When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Three decades for all intents and purposes the United States of America has had open borders illegal immigration. How many illegal aliens have crossed our borders and taken up residence in this country? It is common knowledge that due to border understaffing, ludicrous border barriers and insufficient funding, the number of illegals avoiding detection always exceeds the number caught? Both political parties have ignored the problem and tried to use this practice to their benefit. It appears that the Democrats have used illegals to increase population representation and win elections using illegal votes while the Republicans have abused the law by avoiding E-Verify prosecution when hiring illegals to staff their workforce at low wages. The concern now is that maybe the Supreme Court and judicial systems may have joined these outlaws.

What if that instead of the low numbers of illegals being reported, the actual number is much much higher. The Democrats and Supreme Court now have reservations about asking about citizenship when the 2020 census is conducted despite the knowledge that this citizenship question has been asked on many previous censuses. Could it be because we really have 50 million illegals including visa overstays in our country? Have as many as 10 million illegals voted in our elections using fake and dead person IDs? With many citizens leaving California, will that state show a population increase? What about the fake American business persons who avoid hiring American citizens so they can make more money employing illegals? Could the fake American population exceed 70 million when the Democrats, Republicans and illegals are all lumped together? How can all this be fixed in a reasonable time period? It would probably take decades to fix the massive insurrection currently underway in our country with the resources that law enforcement and the federal government have today. Our Constitutional Republic may not survive if it takes that long.

Is it time for the current administration to be realistic and decide that they must invoke the help that our founding fathers incorporated into our Constitution to “execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you