This observer recently tried using Google Maps to get directions without much success. Probably my fault.

During the search, the software asked me an interesting question. They wanted my date of birth. What has that have to do with getting driving directions? Facebook asked me the same question years ago when they shutdown my account and gave me no opportunity to cancel my account. Have they shifted Orwell’s 1984 to 2020? Is it time for all members of Congress to remove any lawsuit protection they passed to protect these now huge tech companies who discriminate against the truth in favor of political bias and propaganda? .

Are Google and Facebook American corporations who believe in personal freedom and our constitution or are they shills working for Communist China and the fake American Democratic Party and propaganda media? Why does big tech almost always seem to act like and prefer fascist tactics instead of the individual personal freedom upon which this country was founded? Maybe this is why the tech companies are always wanting foreign workers who may hate the United States. American workers would probably be loyal to the United States and our form of government. Is it time for antitrust legislation on them like the government used on Standard Oil and John D. Rockefeller?

The young Americans going into debt to get a STEM degree only to be shunned by huge anti American tech companies is wrong,

Fascist and communist governments seem to always tolerate oligarchs. Why? Oligarchs control large numbers of people and large sums of money, so they are easier to control than thousands of people and small businesses. Fascists and communists are all about absolute control.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you