When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns


Well, another school tragedy has happened and 17 people will never get to experience life. Why??  Politics, politics, politics.


What politicians seem to forget is that our government’s most important obligation and priority must be safety for all Americans. This means we must have a strong military to protect our country from foreign aggression and fair and just enforcement of our laws at all levels of government to protect every American citizen from violence and discrimination.  This also means that there is no place in this system for activist judges who want to make law instead of interpreting the law.  We do not have a fair and just justice system today.  We have segments of our law enforcement and judicial system which seem to have total disregard for equal justice under the law and have adopted a dual justice system—one for the politically connected and another for the rest of us.  The political climate in this country has degenerated into one that advocates class warfare and anarchy.  This must change before the public rebels against this stupid political system that is doing nothing to prosecute and jail the corrupt political rattlesnakes.  A Constitutional crisis cannot be averted because it is already here.


Common sense tells us that any firearm without someone operating it cannot kill anyone.


Two things must be done immediately and neither requires new laws. The number of persons killed by a mass murderer or terrorist is highest in the first five minutes of the attack.  This is how long it usually takes for the police to get to the crime scene.  Common sense now tells us that to prevent this, trained armed security must always be onsite.  For onsite security to be effective, they must monitor every person coming on campus.  This means that open campuses will become a thing of the past.  For a large school of 3000 children this would mean a fenced perimeter campus with enough entrances and security personnel for multiple entrances.  The most important thing this plan provides is security for everyone on campus.  Isn’t that what is desired?  The parents of every school student must demand that their children be protected by trained armed guards until a permanent solution can be found.


At the same time, discipline in the classroom is mandatory. Unruly students must be removed from classes and sent to a school that has only problem children where they can be closely observed to determine whether or not anyone could later become a danger to society.  Build and staff whatever schools are required to meet this need.  No place to send a troubled child is an unacceptable excuse that politicians use all the time.  Get rid of those politicians.  Build and staff what is needed to stop the carnage.


Our young people are addicted to violent video games, movies and noise that the rappers call music.  Our constitution may not permit banning, so if a special expensive tax on these activities were charged, then hopefully their popularity would radically decrease along with the violence.


Common sense tells us that the social media companies should monitor sites for potential violent behavior. All of them spy on their users to collect information that they later sell.  When someone posts something on social media they have given up their privacy.  Why can’t social media companies advise law enforcement when a potential mass murderer is detected so a judge can decide whether or not to issue a warrant that allows the police to monitor that individual or group until such time that the degree of danger to the public can be determined.  Go to a FISA judge, they approve everything.


Common sense says that the indoctrination of our young students by teachers of questionable character and motives creates obedient human robots who will do what they are told to do instead of thinking about the consequences of their actions.


Common sense tells us that entitlement can raise an individual’s expectations above what many persons could reasonably expect with tragic and violent results.


Common sense tells us that political correctness prevents any discussion with persons of opposing views to solve problems. Institutional promotion of political correctness is dangerous and unconstitutional.


We don’t need more stupid laws that are not obeyed by those who wish to do violence on others. What is needed is recognition that the consequence of killing another human being is a death sentence upon conviction regardless of the murderer’s mental state.  This society does not need to provide years of room, board and healthcare at public expense for anyone who has denied life to another human being or pay legal fees for appeals in those cases where there is undeniable evidence of guilt.


At the same time, this country cannot continue to ignore and deny help to persons with mental illness and/or addiction problems. Armed protection may be both the short and long term solution to school shootings, but addressing mental health issues will be the way we must work towards resolving dysfunctional family issues, crime and addiction.  Maybe a return to God and the traditional family are the true solutions.  Sadly, the road to mental health solutions must go through the jackass Congress and the jackass judicial systems where politics always prevails over common sense solutions that benefit the American people.


Ernie Kanak

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