When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

As election day approaches, Joe Biden is still spending a lot of time in his basement. Why? Could it be that he doesn’t want to discuss the criminal enterprises his family has conducted while he was Vice President of the United States and since? Could it be that his mental impairment happens too frequently now—like twice stating he is running for the Senate instead of the Presidency? Could it be that the crooked billionaires feel confident that between buying convict votes and voter election fraud they have fixed the election like it was done in 1960? Who knows?

Note that if Biden wins, we will never know the truth of what criminal activity took place in our government since 2016. If you want to know the truth, you must vote for all Republicans including the RINOs of questionable credentials

Whether Biden or President Trump wins, the task of cleaning the scum out of government will fall on the shoulders of the public. We –not the millionaires, billionaires and politicians–will suffer if we don’t. If re-elected, President Trump will be prevented from cleaning up government by the establishment politicians, the bureaucrats and all others who have benefitted from the present corrupt state. If re-elected, our President will need the help of the Revolutionary Guard of twenty to eighty plus million firearm owner citizen volunteers to establish and maintain a permanent guard to protect our individual freedoms and our Constitution from those who wish to destroy God’s gift to mankind. In this observer’s opinion, President Trump cannot clean out the scum without help from a massive group of armed Americans like the Revolutionary Guard. If Joe Biden becomes President, this country may likely experience a revolution to prevent Venezuela USA.

This Guard must be comprised of Americans who are White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native Americans, etc. In other words, all Americans who love this country and are willing to fight if necessary to restore Constitutional freedoms lost due to present corrupt political activity.

The time to begin recruiting for the Guard is now. All Guard units must be staffed by people known only to the local commanders. While the number of members can be made public, for safety reasons, the identity of the members should be known only to the local commanders. These commanders should probably be members of a Revolutionary Guard national organization much like the country’s sheriffs have. This would identify the total number of Guard members. The Guard’s mission should be to protect and defend when necessary fidelity to the Constitution of the United States. This would be necessary no matter who becomes President in order to clean up every phase of government to restore the rule of law with equal justice for all—which we currently do not have.

For starters, the Guard should probably begin to investigate and effect change to Soviet Union style school children indoctrination that has the government replacing the parents and which is promoted by organizations like the Teacher’s Unions . Remove the Communist professors from our universities. These young people are our country’s treasure and future. Issues like Supreme Court packing, Electoral College elimination, new states admitted for political advantage must be prevented by force if needed. Any constitutional amendments like the People’s Amendment should proceed as should all amendments that benefit all Americans—not just a few fake Americans.

There are organizations like Judicial Watch that have identified the corrupt organizations and what problems they have caused. Fox and One America News are TV networks that publicize corruption. The mainstream media and social media are propaganda allies of the left, Marxists and the Democratic Party.

Remember that the hard working law abiding citizens are always the ones who suffer from the changes made by corrupt politicians. The politicians always protect themselves and the so-called elites.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you