The EPA has recently proposed power plant emission rules that will essentially eliminate coal as a fuel source. This proposed EPA regulation according to news reports ignores a Supreme Court directive to consider compliance costs for proposed regulations. All of this controversy could have been eliminated if the Congress did their job and after passing the law, wrote the regulations needed. Instead the Congress lets a rogue executive branch agency write the regulations which become law. Dozens of committee meetings after the damage has been done does not solve the problem. That is dereliction of duty by the Congress. They can’t take the time away from their many vacations to do their job.


If the EPA ignores the compliance issue, then the states must ignore EPA regulation and continue to operate coal fired power plants. The impact on the public is more important than a rogue regulation. Washington has already demonstrated that they do not believe in the rule of law. We must continue to use our most abundant fuel source to generate our electrical power. When Washington threatens to reduce funding, don’t send the money collected by the states to Washington. What is Washington going to do, send in the army? To do so would be stupid.


To rule that carbon dioxide is pollution is insanity. Is the EPA going to issue a regulation outlawing fire? If so, then let those Washington offices and the White House go cold in the winter. Now, after the fires go out because there is no sun or wind, what rule are they going to issue then? How to capture the sun in a bottle?


When the EPA was created, there was a need to clean up our environment. The environment will never be free of pollution created by man. Currently, the EPA is a scam agency that the federal government has used to convince the uninformed citizen that their regulations are necessary. These regulations are normally supported by their propaganda—not verifiable facts. If their regulations are so necessary, why then did the federal government classify over 90% of EPA personnel as non essential during the last government shutdown?


The politicians in Washington are only interested in the use of government force. They use fiction to convince the uniformed citizen that this use of government force is necessary. If you buy that argument, what are you going to do when the government tells you that they are going to change our form of government to a communist one?


Ernie Kanak

No thank you