Part of the military code of conduct is instruction that an individual soldier does not have to obey an unlawful order. When the soldier determinates that an order given is unlawful, the soldier can risk legally and morally to not obey it.


It is recommended that all government employees be instructed that they do not have to obey an unlawful order.


The effect of this new policy would be that when a President tells the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to stand down and not enforce immigration laws, the ICE agents would ignore the stand own order because it is an unlawful order. The border agents would continue to do their jobs to the best of their ability without retribution.  Any government official who approves an order to exact retribution is automatically discharged from government service.  If Congress had any brains—and they don’t—when retribution is discovered, the entire suspected agency funding would be by law immediately stopped, nobody gets paid and a Congressional investigation is started—and we all know how long that takes.  The consequences of exacting retribution must be draconian in order to deliver the message and restore law and order.


The United States of America falls into anarchy and its government does not exist without the rule of law.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you