When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Hello, hello, hello. The Democrats are now insisting that immigration control is now so good that we do not need a wall.  Why?  It’s simple.  They want to resume open border immigration once they again have control of the presidency and having a wall makes it more difficult to explain why.  They don’t care if crime increases, drug deaths increase, welfare costs rise, education costs funded by the states rise and human trafficking increase because they expect that most of those new immigrants will be Democratic voters as they have been in the past.  When the population reaches one billion, the United States will have become a huge third world slum. Who wants to live in a third world slum? It appears that as long as the Democrats are in control, they don’t care.  Like Obamacare was never about health, immigration boils down to more votes to insure Democratic control of government.  Democratic control will bring higher taxes, reduced personal freedom, loss of free speech, more government regulation in all areas, more school indoctrination at all levels and potential loss of the second amendment if the constitutional militia does not stop it before our constitutional republic vanishes into history.  The question is when will the militia get tired of anarchy and insurrection and begin the grassroots movement to quell the insurrection.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court rulings are prime examples of why we need the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) and Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) to the Constitution. We can’t let congressional work that must be done to pass laws interfere with recesses, can we?


Legally incompetent federal judges have demonstrated that their political agenda is more important to them than correctly interpreting laws passed by the Congress or the Constitution when they issue rulings that ignore both. If you agree with judicial activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every constitutional issue is revisited by different judges.  When the Constitution is changed every 5-10 years, the public begins to believe that the law does not need to be followed because it will soon change; therefore, ignore all the laws and do what you want to do.  When that happens and it is close to happening now, that ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.


Ernie Kanak

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