of lawyers mess up the law, your MOC should personally write the bill and submit the proposed bill in simple English.  After the bill is passed and becomes law, that same MOC should write the regulations that may be needed to implement the new law instead of turning the law over to an executive branch bureaucrat.  Your MOC is not worth a flip if he or she does not institute this revised system.  Currently the federal executive bureaucracy both writes and enforces the regulations.  Here comes King Corruption!!!!!!!  Now your MOC sits on his or her butt in a meeting and tries to fix what he or she has allowed the bureaucracy to screw up.  On the other hand, if your MOC just sits on his or her butt and never proposes any legislation, why are they there?  Whose fault is it that non productive MOC’s are elected?  Look in the mirror.  This kind of politics must change.


Some of the dumbest government work impediment regulations and disputes are state and local. There appears to be the idea that leadership is using Gestapo tactics to enforce stupid and sometimes unlawful rules and regulations.  The American public must get off their collective political butts, go find the bad guys and put them in jail so that they are unable to intimidate the law abiding public.  Once again, look in the mirror to see who put those clowns in charge.


The economists must start to develop models to accommodate a shrinking world population to prevent economic chaos should this latest population trend continue. Maybe if Japan is used as a test country, some smart economist can figure out a way to have prosperity with a shrinking and aging population.  Gross Domestic Product is an economic marker to measure growth, but it is not as important as providing a country’s citizens with a way to work to provide for his family and loved ones.


And if my prediction of smaller world populations does not come to pass, we can still use the existing economic models.





As more and more schools stop teaching cursive reading and writing, this type of communication is becoming a lost art. Many years ago the illiterate signed their name with an X with witnesses to their signature. Today using a digital signature may be an easier way for you to sign your legal documents, but it is also a very easy way for someone to steal your signature, create a lot of debt in your name or steal your identity.


It would seem that the easiest way to protect yourself is to learn to read and write cursive English and do enough cursive writing so that a history is created. Then if someone questions whether or not you signed a document, a handwriting expert can help identify and verify your signature.


Since President Obama was inaugurated in 2009, he has gone around the world apologizing for the United States’ historical past actions. His administration has appeared to have a goal to reduce the United States’ world status to that of a third world banana republic.  Unfortunately, to a large extent he may have been successful.


His administration constantly agrees to make changes on trade, foreign policy, climate, etc. without getting any concessions in return from other countries. During his recent Asian trip, President Obama was called an S.O.B. by the Philippine President, had a somewhat confrontational stare moment with President Putin of Russia and was the only head of state to not receive red carpet treatment in China upon arriving for the G20 conference.  Was President Obama’s treatment on his recent Asian trip confirmation that he has convinced the rest of the world that he has really succeeded in becoming the head of state of a third world banana republic?


This past week in California, the San Francisco School Board indicated that they wanted to change the name of George Washington High School because our first President owned slaves. More name changes appear to be on the way.


In Texas, the Houston Independent School District proposed changing the names of seven schools mostly because of the school’s namesake Confederate ties while alive. Why were these changes proposed now?  Do you think it might be related to the election?  Has political censorship gone too far into the realm of the ridiculous?


“Divide people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.”[1]




[1]Communist Rules for Revolution Rule No. 3,


The Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton’s use of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” have been mentioned in the media for the last 7 1/2 years. Have Mr. Alinsky’s rules really been used?  According to David Mikkelson’s blog, the answer is no.  His analysis can be found at  In Mr. Mikkelson’s blog, he states the “list is simply a modern variant of the decades-old, apocryphal Communist Rules for Revolution ….”.


The Communist Rules for Revolution are listed below with comments but not those comments found on the website.  To see the blog as it is on the website, please go to


“Corrupt the young: get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex.  Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness.”[1]

Entitlement and political censorship fostered by the media, schools and government have damaged our youth. The youth are being indoctrinated into willing political pawns. An example of corruption: Why are more teachers having sex with their students? What has happened to the moral and ethical code teachers should have?


“Get control of all means of publicity. Get peoples’ minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books, plays and other trivialities.”[2]

The Propaganda Press (mainstream media) many times avoids reporting on important problems and issues and instead fills time and space with feel good reports thereby keeping the public ignorant of important events.


“Divide people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.”[3]

An example of this one is the transgender bathroom issue initiated by the federal government.


“Destroy the peoples’ faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule and . (speak against, condemnatory utterances)”[4]

Just look at the presidential election in which one candidate proposes solutions to existing problems while another candidate responds by attacking the first candidate without addressing the issues. Condemnation and ridicule flows back and forth in the press.


“Always preach; true democracy; but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.”[5]

Having the Department of Homeland Security “assist” in cyber security for all elections and having the government control the Internet would be ways to seize power quickly. Neither action is benign. It makes as much sense as having the fox guard the hen house. Could either action cause a domestic insurrection to be created? Would the Propaganda Press support the insurrection instead of the militia response? Past media history favors insurrection support.


“By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit; produce fear of inflation, rising prices and general discontent.”[6]

The Obama Administration created the monstrosity called Obamacare, has used government regulations to stifle job creation and cause higher unemployment increasing the welfare and food stamp rolls. The result has been huge deficits, increased national debt and a credit rating decrease for the country. The Obama Administration created a constitutional crisis by issuing presidential orders to suspend immigration law enforcement, supported corrupt practices in the IRS promoting accused wrongdoers instead of prosecuting them, promoted an energy policy to destroy good paying jobs, and with the rogue EPA has issued world government regulations instead of supporting ones that benefit the American public. And the list goes on.


“Foment strikes in vital industries; encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward these disorders.”[7]

Note how the federal government has responded to civil disorders in Ferguson and Baltimore and the domestic terrorist murders.


“By special argument cause a breakdown of the old moral virtues; honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.”[8]

Entitlement and political censorship (not political correctness) are two precursors leading to a moral virtue breakdown.


“Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext with a view of confiscation of them and leaving the population helpless.”[9]

This is the real reason for gun control that the Democrats and anarchists love.


Commentary on this Communist Rules for Revolution list


The Obama Administration is in the process of implementing most if not all of these rules. Where has the media been defending our way of life?  Answer.  It has been cheering for the Communist Rules for Revolution changes to be implemented.  With all the cheering for these communist rules, has the Propaganda Press transformed themselves into the communist press corps and gone over to the dark side?  How many Americans have been influenced by their propaganda?


Hillary Clinton is campaigning ostensibly as an Obama third term, so if she is elected President, will she continue the effort to implement the above rules? The consensus opinion would appear to be yes.  Will it become necessary for the militia (70,000,000 plus members) created by the United States Constitution to become active in order to quell a domestic insurrection?





[2] Ibid


[3] Ibid

[4] Ibid

[5] Ibid

[6] Ibid

[7] Ibid

[8] Ibid

[9] Ibid


As you probably know, the United States issues a patent for a new drug. Patent protection allows the drug company to recover their expenses in developing the drug, testing and government approvals.  This is fair.  If we want to have new and better lifesaving drugs, we have to pay for them.  The patent for these drugs is for twenty years from invention, but with long FDA approval times this protection period is reduced.


Now comes where your government is helping keep your drug costs higher. The government issues a patent extension for two to five years if the drug company makes changes to the original drug.  Is this a gimmick to get more money from the consumer without having to develop another new drug?  This may be the reason that an old generic drug used by me went from $0.11 per pill to $1.09 per pill.  If the reason we have a Federal Drug Administration is to protect the public, how was I protected when this drug cost increased?  While my drug cost increase was modest, what happens when a much more expensive drug cost is increased?  If you state that the FDA protects only the public’s health, are not the cost of drugs part of health protection?


Television commercials by the hundreds advertise legal services to compensate the consumer for a drug’s side effects which it is assumed were not detected during the trial testing. If years are spent testing and then dangerous side effects happen, why were not these problems detected during testing?  Are the FDA test methods outmoded?  What corrective procedures if any are being taken?


It appears that maybe the FDA and the drug companies need to start several simultaneous research programs to reduce the time it takes to get drug approval while at the same time finding a better way to detect harmful drug side effects on people.


What about the drug industry’s direct appeal advertisements to the public to use their drug?  Should not any and all new prescription drug use be initiated by a licensed physician?  Medicine’s understanding of the human body is light years better now than it was twenty years ago.  It is really hard to understand why anyone would take a drug with potential fatal side effects to treat a non fatal illness.  We need to find a better way to benefit everyone.


WARNING: If government financial participation is needed to implement the medical research programs, tell the politicians to appropriate the funds and stay the hell out of the way.  Politicians do not know how to solve problems—only how to create them.


The propaganda press (mainstream media) is at it again.   It seems that they will do anything to misinterpret everything Donald Trump says while blessing everything Hillary Clinton says.  The latest issue is Mr. Trump’s reference to the Second Amendment.  Collectively they must have had a huge pot party to come up with their interpretation.


The propaganda press loves liars. They agree with everything President Obama and Hillary say.  Both of these Democrats have an unusual talent in that they can look you straight in the eye and lie to you.  They both have been doing it for years and the simpletons in the press believe their lies.  This does not say much for the intelligence of the press corp.  I bet some of them wanted to accompany Obama when he said he wanted to visit all 57 states.


My interpretation of Mr. Trump’s Second Amendment comments is:


Many times President Obama has taken sides on racial issues without knowing all the facts. When these issues erupt into violence, he sends his ethically challenged “Justice Department” into the area searching for political and police misconduct.  He has done this taking sides and speaking without knowing all the facts numerous times followed by a “Justice Department” investigation of the local police and political organization.  This pattern of presidential racial prejudice and seemingly acceptance of the anarchy that follows has many people believing that the President is a racist and an anarchist.


This pattern of behavior has been noticed by the general public with the result that many people have rushed out to purchase a firearm for self protection. Hillary Clinton appears to agree with President Obama’s philosophy.


If Hillary Clinton is elected President by hook or crook and starts to aggressively push for gun control (confiscation), that may be the trigger for the 70,000,000 plus firearm owners, who by law are members of the militia created by the United States Constitution, to take to the streets with their loaded firearm and take back their country from the corrupt political class. If this were to happen, then all politicians and judges may find themselves in jail while a decision is made as to whether or not they are true to the American people and the Constitution and can be trusted to resume their former positions.  This is another interpretation of Mr. Trump’s Second Amendment remark.


There has been much discussion about in which direction this country is going. Will either presidential candidate improve or destroy what we have?  Both political parties accuse the other of wanting to destroy our country.  The late community organizer Saul Alinsky has frequently been mentioned and his book “Rules for Radicals” has frequently been referenced.  Some people state that his rules on “How to Create A Social State” may be the political guide being used by the Obama Administration.  Is that true?


According to a fact check posted by David Mikkelson on, the above assertion is not true. You may or may not be surprised at the origin of the Obama plan.  Please note that this information is important enough to be read by every potential voter.  Please pass it on.


It is not possible for me to one click you to this fact check, so for people like me……

Start with, click on Archives, click on Politics, then on Search Snopes, enter Saul Alinsky.  Scroll down to “How to Create a Social State” and read the whole post.


On a more personal note and with unfavorable ratings so high for both presidential candidates, it seems like a good idea to pass a Accountability Amendment[1] and a Federal Judiciary Amendment[2] to let the public rule on our government’s accountability.  When government makes a mistake or when someone is unfit to hold office, the accountability amendment gives the public a way to quickly correct those mistakes.  With political hacks as judges, the judiciary amendment removes lifetime federal appointments and makes the judges run for office like the politicians they are.

[1] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Accountability Amendment posted 8/4/2016


[2] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Federal Judiciary Amendment posted 3/31/2016


Now that the Democratic Convention is history, the general election campaign is on its way.


It is interesting to note that the Propaganda Press (mainstream media) coverage about how disruptive the Republican Party Convention was going to be compared to the smooth Democratic Party Convention was wrong. Ouch.  It didn’t work that way.  The disparaging Democratic emails released to the press caused problems for the Democrats.  Despite Bernie Sander’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton, all of his followers did not agree with him and demonstrated that opinion at the convention.  Were these negative events duly covered in the Propaganda Press?  Not likely enough if at all.


Mrs. Clinton stated that the United States military was the most powerful in the world. Really?  How can that be when its size will soon be reduced to pre World War II levels?  Doesn’t the world’s most powerful military have to have some size as well as technological excellence?  How can it be most powerful when airplane spare parts are scavenged from out-of-service aircraft to keep military aircraft in the air?  Are those recent military aircraft crashes related?  What is Mrs. Clinton smoking?


The latest freebie is free college at public colleges and universities for everyone. The idea that everyone needs a college education is ludicrous.  Is someone going to go to college to learn how to be a plumber, A/C technician, carpenter, auto mechanic or bricklayer?  Will the government discriminate against those people with no financial support?  If everyone goes to college, how will we build and repair cars, air conditioners, and homes?  Are the millennials that stupid?  I don’t think so.  Oh yes, now that student college debt exceeds one trillion dollars, Mrs. Clinton will likely propose forgiving student loan debt.  Why don’t they just call these programs the Democratic Party Buys Votes Programs?


Mrs. Clinton is a world government devotee and feels sorry for the poor illegal aliens that the Democrats want to convert into lifelong Democrats at American citizen expense. This means that there will be no deportation and citizenship is on the way.  More than half of the current immigrant families are receiving government aid.  Maybe she feels so sorry for immigrants that she will admit a billion more to this country.  Don’t worry about the impact and how to pay for this lunacy.  She is a lawyer and evidently does not believe in the Rule of Law just like Obama.  More anarchy, here we come if she is elected.


All Democrats want to use renewable energy instead of hydrocarbon fuels; therefore, why don’t all Democrats refuse to use any means of transportation that uses hydrocarbon fuels? Then they will not be able to fly in an airplane, drive an electric car when the car’s battery is recharged using power generated by burning hydrocarbon fuel, travel by train and heat or light their homes with any energy generated from the consumption of a hydrocarbon.  They must lead by example.  They will not do this because they are hypocrites.


On climate change, it has only been happening here on earth for three or four billion years. I wonder who caused all those fluctuations during that time?  Climate change is the latest world government scam being used to convince the people to accept more government controls that the political slobs—not elites—want us to swallow.


On a personal level, Mrs. Clinton and President Obama decided that Obama’s re-election was more important than the lives of four Americans, so these consummate liars who can lie to your face, then lied to the American public about the attack on our embassy in Benghazi. Obama thought so little about these men that he went on a re-election fund raising trip the next day. Can’t let something about the killing of four Americans interfere with a Presidential election, can we?  At least he did not go play golf like he did when an American was decapitated.  Oh yes, electing Mrs. Clinton would bring us more of the same.


On the former Secretary of State’s private server, she still insists that she did nothing wrong. If elected, the Russians and Chinese will use those missing emails to try to blackmail her into doing what they want.  Then we would have a President being blackmailed by a foreign power to do their bidding or they will spill the beans.  How does that sound American public?  If she does disregard the blackmail attempts and those emails are published, where does that leave us?


On the Republican side, Mr. Trump is demonstrating the billionaire ego mindset that everyone must kiss his butt because he has made so much money. He does not seem to be the only billionaire afflicted with that mindset.


In his acceptance speech, he told us that he represented us and then spent the next two weeks defending his ego. He lied.  He needs to pull his head out of his rectum and after it is removed, use his brain instead of his mouth.  Teenage Presidents are unacceptable.


The Republican establishment is not worth spit and they are destroying what is left of the Republican Party. The stupid Republicans, who have done absolutely nothing positive since gaining control of the House and the Senate, are already planning for the 2020 election without realizing that if Trump does not win this year, we may not have a Constitutional Republic in 2020.  Hillary and the Democrats will finish destroying this country by that time.


Since the establishment Republicans and Democrats only worry about themselves and their past government record, this may explain why the former generals and federal government security officials have issued open letters opposing Donald Trump. You will note that most of these persons were in charge when the system got all screwed up.  It looks like they dislike change and are trying to cover their butts now.  They do it all the time.


With all the concern for candidate suitability for office, the public needs to be agitating for an Accountability Amendment[1] to the Constitution and since federal judges are selected for their political bias, make them run for election to a single ten year term[2].  Both amendments to the Constitution are intended to let the public assist in cleaning up the political cesspool in Washington.

[1] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Accountability Amendment blog posted 8-4-2016

[2] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Federal Judiciary Amendment blog posted 3-31-2016


When the United States was formed, it took one day to travel 20 miles by horseback. Today it takes 20 minutes on an interstate highway.  Using email and social media, communications can be almost instantaneous.  Since the Constitution is over 200 years old, many lawyers and judges have started to take liberties with their interpretation of what this document means.  The smart ones believe in what is written, the not so smart ones become activists and bend the hell out of their interpretation.  What this means is that the activists do not believe in the rule of law and in their hearts are anarchists.  The march towards anarchy is why we have so much conflict today.


Based on current presidential primaries and caucuses, it appears that the United States is in the middle of another political revolution. This revolution is due to the failure of all forms of government to do the job for which they were elected or appointed.  The political class has abused the system so badly that the American people are fed up with them and are embracing political change.  I suspect that using fingers and toes that I could count the number of honest and trustworthy politicians in office without running out of toes.


The American people are completely frustrated with lying politicians who promise the moon and deliver nothing. There is no accountability.  Despite the fact that the Constitution is excellent, it protects bad politicians by shielding them from retribution by allowing removal from office only by death, resignation, impeachment or another election.  For today’s gutless politicians, impeachment is out of the question because it might interfere with individual re-election efforts.  Of course, if all politicians served only one term, this issue would be mute.  All the politicians depend on the public’s short memory to forget their political mistakes and miscalculations between elections and therefore accountability is lost.  Without accountability, the politician or any government official can do as they please.  This is wrong.


When government ignores doing the right thing, then we must find a way for the public to make the needed changes. To do this, we need a new constitutional amendment.  When ordinary citizens can force government action, accountability comes to government.  With accountability, some of the constitutional amendments currently under consideration and the Convention of the States may be nice but probably not necessary.  A Convention of the States risks the wrong participants representing the states who could make changes to the current constitution that are not wanted, needed or desirable.   This new amendment would give the public a way to remove any government official including a newly elected President and repeal any law or judicial decision, but prohibit making any changes in how we currently amend our constitution.  Furthermore, the Accountability Amendment should be written in simple English and not with all the legal language.  Legal language invites lawsuits that benefit only the lawyers.


How would this new amendment work? All changes are initiated by a petition signed by 5% of the registered voters in the appropriate jurisdiction.  After the petition has been validated, an election date is set and the people vote.  Could this be costly?  Yes.  The cost will depend on how large the jurisdictional population of voters is.  As with most change, every government official and probably most political pundits will oppose this amendment for any number of reasons.  What the amendment does is bring accountability to government that is currently nonexistent.  Any time there is a serious issue that needs quick resolution, the voters could petition the government to hold an accountability election.  Government abuse of power and corruption are best handled by one of these elections.  The abuse of power must be stopped to return the country back to the rule of law.


Examples of how the amendment would work after a 5% accountability petition has been approved:


Recall United States Representative        

The voters in the congressional district that elected the representative hold an election to vote to keep or recall that person.


Recall United States Senator      

The state’s voters decide to keep or recall the senator.


Recall a nationally elected official

The voters in all 50 states can petition, but the petition to initiate a recall election must be signed by 5% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states. Twenty states are needed to insure that two or three states don’t try to monopolize and control changes.


If the vote to recall passes, the official is immediately prohibited from issuing any official orders and is removed from office.


Repeal a federal law and regulations

The voters in all 50 states can petition, but the petition to initiate a recall election must be signed by 5% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states. Once again twenty states are needed to insure that two or three states don’t try to monopolize and control changes.


Voters are not been elected to pass laws—only the legislative branch can do that. This amendment would empower the public to repeal any law and force the Congress and the President to either pass a revised law or decide to do nothing.  Voter fraud is a real danger here because the Department of “Justice” is against voter I.D. verification.


Repeal a federal court decision or remove a Supreme Court Justice          

The jurisdiction and rules for change will be the same as those for repealing a federal law.


Remove any appointed federal official or non Supreme Court federal judge

The preferred method for removal is impeachment, but with political hacks and gutless politicians involved, what should be done many times does not get done. For these lesser officials and judges, only 5% of the registered voters in 10 states will be required to begin the process.


Remove any statewide government official, or overturn any statewide law, regulation or judicial decision

With 5% of the registered voters in the state signing a validated petition, the recall process is started.


Remove any local government official, or overturn any local law, regulation or judicial decision

With 5% of the registered voters in the local jurisdiction signing a validated petition, the recall process is started.


Since there are many doubts about the intention of all candidates in this year’s election, passage of this amendment could be critical in trying to keep the politicians honest. If they don’t keep their word, then recall them and elect someone new.  It will likely take a few recall elections before the politicians get the message that lying to their voters may require that they find a new job.


For too long, as this country has grown and its population has greatly increased, voter communication with our government officials has deteriorated. A political class has evolved with the attitude that the public are just dumb people who need to be told when, where and what to do.  That is simply not true and government’s attitude towards the public is a major source of conflict.  Hope and change has evolved into despair and anarchy.


The following definitions from Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition, Simon and Schuster (1979) have been used because they are more informative than a simpler definition.


Socialism is defined as:   “the theory or system of the ownership and operation of the means of production and distribution by society or the community rather than by private individuals, with all members of the society or community sharing the work and the products.”


Who is the society or community mentioned in this socialism definition? How do they decide who does what?  Who does the work in the factories and who does the management?  What do they do with those who can’t work or refuse to work?  Do they share in the products?  Presumably, the factories, railroads, etc. are owned and operated by the people “with all members of the society or community sharing the work and products”.  Sharing the work is the key.  Without work, no product is produced.  Without a product to sell, there is no money.  What this implies is that nothing is free because work is needed to produce a product to sell and make money.


Does the government decide the responsibility issues? Presumably, a socialist government is a group of people making governmental decisions.  It is not clear how the people making the governmental decisions are selected.  It is presumed that they are elected or maybe appointed by persons who were elected by the people.  What it all boils down to is a group of people in government making the populace conform to rules and regulations issued by persons in the government who may have no idea of what any individual wants, but using government force, everyone must comply. It doesn’t work.  Government bureaucracies in any form of government will continue to issue rules and regulations if for no other reason than to justify their existence and jobs.  Even with all the super computers in the world, no government group can meet the actual needs of millions of people.


Communism is defined as:  “(a) an economic theory or system of the ownership of all property by the community as a whole; (b) a theory or system of ownership of all means of production (and distribution) by the community or society, with all members of the community or society sharing in the work and the products; specifically, such a system as practiced in the Soviet Union since 1917, and later in China, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and other communist countries, theoretically based on the doctrines of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and, latterly, Stalin, characterized by state planning and control of the economy, ruthless suppression of all opposition political parties and all deviation within the Party and the suppression of individual liberties under a dictatorship; since 1940 expansionist by military action and subversion in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, etc.”


According to the definition, communism is very similar to socialism but there are differences in how each is implemented. The first stage of communism is a forcible political takeover or revolution to totalitarian control with a consequence that millions of people opposing the change may be killed.  That has been the history.  The means of production and distribution are seized.  No communist nation has ever progressed past the first stage.  With the breakup of the Soviet Union, Russia is no longer classified as communist.


Communism tries to control all phases of the peoples’ lives. The government dictates how the children are educated and indoctrinates the children to inform the state of their parents’ deviation from what the government wants them to do.  In China, the government tells the people how many children they can have.  Since the government insists on total control, most if not all individual initiative is lost and people seem to just wait around for someone to tell them what they must do.  While everyone is supposed to have a job determined by the Communist Party, there is no competition to excel with the result that work quality is usually low.  The Soviet state farm cooperatives had similar quality problems.  Lines are normal to purchase food and other products.  Once again even with all the super computers in the world, no government group can meet the actual needs of millions of people.


Fascism is defined as:  “a system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of the opposition (unions, other, especially leftist, parties, minority groups, etc.), the retention of private ownership of the means of production under centralized government control, belligerent nationalism and racism, glorification of war, etc.; first instituted in Italy in 1922.”


This is the worst type of government because fascist regimes are usually run by megalomaniacs who ruthlessly use force to satisfy the government’s directives. While all forms of government use force to make sure policy is implemented, fascism is one of the worst.  Life and death decisions are usually made by one person and anyone who disagrees will likely be jailed or killed.  Private ownership of the means of production is allowed but with centralized government control.  Racism, political suppression, etc. are normal.


Capitalism is defined as: “the economic system in which all or most of the means of production and distribution, as land, factories, railroads, etc. are privately owned and operated for profit, originally under fully competitive conditions: it has generally been characterized by a tendency towards concentration of wealth, and, in its later phase, by the growth of great corporations, increased governmental control, etc.”


To many, especially those on the left, capitalism is a dirty word. They are jealous of any rich and successful person unless that person is some feeble minded celebrity.  Maybe this jealousy is due to the fact that capitalism is not a governmental entity.  It is an economic system that rewards initiative, creative inventions and hard work with the accumulation of physical assets and wealth.  In a capitalist system, the government will stay out of the way most of the time until the business becomes so large that government begins to fear its existence and then starts to regulate it.  Capitalism and individual incentive have generated most of the inventions and scientific advances that the world uses today.  Examples are Edison’s light bulb, the airplane, automobiles, railroads, radio, television, etc.  Profit motive is an excellent way for people to devise new ways of doing things.


Of the four systems described above, capitalism is the only one that is not a political system; therefore, to have a government, a political system is needed. The United States government is a constitutional republic.  Politics is where problems in government begin.  Politicians in all systems of government are to some extent for sale as long as money is needed to get elected to a political office.  The seeds of corruption are planted in the political arena with the need for money.  Those with the most money to contribute to politicians have the most influence on politicians, i.e., they buy them.  With the money contributions, the donors expect special treatment.  As more and more money is needed to get elected, the corruption of the political system grows by leaps and bounds.  To accept the supposed fact that billions of dollars are needed to become President of the United States tells us that the entire political system has become corrupt and out of control.  It should be noted that most of the money being spent is on negative advertising which keeps the propaganda press happy.  The way to negate this influence is for the public to pay election costs with campaign spending limits and enforcement of automatic government office dismissal for violations.  This is discussed in my book.[1]  Due to election and length of term constraints, election violation appeals must be limited.  The lawyers will not like the limited appeal rule, but the appeal restrictions would only apply for elected office cases and excessive appeals only enrich lawyers without necessarily improving justice.



If should be noted that most governments are a combination of socialism and capitalism. The socialist part is government owned roads, bridges, schools, etc. and the capitalistic parts are privately owned railroads, electric utilities, factories, etc.  To pay for the operation and maintenance of any government system, taxes must be collected.  The size and cost to maintain the bureaucracy needed to direct the higher degree of government intervention and control for all these systems except capitalism is much higher.  For a capitalist system, government is needed to only maintain law and order and national defense.



[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p.72-73


How many dead people will cast a vote?


How many illegal aliens will vote? If you think none, you are feeble minded like many celebrities.


How many voting machines will be rigged to favor one candidate? If you say none, you are naive, uniformed and maybe stupid.


Then there are the regular voters. How will they vote?  Will they make a brain or genital decision?


Men and women do not always use their brains to make decisions.


For a young man, excellent advice would be to never let your “pr..k run away with your brains”. Men have two heads.  One is on their shoulders and contains brains and the other head is below their belt and is full of hormones.  Too often men let the hormone head make their decision to take action.  Many many times this decision gets the man in a lot of trouble.


Women also seem to be afflicted with a vagina decision problem. While they have only one head, they sometimes let their vagina influence their decision to take action.  If you say that women do not have that problem, how do you explain a woman’s decision to have a man she has known for less than a week move into her home when she has young daughters?  Is it done?  Yes, it is.


Oh yes, in the brain decision making category, does it matter if you like the candidate or should you be looking at honesty, competence and past accomplishments?  Barack Obama is considered to be a likeable politician and look at the mess he has made of the economy (no growth), illegal immigration, excessive government regulation, and the tendency to favor anarchy instead of the rule of law.  He has promoted bureaucrats that have broken the law.  Oh yes, he may also start World War III with his inept foreign policy before he leaves office.  Likeable should not be confused with good and fair governance.


Hopefully the voters will use their brains before casting their vote this November.


The Republican Convention is over and the Democratic Convention has begun.


There was much conjecture about a floor fight to nominate someone other than Donald Trump for President at the Republican convention. On TV, it looked like there was a feeble attempt to replace Mr. Trump and that is what it should have been—feeble.  It seems that for some politicians and pundits, Mr. Trump is not a conservative and should not run as the Republican Party candidate for President.  It does not matter if Mr. Trump is considered conservative enough because he has convinced many people that he is running to help the ordinary people of this country—not himself.  Have you noticed how many times he says thank you to others?  It is nice to continually hear him show respect and humility with his thank you.


Mr. Trump and his current and former wives have raised some very impressive children. They are an asset for him.  For super rich people, they appear to be very down to earth and not boorish and disgusting as many rich people can be.


As someone who became an independent after watching the stupid Republicans lose election after election before the Tea Party, it seems that the Republican Convention was improved and made more interesting by the absence of the so called “conservative” establishment Republicans that decided not to attend the convention. Too bad Senator Cruz didn’t do the same because while his speech was fairly good, his failure to live up to his pledge of support demonstrates that he is not a man of his word and thinks only about his future.  The rest of us can go to hell.  We don’t need another disastrous lawyer in the White House.  The message of the ordinary American speakers was more relevant than the bull crap you hear coming out of a politician’s mouth.


Most of the establishment Republicans wet their pants when confronted with taking a stand to support the people they are supposed to represent. Those Republicans who are willing to take a stand are not supported by the establishment Republican big government losers.  Those gutless Republicans are really RINOs and belong in another party.  It should also be noted that there might not be a Republican Party today were it not for the formation of the Tea Parties.  Sorry, it would still exist—all ten or eleven of them.


Now the issues:


During WW II, our tax rates were very high, but then we were fighting for survival. Sadly, we may be fighting for survival again, but the enemy is from within supported by a President who with unconstitutional executive orders appears to promote racism and anarchy.


To become more competitive internationally, the economists tell us our tax rates must be reduced. The Republicans support lower taxes to stimulate the economy while the Democrats want to raise taxes to pay for their vote buying free programs.  Obama’s regulation agenda is a major problem preventing economic growth.


If the super rich with their donations have bought so many politicians that they do not pay enough taxes—let the reform begin.


Outsourcing is a problem for Mr. Trump with apparently so many of his Trump personal clothing line manufactured abroad. He needs to fix that.


His import tax proposal is one way to remove the competitive advantage that cheaper labor and currency manipulation gives outsourcing. Americans must decide whether they would like to have a job and possibly pay more for items they want or do they want to avoid contributing to our economy and collect welfare and food stamps to buy cheap imported items?


When more than 50% of corporate profits are due to outsourcing, maybe a corporation needs to move to another country and take their chances that the laws in that country will afford them the same protection as those in this country. If most or all of their profits are from outsourcing, are they still an American company?  My vote is no.


We need a wall on our southern border to help reduce or eliminate illegal immigration, terrorist infiltration and illegal drugs. Temporarily stop all immigration from countries where terrorism is a problem.  This means that all travelers from Europe must now need a visa to come here.


Once someone comes here, our government must require monthly notification on their location to Homeland Security. We live in a computer age and there is no reason why these movements cannot be tracked efficiently. No stupid government excuses will be permitted.  Our government makes no attempt to account for non citizens in our country.  We do not want a police state and an email notification should suffice with mandatory deportation after a second violation.  Americans will not be safe until the rule of law is re-established in this country, so we must do what it constitutionally takes to restore it.


The current administration’s discrimination against Christians and Jews in favor of Muslims must be stopped.


If you are concerned that those politicians elected to the White House and Congress might ignore their campaign promises, then you should consider supporting the passage of The Accountability Amendment[1].


If you are concerned about the political bias of federal judges and Supreme Court Justices, you might consider supporting The Federal Judiciary Amendment which removes federal judge lifetime appointments and makes them run to be elected to a single ten year term[2].









[1] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Accountability Amendment blog posted 3/7/16

[2] Ernest Kanak jr.,, The Federal Judiciary Amendment blog posted 3/31/16


The broadcast television media generally in conjunction with a newspaper have been issuing political poll results for years. When the newspaper and the broadcast network share the same political agenda,   how can you believe the results they publish?  We already know that any poll can be fixed by how questions are asked and the poll population.  For instance, if 60% of the poll respondents are of party one, would you expect party two to be in the lead when the intent of the poll is to discourage party two voters from voting?  Are we dealing with media propaganda instead of the truth?


Sadly, too many broadcast journalists report poll results like they are gospel.  Are the journalists broadcasting poll results that have proven to be reliable or are they using polls that are biased?  If the polls originators are known to be biased and the results are used anyway, this practice reflects on the broadcast network integrity.  Consistent biased broadcast reports make the network become a propaganda network—not a news network.  Maybe when the accuracy of the poll is reported (for instance, reported accuracy of plus or minus 3%), it is assumed that the viewer is aware of the poll originators political bias.  The regular viewer might be aware of fixing possibilities, but not the uninformed voter who tunes in for the first time—and God knows we have millions of uniformed voters.


There has to be a better way to inform the uniformed voters of the dangers of basing their actions on poll results because they may be the ones who decide who becomes President and who is elected to serve—and I really mean serve—in the Congress of the United States of America.


Back in the 1950s, it was more or less universally believed that the media told and reported the truth because the impression was that if they lied, they could be sued for libel. Somehow over the last 60 years or so, the media’s fidelity to the truth has been lost.  Today a political agenda has replaced the truth.  The editorial section of the newspaper was where everyone knew that it was opinion.  The television stations tried to separate commentary and opinion from hard news by stating when the broadcast was commentary.  Today both kinds of media mix opinion with hard news events with no attempt to inform the listener/reader which is which.  Today what is printed and broadcast over TV may be propaganda and not be truthful.  What happened?


The 1950s was when the beginning of the communist infiltration of the media and public school systems started. Today their infiltration appears to be very advanced.  President Obama has stated in his autobiography that he purposely favored communist leaning professors while attending an Ivy League University.  Why was not this fact broadcast by the mainstream media prior to the election?  My only source of information at that time was the mainstream broadcast media.  Could it be that the reason was that the mainstream media had no interest in the truth?  They must have wanted everyone to adhere to their political agenda.


During the 2012 presidential election one district reported that there were over 70000 votes cast with all the votes for Obama and not a single Romney vote. This smacks of voter fraud.  Did the famous Justice Department investigate?  No because the fraud was in favor of their candidate.  Did the news media investigate?  If they did, they kept it a secret.  Did the Republicans file a lawsuit demanding an investigation?  No because today’s establishment Republican Party wets their pants when serious conflict could occur over a principle.  No guts.


What about the voting machines in 2012 that were programmed to always record a vote for Obama even when a vote was cast for Romney? Did the Justice Department, news media or Republican Party do anything about it?  Once again, if they did, they kept it a secret.  Or worse yet, did a Republican do something and the news media did not report that action to the public?  Could be.  The broadcast news media is famous for not reporting on any news that they do not favor.  That is called censorship—not free speech.  The news media wants nothing to interfere with their pursuit of their agenda.  What happened to the more honest journalism of years past?


Why are there no news reports about the dead 110 year olds voting even when they have been dead for years? Agenda.  Truth be damned.  How about those cases where there are more votes cast than there are adult citizens?  Voter fraud and the scum media win again.  They don’t care if government is corrupt.  They must have been spawned in some political cesspool.  They claim to be but are not true to the American pursuit of honesty and fairness.  A true American fights to make this country better honestly and fairly.


The function of the news media as described in the Constitution is to protect the people by keeping government honest and accountable. The present day media has failed on both accounts and have deliberately put the viability of this Constitutional Republic at risk.



The British have voted to leave the European Union (EU). At least they appreciate the fact that without controls on immigration, they will lose their country.  The same thing is true here in the United States.


It really appears that too many politicians have fallen in love with the idea of world government control, but only if they are the ones in control. With this philosophy comes open borders with unrestricted immigration and mostly purchased and corrupt bureaucrats issuing regulations to tell you when to go to the bathroom and how much to eliminate.  How is the United States going to accommodate the two billion people who want to come and live here?  How does this sound to you?  I don’t want some dumb bureaucrat telling me what I must do when he doesn’t even know what I need and want.  Globalization is a huge fraud.  It is a way for fewer and fewer bureaucrats to tell more and more people how to live their lives.  Self determination is out the door.  Regulations apply to everyone forcing conformance.  What happened to diversity?  How are the bureaucrats going to regulate everyone’s color, height and weight to achieve diversity?  Sound ridiculous?  You bet, but the regulations are what every person must follow.  If special exceptions are made, the regulations will become so huge that no one can follow them like we have today.  Only feeble minded world government politicians and bureaucrats think they can regulate everything.


Why are so many Muslim instead of Christian refugees being admitted into the United States? The main reason is that we have a Muslim President named Barack Hussein Obama.  How do I know?  During a 2008 ABC TV interview (still on the Internet), Obama commended John McCain for not making his religion an issue.  His interviewer then told him that he was a Christian and both Obama and the interviewer have been lying about his religion ever since.  If you have any doubts, why does Obama  always defend Muslims and criticize Christians? Actions speak louder than words.  Did you know that the Muslim religion has no problem with Muslims lying to infidels like you and me?


Remember that Obama declared early in his Presidency that he wanted to build a non military army as large or larger than the U.S. Military. With all the illegal immigrants willing to join the Obama Democrat army and illegally vote Democrat, a no borders immigration policy and now the addition of thousands of Muslim refugees, the non military army is growing.  At the same time, Obama is reducing the size of the United States military to levels at or below Pearl Harbor levels.  If you think that fraudulent voting will not take place in large numbers especially in those states which could go either way, you are not only uniformed, but stupid.


The federal government has at its disposal more than 900 detention centers that could be used to hold all refugees until they can be properly vetted. The feds have also solicited bids for another 150 detention centers.  Why are they not being proposed for the vetting process?  Is it because the federal government will have to pay for the operation of any FEMA detention centers?  The feds would prefer to dump the refugees on the states and let the state taxpayers pay for them.  By releasing refugees on the general public instead of confining them to be vetted, the federal government is purposely putting United States citizens at risk.


When the federal government dumps refugees into states, the state governors need to transport those refugees to Washington DC and release them there. When the federal government creates a problem, let them also solve the problem.


Remember that the Democratic Party used voter fraud to elect John F. Kennedy President in 1960 and there is no reason to believe that voter fraud has not continued since then. Voter fraud was in play in 2012 and will continue to be used as long it is effective and wins elections.  Those who perpetrate voter fraud are not true Americans but are scum.  Politicians will continue to use voter fraud until they get caught and cause elections to be lost.  Maybe some honest citizens need to station themselves out of the way but close enough to photograph all voters going into each polling place.  Then after the election they can review those photos to see how many times some individuals enter different polling places to vote.  Then get the lawyers and the fun begins.



The Pentagon general staff and the President are mismanaging the most important military resource we have—the men and women who are actually fighting for our country while some general staff member sits on his butt in safety. Our young people are used as chess pawns by sending them on too many deployments to war zones.  When they come back all messed up with PTSD and commit suicide, I doubt that the President and Pentagon general staff care.  It appears that the Pentagon general staff want to protect their political promotions and retirement.  They forget that we have a voluntary military now and why should a patriotic young person join when they know they will be abused by people who may not care.  If the general staff thinks that this criticism is unfair, then let every one of them go on multiple deployments with those that do the fighting.  The generals will say they did their time in the field during Viet Nam, but then deployment was a year—not multiple war zone deployments.  My definition of multiple deployments is three or more.  In the process of abusing our young people, the military is asking the states to furnish personnel from their national guard when they should be using only active duty personnel.


Why must the air force mechanics scavenge parts from old out-of-service planes in order to keep the remaining planes in condition to continue flying? Why spend all that money for thousands of Pentagon contract and regular employees instead of making sure the planes that must be ready are really ready to fly?  If we had a smaller Pentagon we should have money for the parts to keep our military ready.


Without accountability, the military will continue to purchase routine hardware store items at exorbitant prices. Cut the military procurement budget and staffing in the Pentagon and then let five procurement officers from each branch of the government decide what needs to be purchased and at what price.  When a member of congress insists on buying equipment that the military does not need or want, then do not spend the money and after six months if a commitment to purchase is not made, those funds are transferred into a rainy day fund from which the military can draw to purchase things like spare aircraft parts.  Are the recent number of military aircraft crashes due to lack of spare parts or reduced training due to lack of funds?  If not spare parts or training, why are there more aircraft accidents?


Any President or member of Congress that uses military procurement as an incentive to get re-elected must be called out because they currently should not be using taxpayer monies to do so. Maybe the problem is too many politicians who have been in office too long.  If it is a good idea to limit the President to two four years terms, it makes sense to limit the terms for representative (6 years) and senator (2 terms).  When we have taxpayers pay for elections[1], we will have started to clean up our elections.


President Obama has drastically reduced the manpower in all branches of the military to levels not experienced since before World War II. He has taken advantage of the advances in military technology developed before his Presidency and will very likely leave with research and development in shambles.  He doesn’t appear to care.  The number of naval ships has been reduced and they are old.  The number of operational aircraft have been reduced and many are close to retirement age.  When does the reduction in forces and the use of almost obsolete equipment reach the point that an adequate defense is not possible?  How close is the country to that point and what should happen to a President if that point is reached?

[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p.71-77


The economists tell us that we have a consumer based economy. My question is how can you have this type of economy when there are no jobs?  Some politicians proclaim that giving someone welfare helps stimulate the economy.  Isn’t welfare a transfer payment?  I guess the assumption is that if everyone has a flat screen TV, a place to live, a car, food stamps, and household appliances without having a job that they are contributing to the economy.  How?


Doesn’t an economy require that some type of goods and services be produced—the traditional economic guns or butter? What type of goods and services are generated by someone who lies around the house watching TV all day and night?  Answer. None.


It has been reported in the financial news that as our population grows older, our problems meeting their needs become more difficult. The major factor here seems to be healthcare costs which almost always increase as we grow older.  With more and more people growing older, Social Security and Medicare costs increase and there is the danger that both programs will soon run out of money and become bankrupt.  To combat this trend, most governments are hoping the young people will come to the rescue.  The young were supposed to save Obamacare, but they are having trouble finding more than a minimum wage job and have trouble supporting themselves without including healthcare costs.  It could be that our government politicians and most economists are full of what makes green grass grow because they don’t have any solutions to these problems.  Ouch!!!!


Remember that our government has been taxing us for years by deducting Social Security and Medicare payments out of our paychecks. The Social Security payments were supposed to be deposited into an interest bearing account that could be used only for individual retirement payments.  Of course, our all knowing politicians broke that promise and used those monies.  Do you trust the federal government to do the right thing?  I don’t.


How well the economy is performing is defined by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is the sum of consumer spending, government spending, investment capital spending and total net exports.  According to the news reports, about two thirds of GDP is driven by consumer spending hence the consumer economy.  Back to my question above:  How can consumers spend money to drive our economy if they do not have a job to generate the money to spend?  Do you remember your parents telling you that money doesn’t grow on trees when you asked them for some spending money?


Let us look at how GDP is calculated and see if it will help us.


Consumer spending

Government spending

Capital investment spending

Total net exports


Consumer Spending

This one is pretty simple and maybe that is why the economists have focused on it. Money is spent to buy a good or service—both of which generate a job for someone.


Government Spending

One of the major problems with this section is that in recent years and for decades, government has borrowed and wasted billions of dollars and the national debt kept growing. There is no accountability for anyone in government with at times billions of dollars missing and unaccounted for.  What this means is that government waste and corruption are out of control—and no one in government is trying to fix it.  Their solution is to raise taxes.  My blog post[1] on bureaucracy and book[2] propose ways to control spending.


Capital Investment Spending

High dollar spending in this area is a good indicator that our economy is growing and with growth more jobs are being created. In this area, all levels of government have conspired to issue so many new rules and regulations that they are restricting growth.  Regulation of the economy by dumbbells who know almost nothing about running a business is killing growth.  Every regulation good or bad that affects a business must be read by someone.  The time and money used to do this is a business expense.  It is painfully obvious that the regulators who propose, write and issue regulations have never worked in the field they regulate and have no idea what the impact of their regulation will have on the regulated other than it should agree with the Obama Administration’s green agenda.  They also don’t care how badly the public may be affected.  President Obama is delusional to promote some of the outrageous regulations his rogue EPA issues.


To make an investment, any larger private business will estimate the cost of the investment, estimate how much profit can be made and then determine if the return on investment is sufficient to proceed. If other projects have a higher return, the project will not proceed.  Many small companies and startups do not have the luxury of using this method.  They do not have the financial resources to do these estimates and market surveys which is why so many small companies fail.  The business is started with little capital and hopes that hard work and a little bit of luck will help the business succeed.  Despite these problems, small businesses are where the most job growth has traditionally occurred.


Businesses are formed to make money for the investor. Before spending money, the smart investor looks for the most favorable location for his business.  Taxes play a very important part in what country and where in that country to locate the business.  Tax holidays and lower tax rates are excellent ways to induce a business to invest.  Locations with high taxes are very poor choices for a new business location.  An exception to this might be a physical location that is so exceptional that the high taxes are endured.


Total Net Exports

For decades the United States has run trade deficits and no one seemed worried. Times have changed because now it has an impact on American jobs.  Right after World War II ended, the United States was one of the few places in the developed world that did not suffer war damage.  In addition, it was the industrial might of the United States that produced the guns, tanks, airplanes and ships that helped defeat the Axis powers.  Since there was no war damage, to a large extent, the United States was the only viable product exporter.  With little to no competition, life was good.


As the rest of the world recovered from the war damage, gradually they rebuilt their industries destroyed by the war. With more and more industrial infrastructure being rebuilt, the demand for American exports began to diminish.  With no foreign competition, the labor unions were able to demand and get their wage demands met.  With more and more foreign competition, the wage gravy train began to disappear.  The problem was exacerbated when the American worker decided that quality work was no longer needed and the product quality sold to the public was poor.  The foreign competition took advantage of this lower quality by selling to the American public a higher quality product.  This was especially true for the automobile industry.  As a result, American cars no longer dominate auto industry sales.  The most serious loss for America was the loss of good paying jobs with benefits.  The unions and auto industry shot themselves in the foot and to this day have not recovered their former status.


Our trade balance with China in 2015 exceeded -481 billion dollars. We also had large trade balances with Japan -68 billion and Mexico -58 billion—and Mexico continues to export thousands of their undereducated citizens into the US economy.  The total net export loss is 607 billion dollars.  If the dollar export loss for these three countries were translated into equivalent American jobs with a cost for each worker in salary and benefits of $120,000, this would represent more than 5,000,000 jobs.  America, we need to do more to minimize our negative trade balances to save jobs.  We may have to pay a little more for the goods if we buy American, but would you rather pay more for something and have a job, or do you want cheap stuff and no job?


My analysis of the Obama economy is that his administration has demonstrated that his big government communist wannabe ideology has generated ignorant policies with total disregard for the people of this country. It appears that Obama’s policies are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.


In Part I, my intent is to describe our current situation as I see it. In Part II, future new problems and suggestions on how we might start to fix our dilemma will be presented.


[1]Ernest Kanak Jr.,, Blog post on bureaucracy, Feb. 10, 2016

[2] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p 45-46


Most people hate liars and to listen to most of the Democrat surrogates and politicians on TV makes me want to puke. The mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and they just lie and lie and lie.  Sadly there are ignorant people who actually listen to them and believe them.  OMG.  President Obama is the liar-in-chief followed by his press secretary and then the rest of his administration along with the Democratic members of Congress.  They are big government communist wannabes and if they like the communist way so much, why don’t they just emigrate to a country with that type of government.  If the rest of the world had a lick of sense, every country would have a constitution with a second amendment.  Give the poor downtrodden people of this world a chance to defend themselves from stupid megalomaniac politicians.  Oh yes, for all the laws both Obama and Hillary Clinton have broken, the only reason they have not been charged is that they are politicians.  Is that the kind of government Americans want?  No.


The policy of letting rich people immigrate into this country is also stupid because most of them want to overthrow the government we have and convert it into communism. No thanks.


On the issue of the emails deleted by Clinton, recent heads of the NSA and CIA have said that those emails were most likely hacked by the Russian and Chinese governments. Should Clinton become President, every time these countries do not get what they want, they will very likely blackmail the President to get what they want.  Is that what you Americans want?


Since Clinton and Obama lie so much, you can ignore what they say, but watch what they do. Actions speak louder than words.


On the Republican side, now that Donald Trump has changed his campaign manager, may I suggest a couple of other changes.


He needs to leave his ego at the door and remember that his entry into the presidential race was to represent ordinary people like you and me.


When Obama and Clinton raise issues like bathroom use and gun control, they are doing so to divert the Trump campaign away from the most crucial election issues like the economy, illegal immigration, defense and terrorism. Trump has three adult children who support him, so when these type of issues are introduced by Democrats, he needs to designate one of his children as a surrogate and let them handle the problem.  Stay on the main issues and hammer Obama and Clinton on their failures.


Stay away from dumb criticism of fellow Republicans. Most Republicans are dumb as a rock and have the same problem that sometimes afflicts Mr. Trump.  They let their mouths run away with their brains.


Based on the TV news reports, Mr. Trump needs to have a large grassroots organization to get out the vote and help with voter registration. Ted Cruz supposedly had such an organization.  A good idea for Trump would be to try to get those Cruz supporters to join his team.  Remind them that the other option is a candidate who really should be under criminal indictment.


Obama won’t have the Injustice Department indict Clinton because he knew she was breaking the law and did absolutely nothing. Nothing new there.



Donald Trump’s criticism of a federal judge has drawn tons of negative press. In the past, much of this criticism might be justified.  Today, I don’t know.  How can a federal judge be fair and impartial when he has been affiliated with so many political organizations?


Consider this. Our constitution was written giving federal judges lifetime appointments to insure that they have fidelity to the constitution and the rule of law and remain impartial and above politics.


The political establishment has succeeded in destroying this neutrality and converting many if not most appointments into political appointments. Therefore, in typical American fashion, we must punish all federal judges because they have too many political hacks in their midst and pass a constitutional amendment eliminating lifetime appointments and make all federal judges including those on the Supreme Court run like a politician for a single 10 year term[1].  There must be a prohibition on all federal court practice after they are no longer a federal judge to try to prevent corruption.


As for the press, they are already corrupt and biased, so what they report is propaganda instead of news.


Are you still wondering why this country has gone to hell?


[1] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Federal Judiciary Amendment ( March 31, 2016 Post )


For more than twenty years, when I have voted and there were two or more candidates on the ballot with which I was unfamiliar, and one of the candidates was a woman, I have voted for the woman. The reason for this vote was that I wanted more women in government in the hope that they would help improve the quality of government.  It would appear that I was the only one doing this and even though there are more women in government, the quality of government has not improved.  As a matter of fact, some of the worst politicians are women.  No more genitalia voting.


The best way to good government is to vote for the most qualified person. If we had an accountability amendment, we would have a way to correct our mistakes without waiting for the next election.


Since our federal judges are appointed based on political agenda, we need the federal judiciary amendment eliminating lifetime appointments and elect these judges for a single 10 year term.


The passage of these two amendments would return to the ordinary citizen the right remove any government official, overturn any judicial ruling and veto any law passed by the Congress. With big government, corruption is king and that is what we have now.



We have had quite a bit if discussion about political candidate credentials. For the professional politician, it doesn’t make any difference.  Below is a modified definition of a professional politician that can be found in my book[1].  The definition:


When professional politicians make a mistake, they will make excuses to blame something or someone else. They almost never pay the price and take responsibility for their actions.


When asked a question they don’t want to answer, they will accuse others of racism, prejudice, injuring children, killing seniors etc. Alternately, they will talk around the question and never answer it.  They use emotional responses—never the facts.


They lie and don’t tell the truth.


If the truth becomes known and it does not favor the professional politicians, they will go back and repeat the two listings shown above this one.


They talk fairness and practice deceit.


A professional politician has only one constituent—herself or himself. Their main objective is to get re-elected.


Their loyalty is to their political party—not to the voters—because their party standing determines how much power they can wield.


My observations for the past six years confirm this definition.


[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p.14-15


Due to President Obama, we are still fighting in Iraq instead of assisting to provide a stable and relatively secure environment for the people of Iraq. That being stated, it is possible that the situation with ISIS has regressed to the point that the political situation in Iraq cannot be repaired.  Some TV analysts have suggested that it may be time to break up the existing Iraq nation into the population groups that currently exist.  It would then appear that the United States should be considering that we must deal with a Kurdish nation, an Iraqi Sunni nation, and an Iraqi Shiite nation with Bagdad as its capital.  It should be pointed out that the population segment (Christians) which has been there for thousands of years is not represented.  That is not fair and it is wrong.  It should be the policy of the world and the United States—since the corrupt United Nations will not–to provide aid to the extent needed to these four population groups.


Therefore ISIS must be eliminated totally and a regime change made in Syria with a new Christian nation created from part of Syria. The Arab Muslims have discriminated against and murdered Christians for far too long in the Middle East.  At the same time organizations like the Iranian supported terrorist group Hezbollah must be eliminated from Lebanon and possibly Lebanon should become another Christian nation.  What to do with the Muslims in these new Christian countries?  While exterminating terrorists, the new Christian nations will have to determine how they handle their existing moderate Muslim populations.  All of these new countries may choose not to be democracies but choose another form of government.  The reason for the formation of these new nations is to bring the needed peace and political stability to these Middle Eastern countries which they will never find with the present political regimes.


It is really interesting how the analysts and pundits are out in full force trying to protect what they perceive to be their turf. They all have advice for Trump on how he needs to act.  Many of the former government officials are using criticism of Trump to validate their decisions while in government and when necessary cover their behinds.  It is very hard to trust anyone who has been in government because for two decades they and anyone they may have advised have failed to solve our problems.  They think they know everything and have already demonstrated that they do not have the answers.


The Democrats have a candidate who has demonstrated distain for government rules and probably should be fighting to stay out of jail. Her protector, the President, has also continually broken the law and should have been charged for those crimes.  Both show that politics overrules the law for the “Justice Department” when powerful politicians are involved.  Six Supreme Court Justices have already demonstrated with their latest Obamacare ruling that they favor anarchy over the rule of law when powerful politicians are involved.


The establishment Republican and Democratic parties are represented by big government communist wannabes. They are disgusting.  Politics, politics, politics.  The communist wannabes masquerading as Democrats and Republicans believe that they know how to deal with issues.  In reality, they do not know how to solve anything because for decades they have used the same old tired big government logic (more spending and more taxes) and have not solved any problems.  Remember, with big government, when few people make policy, corruption is king.


The wet pants establishment Republicans now want to tell Mr. Trump what the party agenda will be. Those losers who have very comfortably lost the last two presidential elections evidently want to program a third loss.  The message for the Republican congressmen and senators should be to get off your butt and go out into your jurisdictional area and talk to your constituents, find out what is bothering them, study their issues and determine what you can or cannot do to help them.  Then tell them the truth on what you will try to do to help them—and if elected—do it.  You can depend on the Democrats to promise free everything and no discussion on what that policy will do to our economy and country’s debt—which the millennials will have to repay or deal with the total economic and social collapse which bankruptcy will bring.


Trump needs to start raising money for Republican candidates. This money should support only those senators and congressmen who place loyalty to their constituents and country ahead of a stupid political party that has done virtually nothing for the people of this country for the past twenty years or more.  Go along to get along is the Republican Party’s answer to avoiding wet pants.  The Democrats just lie to their constituents and then do what they want if they get elected.  Nothing is done to help their constituents, but the minorities buy their lies and never get anything from the party for their loyalty. It is doubtful that any Democrat has an ounce of integrity in their amoral bodies.


The public in 2010 and 2014 voted many Republicans into office to obstruct Obama and change the direction of the country—and the Republican Congress did nothing. Why?  They have the same tired and useless “leaders” from the past.  They are as useful as the teats on a bull.


We have a delusional President who issues unconstitutional executive orders because he knows that the big government communist wannabe Democrats will do nothing to stop him. Only impeachment can remove him from office and he knows that the Democrat’s loyalty to party far far exceeds their loyalty to their constituents and country.  At the same time, he is like the congressional Republicans dealing with Democrats and wets his pants when dealing with international outlaws.  Domestically, Obama has the protection of the Constitution and his amoral Democratic colleagues, but the international outlaws do not follow any rules hence the wet pants.  Hopefully he can finish his term without doing something stupid and start World War III.



It has been reported that the same participants keep showing up at the Ferguson, Baltimore and now the anti-Trump protests. Should that be the case, how can they do this and hold down a job?  They can’t.  If they cannot work, then who is paying their expenses?  Do we now have professional protesters?  When the protesters become violent and riot as has happened in Ferguson and Baltimore and now have begun to happen especially at Trump gatherings, then these protesters may have to be classified as anarchists.  My Merriam-Webster dictionary defines anarchy as “a lack of government or order” which is what happens when a riot occurs.  If these professional protesters keep showing up, would it not be a good idea to create a list of potential anarchists and start tracking their movement and sponsors?  When a protester is arrested, their name should be placed on an anarchist police registry distributed nationwide and have his or her background investigated.  If the individual has no visible means of support, the investigation must then determine who is providing financial support.  The country’s best interests are served when those organizations and/or persons providing support for anarchists are documented and made public.  Let the citizens know who might be trying to harm them or overthrow our government.


The anarchist is just one rung below the Islamic terrorist in potential danger to this country and its citizens. Let us find out who they are and have law enforcement track and deal with them.


The Second Amendment gun grabbers now want everyone to use a smart gun that restricts who may use and fire that gun. Wouldn’t it be nice if the smart gun proponents volunteered to test these firearms for us?  For instance, the security details who protect President Obama and his family and Michael Bloomberg and his family might want to test these smart guns for the next five to ten years.  Better still would be if the gun grabbers disavow having any protection provided for themselves and their families by anyone using a firearm.  If they have a problem, they can call the police, so they don’t need that personal protection.


Why does Obama want our guns which are guaranteed by the Constitution and lets illegal aliens cross our borders at will despite laws which prohibit this type of behavior? It demonstrates that the former community organizer and constitutional professor distains the rule of law and law and order in favor of chaos and anarchy.


The FBI crime statistics have shown that violent crime in past years had gone down while gun ownership increased.  Cities and states where the citizens are armed are safer than gun free zones.  The worst mass murders in this country have occurred in gun free zones where the poor victims have had no way to defend themselves.  Maybe there is a method to Obama’s madness.  By allowing criminal illegal aliens to be released and stay in this country, isn’t Obama creating an environment for high crime rates to support his gun grabber agenda?  Oh yes, the mainstream propaganda press is buying into this tactic and will never report the truth.


Healthcare is a monthly premium bet with an insurance company that you will need little or no help for your medical needs. Most Americans can deal with minor healthcare problems and costs.  The costs that scare everyone are the catastrophic costs for cancer treatments and chemotherapy, heart disease, organ transplants, persistent long term disease treatment, expensive medications and major accident injuries to name just a few.  In the past, the insurance companies have covered this bet using a combination of policy limitations, monthly premium, deductibles and previous conditions.  With Obamacare, many of the previous conditions restrictions have been eliminated and even if Obamacare is repealed, it is doubtful that the public will accept any healthcare system with few to any preconditions and policy limitations.


This leaves the monthly premium and deductible costs as ways to control costs. But more importantly, the cost of healthcare is not just about insurance, it must include all those elements that together comprise the cost to deliver health care.  Why can it cost so much to deliver basic health care and why can it vary so much?   Two reasons are government and insurance company intervention into the healthcare system.  Let us also recognize that there is no such thing as free healthcare.


Our doctors spend a lot of time and money taking premed university courses, going to medical school followed by a hospital residency and if they want to earn more money as a specialist, more time learning a specialty. Unfortunately this could leave the general practice (GP) physician near the bottom of the pay scale when they are more important than many specialists.  If you don’t see a GP physician, how do you know what specialist to see?  These are the people who help us with our day-to-day problems and they are critically important to your health and wellbeing.  The emergency room is not the place where any patient should be trying to address everyday health issues.  Based on all this education and training, don’t start with the doctors as a way to save money unless you drastically reduce their insurance/government administrative costs.  One way is to have no patient visit costs reported to anyone until the deductible limit has been reached, then the doctor can send a patient treatment summary to the government and insurance company (GIC).  If the GIC wants to have detailed reports, then the doctors need to charge GIC for their administrative costs. Alternately, no reports are made to anyone when the patient pays for all treatment costs.  The doctor keeps his own records as he or she always has, but the GIC reporting and costs are eliminated.


Hospital costs can really increase when an operating room and its costs are needed. These operating rooms must be designed and operated to accommodate many kinds of different emergencies and we are lucky to have them available to help save us, but it is very expensive to be able to do so many things.  To help keep costs down, some doctors use operating rooms designed for non emergency patients.  For instance, while cataract operations and colonoscopy examinations must be done in an operating room, there are some companies that provide the less elaborate operating rooms that meet the patient’s and doctor’s needs at lower costs.  In recent years some hospitals have issued price schedules for certain types of operations.  Innovation in health care can help control costs as long as the government and insurance companies get out of the way.  Bureaucrats have no place in dictating any patient care because they are not doctors.  When the hospital administrators start collecting salaries higher than the doctors, then it is time to start looking for corruption.


Then there are the insurance company networks which negotiate prices with a hospital in order to have that hospital included in their insurance network. Insurance in-network costs are always lower than out-of-network costs and these differences are reflected in what the patient billing will be.  If the insurance companies can prove that these networks lower patient costs, they are good.  If the networks do not lower patient premiums and costs but only increase insurance company profits, they are a restraint of trade and must be investigated and changed.  State insurance agencies–do your job or get fired.  Protect the public.


Why state government insurance agencies and Obamacare are causing insurance premiums to keep increasing. As a former health insurance agent, one explanation for why pre-Obamacare premiums kept increasing was that the state insurance agency kept increasing policy mandatory coverage.  In other words, to justify their existence, government insurance agency personnel keep adding mandatory insurance coverage and this increases premium cost.  The way to handle this is to make the additional coverage optional and advise the insured that this extra coverage is available for additional cost.  When the insured declines this additional coverage, they must sign a waiver acknowledging that coverage was offered and was declined.


Now we have drug costs. There are many to blame for this.  The Food and Drug Administration has the drug companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars testing drugs before approval and release to the public—and even with this there are numerous TV commercials with lawyers selling their services to sue a drug company because one of its drugs causes side effects that obviously were not detected during the testing phase.  Does this expose defects in the FDA testing procedure or does it show that possibly no amount of testing can  detect all the potential side effects?  It would seem wise for the health industry experts to spend some time trying to make the system more efficient and less costly.   What we do know is that the monies spent during years of testing cause the cost of an approved drug to increase.  What is the answer?


Prior to Obamacare implementation, my cardiologist prescribed a heart medication for me. It was a generic for which with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBS) insurance in 2008 I paid $10 for 90 tablets.  In 2010, BCBS reduced my allowable prescription to 60 tablets for $8 and in October 2010 increased the cost for 60 tablets to $30.  In January 2011, the cost for 60 tablets had risen to $58.75. The BCBS explanation for these price increases was that this particular generic was special and that caused the increase.  After retiring and losing insurance coverage, this drug which initially cost me $0.11 apiece began to cost me $195.46 for 180 tablets or $1.09 apiece at the same pharmacy.  Remember that these costs were for a generic drug which had been produced for many years.  Who got paid off?


Healthcare history and options are discussed in some detail in my book[1].  Adverse selection is a term used by the insurance industry to identify those patients whose treatment costs are much higher than the average and if an insurance company has too many of this type of member, their delivery costs will be much higher than their competition and make them less competitive.  With no precondition exemptions, adverse selection can significantly affect the cost to provide insurance, so it is suggested that all insurance companies must have a predetermined minimum percentage of adverse selection members and no insurance company can do business without abiding by that minimum.  Single payer gives the individual the most control over his insurance costs, but a single individual applying for insurance will be charged the highest rates.  To avoid this, it is recommended that nonprofit cooperatives be created for the sole purpose of having a large enough membership pool that the cooperatives will have leverage to seek lower insurance rates for their members in insurance company contract negotiations.  The health care system must be available to and fair for everyone.


During the Republican debates different ways to reduce health costs have been discussed and proposed, so their recommendations will not be repeated here. The Democrats do not worry about costs and want to provide free healthcare for everyone including illegal aliens.  The only thing the Democrats do not discuss is when the country will become bankrupt because we cannot pay our bills.


Let us be clear. The Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) was never about providing affordable healthcare.  It has always been about using government force to control about 1/6th of the American economy.  The whole Obama administration is about the political control of the United States.  It is very probable that the big government communist wannabe Democrats and some like thinking Republicans will disagree, but that is to be expected.  That being said, how is Obamacare working out?


Please note that my book costs $5 for an electronic copy and it takes about 4 hours to read. If you read it, you might learn something and be able to improve on my recommendations.



[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p. 39-43



The national press corps has done it again. They are making an issue out of something (transgender bathroom use) that affects less than 0.1% of the population instead of concentrating on election issues such as the economy and jobs which affect everybody.  Their political agenda is intended to deflect the public’s attention away from real issues.  Since this deflection tactic does not serve the public interest, the FCC must consider how their news reporting affects the broadcast licenses of these corporations.  When news becomes one-sided propaganda, the FCC should consider suspending the broadcast licenses of the offending companies for one week to one month for a first offense.  The suspension should be, if possible, limited to their “news” reporting only with no interruption of their other programming.


Back to the transgender bathroom issue which was put on the ballot in Houston, Texas, which at the time had an openly LGBT mayor, and the issue to allow sex preference bathroom use was defeated. No man in his right mind wants his wife or daughter in a restroom when an adult male strolls in.  Is he or isn’t he transgender?  There is no sign on his forehead proclaiming that he is transgender and there should not be.    Common sense, which is completely lacking in too many politicians, celebrities and the national news media, tells us that a man does not belong in any female bath or restroom facility.  To allow an adult male to enter any female restroom is outrageous.  There is no way any male with male genitalia should be allowed to shower in a female shower facility.  Has the world gone crazy or is it just the United States left?  What is going to happen when a non LGBT man assaults a woman in a female restroom?  How will the politicians, national mainstream media and other proponents of transgender restrooms respond after that first assault?  When the broadcast media ignores the issue, the FCC should immediately suspend licenses for one month.  In addition, the transgender issue already has a simple solution.


The solution to the public bathrooms is already here. It is single person use of UNISEX restrooms.  These kind of restrooms typically also have diaper changing facilities built in.   There is a lock on the door so privacy is protected.  Anyone can, should and does use this type of bathroom.  As a matter of fact, the more everyone uses this type of facility the better because it removes any stigma of identifying someone’s sexual preferences.  They are currently being used and one hospital to which I go has only UNISEX restrooms in some buildings.


When are the political hack justices on our anarchist Supreme Court going to start adjudicating major issues that affect most of our population instead of politicking on many extreme minority issues that affect very few people. Our constitution is there to protect minorities, but there is a difference between protecting minorities and protecting minorities while discriminating against millions of our ordinary citizens.


Since our federal judges insist on following a political agenda, then I suggest we approve my proposed Federal Judiciary constitutional amendment eliminating federal judiciary lifetime appointments and making each judge seek election for a single 10 year term. This amendment combined with a Accountability constitutional amendment which allows the public to correct mistakes made by government officials and recall officials who abuse the public trust returns the final decision on important issues back to the voters..


From the political wilderness, here comes another series of comments on our current political mess.


Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has recently been accused of being a true RINO. Now if we were to pass the Accountability Amendment, the people of Kentucky could start a petition to vote and remove him if they did not like what he is doing.  This amendment, if passed, would allow Kentuckians to decide how and by whom their state should be represented in the United States Senate without waiting for the next election. 


Mr. Trump

Mr. Trump, please note that most Americans will very likely refuse to vote for a name calling teenager for President of the United States. Instead of complaining about the delegate selection process, why didn’t you hire someone who does know how the system works earlier?  You are not taking care of business and it could cost you and you will have only yourself to blame.

Mr. Cruz

Recently there have been accusations of improprieties in your pursuit of delegates to secure the Presidential nomination. If everything is fair and above board, no problem.  If not, then you fall into my lawyer category that most lawyers who follow what I suspect is their activist law school professors’ teachings.  They consider themselves to be above the law and the Constitution.  Your response might be that you have litigated constitutional violations and won.  My response to that is that President Obama taught Constitutional law and now considers himself to be above the law and routinely violates not only the laws passed by Congress but also the Constitution.


Mr. Kasich

For a candidate who has won one primary election and who in most of the country outside of the Northeast is lucky to get 14% of any primary vote, why are you still in the race? You are the professional politician which is defined in my book[1].  Your loyalty is not to the people but to your political party who you hope will nominate you.  You appear to favor open borders and unrestricted illegal immigration.  The Federation for American Immigration Reform in their November 2015 Immigration Report quotes some very interesting statistics.


“We have admitted 59 million people into the U.S. since 1965”


“Our foreign-born population has skyrocketed from 9.6 million in 1965 to nearly 45 million today”.


“More than half of the immigrant-headed households rely on some form of public assistance.”


It should be noted that in earlier times, high immigration provided warm bodies and in that economy, many times warm bodies were all that was needed. That is no longer true and today warm bodies only add to the welfare and food stamp rolls.  From here, it looks like there is an excellent possibility of more of the same with a Kasich presidency.


So far Mr. Kasich has not advocated for mandatory E-Verify to insure American citizens are first on the job list instead of an illegal alien. Without a job, doesn’t some self deportation start?  Is his political base sold on illegal alien employees?  Without E-Verify, it looks like many American companies want to employ cheap illegal aliens instead of American citizens.  That is neither legal nor right.


Mr. Sanders

Mr. Sanders, do your young millennial supporters know that your unrestricted spending agenda will likely bankrupt the country and confirm that we have become a third world country with no jobs? Free everything and there is not enough money in the system to pay for it.  Everybody is looking for the free lunch and there is no such thing.  The millennials have been programmed by our terrible educational system into believing big government is the answer to all problems and when reinforced by the political censorship called correctness, the recipe for disaster has been issued.    Since when does the threat of a lawsuit by some minority activist dictate how the majority of the population must live their lives?  What happened to majority rule?  Doesn’t this suggest that the legal profession in pursuit of the million dollar settlement is more interested in the money than justice? It sure looks that way to me.


Mrs. Clinton

You are in a league with Barack Obama in the consummate liar category. Both of you care naught for our country but everything for personal wealth and power.  Trouble is that neither one of you has a lick of common sense and is not smart enough to see it.  Both of you appear to suffer from a delusional disorder and live in la-la land.  Hopefully Obama can finish his term without starting World War III.  With her delusional foreign and immigration policies, if elected President, my concern is that Mrs. Clinton’s administration may not prevent another 9/11 without trying to create a police state—which the American people will not allow to happen.  Bring on the posse.

[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p. 14-15


Well people, with Obama trying to nominate a Supreme Court Justice, you can now see why we need the Accountability Amendment and another constitutional amendment to change the federal judiciary. Way back in the 1950s when I was going to school and being instructed about our federal government, I was told that the federal judiciary was designed to be independent of politics.  To insure that this would happen, the Founding Fathers created a federal judiciary with lifetime appointments.  But politicians being resourceful when they want something badly enough, did not want a judiciary independent of politics.  Wah lah.  We have the present day judiciary that is almost totally political.  Since the judiciary is no longer neutral and non biased, all federal judges no longer deserve a lifetime appointment.  If the judges want to be political, let them run for the position like the politicians do.  The politicians have bastardized the judiciary and everyone loses.  Justice is no longer something one would expect from the federal courts today.  Every federal judge nominated and approved is a political hack in some measure.  This is truly a sad state of affairs.  Justice is no longer just blind, it is also now political.  Sad.  Sad. Sad.


How do we fix it? We pass a constitutional amendment to force the federal judges to run for a single 10 year term and prohibit their arguing any case in federal court after their term ends.  Since the politicians want political judges, make the judges run for election like a politician.  It is suggested that three judges from every federal court run for election every two years with the longest tenure judges running first until all of the federal judges have been elected once.  Since this amendment could severely disrupt the current courts, each current judge who must run for election should be offered a one time opportunity to run for a two year term.


It should be pointed out that it is has been stated that if we the people do not like a law, we get the legislature to pass a new law. That may have been true in the past, but not anymore.  With the political philosophy that comes with each judge, the judge’s ruling is expected to conform to that judge’s political agenda.  It has become known that our most prestigious law schools are now advocating judicial activism which teaches judges to insert their belief philosophy into their rulings and ignore the written words of the law.  This is anarchy.  When any judge places himself or herself above the law and ignores the written words of a law or the Constitution, trouble can be expected.  It informs everyone who reads a law that any ruling on that law will depend on the judge.  With hundreds of judges, hundreds of different rulings can be expected.  When the written law is not followed, any litigants can expect many different rulings on the same issue.  When court rulings are based on the absence of the rule of written law, we have lawlessness and anarchy.


With this amendment, all pension and medical benefits must to changed to agree with those offered the general public. This means 401k retirement accounts and Obamacare if it remains in effect and no special politicial perks.


How did the United States get involved in the Iraq War? The concern was that Saddam Hussein was an evil and potentially dangerous Iraqi dictator who had used weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and gave every indication that he was seeking more destructive WMDs?  The problem in dealing with dictators is that they are absolute rulers of their country with life and death powers.  Persons strongly disliked by the dictator many times are found dead.  In some cases these persons are publicly executed.  Can anyone predict what a dictator will do?  No.  That is what makes them so dangerous.


Saddam used poison gas as a WMD several times to execute some of his own people as well as to kill Iranian military during their war, so it is confirmed that he had WMDs. During the prelude to the Iraqi war, George Tenet (CIA director originally appointed by President Clinton and retained by President Bush) declared the it was a “slam dunk” that Saddam had WMDs.  Tenet later said that the “slam dunk” phrase was taken out of context.


On the issue of WMD, some analysts draw a distinction between new and old WMDs as the basis for the invasion which was approved by the US Congress. Don’t old WMDs have the power to kill like new WMDs?  Answer: Yes.  Does it make any difference if death and destruction is caused by new or old WMD?  Answer: No, they both kill and injure people.  Since Saddam had WMD’s, where did they go because post invasion searches could not immediately find them.  The truth is that later old WMDs were found in Iraq and our troops who handled them had health problems.


The price paid by the United States to fight and win the Iraq war was high. With 100% hindsight, it is now clear that violence and terrorist activity were much reduced by 2010 to the extent that Vice President Biden declared that the Obama Administration could be proud of the military’s achievement.  Then President Obama could not agree on a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government and withdrew all American troops in December 2011.  It should be noted that after past wars the United States has left a residual force in countries such as Germany, Japan and South Korea to help provide security and political stability.  A residual force is not something the United States should be doing on a regular basis, unless as some politicians have recommended, the country being restored is paying most of the cost.


In 2013 ISIS was formed when they absorbed an al Qaeda group in Syria. Since then ISIS has grown in size, income production from sale of stolen oil and extortion payments have increased, their military strength grew by using social media to recruit terrorists from abroad and their military hardware increased when they recovered American tanks and other military equipment from retreating Iraqi forces who offered no resistance.  They have used barbaric methods such as beheading to murder captives and made slaves of others.  In the process of doing this, Christian genocide has been committed and Christian communities have been physically destroyed.


Iraq has been a collection of Arabs and Christians for centuries. The Muslim terrorist group ISIS has completely destroyed Christian communities that were in existence centuries before Mohammed and Islam were born, so it makes sense that the Muslim countries must restore the destroyed communities and cities within the next two years.  If they do not do that, then it might be necessary for the world community to do the restoration.  If the world community does not, then it would seem that external force may be needed to expel the Arabs and their allies from these lands and confiscate the mineral wealth to finance the restoration of the Christian communities.  While it would be nice if the warring Sunni, Shia and Kurdish factions could agree with one another, it is unlikely and the process of restoration might require that existing Iraq be dissolved and new nations be created.  Large populations of people may have to be relocated to another part of the Middle East.  Some of these new nations must be Christian to restore their historical and rightful place in the Middle East and to replace those cities destroyed by the Muslim barbarians.


The Republican Party has decided that they will be the wet pants party. They are so afraid to start an aggressive attack on the Democrats that they continually wet their pants.  For their part, the Democrats have become quite skilled in deception advocating gun control so they can use those guns to overthrow our government and socialism to give everybody free stuff so that the people don’t have to work but merely take what they want until the well goes dry.  The Democrats also have a candidate who is being investigated by the FBI who while serving as Secretary of State used a personal non government Internet Server to conduct State Department business.  Will President Obama and his “Justice Department” cover up any crimes to prevent it from becoming known that the President was aware of this security breach and did nothing?  All the people that have already voted for her are by their vote testifying to the world that they don’t care if government security and secrets have been compromised.  What are those people using for brains?  Do they have any?


Both parties on the pretext of helping the poor have instituted educational programs that have dumbed down the curriculum. The teachers unions have convinced the undereducated teachers that a dumbed down curriculum is good.  The minorities will stay poorly educated because that is what the Democrats want.  How else can they convince them to always vote Democrat?  If they educate these people, they might figure out that there might be a better way.  The way to educate the young is to assist them meet a high standard and with a high standard to meet, the young get an education.  When the young do not behave in class and are disruptive, expel them.  They will be able to work at minimum wage jobs until the fast food industry learns how to use mechanical aids at which time the undereducated fall into the dung heap.


When schools instituted the new math that ignores arithmetic and replaces it with logical math way beyond the ability of the average six to eight year old student to comprehend, they began the decline of the educational system. The result is that young people do poorly in math and science.  Without math and science, how can we hope to lead the world in new technology?  We can’t.


The political donor class buys politicians to do their bidding and we import into our country people supposedly having the skills needed by the donor class while throwing away Americans who if properly educated could do the job. Oh yes, you lucky parents can send your son or daughter away to college so that they can be instructed by some tenured left leaning professor into becoming a good communist.  Isn’t that nice?


How are we to address the immigrant problem? Do nothing because making it an issue might interfere with a re-election bid. The bottom line is neither political party gives a damn about you and I.  Their only interest is to continue the status quo and stay in power so they can suck that big government teat and look down at us as inferior beings.


If the Republicans didn’t have a big yellow stripe running down their backs, they would pass legislation to make E-verify mandatory and triple the fines for non compliance. E-Verify is a federal program run by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to verify whether or not a person can legally work in this country.  If the Democrats filibuster the Senate vote on this issue, then use the nuclear option and pass it.  If Obama vetoes the bill, then the Republicans will be able to point out to every American citizen that the Democrats are discriminating against U.S. citizens.  Only 3-9 percent of the companies in this country participate in E-Verify.  What this means is that most American companies do not want to employ Americans.  What do you think of that folks?  To be fair, some companies are very small and know for certain that all its employees are citizens.  Mandatory enforcement should begin with the largest companies because we all know that the small companies do not have the financial resources to fight a prolonged legal battle with our government.  How long do you think the illegals will stay in this country if they cannot earn a living?  With no income, how long before self deportation would start to take place?  Are the politicians going to buy jobs for illegals so that the illegals can fraudulently vote in our elections?


One Republican presidential candidate and both Democratic Party candidates while not necessarily openly advocating for open borders appear to favor that policy. They don’t want us to have a country and seem to prefer the anarchy that open borders brings.  They join six members of the Supreme Court in supporting anarchy and not the rule of law.


If our state governors were smart, they would change how they turn over violent illegals to ICE. When a violent illegal is in local custody, he or she should be turned over to the state which should then transport that illegal to Washington D.C. where he or she would be turned over to ICE.  Since the federal government has created the problem, let them also solve it.  By following this plan, the state would not be providing and paying for illegal alien food, shelter, medical services and legal services.


The Republican Party with their brokered convention B.S. and third party talk have no interest in the wishes of the voters who may have spent hours in line to vote in their state primary. Who in their right mind would want to be a member of a party and vote for any member of that party if the Republicans fix the candidate selection to suit the establishment donor class?  Oh yes, they still want you to donate money to the party.  You have to be kidding.  What are those Republican clowns smoking?  Or are they just shooting up?  By the way, all this childish talk has in my opinion just about destroyed any last vestige of credibility for the Republican Party?  R. I.P.


President Obama with his executive orders has broken the law many times. When he becomes frustrated that he is not a dictator, he issues one of his mostly unconstitutional executive orders.  Since the use of executive orders has become so contentious, we need to outlaw all of them.  We need the President to use another way to implement change that MUST agree with the Constitution.  Since executive orders once issued become a part of law and the President has no constitutional authority to make laws, all executive orders making law must be declared null and void.  Don’t expect the anarchist justices on the current Supreme Court to agree with a ruling like that.


To try to prevent another presidential administration from emulating Obama, it might be a good idea if evidence of corrupt practices and abuse of power by any members of his administration were collected and documented to offer as evidence in a court of law. This evidence can be used to help cleanse the bureaucracies of corruption after Obama leaves office.  Based on the current administration’s lawlessness the past seven and one half years, a considerable number of jail cells could be filled by ex-government officials.


Impeachment is a joke because almost every politician is more loyal to his political party than to the people and the Constitution of the United States. When the law is violated by exercising their party loyalty, these persons must be indicted, arrested and tried in a court of law.  All members of Congress whose net worth has more than doubled during their time in Congress must be investigated by the FBI for corruption.  If the FBI fails to do an honest and diligent investigation, then it is time to clean up the FBI.  It is doubtful that we have enough federal judges with fidelity to the law and the Constitution to try these lawbreakers, so state courts may be the only option.  Justice must be done fairly and honestly—not politically.


Part of the military code of conduct is instruction that an individual soldier does not have to obey an unlawful order. When the soldier determines that an order given is unlawful, the soldier can legally and morally risk not to obey it.


It is recommended that all government employees be instructed that they do not have to obey an unlawful order. One example of such an order would be one that orders the employee to not enforce existing law.


The effect of this new policy would be that when a President tells the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to stand down and not enforce immigration laws, the ICE agents would ignore the stand down order because it is an unlawful order. The border agents would continue to do their jobs to the best of their ability without retribution.  When an elected official is guilty of retribution, then we need something like the Accountability Amendment to permanently remove that person from office.  If Congress had any integrity—and that is questionable—when retribution is discovered, the entire suspected agency funding should be immediately stopped with nobody getting paid until a Congressional investigation resolves the issue—and we all know how long Congressional investigations take.  If the guilty parties resign, then funding can be restored.  The consequences of exacting retribution must be draconian in order to deliver the message.




Here we go again. More presidential debates are over.  How are they doing?




Donald Trump                   Mr. Trump needs to continue to defend himself, but tone down the personal invective by putting his ego on the back shelf.  If he wants to criticize someone, call out what they have or have not done.  While he continues to speak in generalities during debates, his website does a decent job of describing his policies.  Since Mr. Trump is self financed and he acts independently, the establishment money men are trying to prevent his nomination.  They just want a politician that they can buy.  His campaign financing in a way reinforces my recommendation in my book[1] that the public pay for our elections, but I may have been mistaken by not including the primary elections in the public pay portion.


Ted Cruz                             When his organization during the Iowa caucuses advised Dr. Carson’s voters to vote for Mr. Cruz, his campaign may have lost some moral authority that could cost him support from the voters in subsequent state votes.  Could it cost him the presidency if Donald Trump falters?


Mario Rubio                       His immigration program is suspect because he appears to favor the illegals here for residency and citizenship more than the persons who have followed the rule of law in their efforts to immigrate to this country.  Illegal alien favoritism diminishes the impression that he believes in the rule of law.  In that belief, he joins six Justices on the Supreme Court in support of anarchy.


John Kasich                        If you go to his website and search national security and jobs, there is not one word on immigration.  His previous comments on immigration demonstrate that he either does not know much about the subject or he just chooses to ignore the 10-20 million illegals who take American jobs and/or use free benefits provided by the American taxpayer.  The number of businesses in this country varies from 6.6 to 18 million depending on your data source.  Of these the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services reports that only 600,000 use E-verify to confirm employment eligibility.  This statistic shows that only 3-9 per cent of businesses want to employ only Americans.  What excuse are these employers using to justify this apparent discrimination?  If someone is not allowed to work in this country, how can they stay?  Someone needs to tell Mr. Kasich and the others that no job normally leads to self deportation.  Is that hard to understand?  How can we have a country without control of our borders?




Hillary Clinton                    How can anyone who loves this country vote for a person who clearly puts her personal desires above those of the country?  If you listen to a propaganda TV station you will not know that with the release of her 30000 or so emails that the FBI has determined that classified emails were sent or received using the unsecured internet server in the basement of her home.  Worst still is how she and Obama let four brave men die in Benghazi without backup and then lied to their relatives and the world for days about who attacked the embassy.  Mrs. Clinton also appears to be trying to outbid Mr. Sanders in providing supposedly free services for which someone must pay.


Bernie Sanders                  He promises the moon and wants everyone to pay enough taxes to pay for it.  Socialism and communism are obsolete systems that don’t work.  Freeloading losers do not work, they only take.  Oh yes, while he or Hillary are running in the general election, my prediction is that a promise will be made to forgive all or most of the 1.2 trillion dollar student loan debt in order to buy millennial votes for the Democrats.  Sadly many millennials won’t recognize that they will pay for it later because it will be added to the national debt they must eventually repay.  What kind of deceitful policy would that be?

[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p71



When the United States was formed, it took one day to travel 20 miles by horseback. Today it takes 20 minutes on an interstate highway.  Using email and social media, communications can be almost instantaneous.  Since the Constitution is over 200 years old, many lawyers and judges have started to take liberties with their interpretation of what this document means.  The smart ones believe in what is written, the not so smart ones become activists and bend the hell out of their interpretation.  What this means is that the activists do not believe in the rule of law and in their hearts are anarchists.  The march towards anarchy is why we have so much conflict today.


Based on current presidential primaries and caucuses, it appears that the United States is in the middle of another political revolution. This revolution is due to the failure of all forms of government to do the job for which they were elected or appointed.  The political class has abused the system so badly that the American people are fed up with them and are embracing political change.  I suspect that using fingers and toes that I could count the number of honest and trustworthy politicians in office without running out of toes.


The American people are completely frustrated with lying politicians who promise the moon and deliver nothing. There is no accountability.  Despite the fact that the Constitution is excellent, it protects bad politicians by shielding them from retribution by allowing removal from office only by death, resignation, impeachment or another election.  For today’s gutless politicians, impeachment is out of the question because it might interfere with individual re-election efforts.  Of course, if all politicians served only one term, this issue would be mute.  All the politicians depend on the public’s short memory to forget their political mistakes and miscalculations between elections and therefore accountability is lost.  Without accountability, the politician or any government official can do as they please.  This is wrong.


When government ignores doing the right thing, then we must find a way for the public to make the needed changes. To do this, we need a new constitutional amendment.  When ordinary citizens can force government action, accountability comes to government.  With accountability, some of the constitutional amendments currently under consideration and the Convention of the States may be nice but probably not necessary.  A Convention of the States risks the wrong participants representing the states who could make changes to the current constitution that are not wanted, needed or desirable.   This new amendment would give the public a way to remove any government official including a newly elected President and repeal any law or judicial decision, but prohibit making any changes in how we currently amend our constitution.  Furthermore, the Accountability Amendment should be written in simple English and not with all the legal language.  Legal language invites lawsuits that benefit only the lawyers.


How would this new amendment work? All changes are initiated by a petition signed by 5% of the registered voters in the appropriate jurisdiction.  After the petition has been validated, an election date is set and the people vote.  Could this be costly?  Yes.  The cost will depend on how large the jurisdictional population of voters is.  As with most change, every government official and probably most political pundits will oppose this amendment for any number of reasons.  What the amendment does is bring accountability to government that is currently nonexistent.  Any time there is a serious issue that needs quick resolution, the voters could petition the government to hold an accountability election.  Government abuse of power and corruption are best handled by one of these elections.  The abuse of power must be stopped to return the country back to the rule of law.


Examples of how the amendment would work after a 5% accountability petition has been approved:


Recall United States Representative

The voters in the congressional district that elected the representative hold an election to

vote to keep or recall that person.


Recall United States Senator

The state’s voters decide to keep or recall the senator.


Recall a nationally elected official

The voters in all 50 states can petition, but the petition to initiate a recall election must be

signed by 5% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states. Twenty states are needed to

insure that two or three states don’t try to monopolize and control changes.


If the vote to recall passes, the official is immediately prohibited from issuing any official orders

and is removed from office.


Repeal a federal law and regulations

The voters in all 50 states can petition, but the petition to initiate a recall election must be signed by 5% of the registered voters in a minimum of 20 states. Once again twenty states are needed to insure that two or three states don’t try to monopolize and control changes.


Voters are not been elected to pass laws—only the legislative branch can do that. This amendment would empower the public to repeal any law and force the Congress and the President to either pass a revised law or decide to do nothing.  Voter fraud is a real danger here because the Department of “Justice” is against voter I.D. verification.


Repeal a federal court decision or remove a Supreme Court Justice

The jurisdiction and rules for change will be the same as those for repealing a federal law.


Remove any appointed federal official or non Supreme Court federal judge

The preferred method for removal is impeachment, but with political hacks and gutless politicians involved, what should be done many times does not get done. For these lesser officials and judges, only 5% of the registered voters in 10 states will be required to begin the process.


Remove any statewide government official, or overturn any statewide law, regulation or judicial decision

With 5% of the registered voters in the state signing a validated petition, the recall process is started.


Remove any local government official, or overturn any local law, regulation or judicial decision

With 5% of the registered voters in the local jurisdiction signing a validated petition, the recall process is started.


Since there are many doubts about the intention of all candidates in this year’s election, passage of this amendment could be critical in trying to keep the politicians honest. If they don’t keep their word, then recall them and elect someone new.  It will likely take a few recall elections before the politicians get the message that lying to their voters may require that they find a new job.


For too long, as this country has grown and its population has greatly increased, voter communication with our government officials has deteriorated. A political class has evolved with the attitude that the public are just dumb people who need to be told when, where and what to do.  That is simply not true and government’s attitude towards the public is a major source of conflict.  Hope and change has evolved into despair and anarchy.


Blame the voter who stays home on the day of the election and does not vote as one of the reasons for the terrible government we have today. By childishly staying home, they let the uniformed voter determine who our political “leaders” will be.  If that “leader” is one who wants to destroy our current system of government, say goodbye to your lifestyle.


When neither party nominates a candidate the voter likes, they stay home on day of the election and don’t vote. Please pick up your marbles and go home and stay there forever because your attitude is asinine.  Maybe you need to consider living and becoming a citizen of another country.  If you do not participate in one of the most important acts in this country, leave.  Don’t let the door hit you in the behind on the way out.


Intelligent people recognize that perfection is not possible and deal with that fact. Voting is difficult because excluding presidential debates, it is very difficult for the voter to gain enough detailed information on the political candidates.  If the political candidate does not have a website, it is very difficult to evaluate how the candidates will deal with the issues.  Political parties try to get candidates elected who will support the party’s agenda and will place their loyalty to the party above their loyalty to our country.  Then what we get is scum trying to elect scum the party can control.


When voting, it may be necessary to vote for the candidate you consider to be the lesser of the two evils running for office. When you stay home, you let the corrupt politicians possibly cast a vote in your name to fraudulently elect a scum bag politician.  If you believe that voter fraud is not an issue, you are truly ignorant.  Please note that politicians have been stealing elections since at least 1960 when Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago, Illinois stole the 1960 presidential election for John F. Kennedy.  If you don’t believe me, do your homework and look it up.


Do you think that the American voter should be selecting politicians based on likeability or honesty and competence? It makes sense that when you go to the movies that you like the actors and sitting through a movie can be enjoyable.  It makes absolutely no sense to vote for a politician based solely on likeability.  For instance, an inexperienced 18 year old young man or woman may be extremely likeable.  Does that mean you should vote for them if they run for political office?  If your answer is no, why not?  If you like them, are they not good candidates for political office?


What if this very likeable candidate is a compulsive liar? You vote for him or her, correct?  If you say no, why don’t you want to vote for this very likeable liar?  Voting for any known liar will normally only be done by a uniformed voter who has no ethical standards.


What if the political candidate is a minority and the office being sought has never had a minority office holder? You vote for this candidate, correct?  If you say no, why not?  You did it for Obama and he rewarded you with lies about the terrible health care system very few people like, added 9 trillion dollars of national debt the millennials will have to repay, has no clue on how to fight terrorism and conduct foreign policy, ignores the Constitution except when it meets his needs and has expanded Regulation Nation by having issued hundreds of new regulations damaging the economy and good paying jobs.  Is his transformation of the United States into a banana republic complete?


What if the political candidate is a woman and the office being sought has never had a woman office holder? You vote for this candidate, correct?  If you say no, why not?   Hillary Clinton is another person who has lied to the American people (about Benghazi and her emails) and as Secretary of State had a personal internet server installed in her home.  Can she prove that her server was never compromised and state secrets were not stolen?  We all await an answer that will never come.  If based solely on her gender, the women of this country vote for another lawless presidential candidate, it may begin the destruction of this country.  Maybe they don’t care.  Maybe they are not smart enough to see what they could be doing.


The person running for the office is a professional politician who has been a politician for years and did nothing to prevent the 2008 economic meltdown, so they must be qualified for the new job, correct? If you say no, why not?


If the person running for President considers himself or herself to be a victim, wouldn’t you like this person to become Commander In Chief of the military which defends us and tries to keep us safe? If you say no, why not?  A victim as Commander in Chief?  Are you insane or just kidding?


All of the above are reasons people have voted for someone seeking political office and many have been elected solely for one or more of these reasons. Were competence, integrity and the ability to do the job ever considered in this evaluation?  Probably not because the uninformed voter and the political parties do not seem to be interested in electing honest competent candidates.  Honest candidates are bad for the political class because they will likely be more difficult for the political establishment to control than a corrupt politician.  Political parties want their members to have allegiance to the party—not allegiance to our country despite the oath they take when sworn in.  No wonder this country is FUBAR.


In the recent past it has become known that someone has hacked the personal records of millions of federal employees–past and present. For most of them, no one is interested in their records.


For those employees who were a key part of the Obama administration and those Members of Congress who voted to pass Obamacare, it would be interesting if their personal records were released to the public. Maybe Wikileaks would be interested in publishing this information.


With so many persons having access to Obamacare private health records and many of those in the administration and Congress excluded from Obamacare by choice, the public could see how those officials react to having their personal history made public. How ironic it would be that members of one of the most secretive administrations in history would suddenly have their personal history become transparent.  As long as their information was secure, they did not give a damn about the rest of us.  The way I see it, the lack of interest to provide secure cyber systems to protect the public’s private information is an abuse of power.


Part of the military code of conduct is instruction that an individual soldier does not have to obey an unlawful order. When the soldier determinates that an order given is unlawful, the soldier can risk legally and morally to not obey it.


It is recommended that all government employees be instructed that they do not have to obey an unlawful order.


The effect of this new policy would be that when a President tells the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to stand down and not enforce immigration laws, the ICE agents would ignore the stand own order because it is an unlawful order. The border agents would continue to do their jobs to the best of their ability without retribution.  Any government official who approves an order to exact retribution is automatically discharged from government service.  If Congress had any brains—and they don’t—when retribution is discovered, the entire suspected agency funding would be by law immediately stopped, nobody gets paid and a Congressional investigation is started—and we all know how long that takes.  The consequences of exacting retribution must be draconian in order to deliver the message and restore law and order.


The United States of America falls into anarchy and its government does not exist without the rule of law.


Social Security is not an entitlement. For as long as you have worked, the federal government has deducted a portion of your paycheck to pay into your Social Security account.  Those monies were originally supposed to be deposited in an interest bearing escrow account in your name, but our politicians have been raiding your account for years.  That is why there are predictions that Social Security will soon run out of money.  The social injustice here is that no politician can be trusted with other people’s money.  Scum is what they are no matter what justification they use to try to convince you that they are acting in your interest.  We fix it by taking away payroll deposits from the federal government.  How do we do it?


We take the payroll deposits away from the federal government and deposit those funds in an individual 457 plan. “Existing law has a 457 plan which is a social security alternative.  Participants contribute 7.5% of their wage on a pre-tax basis to their account which is invested in a guaranteed annuity with a guaranteed minimum rate of return.  Since this account is 100% vested, should the participant pass before age 65, the beneficiaries receive the account balance.  Social Security’s death benefit is $255.1” It would be wise for all participants to purchase a economical 10-20 year term life insurance policy to protect their family’s future should a premature death occur during the early contract years.


Using 42 years of my personal tax return Social Security deposits compounded at 5% interest, my calculated account balance would have exceeded $300,000 when I started taking Social Security at age 62. Again, Social Security is not an entitlement.


In order to accommodate everyone’s conversion to this new plan, each person’s social security account must be converted into a 401k equivalent based on that person’s historic total social security deposits plus accrued account interest. Currently there is a problem with insurance company rules on annuity monies disbursement.  Legislation is needed to allow a tax free rollover of the entire annuity account balance into an IRA account.  The IRA selected must be one that permits investment to supplement account disbursements by investing in an interest paying account offered by one of the banks included in the IRA or to make investments in the stock market.  Avoid an annuity conversion because once annuity disbursement starts, it becomes a fixed benefit pension and cannot be changed to keep up with inflation.


Please note that the transfer of the 457 plan entire balance into an IRA is intended to prevent the concentration of too much wealth under any insurance company control.  When insurance companies must plan for very large transfers of wealth out of their control, this transfer is intended make them become more careful how their reserves are handled.  Mismanagement of retirement accounts that could destroy someone’s future must become a criminal offense with mandatory prison sentences.


When the worker decides to retire, all of the accumulated annuity, 401k and IRA pension benefits should be combined into one IRA account from which mandatory minimum distributions must begin at age 70 ½. As with Social Security, you cannot begin to withdraw from your account until age 62.


You will note that the federal government does not get any of your hard earned retirement monies until disbursements are made and taxes are paid. You will be in control of your destiny—not the federal government.


Once the control of retirement accounts is turned over to the individual, billions of dollars will no longer go to the federal government. Even without a balanced budget amendment, government spending of necessity must be drastically cut.  Hallelujah!!  Without reduced spending, the result is a disastrous U.S. government bankruptcy.





1 Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), 36


If you respect the law, the law will respect you. If you immediately protest your detention by law enforcement, you immediately tell the officer that you are trouble and must be dealt with very carefully.  Too much protest by you causes confrontation and potential violence.  So if you want to demonstrate how stupid you are, you immediately protest any and all interference with your desire to do what you want.  You do not believe in the rule of law, only the law of the jungle—most of which confrontations end badly for one or both parties.


Sadly, the intrusion of politics and all that is bad about politics has found its way into government’s bureaucracy. On the federal level this intrusion, which has been ongoing for many administrations, has degraded the efficiency and integrity of those persons working in the government.  Federal government scandals in the Internal Revenue Service, Federal Election Commission, the Veterans Administration, National Security Agency and the State Department along with the political bias of federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Justice Department, the Defense Department and the FBI have created the strong impression that few in government are competent, impartial and honest.  Every department seems to have an agenda and this leads to the conclusion that these departments must be reformed or abolished.  The emphasis of these agencies is perceived to be the abuse of power to use government force.


Bureaucracy should be shared between the legislative and executive branches. The legislative branch should support the drafting, issuing the law and writing the regulations that will determine how the law should be implemented.  The executive branch should be entrusted only with the enforcement of the laws and regulations issued by the legislative branch.  In past years the legislative branch has stupidly abdicated their regulation writing to the executive branch and then they complain about what has resulted.  Committee oversight is similar to locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen.  How dumb can you be?  The constitution implies that all three branches of government have bureaucracies that assist in law making, law enforcement and adjudication of those laws.  When the legislative branch foolishly forfeits their regulation writing rights to the executive branch, they can and have become a non equal branch of government.  Current practice puts the burden of vetoing regulations on the Congress possibly months after passage of the law and requires both the House and Senate to agree.  A more reasonable procedure would be to let the President veto the regulations which the Congress could overturn with a 2/3 vote in both houses.  This could delay the implementation of regulations but, to me, that would be good because every regulation issued costs some taxpayer money even if it is only to read the regulation.  Do you think that the Congress will do something right for a change?  It is doubtful and it is no wonder the executive branch runs wild with little to no restraint with hundreds of regulations that stifle freedom and economic growth.  Politics are the problem.  Right and wrong never seem to be considered.


Bureaucratic hiring practices are a problem. The bureaucracy seems to think that attorneys must fill most positions.  For a scientific problem, don’t you think that a person with a scientific degree and some experience in the field would be better suited to do the job?  Scientists will do a much better job of solving scientific problems than an attorney who doesn’t know the science.  But we must remember that many bureaucratic positions are filled by political appointees whose only qualification is that they raised enough money to get the current administration elected.  Politics raises its ugly head once more.


As for cost/benefit analysis and cost control, the current bureaucracy does not seem to understand what that is. In addition, no bureaucrat is ever penalized for poor performance or indicted for breaking the law.  And government wants the people to trust them?  That will happen only if the electorate are uniformed and stupid.


With all this incompetence in the bureaucracy, it is time to limit how long a bureaucrat can work in government. Term limits of 10 years maximum are needed for them.  An exception to that rule might be the military and our first responders.

In addition, all bureaucrats and politicians without exception must convert all accrued pension benefits into a 401k and handle their pensions like the rest of the country. No special health benefits either.


The large tech companies are pushing hard for driverless cars. Ha ha ha


These huge companies want us to believe that they can produce a safe driverless car. These are the same companies who want to sell you computers and other electronic gadgets that are not safe from hackers and viruses.  Don’t we have the cart before the horse?  How many of the occupants of these driverless cars will die when a hacker or virus takes control of that car and it crashes?  Wouldn’t it make more sense for those tech companies to learn how to produce products that are safe from hackers and viruses before they try to sell seats in those driverless cars?


Unless I have completely misunderstood recent TV ads by Microsoft, they seem to be saying that they are using the cloud to try to identify and stop the hackers and viruses. What are the other companies doing?  On the surface, it appears that they are more interested in making money selling their tech products and not worrying about cyber security.  Aren’t safe computers and tech products more important to the public than driverless cars?


Now is the time to change our politics. The system of two political parties has failed the people of this country and it looks like these parties want to make it worse.  One thing is certain and that is there are too many candidates running for and getting elected to political offices who are not interested in serving– only in how they can game the system to their benefit.  Hey fellow Americans, wake up and fix it before the point of no return is reached and this country joins the Roman Empire on the political scrap heap.


First we have the establishment Republicans who want to prevent Donald Trump from becoming the Republican candidate for President. This childish political behavior defines a shoddy organization.  Those poor little things want to pick up their marbles and go home because they might not have things done their way.  The Republicans are good only at losing Presidential elections because of inept candidate selection.


Then we have the big government communist wannabe Democrats. Their likely candidate for President is a known liar who blatantly lied to the American people when she promoted the story that the Benghazi attack was due to a video instead of terrorists.  She then lied to the relatives of those four men who were killed.  A recent Defense Department email made public reported that the State Department was advised that a rescue team was ready to assist those under attack in Benghazi and awaited State Department confirmation to proceed.  According to the news report, no State Department answer was received.  Where were President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton during this time and what were they doing that was so important that they did not try rescue those four men?  Do you want a person who you cannot trust to come to your aid when needed as your President and Commander-in-Chief?  What truly happened at Benghazi has been discounted by the politicians because all professional politicians’ loyalty is to their political party—not to our country.  The bottom line is that the re-election of Barack Obama was more important to the Democratic Party than telling the truth and saving the lives of the four men who died.  Neither party can be trusted to worry and look out for you and I.  Their politics and political affiliation are more important to them.  That is why that now is the time for a new political party.


For this coming election, it is probably not possible to form and make a new political party operational. So, let the politicians run as Democrats and Republicans.  After the election, each newly elected official must use introspection and decide whether they are for themselves as usually is done or will they subvert those feelings and pledge their loyalty to the good people of the United States.  If they place the people first, then they join the new as yet unnamed political party.  It is not unusual for politicians to switch parties, so this is not a new idea.  This new political party should welcome all elected officials that truly are willing to place the people of this country first.  The electorate must determine to best of their ability whether a candidate will place country first.  Signing a pledge to do that would help.  No signed pledge, no vote.  The hope would be that the newly elected officials would have the integrity and courage to leave their Republican and Democratic parties to join the new party in large enough numbers that they could change the status quo and begin moving towards saving our country and our American way of life.


Many years ago it was nice to listen to the broadcast mainstream news and have the news anchor relate a feel good report. It must have been because there was no bad news to report.  Now I know that all the news—good and bad—was not being reported.  Were the reports broadcast news or propaganda?  A friend told me to try listening to the Fox News Channel.


I switched my watching the news to Fox and now I have another problem. Fox as you know tries to present both sides of an issue.  When many of the liberal leftists present their views and opinions, many times it is hard to believe they are telling the truth.  They quote what they call facts and opinions without identifying the source.  Are they presenting their propaganda as the truth?


The media political commentators rely too much on potentially fixed polls in their election reports but then they must use something as the basis for their conclusions. Luckily, the primary voting is about to begin.  Politics, politics, politics are all the news media wants to report.  They report on some actor’s opinions without acknowledging that actors are paid to portray fictitious characters.  What makes them expert on anything except acting?


Why doesn’t the media have a solutions desk which only reports on ways this country can attempt to solve our problems. It is unlikely that this could be done on a daily or weekly basis, so make it a feature presentation.  The politicians spend all their time spending our tax monies and never offer any solutions to our problems.  If they offer a solution in the form of a bill, the news media should but won’t report the bills originator and its cosponsors.  Once reported, media should but won’t track the progress of the bill.  If the bill doesn’t make it out of committee, report it and tell us why—which the media won’t do.   Make it a requirement that before any election politicians must offer their solution to several serious problems and have the media publish a signed contract that makes them resign when they don’t deliver within one year of election.  All of this is pie in the sky because the media has no integrity and willingness to keep the public accurately informed.  If it doesn’t generate sales and profits, they are not interested.  They consider the First Amendment a joke until they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar.


Why do you want to watch the broadcast networks when their news, regular programming and commercials are all loaded with subtle propaganda generated by an entertainment industry which by and large hates America.


The truth and nothing but the truth—is that too much to ask? When?




A young uneducated pregnant woman crosses the United States-Mexican border to have her baby born in the United States.  The baby is born and automatically becomes a United States citizen eligible for all the free government benefits.  With the birth and subsequent application for benefits, the cost of our government increases and we have a huge (thanks Obama) national debt.  Instead of an educated immigrant who can contribute to the economy, we get two individuals who will contribute nothing for years if at all.  Where does the country benefit?  Is it legal?  Yes.  Is it the right thing to do for our country?  No.  Most countries do not have birthright citizenship which in our case creates a financial burden we cannot afford.  Don’t you think we need to change the law?


An educated immigrant comes to this country and begins to work for an American company. This company has just laid off a qualified United States citizen whose job the new immigrant has just taken.  The new immigrant will work for this company at a lower salary because it provides an opportunity to live and work in the United States.  If the laid off worker is lucky, he or she will find a new job possibly at a lower salary and maybe fewer benefits.  During the former employee’s job search which can take months, he applies for and receives unemployment benefits.  The company may have used contributions to a business organization to have them buy enough politicians to pass laws allowing this to happen.  For the company, they save money and may make more profit.  Maybe the CEO will get a raise.  Is it legal?  Yes.  Is it the right thing to do?  No.  This practice discriminates against United States citizens.  If the company must employ immigrants to make more money, let them move, live and operate in another country where they can but without the protection of the United States Constitution and laws.



Following are some things that President Obama has done in the past seven plus years:


Shortly after his inauguration, he expressed a desire to have a civilian army larger than our military, so he has systematically reduced the size of the military to the point that it will be the smallest since before World War II. Is World War III coming?  Are the illegal aliens and the Muslim refugees supposed to be part of his private army?


When ISIS beheaded an American journalist and the President reported this information on TV, seconds after completing his statement, television showed Obama joking with a friend as they started to play a round of golf.


Obama has directed the U.S. Navy to dock large numbers of ships in one port making them vulnerable to destruction in a surprise Pearl Harbor like attack.


He negotiated the Iranian nuclear agreement in secret and without advising the Congress and the public on what is in the agreement and sent that agreement to the United Nations for approval bypassing everyone. It would seem that this makes the agreement an executive order and not a treaty thereby letting the next president nullify it.


Obama has issued executive orders that some constitutional scholars consider to be unconstitutional and demonstrate that he is yet another lawyer who considers himself to be above the law.


Obama belittled the terrorist organization ISIS as junior varsity days after they took control of the Iraqi city of Fallujah.


The day after stating that ISIS is under control, the terrorists initiated another mass murder in Paris, France.


The whole world knows that ISIS uses the Muslim religion as a justification to commit mass murder, but Obama never uses the term radical Islamic terrorism despite the fact that they are the group using religion to commit murder.


His White House staff obviously with his approval micro manages the military on how to conduct the war against ISIS by insisting on using political instead of military rules of engagement. His actions are aiding the enemy.


He has violated his oath to uphold the Constitution by ignoring and not enforcing immigration law.


Per a television news report Obama refused to participate at a political dinner because his food taster was not there.


Now he wants to bring thousands of Syrian refugees into our country and force them on the states when they cannot be verified to not be terrorist risks. He is putting the country at risk by accepting potential terrorists as refugees.  By this action he is thereby refusing to protect the public as he has sworn an oath to do.


He supports our terrorist enemies by releasing terrorists from Guantanamo despite knowledge that more than one will return to terrorism and endanger the citizens of this country again. Rehabilitation of terrorists has not been proven to work.  Why are these men not tried, convicted and executed within the next six months?


The President has stated that climate change is the most important issue confronting the United States.  The climate change issue is an international government scam that uses government force to make unpopular changes on the public. According to the President, ISIS’ radical Islamic terrorism is not as important.  Terrorism can kill us tomorrow and climate change, if proven real, MIGHT affect the world in another 30-100 years.  His agreements with China and India who produce massive global warming pollution are useless when they are permitted to continue polluting for years without penalty.


The above list is a short and incomplete list of actions taken by President Obama some of which the media has labeled delusional.


Could it be that the reason President Obama acts like he does is that he suffers from a delusional disorder mental illness?



The politicians, political pundits and analysts who try to influence our politics have become allies of the “they-can’t-do-it crowd”.  They are stating that amending our constitution is a difficult way to effect change, so they seem to disregard trying to do it.  They are wrong.  Where there is a will, there is a way and the political environment in this country has created a very strong will to reform and change the system.  It is not working for the ordinary people who work hard and pay their bills.  As each day passes, we are getting further away from the America that most of us know, remember and love.  The loser class is slowly destroying the country.  Can we stop it?  Yes.  Let’s get started with proposing and passing constitutional amendments that return the consent of how we are governed back to the people.  These amendments will have to be initiated by the states because the Washington corruption crowd is too entrenched for any congress to start them.


Our constitution protects the political class who use the election process.  Politicians lie and lie to the public to get elected and then do what they want after the election because they know that only impeachment and resignation will remove them from office.  The expectation is that their bad conduct will be forgotten in the two to six years before the next election.  Since too many elected officials are more loyal to their political party than to our country, the corruption of the system continues.


To give the electorate a chance to do something while all the details are fresh in everyone’s mind, we need a recall constitutional amendment.  This recall amendment would give the people the right to initiate an election at any time in order to recall any government member or act.  To start the recall election, 5% of the registered voters in any political jurisdiction must sign a recall petition. On federal issues, to prevent abuse with only two or three states casting most of the votes, it will be mandatory that a minimum of 20 states must each contribute their 5% to initiate a recall.  For small local entities, it might take only a few hundred voter signatures. In other words, the whole system of government will be subject to recall and change by the people except for Constitutional Amendments.  The constitutional amendment process would not be changed in any way.  It is recommended that when the recall petition method is approved and becomes a constitutional amendment, the recall process should start immediately to remove those who were in power in 2008 and contributed to the 2008 meltdown.


The failure of this administration and Justice Department to require Voter ID strongly suggests that they favor election voter fraud.  When almost every business transaction in this country requires some form of identification, the government’s explanation that Voter ID promotes discrimination is absurd.  Only the stupid voters want to believe that lie.


The next amendment needed is term limits of four to six years or two terms whichever is longer.  The professional politicians caused the 2008 meltdown of our economy and they must be held responsible.  The country needs fresh ideas and elected officials—not tired old officials who cause economic meltdowns


The current administration appears to be attempting to create a permanent Democratic voter base by using your government tax money to provide welfare, food stamps and other government services.  What we really need is to give people the opportunity to improve their lives by making them productive.  Productive people are happy people.  We cannot do this if people lose hope due to a huge government debt that they must repay, so we must get government spending under control with a balanced budget amendment.  In today’s world, we cannot trust our politicians with our money.  The young people of this country are headed towards a catastrophe as national spending spirals out of control and our national debt grows.  It is not fair to have present day reckless spending mortgage their future.  Billions and billions of dollars are wasted and lost due to fraud and a government that cannot account for where the money goes—it is called corruption.  Why haven’t you gotten mad about this?  If you don’t, we may all  be lost.  We need your help NOW to reform our political system to prevent the political class from destroying our country and to let the people have the final say in how we will be governed.


For years we have heard about the sacrifices made by government employees to help the public.  How can this be true when television news has reported that their salaries can be 1.5 times higher than an equivalent job in private industry?  Until recently I did not know that some retired federal government employees received pensions as high as $200,000 per year.[1]  In 2014 the Presidential pension was set by Congress at $201700 per year.  Who designed a pension plan that pays a retiree as much as an ex-President and very likely more in retirement than that individual was paid while still working?  Is that a sacrifice?  I don’t think so.  This pension is a waste of taxpayer money and Congress and the President are at fault.


Years ago when private industry was struggling with their pension obligations, many companies decided that they might have problems staying in business if they continued with a defined benefit pension plan.  So when the idea of a defined contribution 401k plan was conceived in 1980, it became a retirement vehicle that would allow a company to stay in business.


With the collusion between corrupt politicians and unions, the re-election objective of existing politicians and the union avarice is so strong that together they selfishly agree to future pension benefits that both parties know will bankrupt their communities. These people are self serving—not serving the public.  .


The defined benefit pension plan used by many governmental authorities is no longer economically viable and all government worker retirement benefits must be converted into a defined contribution 401k pension.  All the politicians and government unions will fight this conversion tooth and nail because this change makes the worker more responsible for his retirement and could eliminate the lush pension candy stick.  All government workers including the President, the Members of Congress, and the Judiciary must have their pensions converted into a 401k.  By the way, our Constitution dictates that those who serve must be paid fairly, but it makes zero mention of any pensions.  Do you think that maybe our Founding Fathers anticipated that all those in government would be there for only a short time so pensions would not be needed?


Only Federal judges have lifetime appointments.  Politics has corrupted the federal judiciary to the point that they no longer deserve lifetime appointments.  Federal judges were given those appointments so they could stay impartial, but that is no longer true.


The insurance for my car, home and health, my utilities, food and taxes all cost more every year, so don’t try to tell me that there is no inflation.  Inflation is why Social Security was amended to have a cost of living inflation adjustment.  The zero interest rates the Federal Reserve has for the huge rich banks helps only banks.  The poor individual saver who tried to save for retirement gets it shoved up his butt because he gets little to no interest on his savings.  Why do you continue to vote for politicians who do that to you?


Defined benefit pension plans have no way to account for inflation.  Unless you have some special benefit provisions, you get the same dollar amount benefit from day one until you die.  Some plans allow you to include a beneficiary to continue to receive your benefit upon your death for a specified number of years.  For instance, with a 10 year guaranteed benefit plan starting when your first check is received, your beneficiary would receive the same dollar benefit until the policy has paid benefits for 10 years at which time the payment stops.  In other words, if the retiree with a 10 year minimum plan dies after 9 years, his beneficiary will continue to receive that benefit for 1 year.


Without special provisions, replenishment is not possible with a defined benefit pension.  In the 1970s, there were double digit inflation rates that changed frequently.  Equipment manufacturers would only give you quotes guaranteeing price for a month or two.  Those people on a defined benefit plan were devastated if before the high inflation rates started they had trouble paying their bills.  More recently with the Federal Reserve zero interest rates, people have had to invest in the stock market with its inherent risks to make up for this loss of interest income.


While still a 401k, most companies will allow you to invest in generally conservative mutual funds or an interest paying account.  You select how much money you want to deposit each year within the limits defined by the law.  This gives you the responsibility and some ability to control how large a pension you might receive when you retire.  Since a 401k is a tax free retirement account, there are usually penalties for early withdrawal.  A 401k plan requires that you name a beneficiary so all monies left in your account go to your beneficiary upon your death.


When you retire, you will need to rollover your 401k into an IRA account that allows you to invest monies from the account.  This investment feature of the IRA permits you with wise investments to try to replenish some to all of the monies taken from the account each year for retirement benefits.


For the reasons enumerated above, it is time to convert all government fixed benefit plans to a fixed contribution 401k plan with a maximum government contribution of 5% of yearly salary to try to protect our young people from having to deal with government bankruptcies.  It is time for common sense and financial responsibility to be used by our government.


[1] Some federal pensions pay handsome rewards, USA TODAY, Updated 8/15/2012, By Dennis Cauchon,  USA TODAY and Paul D’Ambrosio, Ashbury Park (N.J.) Press


What is the mission of our established intelligence branches?


NSA—The National Security Agency’s original mission was to conduct surveillance on subjects located outside the United States.  Surveillance of the United States citizens within the United States was prohibited.  This got all messed up after 9/11 and somehow we got to the point where all the country’s electronic communications were being collected and stored.  This invasion of privacy was a stupid mistake by less than smart politicians.  The government will never convince me that this data collection is lawful without a specific court order.


CIA—The Central Intelligence Agency is a super secret intelligence gathering agency whose mission was to collect and store intelligence on foreign countries and populace.  That mission should not include domestic surveillance, but does it now?  Who can trust the federal government?


Leave those agencies and their original missions alone.  We don’t need a SNAFU here.


The collection of meta data by NSA would be a joke if it were not so serious.  My contention is that there are no programmers or group of programmers with super computers who are smart enough to collect billions of meta data points a day, analyze and report on them quickly enough to prevent a terrorist event.  With all due respect, if they could do that, why have the government’s computers been hacked so frequently?  It appears that the IT techies don’t know how to make our computers safe.  If they do, why haven’t there been any notifications by the tech giants informing the government that a specific terrorist attack is soon to take place.  These giants love to collect and use our personal data without our permission using the protection of our constitution, but what are they doing to keep us safe?  Don’t they live in this country and have an obligation to report suspicious activity when discovered?  It does appear that there is absolutely too much reliance on processing electronic data?


As was mentioned after 9/11, we need more and better human intelligence—not data points.  The FBI ignored human intelligence from Russia and we had the Boston bombing.  Stupid political correctness became political censorship and authorities were not notified of unusual behavior in San Bernardino, so 14 people were murdered.  The human intelligence was there but not acted upon.


What do we do?


First, we ask all citizens to report any and all suspicious activity they observe to the local police.  The suspicious activity reported must be confidential and remain confidential so that there can be no retribution or stupid lawsuit.  The local police will have to decide whether or not the information received needs to be investigated.


Secondly, the FBI is an after the occurrence crime investigative organization.  While the FBI may already collect terrorist data, clearly it is insufficient, so a new branch devoted solely to the detection and tracking of terrorism is needed.  These new terrorist branch agents would report to the FBI Director.  Furthermore, the FBI must be independent and removed from the Department of Injustice—whoops Justice.  The mission of this new branch will be to collect, organize and support federal, state and local police investigating any terrorist activity.  When any human intelligence is reported and investigated, this information should be reported to this new FBI terrorist branch so it can be cataloged in a national terrorist database.


This confidential data base with proper security access must be available only to one or two members of every police department 24/7/365.  If all police officers can access this database there will likely be abuse, so restricted access quickly determines who has abused the system.  It should be recognized that while the local police are responsible for “normal law and order”, terrorists do not believe in law and order.  Let us get serious about national security and leave the dirty political games in the garbage.


While this data collection may already being done by the FBI today, it is painfully evident that it is insufficient and must be expanded.  The real purpose of this new FBI database and terror branch is to assist the thousands of police officers who are on the front lines of enforcement.  Good local police enforcement serves the public best when they assist the federal government in keeping us safe.


The hot topic of today seems to be: Do we or do we not accept ten thousand Syrian refugees.  The President says that as an immigrant nation, we must.  Out state government governors say “not in my state”.  Of course this is another federal government boondoggle which starts a program, gets the states to accept it by initially financially supporting it, and then walks away and leaves that state’s taxpayers to pay the bill.  The difference with this program is that there is no federal offer to pay for it.  If you think that the refugee number will stay this low, you need to stop taking those drugs.  Isn’t this a form of taxation without representation?  Looks like it to me.


Now due to the supremacy clause of the constitution which forces the states to enforce federal law, the feds want to dump Syrian refugees into the states and let the state’s taxpayer pay the bill.  Enough is enough.


FEMA has over 900 detention centers in this country with presumably contract options to build more within 72 hours.  If the refugees were placed in them, they would receive protection, medical assistance, room and board and vetting could continue until the vetting standards are met.  The problem with that is the FEMA camps are federal and the federal government would be responsible for them and the costs to support, detain and vet them.  Maybe Obama in the kindness of his heart could find those monies in his travel budget.  Of course the best solution and probably the most economical would be as has been suggested by many to support and/or establish safe camps in the Middle East so that when peace is restored, the refugees can return to their homes and rebuild.


If the Feds dump any unwanted refugees on the states, all the states need to do is transport the refugees to Washington D.C. and release them.  If the federal government causes a problem, it is only fair that they get to solve the problem.  There is no money in those state budgets either and any governor who accepts refugees who have not been vetted is crazy, stupid or both.  For the liberals who insist that the refugees come, let them take a family or two into their homes or maybe for the rich ones pay to support two or three families.  Put your money where your mouth is.  We have millions of American people out of work, on welfare and using food stamps, so we need to take care of them first.  America first!!!


The question has come up as to why the Arab governments do not accept the refugees.  The reason is that they are not stupid.  In the 1970s Lebanon was forced to accept the Palestinians because their military was too weak to prevent the Palestinian invasion and the Palestinians rewarded them with a civil war.


For over 50 years foreign nationals have worked in the Middle East oil industry.  Why?  It is because foreign nationals do not speak Arabic and are not Muslims.  If the oil rich Arab states accepted Muslim workers, how long do you think that it would take before they try to overthrow the existing governments?  The Arabs pay the expatriates very well to do their jobs and as non Muslims to stay out of politics.


As a young man in 1969, I lived for nine months on the local economy in Lebanon while working in an American owned oil refinery.  During that time, I dealt with Lebanese Muslims and Christians.  In the refinery, the Christians were both friendly and cordial but not the Muslims.  The Muslims worked with me because they had to do so.  My apartment was in a building which was owned by a Syrian Muslim.  Many days when I came back from the refinery, the owner would invite me into his office to share a cup of coffee with him and we enjoyed chatting and drinking our coffee.  For nine months, I used the same Muslim taxi driver for all my transportation needs.  He was a good man who after he had delivered me to the Beirut airport cried as I was leaving Lebanon.  His emotion was most touching and unexpected.



Today’s young people are no longer taught to think but are indoctrinated into believing that the state is correct to promote the ideas of entitlement, diversity and political censorship—whoops political correctness..  Interestingly, this indoctrination tactic is one which was used by Adolf Hitler to indoctrinate the German youth before World War II.   Today too many school districts use these ideas along with Gestapo tactics to browbeat the students and parents into conforming to what the school administration wants.  This is wrong.  All the students must be treated as equals—which is good—and rewarded equally regardless of how each individual performs—which is stupid.  What this practice does is create a sense of entitlement which tells the student they don’t have to work hard to be rewarded. It should be noted that in recent years the news has reported that cheating in school has become more acceptable.   Many students are spoon fed this garbage which they accept as the truth.  The real world does not reward losers with trophies.  After years of entitlement, some individuals become enraged when their demands are not rewarded.  The emotionally unstable ones find a way to strike back at society by turning to violence.  This is how our government and school policies help create mass murderers.  The WW II veterans had an acronym to describe these policies—SNAFU.


The teachers in school districts who practice this insanity are as guilty as the administrators.  If the teachers had any integrity they would refuse to go along with stupid practices such a Common Core.  Isn’t it wonderful that in today’s schools that the teachers are so incompetent that they do not know when a student has learned enough to be promoted?  Do you believe that?  Instead of teacher input our “wonderful” government has set up a battery of tests that determine progress—oh yes, I forgot that failure is not allowed.  The teachers have a college degree and then throw that degree away so they can act like good union workers and do what they are told.  Do these teachers believe that if they banded together with the parents of their students to oppose stupid administration policies that the school administration and school board would fire them?  Aren’t the teachers’ unions supposed to support their members?  If the school administration tries to blackball a teacher who speaks out against school policies and is fired, should not the union lawyers defend that person in court?  If any union does not stand up defend a member who has been politically blackballed, what good is the union?  Is the union there only to buy politicians and bankrupt the school district with unrealistic wage and benefit demands?


If the school’s parents do not support good teaching practice, why work there?  If the teachers in a school district do not protest poor teaching practices, they are indirectly approving the system and bear responsibility for poorly educated students much like the German populace were responsible for the Nazi death camps.


Stupid college administrators are banning free speech or creating free speech areas on campus.  Maybe these same administrators have never heard of the Constitution.  How could someone who has never heard of the United States Constitution ever be promoted to a position of authority?  Communists do it, but here?   Oh yes, we can’t talk about our problems.  It is not permitted.  Censorship—not correctness is the villain here.  What this means is that the school system may have too many incompetent administrators and they have nothing to do except to formulate, issue and enforce stupid rules and regulations.


If a person is having mental problems, current practice is to ignore the problem.  If you ignore the problem it will go away—right?  Wrong!!!  No truly bad problem is solved by ignoring it as this country tries to do with mental health.  Anecdotal reports suggest that the mentally ill are ignored until they commit a crime at which time they are incarcerated.  Makes sense, huh?  Instead of recognizing and helping the mentally ill as an outpatient at a mental health facility, we fill our jails with the mentally ill and criminals.  Oh yes, it makes a lot of financial sense too because we taxpayers can pay for 24/7/365 care for these people in prison instead of outpatient treatment.  But we can’t talk about it because of censorship.  No stigma there.  We wait until the sick really do something stupid such a mass murder whereupon our politicians cry for more gun control while ignoring the real problem.  But then what do you expect from one of our elected politicians?  Certainly not the truth.  Oh yes, professional politicians don’t know how to solve problems.  They only talk about them and try to get re-elected for another term.



The schools try to indoctrinate our students into believing big government will solve all our problems.  They also promote entitlement.  Can we practice this insanity?  Yes.  Is it legal?  Yes.  Is it the right thing to do?  No.


Our school administrators use Gestapo tactics to intimidate students and parents to force conformity to their rules and regulations.  Is it legal?  Maybe.  Is it the right thing to do?  No.


Our federal government has no constitutional authority to dictate educational rules and testing.  They exercise control by returning our tax monies to the school district.  Is this legal?  Yes.  Is it the right thing to do?  No.


We have Obama’s EPA mandating stupid environmental regulations and trying to use Gestapo tactics to enforce them.  Is it legal?  Maybe.  Is it the right thing to do?  No.


In today’s Amerika, we kill innocent babies and coddle murderous criminals in prison.  Is it right?  No.  Is it legal?  Yes.  Therein is the problem.  It is legal, but it is not right.  No wonder this country is going to hell.




To be continued…………………………


Once again our President has put his foot into his mouth.  He now wants to import more than 10,000 Syrian refugees (who knows how many are potential jihadists) into our country.  As usual, the blindstream media agree and don’t really care how this may impact the security of this country.  There is a narrative that these refugees will be vetted by our government.  That is very hard to believe because there is no way these people can be vetted when their true identity and country of origin cannot be verified.  But this would not be the first time that our federal government officials have lied to us.  They did it many times during the Obamacare rollout and Benghazi debacle.


Members of Congress, It is your job to protect this country when our President will not.  May I propose that if more than three of these so-called refugees commit jihad against this country, Obama must be indicted and prosecuted for not protecting the states as required in Article IV Section 4 of the United States Constitution.  Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution states that the federal government shall guarantee that the states are protected from Invasion and domestic Violence.


If the President ignores what the public wants as usual and brings more potential Muslim jihadists into our country, then they must be impounded in one of the more that 900 FEMA detention centers where fences, shelter and medical facilities can be made available and where armed guards can be provided to protect both the refugees and the citizens of the state in which the FEMA camp is located.  During detention the refugees must be observed and vetted.  It has been reported that it takes more than 50 FBI and police personnel to keep one person under observation if the refugee is not confined.  There are not enough law enforcement personnel in this country to protect us and keep us safe while at the same time observing and vetting any free roaming refugees.  Those refugees that object to this strategy and cause problems should have their writ of habeas corpus suspended and be returned to the Middle East forthwith without judicial intervention.


The protection of the citizens of this country is paramount.  Once a refugee has been released by the federal government, it should become the individual state responsibility to verify that proper vetting has been done.  With a determination that an individual failed to be properly vetted and a refusal by the federal government to resume vetting, that person will be transported to Washington D.C. where they will be released.  Those persons who fail vetting are returned to the Middle East.


If our anarchist Supreme Court objects to this procedure, then all the states should collect their refugees and transport them to Washington D.C. where they will be released.  Our country’s citizens’ security must be protected.  It is expected that all the lawyers will protest these actions because it deprives them of our tax monies in legal fees.





A recent national poll conducted by a metropolitan newspaper and TV network reported that Dr. Ben Carson had taken over the Republican Party lead from Donald Trump.  This may or may not be true.  If you had a newspaper and TV network with a leftist agenda and wanted to create problems in the Republican Party, what would you report? You would rig the election process to meet your agenda and report those results.   If you knew that Trump’s ego would have problems with those results and you did not want him to secure the nomination, what would you report?  By the way, Dr. Carson is a good man and both he and Trump would make a good President.  Polls mean nothing now.  Until the voting begins, pay no attention to the polls or the pundits—they are wrong too many times.


By using poll results to determine who gets into the debates, the pollsters and the TV networks are very likely manipulating the poll results to promote their favored candidates, agenda and prejudices.  It is hard to believe that polls can be trusted.  All the candidates who still want to run for President should be in all the debates—not excluded based by potentially rigged polls.  The American public deserves to hear what all candidates want to say without any media interference.  If you trust the media you have something that begins with an S and ends with a T and is four letters long for brains.


When the pundits report their analysis on the candidates based on poll results, listen to them and then reflect on what they have said based on your analysis.  More and more of what pundits say recently does not seem to be accurate.  To me, the pundits have a bias in favor of establishment candidates because they are more familiar with them and therefore it is easier to pontificate.  Maybe it is because they don’t want to do their homework to get to know the outsiders.  Lazy?  I don’t know.


Professional politicians promoted by the pundits and polls have consistently demonstrated that they are not trustworthy and do not deserve your vote.  More than eight years political experience is a disability—not an asset and all professional politicians have this much or more.  If you are interested in learning more about professional politicians, a definition of one can be found in my book.  Based on my observations for the past seven years, my definition is accurate.


More recently the political pundits have been advocating that political experience is needed to be President.  May I remind them that when our economy crashed in 2008 all of our supposed leaders had lots of political experience.  These supposedly politically experienced “leaders” first bailed out and saved the politically connected huge banks that helped cause the problem, then they passed a huge Stimulus Package in 2009 which was touted to have job ready programs that did not exist.  The professional politicians then granted a $535 million guaranteed government loan to a solar panel manufacturer named Solyndra which ultimately declared bankruptcy and stuck the taxpayers with the bill.  So much for needing political experience to be President.  The Obama administration’s poor performance is not due to a lack of political experience, it is due to his political agenda.  What is really needed are leaders who know how to solve problems and that requires no political experience.  By the way, if you have worked in the private economy you will know that politics dominate.  It is who you know that helps you progress—not necessarily what you know.


It should be noted that interviews of young people on television have demonstrated that the millennials are in large measure ignorant of the organization of the U.S. government and how it works.  Sadly, many of them recognize this fact but don’t care.  The college students who had to pass batteries of tests to graduate from high school barely know anything about U.S. history.  Why?  Could it be that they have been indoctrinated to believe that our current form of government and its history are bad?  Looks like part of a plan to me.


One last word on political experience.  This administration’s political agenda is the reason this country has failed to deliver jobs and economic progress.  By using unpopular government force and control, it may be preparing the public to accept another form of government.  Every time the public accepts government action that most people do not like without resistance, we are stepping closer to this administration’s ultimate transformation goal.


Following is the peanut gallery’s two cents worth analysis of Republican Debate No. 4


Donald Trump

Mr. Trump did a much better job of behaving himself.  I really like his willingness to fight for what he thinks is the right thing to do and he is not afraid to annunciate it.  In  order to build his company, he had to be able to solve problems.  I do have a problem with his latest post debate Dr. Carson critique.  I have a problem with sometimes letting my mouth run away with my brain.  It looks like Mr. Trump may suffer from the same problem.


Dr. Ben Carson

Dr. Carson did an adequate job of answering the questions he was asked.  His big advantage is that as a doctor he knows how to solve problems as evidenced by the fact that during his medical career he performed an operation that had never been successfully done before.  We need someone who can solve problems as President.


Dr. Carson stood up to his detractors in the propaganda press. Love it!!!!  It is completely stupid that anyone in the media would take issue with any candidate that would voluntarily inform the public of his earlier youthful indiscretions.  How does the mainstream media do something that moronic?  This is why nobody believes and trusts them.


Marco Rubio

He did well.  I have a problem with his earlier position on immigration.  I did not hear his position on the Rule of Law and how it affects immigration.  At the end of his last debate, he did recommend making E-Verify (a government program which verifies who may legally work in the United States) mandatory.  I do not trust professional politicians and wonder if his Florida political career puts him into that category.  I have heard him say that he is not trying to run for two federal offices at the same time which I believe to be a good move.


Ted Cruz

I strongly agree with his positions on following the Constitution and the Rule of Law.  Good man.  His record of fighting for the people against the stupid and potentially corrupt Senators of both parties is excellent.


Jeb Bush

Since he entered the race, it has been my opinion that he is running for President to keep his family happy.   I don’t think his heart is in the race.  His support for policies on immigration (amnesty) and Common Core (the stupid stupid math) are unacceptable to me.  By making E-Verify mandatory with strict government enforcement, self deportation will begin.  His apparent immigration policy is to surrender our sovereignty to lawbreakers and illegals.


Carly Fiorina

She had a good debate but my evaluation of her candidacy is still incomplete.  She talks the talk, but can she walk the walk.  It disturbed me that she was one of the candidates that disrespected the others by talking over and interrupting them.


John Kasich

He spent way too much time tooting his horn about his record leaving me clueless about how he accomplished what he says he did.  His constant interruptions of the others had me yelling at the TV for him to shut up.  He appears to be clueless about E-Verify and like Jeb Bush, his apparent immigration policy is to surrender our sovereignty to illegals and outlaws.


Rand Paul

He had a good debate and had the time to explain his positions.  My opinion is that he makes an excellent senator but his foreign policy and defense positions remind me of Obama and that disqualifies him from the Presidency.  I am concerned that Obama may inadvertently start WW III before he leaves office.


Chris Christie

Most pundits said that he had a good debate, but I do not trust his politics.  He tried to convince everyone that he should be the one to oppose Clinton.  During the Hurricane Sandy tour with Obama, two professional politicians got together to help themselves get re-elected and it worked.


Mike Huckabee

During his 2008 run for the Presidency, Gov. Huckabee was an unknown to me.  He is much better known now, but I do think that his best chance would have been in 2012.  There are too many good diverse candidates this time.


Bobby Jindal

His major contribution to the debate is that he reminded everyone that talk is cheap—and that is all the candidates did was talk.  Since actions speak louder than words, he has told us that he has demonstrated his conservative credentials.  He makes sense to me and we must see more of him and his agenda.  It also appears to me that others do not share my opinion.  Maybe governor Jindal may have to wait for a later election if he can keep his name and achievements in the national limelight.


Rick Santorum

Former senator Santorum had a reasonably good debate, but like Huckabee, his ship may have already sailed.  He did not seem to generate any enthusiasm for his candidacy.






Mitt Romney

Not in the debate but rumored to be considering another presidential bid.  In 2012, Romney portrayed a patrician and did not have the guts to get down into the gutter with Obama to fight for our vote and the people.  Sorry, governor.  Stay home with the wife and the family.  The Republicans need a fighter this time.



As someone who has used computers for 45 years, when the personal computer and internet were invented in the 1980s, cyber security did not seem to be a problem. Today it is.  It seems that there is a report on someone hacking into a governmental or business network at least once a week.  How did this issue grow so large that many lives are damaged by poor cyber security?


The reason may well be because the computer and software manufacturers are selling products manufactured to a standard so low that if you bought a car manufactured to that standard, you would return it as a lemon. They want every user to sign a license agreement before using their latest version of their software product in order to use the latest new bell and whistle, but cyber security is never guaranteed.  Why is that?  Are they using the same code in their latest software that took many security revisions to correct in previous editions?  If they are, then should it not be safe?  This is not a new industry anymore.  It is hard to believe that the industry is unable to program safe software.  If the Microsoft operating system is so large that security cannot be built into the code, then everyone needs to scrap the system and buy s system that can be designed to be safe.  A safe operating system is paramount and more important than the latest bell and whistle.  Better safe than sorry.


Just imagine this. You are riding in a new driverless car on a mountain road curve at 60 miles per hour and your computer is hacked or simply fails.  What do you think is going to happen?  There is not one piece of equipment that never fails.  As long as a stranger is in that car, you don’t care.  But you are in the back seat, then what?  News reports have already documented someone remotely taking over the control of a car.  Back to cyber security—or the non-existent security.


Only when the consumer demands that the cyber products he buys will always protect his personal information and prevent hacker intrusion will security become a non issue. Until then the cyber product manufacturers will make billions of dollars in profit and you will continue to be hung out to dry.


For most people living in the United States, the first thing they do in the morning is turn on the lights and the last thing they do before going to sleep is turn off the lights. Using their appliances, cars, computers and phones all require a form of energy. At home, they turn on their TVs and regulate the temperature using the heating or cooling system. All of these actions require energy. Absent energy, we are back in the Middle Ages.


My point is that we live in an energy intensive society. Is this good or bad? If you stop and think about it for a minute or two, I believe you will agree that it is good because all of these energy activities make you more productive and make it easier to live your life. Only when you do not have to spend all your time gathering food and providing shelter do you have time to begin to think of how you may help others.


Now how dependable must this energy be? For most people, their power must be available 24 hours per day 365 days per year. It is probably fair to say most people do not have a clue how this power is generated—and for most part, they do not care as long as it is available. This ignorance lets others get the uniformed to agree on ways to furnish the power needed whether these methods are practical or not. The only things about which the uninformed are concerned are cost and availability.


It would seem that the need for energy is irrefutable—only the fuel to accomplish this need is in question. Global warming became climate change when the climate data showed that global warming was not happening. Climate change is a scam used by the unscrupulous politicians to promote the need for more big government control. Junk science (science with data falsified to support an agenda instead being reported truthfully as observed and recorded) was used to show global warming by so-called scientists. It has been documented that the climate data was falsified by some to support global warming claims in order to continue to receive “research” monies.


Politics and the truth never seem to be found in the same place.


The scam continues with the method of generating power. It has been demonstrated that the wind and solar power special interest groups have greatly benefitted from government sponsorship with government tax monies and energy subsidies. When subsidies are needed to make a power source competitive, how does the taxpayer benefit? Should not any monies be used for research and development instead of full scale production? When the alternate energy can be furnished at a competitive cost, then it is the time to consider full scale plants.


Wind power has been promoted as an energy source, but the wind does not always blow at a high enough velocity. Many of the sites where there is sufficient wind are in remote parts of the country where there are no power lines to transmit the generated power to the urban areas where the demand exists. Who is going to pay for the new power lines needed? If we do, it is a subsidy. The government currently subsidizes the cost of generating wind power. On a recent trip out West, we drove by about 200 wind turbines with about 40-50% operating. One week later on the way home, none were operating. Where was the power being used generated?


You want your power 24/7/365. When there is no wind, where do you get your power? To meet those needs, a standby power plant burning fossil fuel is needed. Typically these standby units are powered by natural gas turbines because they can quickly be brought online to produce power. So we now need two power sources to generate power instead of one. Doesn’t this seem wasteful? It is against the law to kill eagles, but these wind turbine installations routinely kill eagles and the federal government says that it is okay.


The same argument can be made about solar power. Both the construction and power generated are subsidized by our tax dollars. Where do we get the power when there is no sun at night?  Once again, we need a standby power plant that can quickly produce power. It has recently become known that some of these solar plants located in the California desert may require large amounts of water for steam generation and cooling—during a drought? Some plants which redirect the sunlight to towers have been reported to have instantly incinerated birds flying into the sunlight beams. In several recent metropolitan area newspaper articles, the writers extolled the advantages of solar power without one mention of where the power comes from when there is no sun.


Thus it can be reported that using wind and solar power increases consumer costs because each requires a standby power generation plant which burns fossil fuel to provide power 24/7/365.


The fossil fuel that is really hit hard is coal. President Obama declared after being elected in 2008 that he was going to raise our power costs to very high levels and declared war on coal as a fuel source. On what scientific basis was he making this prediction? It is very likely that he and his minions did not need a valid reason. They were only advertising that since they were in control of government force, they were going to implement laws and regulations whether cost effective or not and were daring the public to protest. They won because there have been no public protests.


In the past, it was the coal fired flue gas contaminants mercury and fly ash that concerned everyone, but they can be greatly reduced by flue gas scrubbing. This cleanup method can also reduce the amount of carbon dioxide as well. When you remove carbon dioxide from the flue gas, what do you do with it so that it does not enter the atmosphere? Have we created a carbon dioxide storage problem and added more cost to our electric bill? Answer. Yes. If the EPA reduces the flue gas carbon dioxide content to levels that cannot be reached or only can be achieved at prohibitive cost, then coal cannot be used as a fuel. This is what the EPA wants to do. The Obama administration is famous for manufacturing so called “facts” to support their actions. Isn’t this an abuse of government power?


In a country where millions of people cannot find a decent job, the inability to use coal is putting thousands of coal miners out of work. How does this benefit the country? As more expensive fuels must be combusted to produce more expensive electricity, only the climate change control freaks benefit by convincing a somewhat stupid populace that more government control is needed to fix a fictional problem.


Climate change has been happening on this planet for millions of years. Climate change is cyclic and there have been times that scientists tell us the earth was warmer than now and there were times when we had ice ages. The largest heater in our solar system is the sun. Does it not make sense that the most likely source of climate change is the sun? How are we supposed to control the sun?


As more and more research is done on how the earth’s ecosystems work, we will learn more about how this wonderful planet on which we live operates and adapts to changes. Consider what happened when a large foreign body from space hit our planet, probably created the Gulf of Mexico and most likely killed the dinosaurs. The planet survived. Man has proven to be quite adaptable to changing conditions. We were supposed to run out of food to feed the world’s population years ago. It didn’t happen. It could, but not now.


Once again, climate change is a political scam to convince the world that more government control is necessary to save the planet. Horsefeathers. Power hungry politicians and not fossil fuels are the problem.


Is it time to reform our political system? Answer: Yes. The reason is that the current political system has badly failed the American people. Your current elected political representatives all belong to a de-facto union and their loyalty is to their union—NOT THEIR COUNTRY AND THEIR CONSTITUENTS. In Congress, the committee chairmen are selected by their party leadership. A committee chairman controls what legislation is voted out of committee, so their power is greater than that of an ordinary committee member. The longer they are in office, the higher they move up in their party hierarchy. This system promotes those with the most time in Congress instead of the most competent. Possible exceptions to this might be those people elected since 2010. Since most politicians ran for public office to be able to control the use of government force, it is critically important that we have the most competent committee chairmen who have fidelity to their country and all of its citizens—not to some special interest group.


Based on their actions and inactions, it appears that many existing Democratic and Republican Party politicians have been purchased by the special interest groups and lobbyists. It really looks like that anyone with enough money can buy a politician to do his bidding. If this is the case, how will the interests of ordinary people be addressed? Those interests are not being addressed now.


The American public shares a large portion of the blame for this situation because they have allowed their elected representatives to repeatedly lie to them and almost never make them accountable for their lying. This is how America becomes Amerika. What will it be—America or Amerika?


So far in this federal administration, the IRS, DHS, Justice Department, the VA, the EPA, any commission appointed by Obama, the State Department and possibly the FBI and the general staff of the Department of Defense have been shown to be corrupt and/or completely incompetent. While it remains to be seen if the corruption has seeped into the federal judiciary, it is evident that for the most part the federal judiciary has abandoned the Rule of Law in favor of activism. It is almost a miracle that there are some federal judges left who have the integrity to follow the Rule of Law. At least six Supreme Court Justices did not believe in the Rule of Law when they ruled on Obamacare changes and are politicians. In fairness, all of this corruption did not start with the Obama Administration, but he has greatly expanded the practice.


How do we fix it? The two party political system has failed the country and invites totalitarian rule when one party has a large legislative majority and controls the executive branch. An example of this might be the passing of Obamacare over the objections of a majority of the voters with not a single Republican vote in favor. We need a third party.  My hope is that the members of the legislature elected since 2010 can be convinced to start a third party and recruit enough new members during the 2016 elections to be large enough to control what the legislative branch passes and what it does not pass. With three equal size parties, devotion to all our citizens with all parties compromising will be necessary to pass legislation. Our constitution must be amended to insure that critical issues such congressional and judicial term limits and a balanced budget must be part of our constitution to insure that these issues are not left to political discretion.


All the politicians, political experts and pundits will be against this change–politicians for obvious reasons and the others because they will very likely lose some of their power to influence government. I am so tired of listening to all the blather about politics and politicians instead of ways that those in government are devising ways that will improve the lives of all this country’s citizens. Why are there no discussions about ways government can improve our lives? The reason is really political censorship—not correctness. Most politicians and political pundits do not have a clue what the American people want. They sit in their Washington and New York offices and quote polls the answers for which can be controlled by how the pollsters ask the questions and/or by loading the survey respondent population. Just think of this. How are pollsters supposed to accurately determine what 320 million plus Americans want by polling 1000-2000 people? If they say they can, make them prove it. Trust but verify.


It would appear that the least trustworthy members of Congress are the big government Democratic and Republican communist wannabes. They are labeled communist wannabes because communism is big government controlling everything and that is what big government devotees want. They must go. Their loyalty is to themselves and their party–not their constituents and our country. Make things so difficult for them with large public demonstrations, emails and phone calls that they resign. The Viet Nam War demonstrations succeeded in getting us out of Viet Nam. For the millennial, if you had been taught American History instead of Amerikan propaganda while in school, you would already know this.


Since the Congress and the President cannot agree on most issues, we the public need to give them an incentive to meet their Constitutional responsibilities on issues such a national defense and public welfare. We do this by passing a constitutional amendment giving the American people the power to use petitions to initiate recall elections that will approve or force the removal from office of any elected or appointed public official, nullify any law passed since the inception of the republic and overrule any court decision. This action would truly return to the people of this country an orderly way to approve the final decisions on how we are to be governed.


This amendment would initially be cumbersome because all the members of government and the propaganda press would fight it tooth and nail. This constitutional republic was created and formed when it took weeks to travel long distances. Today using social media and other electronic communications, it takes seconds to make your wishes known. Using electronic communication and the ballot box, we the people could change what government does to us and judge them on whether or not they have met our needs without waiting for the next election. When the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government are not meeting the needs of its citizens, the recall election format would bypass and/or force them to meet the country’s needs. The American people would become the government oversight committee and have final say on how we are governed. The biggest obstacle to this would be how to prevent the voter fraud our politicians have invented and use. It should be noted that when government does their job to the satisfaction of the people, there is no need for petition and recall.


Since our government no longer meets the needs of the people, it must be reformed.



Donald Trump has recently been criticized for not proclaiming that Obama is not a Muslim.


He can’t because Obama has said that he is both.  If Obama was a Muslim now saying that he is Christian, does not the Qur’an require that he be put to death?


My belief is that during a 2008 video interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Obama was sincere and truthful when he commended John McCain for not making his Muslim religion a political issue. He was immediately “corrected” by Stephanopoulos to say that he was a Christian. What right does an interviewer have to tell his interviewee what his religion is? Does this action pass the smell test for objectivity? No. Now a propaganda minister would do something like that.


Since 2008 Obama has consistently said that he is a Christian, but actions speak louder than words. Everything Obama has done since being elected has demonstrated a Muslim instead of a Christian bias. During a Saudi Arabian visit, he bowed to the Saudi king. He consistently blames Christians for the world’s problems and praises Islam.


Any presidential candidate that says Obama is a Christian has automatically disqualified himself or herself from the Presidency based on being uniformed as well as stupid for offering an opinion without verification. That is what Obama does now. What verification did Obama do when he made his statement about his inability to have visited all 57 states?



There has been discussion in recent weeks about how ridiculous an idea it was to deport millions of illegal aliens. Well, maybe the politicians are unaware of a way to start self deportation, but that is doubtful.


There is a way that our government can initiate self deportation. You do this by making it impossible for an illegal alien to get and hold any employment. The vehicle to start self deportation is a program called E-Verify that was passed by Congress and is currently being used by companies who want to employ only persons legally allowed to work in this country. The current program is optional for companies to use so those companies interested in employing illegals will not use it.


Prior to hiring an applicant, the employer goes to the E-Verify website and enters the applicant’s personal data to verify that they are in this country legally. The website claims that use of the program is fast, free and easy to use. The law has penalties for employing illegal workers.


Since jobs for Americans are the issue, this program should be transformed from optional to mandatory. A problem might be that under current law both the Justice Department and the State Department have input into this program and we know how trustworthy those departments have been in recent years.


The Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security have not enforced immigration laws and have fought state voter I.D. laws, so there will be resistance to permanent mandatory E-Verify. The big government politicians in both parties will be pressured by their donors and lobbyists to continue as is and would very likely fight the prosecution of the large companies who employ illegals. To be effective, the large companies who employ illegals should be the first companies investigated. When illegals are found, the companies should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law with public notification. The politicians would prefer to start with the small companies because the government’s lack of due diligence would not be as noticeable. It would seem that the politician’s motto would be to hit the little guy first because he doesn’t have the resources to fight back.


In summary, make E-Verify mandatory, rigorously enforce the law starting with large fines and penalties for the largest offenders first, and start self deportation. Minimize to the extent possible the interference from the Justice and State Departments. It would be expected that the gutless Republican Senate leadership would make any bill difficult to pass.  If the law passes, let Obama veto it. America is for Americans first.


Remember, E-Verify is about protecting jobs for American citizens. If the illegals are not in this country because they cannot find employment, how can they illegally vote in our elections–which they are likely to do?



Kentucky clerk Kim Davis was sent to jail by a Federal District Court judge’s order for not following the law to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. The reason given for this order was that she did not follow the law and most people believe the judge was correct.


President Obama has unlawfully made changes in the Affordable Healthcare Act and has refused to enforce the immigration laws on the books. Why hasn’t any federal judge ordered the President to jail for violating the law?


Now you want me to believe that everyone is equal under the law in this country? Who is kidding who? Go back to that stuff you are smoking or shooting up. Welcome to Amerika.






The Republican Establishment is ready to hit the panic button. All of their candidates for 2016 are polling lower and lower. This means that the money men are having less opportunity to buy a politician. The establishment has messed up our country and they still want more control. The best thing that could happen would be to find a way to charge them with bribery and put them in jail where they could do less harm.


The useless establishment Republican politicians have lied to the public for years. Donald Trump is not damaging the Republican Party because it hasn’t been worth a damn for many years. He is also reinforcing my proposal why the public in the interest of honest elections must pay the election costs in an effort to try to eliminate the rich fat cats from buying politicians. Elimination of voter fraud is another issue. Remember, politics is the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force. All the Democratic and most of the Republican candidates except for Mr. Trump are standing in line with their hands out begging for more money.


All of this very forcefully shows that the “American Manifesto for a Pendulum Nation” must be implemented in order for the citizens to take back their nation from the scum bag politicians who are actively destroying it. The citizens of this country must be able to petition the government to immediately repeal laws, remove any government official including the President and overturn any judicial decision including those by the Supreme Court. It will require a constitutional amendment. Waiting for the next election does not work. Until reform is implemented, the power will stay with the many corrupt government officials.


When you buy a car, you expect to use it without any problems. If you need many repairs after the first month or so, you start to think that you might have bought a lemon. When car makers find a defect, they issue a recall. Why is the recall principle not applied to computer security? We have techies who have made and are making billions of dollars by selling us products that will not meet the smell test that we use when evaluating other products. It might have made sense when the technology was new, but not now after 45 years.


Why can’t you buy a computer with software that cannot be hacked by some guy in his garage? Are we really getting ripped off by the computer and software companies? These companies make billions of dollars selling us computer hardware and software that is not secure. What good comes to you when your personal information is stolen? Why can’t and don’t the companies selling these products guarantee that they will stay secure? Is it because they do not know how or is it something else? What this practice says to me is that there has not been enough improvement in internet security in 45 years to keep us safe. Why must the user purchase security software to protect his personal information when it should be supplied by the computer and/or software manufacturers?


When search engines track all of your computer usage, aren’t they spying? Do they sell the results of their spying to other companies? What gives them the right to collect or sell your information? Don’t the banks have restrictions on what they can do with your personal information? Why don’t these restrictions apply to the computer and software suppliers? Has the legal profession been complicit in writing disclaimer licenses that must be signed to use the product without protecting the security? Isn’t this a legal endorsement of potentially defective products?   Has “is it legal” become more important in the pursuit of money and power than “is it the right thing to do”? It sure looks like too many American companies choose legal over right or wrong. How long can a society continue to choose legal over right or wrong and survive?


The EPA has recently proposed power plant emission rules that will essentially eliminate coal as a fuel source. This proposed EPA regulation according to news reports ignores a Supreme Court directive to consider compliance costs for proposed regulations. All of this controversy could have been eliminated if the Congress did their job and after passing the law, wrote the regulations needed. Instead the Congress lets a rogue executive branch agency write the regulations which become law. Dozens of committee meetings after the damage has been done does not solve the problem. That is dereliction of duty by the Congress. They can’t take the time away from their many vacations to do their job.


If the EPA ignores the compliance issue, then the states must ignore EPA regulation and continue to operate coal fired power plants. The impact on the public is more important than a rogue regulation. Washington has already demonstrated that they do not believe in the rule of law. We must continue to use our most abundant fuel source to generate our electrical power. When Washington threatens to reduce funding, don’t send the money collected by the states to Washington. What is Washington going to do, send in the army? To do so would be stupid.


To rule that carbon dioxide is pollution is insanity. Is the EPA going to issue a regulation outlawing fire? If so, then let those Washington offices and the White House go cold in the winter. Now, after the fires go out because there is no sun or wind, what rule are they going to issue then? How to capture the sun in a bottle?


When the EPA was created, there was a need to clean up our environment. The environment will never be free of pollution created by man. Currently, the EPA is a scam agency that the federal government has used to convince the uninformed citizen that their regulations are necessary. These regulations are normally supported by their propaganda—not verifiable facts. If their regulations are so necessary, why then did the federal government classify over 90% of EPA personnel as non essential during the last government shutdown?


The politicians in Washington are only interested in the use of government force. They use fiction to convince the uniformed citizen that this use of government force is necessary. If you buy that argument, what are you going to do when the government tells you that they are going to change our form of government to a communist one?



There seems to be a problem with lawyers who become President. Many of them do not believe in the rule of law and consider themselves above the law.


President Nixon thought he was above the law until the truth came out about Watergate and, to his credit, he resigned.


President Gerald Ford, also an attorney, and after Watergate, appeared to follow the rule of law. After the Nixon debacle, it would have been dumb to do otherwise.


The next lawyer to become President was Bill Clinton and he lied under oath about his sexual affair and escaped impeachment. He was disbarred. Another lawyer who considered himself above the law?


The next lawyer president was George W. Bush. President Bush pushed passage of the Patriot Act which gave the federal government and NSA powers which intruded too much on individual personal freedoms. In addition, he did not enforce immigration laws. He placed himself and his administration above the law when he did not honor his oath to enforce the law.


President Obama, in my opinion, does not believe the Constitution applies to him. He has put himself and his administration so far above the law that he probably should be arrested and be in jail instead of in the White House. He can do this because he knows that the professional politicians in Congress place their loyalty to party ahead of their loyalty to our country. They take our money and throw us under the bus. This country might not survive if Obama finishes his second term, so he must be impeached along the six anarchist Supreme Court Justices who voted for Obamacare. This country must return to the Rule of Law.


Now we have more lawyers running for President. One candidate has already demonstrated distain for the Constitution and the Rule of Law. If that person were to become President, our Constitutional Republic might not survive.


Any professional politician who is also a lawyer is to me suspect of ignoring the Constitution and the rule of law. Will the trend of politicians who consider themselves above the law continue or will the American voting public become smart enough to save our country. Based on past performance, it is doubtful that the political pundits and analysts will be helpful in evaluating the candidates because they are part of the system. And for sure, the propaganda press will completely ignore the problem and continue with their communist wannabe agenda. Can we survive? I don’t know.


The law respects those that respect the law.


What if when someone is stopped by the police and does not cooperate, the officer pepper sprays the suspect?


What if when the suspect is belligerent and tries to run, he or she is tasered?


What if a suspect is stupid enough to threaten police with a real or fake weapon? The suspect may not survive.


What if all police had a body cam to verify when a defendant is guilty?


What if the authorities investigated and charged the anarchists who rioted and burned our cities?


What if the persons who financially supported and probably organized the riots were identified and charged with a crime?


As a Medicare recipient, I have benefitted from the system and it is why I am alive today. Can it be improved and hopefully saved for future generations? It must be saved, but it also must be reformed.


As I wrote in my book, we should eliminate low cost routine medical visits from Medicare coverage. As I explained in my book, we as patients should pay the costs for a doctor visit when the charge is less than $100. The doctor would not report to Medicare any visits for which the charge is less than $100. The administrative costs for doctors are too high because the government requires all these reports and they just don’t care how this affects Medicare costs. The really sad part is that there is zero public confidence in the federal government keeping your medical records secure and private. They have already demonstrated that they cannot keep any but the most secret documents secure. Why? The government just doesn’t care—no matter what they say.


One way for the individual to reduce his costs is to have supplemental Medicare (Medigap) insurance to pay for approved Medicare costs not paid for by Medicare. Medicare currently pays 80% of the Part B approved costs. Government costs will decrease if Medicare’s participation percentage is decreased. It is suggested that every year the Medicare cost participation be reduced by 1%. This will gradually increase the costs of Medigap policies as the patient’s share is increased. At some point, the government’s Medicare costs will be reduced to acceptable levels. Since this proposal is an insurance company’s license to steal, maximum profitability limits must be set for this type of insurance policy. Legislation—when Congress can find time from their numerous vacations to show up for work–must allow for accumulated Health Savings Account (HSA) funds to be used to pay for Medigap premiums.


For those persons who do not have the money to pay for Medigap insurance, they must use Medicaid. Medicaid cannot be free. Every time it is used, they must pay at least $20. Every subsequent time they use Medicaid, the use charge increases by $5 and, since the states are liable for more and more of these costs, the state electronic record keeping will likely be more accurate to determine the charge for each visit. At some time, people must take responsibility for their health care costs.


For each non citizen use of Medicaid, a charge is billed to their country of origin. When their country of origin refuses to pay, the medical service is refused. Patient refusal to identify country of origin automatically generates a service refusal. Congress must do the right thing and change the medical treatment law—let Obama veto it and show about whom he really cares—illegal immigrants or US citizens.


The Democrats want all illegals to vote for them so they will object to these reforms. The Democratic communist wannabes will never agree to any changes that jeopardizes their access to illegal voter fraud. The Republican communist wannabes have lied to the people about what they would do if given the power and with that power have done nothing.


If the people of this country were given the right to petition and recall government officials, overrule new laws and regulations and negate Supreme Court decisions as I state in the American Manifesto in my book, then and only then will the people have a say on what their government does. Elections are rigged, so it appears that only mass demonstrations by the people or a national economy shutdown for a week will get the politician’s and propaganda press’ attention. If my election analysis is wrong, then maybe only the election of a reform President who will fight to return the power back to the people may be our hope to save the country—excluding the Constitutional remedy for a domestic insurrection—the militia.


Oh yes, the Republican Senate must use the nuclear option rule to pass urgently needed legislation and show fidelity to this country and its citizens instead to their political party and Senate rules.


My understanding of nullification is that it is a state’s right to refuse to follow and enforce federal government laws and regulations in areas that are not specifically delegated to the federal government by the United States Constitution


Since there is no mention of Presidential Executive Orders in the Constitution, does this not mean that nullification is applicable for all Presidential Executive Orders and the refusal to follow and enforce them is appropriate? Do executive orders assume powers not delegated to the President by the Constitution?


In the past, the Supreme Court has ruled on nullification and might again. The current Supreme Court by ignoring the Affordable Care Act as written has placed itself above the law and started the slide into anarchy. How can they be trusted to rule on nullification when they have already demonstrated that they do not believe in the written rule of law? If nullification were implemented and the Supreme Court ruled against nullification, are not the states obligated to ignore the court, continue with nullification and ignore all subsequent Supreme Court decisions issued by this Court?


Sadly, each of the Justices took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and with their Affordable Care Act decisions, six of them have violated that oath and must be impeached. Anarchists do not belong on the United States Supreme Court.


Violence in the black community has persisted for many years. During this time most of these communities have been politically controlled by the Democratic Party. As some responsible news organizations have reported, there are more deaths due to black on black crime than other causes, but only when a black is killed by a white person or a law officer does the propaganda press take notice. Is that because those so-called news organizations are racist or maybe anarchists? To the people living in those communities, why do you keep listening to the propaganda press and voting for a party that does nothing to improve the safety and lives of ordinary citizens?


The news media has exploited what they characterize as police violence against minorities. No real solutions have been proposed because the politicians don’t know how or possibly don’t want to fix anything. Their solution to all problems is to throw more of our taxpayer money at the problem—and it never works. All we do is “get another day older and deeper in debt” to quote a song. Politicians and lawyers only create problems to raise money and fictitiously create the “need” for more laws and government control. Since that is what they do, is it any wonder that society is coming apart at the seams. Aren’t we all tired of this B.S.?


The solution for the black community violence must come from the black community. I suspect that too many of the good people in those communities feel helpless to stop the violence and that they do not have the resources to try to make a difference. Well, with my proposal, I would hope that they will become empowered to fix the problem. How do we do it?


We start by using elements of the Second Amendment—the same one that the communist wannabes want to get rid of. As of today, it is likely that only the thugs are armed. This gives them the power to do what they want without any restraint, and the President has done a good job labeling the police as the bad guys. Some are and most are not. Sadly those same police are the only ones who will try to protect the innocent people.


The highest elected law enforcement official in each county or parish is the sheriff. Due to financial limitations the sheriff cannot deploy enough deputies to prevent the bad guys from intimidating the people. In the cities, it is the police departments who are tasked with protecting the people. There may be many people in the high crime areas who do not trust the police. What would happen if these same people were supporting enforcement of the law? They know their neighborhoods and possibly many of the people living there. A hundred years ago, when the bad guys committed a crime, the sheriff deputized ordinary citizens and with his posse pursued the bad guys. When the bad guys were captured and in custody, the posse was disbanded and the ordinary citizens returned to their civilian lives. This system could be adapted to today’s conditions.


For this posse—the Constitution labels these people as the militia. Membership in the militia was once defined by Congress as all able bodied men between the ages of 17 and 45 who were not in the military or National Guard. To help maintain the peace and security in the community, it would be nice if an overwhelming force of about 30% of the citizens in every part of the community would become posse members. These members would provide law enforcement backup and report to the sheriff and his deputies from whom they would get their instructions. Of course, the communist wannabe politicians would label these good citizens as bad guys—but then what would you expect from someone who lies all the time. Politicians want to be the ONLY ONES TO CONTROL THE USE OF GOVERNMENT FORCE. They have done this for years and look at the mess THEY HAVE CREATED.


Since the county sheriff does not have a budget large enough to support a large posse, the posse members will have to be unpaid volunteers as they were over 100 years ago.  All members would be background checked, given some police procedure training and be sworn in as a reserve peace officer. For identification and safety, at a minimum, the posse members will be identified by a shirt, a shield and carry their firearm in a visible holster. If the bad guys try to threaten or intimidate any posse member, they are threatening a peace officer. To protect themselves and other posse members due to their posse member status, all posse members will be empowered to use deadly force. If you shoot at a posse member, then you might just have many posse members shooting back. Once again the idea is to provide law enforcement with overwhelming backup support. Successful implementation of this system might encourage more sheriff posse organizations. To prevent racial strife, the jurisdiction of the posse members would be limited to the black community.


This system will not work for city police because the police chief reports to a mayor and not directly to the people. There will be sheriffs who might say they want to adopt this system only to make sure it will fail. Beware of them or remove them from office.


In response to the gun grabber critics, the question that must be asked is: What have you done the last 50 years or more to bring peace and safety to the black community?


During the Viet Nam war, it was reported that President Johnson was directing the conduct of the war from Washington. What this meant is that a president with a political agenda was running the conduct of the war instead of the military. Similar to what happened during the Korean conflict, the political restrictions put on the US military prevented them from winning the war. One of the main restrictions in Viet Nam was that President Johnson granted the enemy sanctuary in Cambodia, Laos and for part of the time in North Vietnam. When President Nixon made another political decision to pull all of our troops out of Viet Nam, the collateral human damage was huge as many South Vietnamese were killed as the Viet Cong took over Viet Nam. Presidents have a terrible disease that causes them to think they are all knowing and are always right. Presidents who do not listen to their military generally make a mess out of any military intervention. The Korean conflict stalemate and the Viet Nam War loss provide the proof. When Presidents leave the conduct of a war to the military such as World War II and Desert Storm, we have won. The principle here is that if a nation is going to get involved in a military conflict, it must fight to win or stay out of the conflict.


President Obama is making the same mistake that previous Presidents have made, but maybe different only in that he may have delegated the micro management of the military to someone else. This person or persons worry only about political consequences of military action—not if we are effectively dealing with the enemy. ISIS hides behind the civilian population because politically they know that the United States worries about collateral damage. Much like the Viet Cong, ISIS does not care about civilian casualties. For the US military to send out planes to make airstrikes and return without firing their munitions is completely irresponsible and a waste of manpower, equipment and money. Much like Johnson allowed the Viet Cong sanctuary in Cambodia and Laos, the Obama administration essentially is giving ISIS sanctuary in Syria. A couple of drone strikes mean nothing.


The ISIS capital is Raqqa, Syria. It is time to fight the war there instead of giving ISIS more time to incite domestic terrorism here in the United States. Oh yes, it looks like we are on the losing side of the social media battle also. The Obama administration timidly uses the military to agitate ISIS with a couple drone strikes. Now if the military started 24 hour intermittent bombardment of Raqqa using smart bombs for as long it remains their capital, it will slowly but surely degrade the city. Recognizing what is happening, the civilians and terrorists would start to sneak out of the city. During this time, without Washington intervention, the air force would monitor all the roads into and out of Raqqa and destroy all military vehicles. If continued long enough, the bombing will most likely destroy much of the city. The lesson that must be learned is that there is no sanctuary. When force is met with force, ISIS will have to adjust to this tactic. If ISIS moves its capital to another location, the procedure is repeated. If Assad gets his dander up, then let him know that Damascus could suffer the same fate if he interferes. As for our NATO ally Turkey which has indirectly assisted ISIS, they need to stay out of this.


Would the Obama administration do what I am suggesting? No way. Obama and his czars are only concerned about domestic politics and how they might transform the United States into another corrupt third world country. That is one action he seems to be winning.


Politics aside, our country would be better served by letting the US military attack ISIS and exterminate them. No prisons or Guantanamo for terrorists.


The Middle East is far more dangerous than Viet Nam was because Iran is located in the Middle East where they fund and sponsor terrorism. They also want nuclear weapons. Should Iran get nuclear weapons, if it hasn’t already got one, this situation will start a Middle East arms race that could lead to World War III. That would become Obama’s legacy much like World War II became Neville Chamberlain’s legacy. Who knows what will be left of civilization if we have World War III.


If our intelligence about Iran is as poor as it was before the Iraq war, then we know almost nothing about what Iran is doing. Since the Iranians are Muslim, their religion allows them to lie to infidels.  All the Western nation negotiators are infidels.


By the way, if a liquid fuel were to accidently be introduced into those underground Iranian nuclear sites and start flowing downward when a fire is started, it might do some damage. Similarly, if LPG which is heavier than air were introduced into those underground sites and detonated, the damage could be severe. In either case, if the air intake was shut down to suppress any fire, how would those facilities operate?


So far there are 5 Democrats running for president and 15 Republicans.


It is nice to see that there are some Democrats who do not buy the coronation of Hillary Clinton as the predetermined presidential nominee.  As usual, the political pundits pay no attention to Hillary’s opposition because they have already decided that Hillary will be the nominee.  Maybe the pundits are really trying to show us dumb citizens how smart they are.  I thought that the primary elections were supposed to determine the candidate.  Are we supposed to be good little sheep and do what we are told?


On the Republican side, I don’t think we have some 15 Republicans running.  Why?  Some of these people who call themselves Republicans are really Democrats in disguise.  As I see it, most of the Democrats in disguise are the professional politicians who helped create the political problems we have today.  They are the gutless ones who have done nothing to fix the problems.


They spend time criticizing their opponents instead of telling us how they intend to solve our problems.  Why?  Some of these “candidates” have demonstrated that their loyalty is to their political party—not to their country.  If their loyalty was to our country, they would spend their time trying to find and propose solutions to our many problems.


Candidate Donald Trump has given us his opinion on issues and our Democrats in disguise and pundits criticize him and worry about the Republican Party and its image.  Hogwash.  The Republican Party’s reputation is to lie to the public to get elected and then do nothing once elected.  All they worry about is how to get re-elected.  Do you want those type of people running the country?  I don’t.


By the way, my respect for political pundits has greatly diminished.  It doesn’t matter though because I am a nobody.  They are only interested in promoting their agenda and big government candidates.  Why waste your time watching them when you know what they will say.  There is way too much time wasted on television talking and listening to pundits instead of persons who know how to solve problems.  I doubt that most politicians and pundits have a clue on how our country’s problems might be solved.  And if they did have an idea, the propaganda press would purposely suppress the information which did not agree with their agenda.



As many Americans, I was horrified to learn of the murders of those Christians in Charleston, South Carolina.  How could someone do something so vile?


I was dumbfounded when instead of riots and anarchy, the families of the dead forgave the vile person who committed that crime.


To the families of those murdered, I can only conclude that they are in the company of and walk with the angels.


Communism is big government.  It begins with political activism and citizen disarmament followed by an armed takeover of the government.  History tells us that this is the time when millions of people are usually killed as the few consolidate their power.  Examples of this are the Soviet Union, China, Viet Nam, North Korea and Cambodia.  Next the communist state takes control of the means of income production and bans personal property.


Big government only serves a select few—not elite—individuals who presume that they are elite and know better than you and I what is best for us.  They are wrong and will forever be wrong.  Why?  Because no limited number of individuals can ever know what millions of people want and need.  Sadly because they have the ability to use government force, they don’t care to know what we want.  They preach fairness and practice deceit.  People who commonly do this are called professional politicians.  More can be found in my book along with my definition of a professional politician.


On the federal level, these professional politicians are the same individuals who have been a member of Congress or the executive branch administration since 2007 or longer.  They are the ones who guided the country into the 2008 financial collapse. They are the ones who pressured Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into granting home loans to persons who could not qualify for a conventional home loan and then bailed out the big banks that packaged and sold those marginal real estate loans as high grade securities.  They are the ones who instead of breaking up the banks into many smaller ones let the banks get so large that a bank failure could have seriously impacted the economy.  They are the ones who continue to grow big government, increase the national debt and leave future generations a problem that could doom them.  They are the ones who continue to violate the constitution by letting the executive branch create laws using new regulations.  They are the ones who use those new regulations to restrict future economic growth to meet political agenda objectives.  My question is how much did our brain-dead politicians get paid to do all this damage to our country?  Remember that politics is the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


My definition of a communist wannabe is someone who believes that big government control and spending can solve social problems.  They also believe that power must be concentrated in a few members of the executive department of government and the legislative branch routinely approves of everything the chief executive wants.  Communism uses an executive—I hesitate to use the word leader—who tells the legislature what he wants and needs and they pass the laws requested.


The way I see it, our big government is loaded with many communist wannabes in both the Democratic and Republican parties whose loyalty is to their party instead of to their country.  I would guess that more than 90% of the Democrats are communist wannabes with a lower percentage of Republicans.  At the present time I am not aware of any communist wannabe tendencies in any Tea Party member who previously was not already a professional politician.  Hopefully this will not change.


The communist wannabes have infiltrated and control the educational system by using federal monies to gain system access which then enables them to enforce political correctness.  The school systems appear to have convinced the uniformed parents that aggressive and misguided political correctness should be used to replace the child’s parental authority with government control.  Shaping young minds is the easiest way to indoctrinate—especially when many of the young are from dysfunctional families.  Sadly these school systems are graduating young people from high school who cannot read and write.  This is done while too many school boards nod their heads in agreement with this policy.


In addition, it appears that a large number of college professors and administrators are also communist wannabes.  This means that our youth are being indoctrinated for up to sixteen years or more.  As a parent, unless your child is a STEM student, there is a very good chance you are sending your child to college to become a good communist wannabe.  God help us.


The ultimate communist wannabe goal is communism here in the United States.  This has and may continue to be difficult to implement here due to the Second Amendment and a large older adult population who see what is happening and know that it is not right.  This may be why the government would like the old folks to die as quickly as possible, i.e., the massive defunding of Medicare diverted to Obamacare.


We have wealthy communist wannabe immigrants who presumably promote big government as a way to solve social problems and to gain the power to use government force.  I do not understand why they are allowed to do this and remain a citizen.  If they love communism so much, why are they here?


There are large sums of money donated to politicians so that the donors can have government force used to their benefit.  This promotes the corruption desired by the communist wannabe politicians because how else can they to become millionaires who later can then buy corrupt politicians to do what they want.


Money is also a propaganda tool.  Huge sums of money seem to be needed to get elected.  The presumption is that the average voter is so stupid that he or she will vote for a candidate who spends the most money to continuously repeat all the lies about how good he or she is and how bad their opponent is.  This tactic has been working so well that it continues to be used.  Are you that stupid?  I hope not because the future of this constitutional republic depends on you voting intelligently.


You should note that our elections are no longer honest.  Voting machines programmed to disregard how someone voted and register the vote for a predetermined candidate yield 70000 to 1 vote counts.  More registered voters than adults in a precinct is another example.  Dead persons who are registered to vote is a third example.  Everyone in the country has and must use valid identification to cash a check.  Why then does the Justice Department oppose voter I.D.?  Is it because the Justice Department supports voter fraud?  The Department of Justice is supposed to be fair and impartial—not indirectly supporting voter fraud.


Why is the news media silent on the issue of voter fraud?  Is it because this practice has elected politicians who share the news media’s agenda?  I wonder why they are called news media when they ignore the issue of voter fraud and instead broadcast the news about something as important as some famous person’s sexual indiscretion.  Why are there no news media investigations of these voter fraud charges?  Are the news media communist wannabes too?


More information about the concern for voter fraud can be found on websites for the Black Conservative Fund and American Civil Rights Union.


Small donors who are for the most part ignored by politicians will continue to be bombarded by requests for political donations.  Note that the campaign funds collected by politicians can be used by them for purposes other than their re-election.  What happens to the money left over when the politician collects 4 million dollars and then spends only 3 million on the campaign?


Wouldn’t it nice if an elected Member of Congress could concentrate all his or her efforts on drafting and writing legislation and the regulations that follow instead of running around begging everyone for money?  Better still would be for your Member of Congress to study and act on ways to reduce government intervention in your life and how to reduce the size and cost of government.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the executive department concentrated solely on diligently enforcing the laws passed by Congress?  Wouldn’t be nice if the federal judiciary knew how to read instead of presuming they know the intent of laws and the Constitution.


If we the people financed the general elections as I recommend in my book, then the influence of the millionaires and billionaires should be diminished because then the money given to a politician would become bribery.  Guess what system your elected politician prefers.



President Obama was sworn in and declared war on coal.  He stated that he intended to stop the use of coal to generate electrical power and predicted large increases in consumer electrical costs.  Using government force through the EPA he has almost succeeded in eliminating coal to generate power.  Since everyone uses electrical power and coal generated power is the cheapest, how has he benefitted the public?  He hasn’t.  Where does he think that he has the right to force his false god environment on the whole country?  The issue is not the environment—it is all about getting the public to accept the use of unpopular government force.  All totalitarian and elected governments make good and bad changes using government force—like it or not.


This action by the President illustrates why the American Manifesto in my book needs to be accepted and implemented.  Our wonderful constitution has no provision to remove an elected official by a recall election started by the populace.  An elected official can commit murder and stay in office if he is not impeached or does not resign.  Does this make sense to you?  It doesn’t make sense to me and it must be fixed.  The American people through petition and recall elections must have the right to get rid of officials, laws and court decisions that cause severe damage to the people of this country without waiting for the next election and depending on another elected or appointed official.  The current federal administration has demonstrated that much of the federal government bureaucracy is corrupt and dishonest.  There is no accountability.  Why then are they permitted to stay in power and cause even more damage?


One way to get the politicians attention for this recall provision would be to have a nationwide general strike for one week.  Shut down everything for a week.  If a strike was for instance scheduled to start on Labor Day, then everyone could buy and stock up food and water in anticipation that everything would be shutdown.  It would be nice if critical services would continue to be made available, but maybe the police, fire department and medical services and power, water and sewer workers may want to participate.  If that were the case, people could react to those issues if given advanced notice.  Loss of police protection would require people provide self protection.


I am tired of out-of-control politicians running this country into the ground in order to protect their political party and re-election chances.  .



It was some years ago that the economists declared that the American economy had moved from one producing goods and services to a consumer spending driven economy.  Was that a good move?  I don’t think so.  How many times have we heard that consumer spending must drive the economy?  Has anyone looked at how people must earn the money that they need to spend in order to drive a consumer economy?  Maybe this happens after they find money growing on a tree.  The explanation has been that Americans cannot compete with economies where wages and working conditions are inferior to ours.  As long as manual labor is concerned, this is true.  But technical innovation has transformed industry into one where programmed machines now do much of the work that was previously done by a human.  What does this mean to the labor market?  It means that the high paying manual labor jobs are now gone and done by machines.  The work for humans is now to design, program and to keep the machines operating.  These jobs require a technical skill that did not exist years ago and pay good wages.


Unions are like communism.  They destroy incentive to excel and compete.  Communism supposedly provides equally for everyone no matter how good or how hard a particular individual may work.  The motto is to “produce according to ability and receive according to need”.  Once an individual recognizes that hard work does not pay, why work hard?  Communism refuses to recognize human nature.  That is why it always fails.  It also destroys incentive.  With it comes low standards.  After all, if the standard is too high, very few people will be able to meet it.  So we will work down to the standard instead continually trying to improve and excel.


If it takes an hour of manual labor to perform a task to produce the proverbial widget, then we would agree that we cannot compete with the foreign sweatshops.  Does that mean we must bring back sweatshops so we can compete?  Obviously, the answer is no.  Since we are Americans and we believe that “necessity is the mother of invention”, what we need to do is use our American ingenuity to find a way to successfully compete.  The key is technology.  We need to use technology to do what is done manually elsewhere in order to produce more widgets per man hour.  When we do this and transportation costs are included, then our American product can be competitive or cheaper and of higher quality. And when we develop this new technology, we must keep it here and not export it.


In today’s world, China has become the Japan of post World War II when the product produced was cheap and not very good.  To Japan’s credit, they improved and in recent years their products were of higher quality than the American counterparts.  This especially became true in the automotive industry when the foreign quality was higher than domestic and people stopped buying American cars.  America finally woke up and now their quality compares to the foreign cars.  It appears that China may also be learning that lesson.


We sit here today seven years after the 2008 financial meltdown. It has been five years since the government declared that the recession was over and the recovery had started.  The way I see it, the government does not want a real recovery with four to six percent growth and large gains in employment and income.  If this were to happen, how could they get millions of people dependent on the government so that they will vote for the political party that gives them these “benefits”?


How do we accomplish what I have proposed?  We start by deregulation of small businesses.  We all know that small businesses are the engine that creates the most jobs and where much of the new innovation occurs.  We have to create an environment where these small businesses can start up and flourish.  Since we are proposing these businesses innovate, the venture capitalists and investors along with the banks must make available the capital to start up these businesses.  Lacking these traditional ways, it might take a new form of raising capital.


The Internet has proven to be a source of raising funds for causes.  Now if shares of startup companies were sold online bypassing Wall Street and traditional capital sources, it could be a quick way of raising capital.  The public safeguards would the toughest hurdle to prevent fraud.  The new company must write and issue a business plan stating the company objectives and estimated startup costs.  Any change in this business plan must be approved by a majority of stockholders with only the sold shares eligible to vote.  To discourage fraud, the maximum percentage of shares owned by any one stockholder would be limited to 15%.  Violation of this provision would be punished by ten years in prison.  Should a buyout offer be made, the existing stockholder must have the option of being paid in cash even if the buyout offer is a stock exchange.  Since electronic communications are legal, when a company share is sold, a stock certificate would be issued and the money held in escrow by a fiduciary third party such as a bank until the requested capital goal was reached.  The escrow bank must have capitalization and deposits equal to more than five times the size of the business plan’s estimated company capitalization.  There would be a time limit on how quickly these shares must be sold before the money must be returned to the sender minus a small bank handling fee.  This capital formation method must be legal.


Another capital investment plan would be for the unions to spend their member dues on creating and owning new high tech companies instead of buying politicians.  The unions would be both the boss and furnish the worker.  These companies could be the vehicle to retrain their union members, if necessary, for the high tech industry.  One of the issues with this plan would be to avoid union corruption.


We need to rebuild our industrial businesses that produce a product instead of a service.  This does not necessarily mean that we must compete worldwide, but what it does mean is that when all costs are included for any imported product, we are competitive–but possibly on a much smaller scale.  We no longer make high pressure vessels, large electrical transformers, etc. in this country.  If these businesses were restarted, they may not be able to compete on a world market, but they must be competitive domestically.  Should we have a worldwide money crisis, we need to have critical businesses here.  Production capacity does not have to be world-class, only competitive.  If the dollar goes to hell, we must be able to continue to function as a country.  And we need an educational system to educate and train—not indoctrinate–the engineers and technicians we will need to operate these businesses. We need to figure out a way to bring these businesses back and at the same time provide American workers with good paying jobs.


CAUTION:  Don’t expect big government to help with this.  Bureaucrats do not have a reputation for solving problems—only trying to build empires.  They are an expense for which everyone pays, produce no goods and very little service.  Based on the news reports, many bureaucrats in the current federal administration have already demonstrated that they can be easily corrupted and don’t give a damn about you and me.


Hooray for Rand Paul trying to stop the NSA collection of everyone’s metadata.  At least this senator believes in the Constitution.


Has the American public been conned into thinking that changes were made with the Freedom Act?  It appears that only the timing of the collection may have changed.  All NSA has to do is request and collect the data before it is destroyed by the phone company.  I do not know how soon after the metadata has been generated before NSA can collect and store it.  Did your Member of Congress vote for it?  Are we waving goodbye to the U.S. Constitution?  Totalitarian regimes love this kind of policy.


I have a huge problem with former military commentators on TV making derogatory remarks about anyone who criticizes the NSA.  Who the hell do they think they are?  The NSA personnel took an oath to defend the Constitution and they are supposed to disregard any unlawful order.  NSA was not created to pursue domestic spying.


And here I thought that this time our power hungry politicians in Congress got their chops busted. I was wrong again.  I define a power hungry politician as every politician who has been in the Congress more than eight years in the House and more than two terms in the Senate.  I fail to understand what good they do for our country.  They pass laws they may or may not have even read and then let the executive branch write the thousands of regulations that become law.  The Constitution states that only the legislative branch can pass laws.  With the executive branch writing regulations that become law, your Member of Congress is taking your money on false pretenses.  And they will continue to suck on that government teat for as long as you let them.  These individuals swear to uphold the Constitution and then too often forget that oath.


Intelligence is the collection of information needed to secure and/or protect an objective.  Many people have been conned into believing that NSA data collection satisfies that objective.  Meaningful data collection provides important information in time to deal with a threat.  A billion data points does not meet that goal simply because nobody—but nobody—can quickly and intelligently analyze that much data to determine a risk—not even a supercomputer.  The supercomputer is fast but its data analyzation is only as good as the human programmer.


Osama Bin Laden was found using human intelligence—not a billion data points.  A CIA human analyst tracked him for years and a Pakistani doctor fingered him.  Oh yes, our government has abandoned that doctor.  That action is a really good advertisement for getting other persons to work with United States intelligence.


The drone program uses visual data, targeting and human intelligence to kill terrorists.


With all the data collection, why were the jihadists here in the United States able to kill American citizens including one poor woman who was beheaded?  Their venom was paraded all over the internet.  The Boston bombers were on the internet too.  Why is NSA collecting billions of metadata on law abiding citizens and ignoring the jihadists?  Is it faulty computer programming or something else?


Human intelligence was provided to the FBI on the Boston bombers.  Was it ignored because the politicians and FBI agents were more concerned about the false gods of political correctness and targeting than protecting the public?  I don’t know, but you can chalk up those fatalities to your government’s inaction.


We, the American people, are stupid.  We believe the tons of B.S. fed to us by politicians most of whom lie to us all the time.  Shame on us.  When are we going to wise up and take back our country from these duplicitous politicians?  For me, it cannot come soon enough.


What if the economy collapses?  My definition of a collapse is that the stock market collapses and/or the dollar suddenly loses its value and is no longer used as the reserve currency in international trade.  In these cases, many but not all economists predict panic and massive loss of wealth possibly triggering years of depression.  Not being an economist, I am not sure that I agree.


Remember that this country is huge and God has blessed us with many natural resources.  For many years, this country had high tariffs to protect domestic industries and the country prospered.  Am I suggesting we return to that era?  No, but I am suggesting we should remember that we functioned quite well without a lot of international trade.


Major differences between then and now are that we formerly had many basic industries which produced goods.  Many if not most of these industries were exported to countries where their labor costs were much lower than ours.  But remember, much of that was done before our technology became as sophisticated as it is today and we were exchanging low labor dollars for high labor dollars.  With automation in many industries, much of the manual labor has been turned over to programmed machines.  This requires a more capital intensive company with high per employee production to become and stay competitive.  Without a properly structured tax code and favorable regulations, this type of company would not be possible.  One simple way to handle taxes is to repeal the current tax code and replace it with a 17% income tax for everyone—businesses and people.  Regulation nation is another issue.


What I am suggesting is that we start programs to return to the United States many of those industries lost.  By the way, the persons who will have to make the sophisticated machines must have high technical skills to manufacture, program and maintain those machines.  These will be high dollar per hour jobs better than those lost when much basic manufacturing moved abroad and much better than most service industry jobs.  The people who will be needed for these jobs will be a mixture of college graduates and skilled non college workers.  The future is with those industries that use technology to produce a product—and only if the business owners are stupid will those jobs then be exported.  Based on history, it would seem that only smaller companies would abide by this rule because the huge companies want to be international.  If the labor unions used their millions of dollars from dues to help create these new small technology companies and retrain their members to staff those companies instead of buying politicians, everyone would be better off.  If the technology must be exported—only much older and outdated versions must be sent.


From what I can see, this consumer economy that everyone seems to love is a millstone around our necks.  Did any of those economists predict where the consumers were going to get the jobs they need to earn the money to spend and support the consumer economy?   Do the economists think that low wage jobs, unemployment insurance and welfare payments will do the job?  I doubt it.  Maybe some of them do.


So what happens if the dollar crashes and all imports become very expensive?  This nation has been a food exporter for years, so if a country does not want to pay what would be considered a fair price or exchange for something needed here, we do not export food.  We will find a way to help the food producers—maybe canning and freeze-drying—which by the way would generate jobs.


We have imported oil for many years, but, if necessary, conservation of this resource and sacrifice will get us through it.   If we produce enough energy, sacrifice may not be necessary and we can export energy.


What about the raw materials we need for our industries?  Raw material commodities such as metals and minerals could present a problem in keeping our industries supplied.  Most industrial raw materials are available in this country but maybe not at the quantity needed.


If China and Korea stopped sending new cell phones to us, do you think we can survive?  You just have to use the older phone longer.


What about the cheap clothes that we import.  We tighten our belts and make it.  The domestic industries in those areas will have to be restarted or expanded.  As long as the dollar is used domestically, any inflationary or possibly deflationary impacts can be managed.


To meet the demand businesses will be started up to meet the need—providing the federal, state and local government regulations don’t prevent them.


If necessary as I note in my book, there is always barter.  Barter has been used in trade for thousands of years.  It would not be easy, but “where there is a will, there is a way”.


Do these brief descriptions of possible solutions solve the problem?  No way.  My intention is to plant the seed to start everyone thinking on how some of these problems might be solved now—not after disaster strikes.  And if disaster does not strike, these problem solving lessons will be used elsewhere.


It has been reported in the news that no company in this country can manufacture the large electrical transformers we would need if the national power grid is sabotaged.  Who in business and government let his happen?   Were they brain dead?


One last thing.  Don’t ever expect your government to solve these problems.  Politics always gets in the way.  Governments are good at spending your tax monies, but they are no good at solving problems.

Furthermore, every politician and bureaucrat is a cost paid for by you and they do not produce a single salable product and in most cases very little service to the public—an exception being the first responders.  Politicians worry only about their next election.  Their love for our country seems to slowly diminish with each re-election.


Every day the news is quoting some poll numbers.  Except for the few polls that have existed for many years, I have trouble believing they are accurate and truthful.  Nevertheless, the news commentators and pundits quote them all the time.  What and how the questions are asked almost predetermines the poll answer.  If the pollster has a liberal or conservative agenda, they will ask the questions that will produce the answers they want.  All pollsters should be objective, but many are not.  So if you want to stay stupid, believe all the polls results that roll off the silver tongue of the newscaster or propaganda minister—which ever the case may be.


Oh my weary brain.  The 2016 election is seventeen months away and all the pundits are already issuing their analysis of every candidate’s qualifications and in some cases predicting how well a particular candidate might do.  That is their job.  In making their predictions, behind all the predictions is the pundit’s political agenda.  The pundits are supposed to be objective, but once again many are not.  If the candidate is a known liar and the pundit likes that person, they roll out the propaganda lies.  They get paid big bucks to write or go on television to lie to the public.  They do it all the time.  Many times if the candidate is honest and sincere, they smear that person.  Why do that?  The reason is that if the candidate is honest and sincere, it is more difficult for the pundits to redirect that person with favorable propaganda.  I suspect that many pundits would prefer to court the dishonest candidates because they are more easily influenced with favorable comments.  The pundits also seem to prefer establishment candidates because they know that after many years in politics many of the candidates have forgotten about right and wrong and are only concerned about the politics of their next election.


Everyone seems to have forgotten that what we need now are new faces with new ideas.  Maybe it is too much work for the pundits and pollsters to recognize that those old ideas and politicians have created a terrible economy with too much government interference and a huge debt for this country’s future generations.  Where are the pollsters and pundits who will tell us about the deceit practiced when preaching fairness?  Maybe the truth is not important to them.


Sadly as soon as the Amtrak accident happened, statements were made that it was due to insufficient infrastructure spending by Congress.


For all transportation, the primary thing the public and the users want is SAFETY.  If you get this really fast train to deliver you to your destination quickly, but you die in the process, what good is it?  It is incumbent on management to insure that safety has the highest spending priority and that everyone who uses that means of transportation gets to go home safely.  Since the news is now reporting that the speed limitation safety equipment will now be installed on the portion of track where the accident took place, the question comes up as to why didn’t management already have it installed?


The reason is that management did not have rider safety at the top of their spending priority list.  The need for speed control was established and nothing was done.  Was money spent on other projects given a higher priority?  The answer appears to be yes and then the question is why?


Amtrak management must be held responsible for this accident.



The issue of immigration must be about just one thing today—the rule of law.  Without the rule of law, no one’s rights are protected.  I have a real problem with people breaking the law to enter this country and then expect the rule of law to protect them.  I also do not approve of our government providing free legal services to outlaws who are here illegally.  For citizens who cannot afford an attorney, the public defender’s office is a must to ensure that the citizen defendant gets a fair trial.


I must be dumb, but It is only recently that I have started to understand what I think is Obama’s strategy on how to make the United States a one party country on the road to possible totalitarian rule.  I wilI confess that I have no evidence that my theory is true.  I am aware of a book on this subject and I must confess that I have not read it.  It will probably do a much better job explaining this situation than I do in this blog.


The 2008 election was all about “Hope and Change” and the first black President.  During that time, most people believed that candidate Obama was telling them the truth.  The transformation of the country statement came five days before the 2008 election, but I doubt that anyone other than Obama and his confidants knew what that meant.  What kind of transformation was he talking about?


With the passage of the stimulus package and the promotion of the “green” agenda where the federal government gave taxpayer financial guarantees to non hydrocarbon energy companies–some of which later declared bankruptcy–we started to get an idea.  When the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was passed with no Republican votes and Pelosi stated that the bill must be passed to find out what was in it, the American people began to understand what kind of transformation Obama wanted.


With the 2010 midterm elections and rise of the Tea Party, the Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives.  I suspect that this was not part of Obama’s Hope and Change.


It would seem that Obama determined sometime after the 2012 elections that there was a slim chance of the Democrats regaining control of the House of Representatives, so he started making what have been called unlawful changes in Obamacare.  Since he is supposedly a constitutional lawyer, he knew that only resignation and impeachment would remove him from office.  Based on past performance, he knew that the Democratic members of Congress were totally behind him, so impeachment would not be possible and he was not going to resign.


When he concluded that the Democrats might lose the Senate in 2014, he started to really open the illegal immigrant flood gates.


Possible reasons for these actions:


He would like for the Hispanics to follow the lead of the blacks and always vote Democrat no matter who is running for office.  He does not want smart voters, just uniformed loyal voters and by opening the immigrant flood gates and giving Hispanics the hope of permanent residence here, he may have helped those illegals become permanent Democrats.  Example:  My grandmother went through the Depression and was convinced that Roosevelt had tried to help her, so as far as I know, she always voted Democrat.  The candidate was unimportant, she voted for a party.


By letting the illegals get drivers licenses, he gives them one of the documents needed to vote.  With a driver’s license, many will vote in our elections.  The Democrats are counting on it.  Why else does the Justice Department fight tooth and nail all reform efforts by the states to have voter I.D. and up-to-date voter registration?


It would not surprise me if illegals have voted in every election since 2008—maybe even before then.  I just don’t know how many and in which states.  Obviously their vote was more important in the swing states where the vote was close.  This would be a good issue for the news media to investigate, but they won’t because too many of them have also transformed—into the Propaganda Press.  Since the Propaganda Press shares Obama’s leftist agenda, they would never investigate any potential Democratic malfeasance.  I discuss this more in my book.


We have had millions of babies aborted since Roe v. Wade.  At the same time we are not trying to stop millions of illegals from entering our country, so population control is not an issue.  If we wanted to increase our population, why abort babies?  I am aware that some economists worry about our declining population demographics, and economically they want more bodies producing income.  While many illegals are children, most are voting age.  Why else would you leave illegal adult criminals in the country?


We have many jobs not requiring a college education here in this country for which the companies cannot find qualified workers.  Many of the illegals who are stealing into the country cannot speak English let alone have the technical skills needed.  If not to satisfy a demand for workers, why do we need more immigrants?  To vote Democrat.  It is interesting to note that during an earlier time when the Bracero program was in effect, many participants came here to work and then returned to their country because they were not interested in becoming American citizens.  Of course, that was before entitlement nation was created and free stuff without work was available like it is today.


In the skilled immigration area, I have been personally discriminated against while an unemployed engineer and seeking work.  How did they do it?  The companies wrote the job requirements that only an immigrant could meet—such as speaking another language.  Why?  The immigrants worked cheaper.  This big government corruption has been going on since long before Obama.


Bottom line:  The big organizations like the chambers of commerce and some agricultural groups have bought the corrupt politicians to get what they want and don’t care if the illegals they employ vote or not.  Now that is patriotism, isn’t it?  Remember politics is the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Who is the brain-dead politician or bureaucrat who is admitting Muslims into this country from countries where Islamic terrorism prevails?  In this day of Islamic terrorism, why are any Muslims at all admitted into this country?  While all Muslims are not terrorists, why take any chances?  Would this type of immigration continue if Obama labeled the terrorists as Islamic?  Probably not and I would guess that most of these immigrants are of voting age.


In my book, I have proposed what I believe are fair changes to our immigration system.  If we can ever approach and deal with immigration intelligently using the rule of law, we can solve the problem.  Absent the rule of law, we are rapidly moving towards anarchy.



The Peanut Gallery is offering some advice to the 2016 Republican presidential candidates based on observations of what happened during the 2012 presidential primaries and general election.


Stay 100% on the issues at hand in the primaries.  Clearly tell us what your agenda is and your willingness to fight for it.  No personal attacks on your rivals.


Save your down and dirty politics for the general election after you have secured the nomination when you can join the Democratic Party candidate in the gutter and use their type of gutter politics.  If you are not willing to practice gutter politics if and when necessary to fight for us and the country, get the hell out of the race.  Oh yes, contest every election result where voter fraud is suspected.  There will be a lot of them.


If you win the Presidency and renege on your agenda, I hope you have to deal with massive civil disobedience demonstrations.  Get ready to resign.


Is anyone going to take my advice?.  Sure, the day after hell freezes over.



Once again NSA spying on Americans is in the news.  Once again our brain dead politicians are falling all over themselves to say it is necessary.  The politicians are wrong and they have disqualified themselves from representing you and I.


NSA is the American Gestapo and too many politicians love it.  By the way, by supporting the NSA domestic spying they are violating the oath they took to follow and support the Constitution of the United States of America.  Sadly, politicians do not worry about oaths.


The key to detecting and preventing Islamic terrorism here in the United States is human intelligence.  With NSA collecting billions of metadata, there is no way they can accurately come close to properly evaluating all the intelligence collected.  There is just too much data.  Instead of following up on human intelligence and concentrating on high risk targets, our brain dead members of congress want to support and throw more money at a failed system.  Our federal law enforcement officials are complicit in this failure.  Please note that I discuss the NSA problem in my book.


The NSA was created to collect data on foreign governments where the mission was more clearly defined.  It needs to stay in that area, but you must know that its efforts in that area are futile as well.  Without human intelligence, the data is just a lot of noise.  In those cases where foreign human intelligence has helped us like the Osama Bin Laden case, we have abandoned and failed to help those who have helped us.  With Obama wanting to use drones to kill terrorists, nobody is being captured to provide human intelligence so he can keep Gitmo spic and span clean.  I hope we can get rid of Obama before he accidently starts World War III.


Anyone who tells you that having our children get a good education is all about how much money is spent on schools is lying to you.  At one time in our recent past history this may have been true, but not today.


Why have American student test scores been dropping for the last 50 years or more?   I believe the teachers union will say that the scores are dropping because the teachers they are not getting paid enough money to attract good teachers.  That simply is not true.  In my book, I discuss more reasons that our education system is failing us and offer some possible solutions.


In schools during the 1950s and 1960s, children were sent to school to learn so that they could be educated well enough to find a job to support themselves after they became adults.  During my grade school and high school years (1940s and 1950s), I attended two school districts so small that all of the students in that district were taught in one building.  These were not rich school districts and some may say that they were poor.  Several years later, both of these school districts were dissolved and incorporated into a larger school district.  Despite what some people might think, I received an education.  Why was this possible?  It was because these school districts were staffed with teachers who wanted to teach because that was what they were educated to do and these districts were controlled locally with funding from state and local taxes.  It was during that time that federal money would soon become available.  I expand on this in my book.


If you watch any interviews with young people on TV, it quickly becomes evident that these young people know almost nothing about American History and current events.  Why?  To me, it looks like current practice in schools is indoctrination–not teaching students about current events and American history.  When the news reports that students are taught that the founding fathers were terrorists and that the United States has been the cause for bad things on the world stage, this is not teaching—it is propaganda and indoctrination.  Sadly the students believe this propaganda.  How long will it be until the state wants total control over the students—not the parents?  Students cannot be taught to think for themselves because they might reject the propaganda.  I have a real problem believing the rank and file teachers actually believe the tripe they spout.  It is all about federal government programs and control which instead of promoting diversity dictates that everyone must conform to the same standard cookie cutter.


Even in those small public schools that I attended, we were taught about current events weekly and American government and history.  Why is this no longer taught?  If it is being taught in schools, why is there no retention?  Could it be that the teachers have not been properly educated in college?  What are they being taught?  When you teach that the state is all knowing and the parents are not too bright, isn’t this indoctrination?  Based on the test results, the teachers and their unions have succeeded in indoctrinating the students to the point that the students are totally ignorant of the correct American history.


In those public schools at which I was educated, the school classrooms were always orderly.  The teacher was in charge and the students were there to learn.  Once again news reports show that this may no longer true in some schools.  It would seem impossible to learn in a classroom in which some young fool is making an ass out of himself or herself.  As soon as this happens, the disruptive student must be removed so that the rest of the class can learn.  Expulsion from school may be the only way, but I suspect that entitlement and political correctness would contradict that response.  At some time in everyone’s life, you must learn to be responsible.


In the 1960s, the teacher’s union membership was not very large despite the fact that teachers unions had been existence since before the Civil War.  It was during the 1960s that the membership started to increase from less than 100,000 to the millions of members today.  It is interesting to note that it was during this same time period that the student test scores began to fall.  During this time, the federal government started to help fund school districts and along with the money came demands and new requirements.  Do we believe that the drop in student test scores along with an increase in teacher union membership and federal government intervention is a coincidence or is there a correlation?  I do not believe that it is a coincidence.


From what I can see, the subject of math in schools is a mess.  Mathematics is absolute in that two plus two will always equal four.  If the teachers are not having the youngsters memorize the multiplication tables through number twelve and showing them the traditional way to add and subtract numbers, they are not teaching math.  Math and science are building block subjects on which yesterday’s lesson must be understood in order to understand today’s lesson.  When they try to teach logic on how to solve a two plus two problem, the only thing they are doing is confusing the students and making them feel dumb—which may be the intent.  In reality it may be the school system and the teacher who are dumb for trying to confuse the kids.  If the current opinion is that this new math is a better way, I don’t know what the proponents are smoking.  Teachers are not supposed to confuse their students.


On science, once again we are dealing with absolutes and if it is not taught properly, confusion reigns.  It is a given that any ball tossed up into the air will return to the earth due to gravity.  Simple science replicates and happens time after time in the same manner although sometimes it may replicate in different repetitive cycles.  So it must be taught on these terms.  If the science curriculum is taught like the new math, no wonder why our students do so poorly.


In my 40 years as an engineer, I constantly used math and science.  I could not have done my work without them.  I suspect that the main reason that American students do not do well in math and science is that they are not properly taught.  Good math and science teachers stimulate their students to the point that the students really like these subjects.  While I was getting my education, I was fortunate enough to have had good science and math teachers.


This nation was built by immigrants.  Many of them came here not speaking the language.  No problem.  The older people moved to a section of the city where their native language was frequently spoken and slowly learned English.  Their school age children started the real English learning and helped in some cases to teach their parents English.  Remember, children soak up learning like a sponge and learn languages very easily.  For hundreds of years, this way of assimilation was not a problem.  Why then must we now have to have bilingual education?  Horse hockey!!  There is an old saying “If it is not broken, don’t fix it”.  The system worked for hundreds of years only to have to be reformed now.  No way!!!  Since we probably have at least a hundred different foreign languages spoken by immigrants, then to avoid discrimination, we must have a hundred different bilingual teachers.  If they don’t get bilingual education, they must sue the school district and the federal government for discrimination against them.  When enough school districts get sued and the courts get tied up with thousands of lawsuits on bilingual education, maybe that bilingual requirement will be rescinded and we will go back to what has worked for the last two hundred years.



The Obama administration expresses concern about a problem, offers to fix it, and as usual does nothing.  The same can be said about the Congress.  They pass a law which they say will fix a problem, but once again I doubt that any member of Congress follows up to write any revised regulations.


By the way, I am dismayed that the members of Congress think that once a law is passed, their job is done.  This is not true.  Why would any member of Congress allow another branch of government to write the regulations that become law?  Member of Congress, you cannot complain about excessive executive branch power and then turn what might be the most important part of the law—the creation of the regulations that become law—over to the executive branch.  The Constitution created an executive branch to enforce the laws—not make them.


The VA administration is useless if not criminal in the way they treat our veterans.  And as usual, our incompetent Congress authorizes veterans to seek medical help outside the VA only after getting VA administration approval.  Why is any approval needed?  By Congress allowing the VA administration to decide when a veteran could get medical treatment outside the VA, did they let the fox guard the hen house again?  Are the members of Congress brain dead or just totally insensitive to the needs of the veterans?  It is obvious they do not know how to solve problems.


To solve the problem, all veterans should be issued a medical identification card upon separation from the military.  This medical card would be valid for government authorized medical treatment at any accredited medical facility including the local doctor’s office for one year from separation.  The veterans who use the card during this year would be granted automatic renewal for up to five years—except when fraud has been committed.  After six years, and depending on how much the card was used, any further renewal or instructions on future card use would be evaluated.  This reduces the possibly corrupt and useless Department of Veterans Affairs administration to processing claims for the first six years while the veterans’ medical needs are being established by medical professionals.


After the implementation of this card, the VA’s Inspector General would be tasked to investigate for any fraud beginning on the day the card is issued.  As stated above, any regulations needed for implementation of the law must be written by the Congress because that is the job for which they were elected.  The VA administration should not write any regulations, but only enforce them.  Again, Congress needs to remember that according to our Constitution, the role of the executive branch is to enforce the law.


Each of the VA current administrators must be reduced in pay grade to GS-5 and their accrued pension benefits converted to a 401k.  All bonuses must be prohibited.  Each administrator would be evaluated to determine whether or not they have been doing the job for which they were hired and have this verified by a non VA investigator.  If the administrator passes the new job evaluation, he or she will then be eligible to be promoted to a new higher GS level—but not necessarily to the previous level held.  The critics will say that this remedy is too extreme.  To them I say that I have a problem with the VA bureaucracy causing veterans to die due to lack of treatment.  I have no problem with any bureaucrat having to justify his or her employment and pay scale.  A reduction in pay grade gets their attention.  This is serious business.


We ask our young people to enlist in our military to defend our country during multiple deployments and then after they have served their country at huge personal risk and possible financial loss, we turn our backs on them.  Maybe the VA administration is hoping that the veterans will die or commit suicide before they can be treated by the government.  This is way it looks.


Maybe the final solution is to abolish the VA and use the card method I describe above.


Most people wonder if social security will be available to them when they reach retirement age.  Why is this?  One of the reasons is that your government has spent the monies that were supposed to go into a trust fund.  How do we fix it?  We privatize it using the method I explain in my book.  You should know that this method is approved by the federal government and is currently being used.  The government will have to reduce spending as more and more people participate in this plan.  Isn’t it a shame that the government will have less money to waste?


The Social Security Administration (SSA) is supposed to keep records on deceased social security card members.  Why then have earnings been reported for persons who if alive would be well over 100 years old?  What is the SSA doing about this obvious fraud?  Who in the government is benefitting from this illegal card use?  Does anyone in government care about right and wrong?


It has been reported that for privacy reasons, the SSA cannot inform a card holder when someone has committed fraud and is using his or her social security card number.  What brain dead bureaucrat or elected official caused this to happen?  It has been reported that the Supreme Court also played a role in this fiasco.  How and why?


Wouldn’t it be nice if the “social security” payments that you received from your plan were not considered to be entitlements but actually a return on your investment?  The plan I proposed in my book  does that.  It is better for you, your children and your country.


I don’t know, but I wonder if the SSA will not be the source of the next scandal that the Obama administration will declare that it knows nothing about, claims it will fix and then completely ignores hoping that the public will forget and the problem will go away.



Based on what happened to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) when the Supreme Court reviewed the law the first time, I have little hope that the Supreme Court justices will do the right thing this time.  In fact, it would not surprise me if the court ruled 6 to 3 in favor of giving subsidies to those people who the law excluded.  Why?  We have too many federal judges and justices who no longer believe in the written word but will only rule on their interpretation of what they think the written word is supposed to say.  Therefore, these judges and justices no longer believe that the written word defines the law and they no longer believe in a literal interpretation of the words in the Constitution.  That being the case, they no longer believe in the Constitution and these persons are in fact politicians who have no place in the federal court system.   The political system has converted the federal judicial system into a partisan political cesspool.  In my opinion, any judge who votes for ignoring the written word in any law in favor of his or her political agenda should be impeached.  But they don’t need to worry though because the Congress does not have the guts to do the right thing because it might interfere with their re-election.  Scum bags all who place personal gain ahead of the good of their country.  No wonder we have such a mess.


All justices that vote to grant financial subsidies to those the law specifically excluded need to be impeached.  But we all know nothing will happen.


As we all know, California is suffering from a drought.  There is not enough water to grow the food crops that we all need to survive.  Food shortages tend to increase prices at the supermarket and many people find it more difficult to feed their families.

California produces much of the fruit, nuts and vegetables consumed here in the United States.  Over the past years, there have been numerous news reports of farmers struggling to remain financially solvent without the water they need.  It seems that an endangered minnow could put some farmers out of business.

To handle the water shortage, the California politicians have recently imposed water use restrictions on their residents whose only “crime” has been to use water.  Isn’t this a typical political solution?  Penalize the innocent because their government has failed to provide the necessary infrastructure to meet the needs of their residents.  Do they really “need more government controls” because their government has decided to be reactive instead of proactive in supplying water for their citizens?

Is there a simple way to solve this problem?  No, but there is a long term solution.  The solution is sea water desalination plants.  The city of San Diego has contracted for 50 million gallons per day of water from a desalination plant that will cost about one billion dollars to build.  What if instead of a high speed railway system being built for over 60 billion dollars, ten or more 100 million gallon per day sea water desalination plants were built?  Is a high speed rail system more important than drinking water and water for food production?  Looks like it, doesn’t it?

The desalination plant design uses reverse osmosis (use of membranes and differential pressure to produce the potable water).  The nice thing about reverse osmosis desalination is that the design can be  modular which makes it easier to expand or run at reduced capacity.  The most costly part might be securing the right of way for the pipelines needed—but since the pipelines would contain water, there should not be any reason why these large pipelines could not be above ground to save money and the consequences of a spill would be wet roads—but then this is California and how it looks is important.  It should be noted that any rail system would be aboveground and how will it affect how the neighborhood looks remains to be seen.

Just think, the farmers and general populace would have up to a billion gallons per day of water to use to drink or produce the crops to feed the country and the minnow would be “saved?”   Do I think the California politicians would do something as practical as this proposal?  No!!  Oh yes, the number of people that could be served by this proposal would probably be well over the estimated 65 million per year rail riders by 2040.  And here I thought that our political system was supposed to help the people of this country and not just the special few.  I must have missed something.  By the way, if you think environmentalists are preserving the environment for you, you need to stop smoking that stuff.  The idealistic good  intentions of environmental activism is long gone and today it is all about the ability to use government force to control the people.

By the way, since I live in Texas, it should be noted that our politicians here are as lacking in good old common sense as the California politicians when dealing with drought.


Well, Hillary Clinton is back in the news again.  I wonder how things are going in her “elite” world.  Did she get caught with her hand in the cookie jar using a personal internet service provider in her home?  And this happened while she is working as the country’s Secretary of State?  Are we to believe that her ISP is so secure that it cannot be hacked?  Have the government technocrats have made it secure?  But this cannot be because the President has said that he never was aware that a personal ISP was being used.  This a tech savvy President who uses electronic communications all the time and he doesn’t see where the email originated?

Boy, this personal ISP is really great if you want to erase everything to prevent public scrutiny.  But we all know that she will release all of those emails made from this server, right?  Oh yes, and I am twelve feet tall.  Will the lies, deception and propaganda never end?  It won’t until the American people publicly demonstrate that they will no longer tolerate such behavior.  Why can the supposed “elites” lie and get away with it while ordinary people like you and me might do hard time for the same actions?  One reason is that many of these “elites” are law school graduates.  On the news and in my personal life, I  have observed attorneys who believed that they were above the law and could do almost anything they wanted to do without any consequences.  Maybe they had a strong sense of entitlement.  They knew what the law required and willfully disobeyed it.  They knew that our court system can be corrupt and many times they will never be charged with a crime or will only suffer a slap on the wrist if they are discovered and convicted.  After all, don’t defense attorneys lie in the defense of their clients when they know their client is guilty?  Who will go to jail over this one?  No one!!

Will this become another of this administration’s scandals that they will stonewall and delay any action on until the stupid American public forgets again?  Probably yes.  This type of malfeasance seems to be so frequent we need to start assigning numbers.

How do we ever get off this merry-go-round?  It will happen when the American public gets so mad that they decide to do something about it.  Until then, hang onto your hat.


The founders of this country in our constitution tried to create a federal judicial system that would be free from politics.  In today’s world, the federal judiciary has been subverted by the professional politicians into another political system.  When a major case is under review, the first thing political commentators mention is who appointed that judge to the federal bench.  This is done to identify how the case may be adjudicated based on the presiding judge’s political agenda.  Typically those appointed by a Republican president would be more conservative and those appointed by a Democratic president would be more liberal.  I believe the general idea is that conservative judges tend to believe in a literal interpretation of the words in the constitution and the liberal judges do not literally interpret those words but think that they are complying with what they think the writers of the constitution would do today.  This latter type of adjudication has been considered by many to be legislating from the bench.  My opinion is that no judge is smart enough to know what future the founders wanted over 200 years ago.

For the state and local jurisdictions, the judges are typically elected.  These judges are normally identified by political party and the conservative/liberal labels listed above usually apply.  It is interesting to note as recently as 50 years ago, a good number of Democrats were considered to be conservative.

I have a problem with any judge who bases his or her decision on politics instead of what is right, wrong, case law or constitutional.  When wrong decisions are made, they can have serious consequences for everybody.  To remedy this, I propose a constitutional amendment that requires all federal judges be elected, limited to one ten year term and prohibited for life from working for any organization doing business with the federal, state or local government after completing their ten year term.  If a judge is going to have a political agenda, then that judge must be elected.  A former federal judge should be allowed to use his or her law degree and work for a law firm as long as that firm complies with the business prohibition listed above.  More changes and restrictions are described in my book.

What is extremely frustrating is that when a law is passed or a judicial case is finally settled–and most people consider it the wrong decision–they cannot do anything to change it.    When a politician or judge commits a crime, they can be indicted, tried and convicted, but there is no constitutional remedy to remove them from office other than resignation or impeachment.  Typically the constitution stipulates impeachment to remove someone from office, but politicians rarely use this.  This means that someone who has committed an unlawful act as serious as murder could remain in office until his term expires.  This is wrong and there must be another remedy.

The remedy I am proposing is a constitutional amendment that allows the registered voters in every jurisdiction to recall any elected or appointed government official including the members of Congress, the President, the Vice President and all federal judges including those on the Supreme Court.  Currently the voters must wait until the next election to vote out their elected representative and these representatives rely on the voters’ short memory to stay in office.  The recall option returns to the people the power to control what their government does to them prior to the next election.

Let us remember that a representative type of government was chosen by the founders because at that time it took weeks to travel long distances by horse or other means.  It is sheer folly to consider that we should have a pure democracy where everyone votes on every issue, so that is not the solution.  My suggestion is that any government official should be removed from office when in a recall election a majority vote of the registered voters in that jurisdiction vote to remove that person.

To initiate this recall election would take a petition signed by 10% of the registered voters in that jurisdiction.  To vote to repeal any law passed, judicial decision or regulation issued would also require a petition signed by 10% of the registered voters in that jurisdiction to place that item on a ballot.

The politicians and political pundits will scream that recall elections are a huge waste of taxpayer money, but then what would you expect them to say when their government cushion is in jeopardy. In my opinion, it will only take a few recall elections for all government officials to recognize that when a recall petition has been started, they need to fix the problem as soon as possible or they may be looking for new employment.  Once again, the most important thing to remember is that a recall election puts the power to control what their government does back into the hands of the people.


Does the rule of law apply to all citizens of this country?  Answer: yes Is there anyone in this country for whom the rule of law does not apply.  Answer: no

When someone in a position of power in the government breaks the law, should that person be held accountable no matter what position he or she holds?  If we are all equal citizens under the law, then the answer must be yes.

Should a member of Congress, a federal judge or the president be charged for a crime when he or she violates the law?  The answer should be yes, but it really looks like they are all above the law.  If they cannot be arrested while in office, they would be immune from prosecution until they were no longer in office.  And if the statute of limitations has been exceeded, what then?  To delay the charging and prosecution of unlawful behavior by any government official because he or she holds an elected or appointed office starts the slippery slide into anarchy.

The only remedies for lawlessness that I can find in the constitution are resignation or impeachment.

This means an outlaw who refuses to resign can continue to serve as the people’s representative unless impeached.  In the present political environment, this means that since the members of Congress are more loyal to their party and holding power than the good of the people and the country, impeachment is not an option.

Unlawful behavior of any government official cannot be tolerated.  If the current occupant of an office has committed a crime, then there must be a way to remove that person from office without waiting for the next election, impeachment or a resignation.  People who break the law are outlaws who must be prosecuted no matter what elected or appointed office they hold.  Unfortunately, it appears to me that our founding fathers expected those who held office would place their loyalty to the country above their personal interests.  Sadly, this is no longer true—if it ever was.  There has to be another mechanism where people who hold office can be removed from office without impeachment or resignation.

The positions described in the constitution are permanent unless changed by constitutional amendment, but the occupant of each permanent position is temporary.  There must be a way to distinguish between the current occupant of a government office and the office itself.

Once charged with a crime, that person should temporarily be removed from office and be unable to exercise any duties of the office while the criminal charges are being investigated and adjudicated.  If the person is found innocent, they resume their position–and if found guilty, they are sentenced for their crime and removed from office.  A probation sentence would require removal.  For this to be effective, any trial must be held within one month of the charge being made.  The current system of months and years before trial would be unacceptable.  Note that lawyers are paid by the hour and have no budget and schedule, so the way I see it, they will not be in favor of a speedy trial.  The main disadvantage with this system is that false charges could be made solely to remove someone from office.  Should this be the case, then the party making the false charges would be guilty of bearing false witness and must be prosecuted for that crime with a minimum sentence upon conviction of at least ten years in prison.

Another way to control an out-of-control government is to insist that all government officials sign an employment contract.  This contract would spell out specific items the candidate for the office would pursue should he or she be elected.  It would legally require resignation from office on non compliance.  If someone does not want to sign an employment contract, then you can be reasonably be assured that this individual will not have the people’s best interests in mind while in office.  This type of individual wants to lie to get elected and then do what he or she wants after getting elected—the worst kind of professional politician.  When the contract is violated, the violation becomes a legal action that would require the politician to be removed from office.  Once again, the politician would be prohibited from exercising all duties of the office until a final determination of innocence or guilt had been determined.  A time limit must be imposed for resolution because the lawyers will want to drag things out for years if possible.  After all, the more time they spend, the more money they make.

A third way  would be for an election to be held to recall the person.  Should say 10% of the registered voters in any jurisdiction sign a petition to remove that individual from office.  Then a recall election would be held.  This would apply to any elected or appointed individual holding a government office.  The professional politicians would object to this method as being too expensive, but then they only worry about themselves and spend our money without any regard as to how much money is being spent.  The beauty of the recall system is that it allows the ordinary citizen to participate in any remedy to the abuses of government power and control.  Should this system of redress be adopted, this procedure could also be used to nullify any court decision or bad legislation.  I seem to recall that our government is supposed of and by the people instead of and by some people who have appointed themselves as our rulers.

A question that needs answering is at what point does government abuse of power and lawlessness become anarchy.  More importantly, what do we do when we perceive that this point has been reached.



As this is being written, there is a controversy over an Israeli Prime Minister addressing Congress. The White House is upset because they feel that Congress is intruding into foreign policy which is supposed to be an executive branch function—that is if you believe in the Constitution. No mention is made of the executive department’s executive orders which have changed existing laws passed by Congress. Hmmm!! What is the problem? Is the Constitution supposed to apply for only one branch of government? Is the White House afraid that maybe the Israeli Prime Minister might tell us the truth?

We have a State Department which has stated that in order to try to fight terrorism, we must find the potential terrorists jobs. Hello!!!! Don’t they remember that the 9-11 terrorists were not looking for jobs and they were all Muslims. Does the State Department have a clue on what the problem is and how to solve it? To me, their pronouncements are either lies or propaganda. Is our State Department supposed to be engaged in these activities? I don’t think so.

The White House refuses to identify the fact that we are starting to see worldwide terrorism by Muslims. Why are they afraid to identify the terrorists as Muslim? Could it be that our President is also a Muslim? On the religion issue please see the 2008 ABC video interview during which Obama professed to be a Muslim.

The White House has succeeded into making Washington D.C. the liars capital of the world. Listen to the spokespersons for the President, the State Department and the Pentagon. Oh yes, don’t let us forget the IRS which has targeted groups opposed to the administration and all those missing tapes which were recently found. Do you remember the administration going on TV and telling us a video caused Benghazi when they knew that terrorists had done that terrible deed. How about the NSA spying scandal that was supposed to be so bad and the President promised reform? Still waiting. And the VA scandal, what has been done about prosecuting the administrators who lied to keep their bonuses while veterans died because they did not receive treatment? What about the Affordable Care Act when on numerous occasions the President told us that we could keep our doctors and medical plan when later news reports showed that he knew that it was a lie?

Sorry, but the list is so long that I am getting tired. I will download future issues at a later time.

Oh yes, I forgot. I don’t think we need any more Bush or Clinton presidents.


According to Article I of the Constitution of the United States of America, “All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” Simply stated, Congress passes the laws. Why then does the Congress seem so impotent as opposed to the executive branch of our government? The reason is that Congress has abdicated their law-making responsibility to legislative assistants and the executive branch of government. By abdicating their responsibility to others they are taking our money on false pretenses and therefore should be fired.

A simple example of this irresponsibility is the Affordable Care Act. This piece of legislation is gigantic in size and then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told the members of Congress to pass it so that everyone could find out what was in it. Is this the type of behavior you want your member of Congress to have? Did those members truly represent their constituents or were they playing politics with everyone’s life? I contend the latter was the case. Why do you pay their salary for possibly not representing your interests? The reason is that the typical American voter is uniformed and sometimes stupid. They permit their congressional representatives to lie and deceive and then re-elect them to office. How stupid can you be? When is the American public going to wake up and demand honesty from their representatives? The longer this behavior is acceptable, the closer we come to losing our personal freedoms and our country. This situation can only be corrected when voters have had enough of this behavior and demand reform.

Why do these bills have to be so large and, as has anecdotally been reported, written in legalese? There is no reason or justification for this. If you want the law to be followed and understood by everyone, then you must write the law in simple English. Writing laws in a so-called legal format only invites the lawyers to file a lawsuit. Poor and vague legislation are a lawyers dream and we all know that they charge by the hour and have no budget or schedule. Cha ching, cha ching, cha ching. Guess who pays the bill.

To eliminate this waste, we need any bill’s sponsors to write the bill and take responsibility for it before it is voted on. Furthermore, after the law has been passed, these members of Congress must participate and direct any and all regulations that may be needed as I have described in my book. The seeds of corruption are planted when an agency has the ability to issue regulations that become law and then has the power to enforce them. It destroys the constitutional separation of powers and is poor governance.

Shouldn’t we be electing the best and the brightest to represent us in Congress instead of the lazy and dumbest? I use the term lazy because it has been reported that Congress while in session works less than five days each week. If they did their jobs and helped write the regulations needed to support legislation, maybe they would not have so much free time. Please remember, they are getting paid to pass laws to meet our needs. The schmoozing and campaigning must not be done on the clock but on off time from work. Is it fair that most people must work five days each week to earn enough to provide for their families and government workers do not have to do the same?

As a young chemical engineer during the 1970s, I remember thinking that it was much easier to build refineries and chemical plants here in the United States than it was in Europe where they had all those regulations. Obviously, that is no longer true. It is also obvious to me that while some regulation may be needed, when thousands of pages of regulations which become law are issued and approved, the regulations become an abuse of power to use government force and are very much counterproductive to progress and innovation.

The practice of congressional oversight is for the most part a waste of time and money. When the legislative branch abdicates their law making responsibility to the executive branch and then does not like what was done with the regulations, they hold hearings in an attempt to correct any problem. Under current practice which is briefly described in my book, this can be cumbersome and inefficient. If the legislature had done their job and issued any and all regulations needed to support the new law, there would still be oversight needed to verify that the law had been correctly implemented and enforced, but changes to regulations should be minimal. The policy of letting the executive branch of government write and enforce regulations is truly an abdication of Congressional responsibility. It is like letting the fox guard the hen house and then wondering why there are missing chickens. The constitution makes no mention of the executive branch writing regulations that become law.

Rich People Have Become a Hazard to Our Republic

Counting moneyThe problem I see with rich people today is that they are falsely assuming that they know what is good for the rest of us and they are throwing millions of dollars toward trying to force their beliefs on us. Just because they were able to make millions and billions of dollars, they assume they know it all.  Well, I am here to tell them that they can take their billions and put it where the sun doesn’t shine.  By the way, that last location is probably where their brains reside.

One way to reduce their impact would be to tax all income above ten million dollars a year at a 100% rate with all of those tax dollars going to retire the national debt. After all, who could not get by on a measly ten million dollars a year?

We have recently seen where super rich—I am assuming they are people–have spent millions of dollars trying to implement a pet project because they will benefit from it. The hell with the rest of us.  The typical pet projects are the environment, gun control and trying to convert this country into a communist one.  In all these cases, they try to do this by issuing propaganda.  They dress up the propaganda with motherhood statements professing this must be done for the good of the country.  This only shows that they are full of what make green grass grow.

I am liking that 100% taxation better as I write this.

Another way our rich people try to force their ideas on us is to run for and get elected to office. After all, if someone is rich, aren’t they really a lot smarter than the rest of us?  They spend so much of their own and other people’s money campaigning that they overwhelm their opponent and get elected.  Look at all that money being spent of getting elected.  Millions and millions of dollars spent to get elected to a job that pays 100,000 to 300,000 thousand dollars a year.  Makes sense, doesn’t it?  Oh, I got it figured out.  It is about the power to use government force.  The rationale for becoming a politician is  “now that I am so rich and famous, I really am so much smarter that everyone else and must show the less fortunate people how they must live their lives.”  If a few people may get trampled on, but so what?  That is cost of doing political business.

I am liking that 100% taxation idea more and more.

By the way, the more corrupt the government is, the more they will follow the money. If everything is for sale and has a price, the politician just needs to keep increasing the ante until his coffers are full and then the fat cat’s ideas can be implemented.  Simple, huh?   Who says money has no place in politics?  Not me!!!

Oh, I got it figured out! The main reason for anyone to run for political office is so that they have the power to force people to do things that they don’t want to do by using government force.  Force is the answer.  But isn’t force the way totalitarian governments gain power and what they use to maintain power?  Afraid so!  That being the case, why then is force so important for a republic or democracy?  I need to scratch my head a bit and think about this one for awhile.

Obama as Observed From The Peanut Gallery

White HouseDo you believe what Obama says or not? That is the question.  My answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no.

Everybody knows that on the issue of what the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) offers, when Obama said that if you liked your doctor, you could keep him and if you liked your healthcare plan, you could keep it were lies which he repeated over and over. If you know someone has lied to you, how do you analyze any future pronouncements?  If you believe a known liar, shame on you.

I have several times viewed a video recorded during a television interview in 2008 during which Obama commended John McCain for not making his Muslim religion an election issue–only to be prompted by his interviewer to say he was a Christian. I believe he was telling the truth about being a Muslim.  I do not know to what Muslim sect he belongs, but I am guessing that he is a Sunni.  This would help explain why he bows to a Sunni king in Saudi Arabia.  This may also explain why Obama had problems with the Shia president of Iraq in getting a status of forces agreement and why he consistently defends Islam but not Christianity.  This would also explain why obvious domestic terrorism is always classified as workplace violence.  Could his religion be why he delayed to more forcefully deal with the predominantly Sunni terrorist group ISIS?

You should note that the Muslim religion condones its believers lying to non believers.

Also in 2008, Obama stated that his election would fundamentally transform the United States. In this instance I also believe he was telling the truth.  With the excessive use of government force by his administration, Obama has almost succeeded in creating the United States banana republic.

Why does it seem that Obama is always attending a Democratic campaign fundraiser? Does it seem reasonable to assume that fundraising is one of the few things he is able to do well and since he is the star attraction, it must be a huge boost to his ego?

I have a problem understanding how the United States military can be the strongest in the world when the number of naval ships, air force planes and active army manpower levels are scheduled to be reduced below pre World War II levels. It does not make sense.  Could this be why Russia’s Putin is flexing Russia’s nuclear and military muscles?

Sadly we have a president who places more emphasis on domestic political power and control using government force than implementing policies that would truly benefit our nation and all of its citizens.

Has Government Policy Contributed to School Mass Murder?

iStock_000005453234Our government has fostered the belief that everyone is entitled. A simple example of this is the practice in sports of awarding every team member a trophy just for participating. Individual failure is not considered to be an option. There is no one person on the team who is most valuable.  This philosophy ignores that fact that we all are not born with equal ability.

In addition, some schools have begun to teach that the government is more important to a child than his or her parents and reinforces this philosophy by suspending students for stupid political correctness reasons. The schools use Gestapo tactics to intimidate parents who want to help their children.

When someone’s antisocial behavior is judged to be beyond what is considered normal, that person may be examined by a physician. If the doctor concludes that the individual may have violent tendencies, after prescribing medication, nothing more restrictive may be possible without infringing on the individual’s rights.

Today when someone feels that he is being treated unfairly, he may resent this and react violently  because he is convinced that he is entitled to better treatment.

This administration has a policy of aggressively promoting entitlement and political correctness. My belief is that political correctness discourages a doctor from prescribing mandatory treatment of serious mental illness in a mental hospital.  When combined with the educational indoctrination of students to believe that government knows better than a parent, have these policies gone too far and created an environment that contributes to school mass murder?

What Are We Going to do When We Run Out of Water?

iStock_000041911470As the world population grows, the consumption of water increases and shortages have started to happen. It is odd that a planet with about three quarters of its surface covered by water should have water shortages.  Of course, we all know that the water in the oceans is salty and cannot be consumed by humans without serious consequences.  Well, what are we going to do about it?

The first thing we must do is conserve water by the elimination of leaks from water systems. The infrastructure in many cities is very old and in a state of disrepair.  Wasting water because there are leaks from the water system must be reduced.  Performing a system audit using flow meters located throughout the system will help locate where any leaks might be.  It should be noted that some cities and states have implemented this practice

The political solution is to appoint someone to study the issue. Well, typically 5-10 years later after all the grant money has been used, the pronouncement will come that we must conserve.  We knew that before the study started.

After the issue has been studied to death, the politicians will start to issue regulations to control the use of water by using government force. As water consumers, we will lose another freedom to the big government bureaucrats whose only objective in life is to stay employed.

During the last century, the rural areas of our country did not have electricity because the power companies concluded that it was not economic to provide power to rural areas. This decision was unacceptable to those people who lived in rural areas, so they formed nonprofit cooperatives to bring power to their homes and businesses.  As members of the cooperative, they were also the owners.  It is now time for water users to use the formation of water cooperatives to insure that they have the water to meet their needs.  The cooperative organization allows the users to produce the water they need with minimal government interference.  Large users such as the farmers and industry should be able to produce the water quality they need while a smaller part of the plant could also produce potable water.

Using existing technology such as reverse osmosis and fixed bed deionization, seawater can be purified enough for human consumption. The plant would use seawater from the ocean or gulf as feed and return the brackish byproduct water to the sea. The nice thing about this technology is that it is easily scaled up or down to the water demand.  It should be noted that technology similar to this is currently being used to provide water in the Middle East.  If seawater is treated, the government would most likely be involved in the plant site selection and where and how the seawater would be collected and the brackish wastewater discharged back into the sea.

Multistage evaporation could also be used if large quantities of waste heat were available.   In this case the equipment would be much larger, more costly and the turndown to lower rates more difficult.

Once the water has been produced, it must be stored and shipped from the plant to the user. The cheapest way would probably be to use a pipeline to a distribution point from which the final user could receive his water.  Alternately, the water could be transported by truck or train.

For agriculture and fracking uses, the quantities needed could be quite large.   For instance, it takes about two million gallons of water to cover a 100 acre site with water to a depth of about ¾ inch.  Fracking operations typically need from one to six million gallons of water.

The user would have to store this water in closed containers because open air storage could lose half of the volume stored due to evaporation. These operations would very likely need large storage capacities on both ends.  Bladder tanks storing 150,000 gallons are available now.  It should be noticed that if bladder tanks were used for storage, runoff from spring rains could be pumped into these tanks for future use.

Recently in Texas a rice farmer who has the right to pump from the local aquifer pumped it dry leaving his neighbors with no water. While this is legal now, it does not take a genius to note that this will probably not be allowed in the future.  Restrictions will be placed on the farmer and these restrictions could cause him to go out of business.  The time to produce potable water using sea water feed is now before the government restrictions are put in place.  Government is almost always reactive instead of being proactive.  They react to a crisis instead of preventing a crisis.

Bottom line is that food costs for everyone will go up when water must be produced to produce food. The alternative option is no food or less food.  There are no free lunches.

Once again, the time to start using existing technology to treat massive quantities of seawater to meet the country’s water needs is NOW and the vehicle to do this are privately owned water cooperatives.

Why The Political System Must Be Changed

The way I see it, politics as practiced here in the United States is the exchange of money for the power to control the use of government force.  Special interest groups with huge sums of money have become the major factor influencing government action.  Only a very small minority of politicians seem to be interested in satisfying the needs of their constituents. That is why the current political system is failing the American people and must be changed.

Many times it is the politician who spends the most money who wins the election.  Negative political advertising has shown that it is effective, so it is used frequently.  Sadly, this is an indication that the person using negative advertising really has no positive program or idea on how to best serve his or her potential constituents.  Any voter who casts a vote based solely on negative advertising is stupid.  Both the negative advertising and the spending of huge sums of money are not healthy ways to elect politicians.

These tactics work because the voter has no other information on which to make a decision. The candidates may have a website extolling their virtues and accomplishments, but the voter cannot verify that the information is true. Politicians have been known to lie to get elected.  Newspapers will make endorsements to support those candidates who agree with the paper’s political agenda.  Each political party will nominate a candidate for office who agrees with the party’s philosophy and agenda.  All of this leaves the voter who wants to become informed in the lurch.  In past years this problem may have been insurmountable,  but it should not be in the Internet Age.  If a website was created for every state and the site allowed the public to contribute information about each candidate for office,  it might improve the selection process.  I am not sure how this information would be verified to be true because we do not want propaganda or lies listed.  If there were two webmasters controlling the information on each candidate–one controlling the positive and the other controlling the negative, this might work.  I don’t know the best way to verify the truth of the statements listed, but I am reasonably sure that someone could develop a method.   What I do know is that what we have now is no good and is not producing the quality politicians we need.

To control the spending by candidates, as I have suggested in my book, we the public should pay for the electioneering costs.  Nobody wants to spend money to have politicians elected, but then consider the costs of the sometimes terrible legislation they pass to satisfy the needs of their large special interest campaign contributors.

The politicians practice a form of de facto unionism that rewards those with the most years in that office with increasingly more powerful positions–whether they are qualified or not.  This practice makes the elected official beholden to his political party instead of to his constituents.  This is not a good situation for the electorate.  The best way to reduce the problems this practice introduces is term limits.  The additional benefit of term limits is that it makes the politician live under the rules he passed while in office.  It is insanity to believe that any politician can be effective in creating positive legislation for more than ten to twelve years.  Thirty to fifty years in office!!!!  You have got to be kidding!!!!

The professional politician and the current political parties got us into the mess we are in now.  They preach fairness and practice deceit.  They have only one objective and that is to get re-elected so that they can maintain the power to control the use of government force.

We Must Leave The United Nations

United Nations, GenevaAs we all know, the United Nations was started in 1945 to try to solve disputes between nations peacefully.  In its charter, it resolved “to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small”.  Like many new organizations, it really tried to follow its charter,  Unfortunately, also like many older organizations, as it ages it strays further and further from it original purpose.

For example, where was the UN when terrorists kidnapped young women in Africa?

Where was the UN when the terrorist group ISIS started slaughtering Christians and other minorities in Iraq and Syria?  Has everyone forgotten what the Nazis did in World War II?

Where was the United Nations when Hamas starting locating their rockets in UN schools in Gaza?  Does the UN expect the world to believe that they were unaware of this being done?

Where was the UN when genocide was being committed in Kosovo in the 1990s?

Why in some Muslim countries does a woman who wants to go abroad need her husband’s written permission?  Is this the equal rights of men and women?

Why are there nations which have no regard to its citizens’ human rights on the UN Human Rights Council?

The UN is now trying to implement Agenda 21 here in the United States.  Basically Agenda 21 advocates that affluent people are a problem because they consume too much of the earth’s resources, insists that any animal has the same rights as a human being, restricts where people can live to high rise communities in concentrated areas, insists that there is no private property and individual freedom, dictates that consumption of natural resources must be limited and a select group of people using TOTALITARIAN CONTROL will tell the masses how to live their lives.  The UN wants to be the select group and implement a world government with taxing authority.  The way I see it, the current administration has been trying to implement Agenda 21 since 2009.  If you don’t believe me, look at the news reports since 2009 and compare the government’s actions against the list above.

Without gun control it will be impossible to implement totalitarian control here in the United States.

Today the UN has morphed into a huge political organization that has become corrupt and useless to maintain world peace and security.  Does it make any sense to support any organization that allows itself to be used to support terrorism as in Gaza?

It is time for the United States to withdraw from and stop funding the United Nations and give that organization a maximum of two years to shut down their offices in New York and move to another part of the world.

Impeachment – A Subjective Commentary

Dictionary Series - Politics: impeachThe news subject today is impeachment.  The Democrats are saying that is what the Republicans want and the Republicans deny it.  News reports state that impeachment is raising a lot of money for the Democrats.

It is interesting to note that impeachment proceedings begin in the House.  Since the Republicans are the majority, they could start the proceedings.  However, a presidential impeachment is not decided by the House.  The Senate is where the impeached one is tried and the Democrats are in the majority.  Since it takes 67 senators to convict, the chances of conviction are about as likely as a snowball in hell.  Why would time and money be wasted on a futile effort?

Recent television ads state that 60 million people watch free television.  Since many of the free television stations are part of the propaganda media, what is the probability that these stations will inform the public about the low impeachment probability?  Based on past performance, the public will not receive this information.  Why?  Well, if the uniformed voter can be kept uniformed, then when he supports the current administration and receives a request for money, he writes the check.  Of course, the informed voter will also send money so he can buy influence.

It is all about the money.  The losers in all this are the “ordinary” people.  The way I see it, there is way too much news devoted to politicians and political objectives and not nearly enough time about the effects any law has on the people.  Are we second class citizens who need to be kept uniformed?

Rule of Law

iStock_000027642211For a non U.S. resident to enter the United States, you must have a visa.  These people from Latin America do not have visas, so they have violated the law.  Now that they are here, the politicians and pundits are advocating that these people must be judged by current law.  How is it that the rule of law must be applied now after everyone has demonstrated that the rule of law did not apply when they entered the country?  Makes no sense to me.  Another federal boondoggle that wants to waste taxpayer money that we don’t have.