Violence in the black community has persisted for many years. During this time most of these communities have been politically controlled by the Democratic Party. As some responsible news organizations have reported, there are more deaths due to black on black crime than other causes, but only when a black is killed by a white person or a law officer does the propaganda press take notice. Is that because those so-called news organizations are racist or maybe anarchists? To the people living in those communities, why do you keep listening to the propaganda press and voting for a party that does nothing to improve the safety and lives of ordinary citizens?


The news media has exploited what they characterize as police violence against minorities. No real solutions have been proposed because the politicians don’t know how or possibly don’t want to fix anything. Their solution to all problems is to throw more of our taxpayer money at the problem—and it never works. All we do is “get another day older and deeper in debt” to quote a song. Politicians and lawyers only create problems to raise money and fictitiously create the “need” for more laws and government control. Since that is what they do, is it any wonder that society is coming apart at the seams. Aren’t we all tired of this B.S.?


The solution for the black community violence must come from the black community. I suspect that too many of the good people in those communities feel helpless to stop the violence and that they do not have the resources to try to make a difference. Well, with my proposal, I would hope that they will become empowered to fix the problem. How do we do it?


We start by using elements of the Second Amendment—the same one that the communist wannabes want to get rid of. As of today, it is likely that only the thugs are armed. This gives them the power to do what they want without any restraint, and the President has done a good job labeling the police as the bad guys. Some are and most are not. Sadly those same police are the only ones who will try to protect the innocent people.


The highest elected law enforcement official in each county or parish is the sheriff. Due to financial limitations the sheriff cannot deploy enough deputies to prevent the bad guys from intimidating the people. In the cities, it is the police departments who are tasked with protecting the people. There may be many people in the high crime areas who do not trust the police. What would happen if these same people were supporting enforcement of the law? They know their neighborhoods and possibly many of the people living there. A hundred years ago, when the bad guys committed a crime, the sheriff deputized ordinary citizens and with his posse pursued the bad guys. When the bad guys were captured and in custody, the posse was disbanded and the ordinary citizens returned to their civilian lives. This system could be adapted to today’s conditions.


For this posse—the Constitution labels these people as the militia. Membership in the militia was once defined by Congress as all able bodied men between the ages of 17 and 45 who were not in the military or National Guard. To help maintain the peace and security in the community, it would be nice if an overwhelming force of about 30% of the citizens in every part of the community would become posse members. These members would provide law enforcement backup and report to the sheriff and his deputies from whom they would get their instructions. Of course, the communist wannabe politicians would label these good citizens as bad guys—but then what would you expect from someone who lies all the time. Politicians want to be the ONLY ONES TO CONTROL THE USE OF GOVERNMENT FORCE. They have done this for years and look at the mess THEY HAVE CREATED.


Since the county sheriff does not have a budget large enough to support a large posse, the posse members will have to be unpaid volunteers as they were over 100 years ago.  All members would be background checked, given some police procedure training and be sworn in as a reserve peace officer. For identification and safety, at a minimum, the posse members will be identified by a shirt, a shield and carry their firearm in a visible holster. If the bad guys try to threaten or intimidate any posse member, they are threatening a peace officer. To protect themselves and other posse members due to their posse member status, all posse members will be empowered to use deadly force. If you shoot at a posse member, then you might just have many posse members shooting back. Once again the idea is to provide law enforcement with overwhelming backup support. Successful implementation of this system might encourage more sheriff posse organizations. To prevent racial strife, the jurisdiction of the posse members would be limited to the black community.


This system will not work for city police because the police chief reports to a mayor and not directly to the people. There will be sheriffs who might say they want to adopt this system only to make sure it will fail. Beware of them or remove them from office.


In response to the gun grabber critics, the question that must be asked is: What have you done the last 50 years or more to bring peace and safety to the black community?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you