When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Who has been attacking Christian churches in France? France and other European countries have allowed the Muslim hordes to invade their countries much like the Latin invasion of the United States. It looks like the Europeans have gone as brain dead about preserving their sovereignty as the American Democratic Party has been about solving the United States southern border alien invasion.

The problem is the United Nations and the multitude of two-bit member countries who control the UN General Assembly and whose apparent sole objective is to confiscate the wealth of the more prosperous nations. They have apparently sold the world government baloney to the West so that these less fortunate countries can plunder the more prosperous nations’ wealth. By the way, the Arab oil rich nations had better be careful because they will be the next in line. If China continues to raise their living standards and wealth, they may be the target after the Arab oil rich countries. World government is a scam much like the latest junk science climate change scam. The latest climate scam is concern about millions of species going extinct. The planet’s climate has been changing for billions of years with species extinction. Millions of species going extinct is brainless propaganda. Now it is a political issue for the American Democratic Party and world government crowd. Have you ever noticed that all of these dire predictions are always emotional appeals without any verifiable evidence and facts? They keep telling the same story over and over until the uninformed and under educated public believes the lies so they don’t have to spend any time learning the truth. The propagandists are leading these lazy lambs to slaughter. With that kind of public mentality, kiss your butt, your freedom and your country goodbye.

The inept government leaders in Europe have accepted the Muslim hordes in an attempt to help solve what they consider to be a humanitarian crisis. This was a mistake because the hordes have no intention of assimilating into the native populations and learning that countries language and customs. What other “religion” besides Islam wants to kill those who leave, force persons of another religion to convert, collect special taxes if there is no conversion or just kill those who refuse to convert? The high Muslim birth rate agenda is to procreate to become the majority population and then take over the country. It is part of Islam’s war plan to take over and rule the world.

Europe and the United States need to establish safe areas in countries of origin and deport all invaders back to their country of origin. The price may be high, but not nearly as bad a losing your country. If Islam does not reform, there may be another Crusades. Could this be why China has segregated as many as a million Muslims into detention camps?

The citizens of every country in the world that has a constitution should have an amendment allowing its citizens to be armed so that they might be able to protect themselves from their government. Venezuela’s citizens once had that right but lost it. Look what is happening there now because the people lost their right to defend themselves from their government.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you