When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The newscasters and pollsters are at it again, but this time it is worse than 2016.. Like the 2016 election, when they poll people for their opinion, they select more persons who favor the final result the pollster wants. A Democratic pollster will always include more Democrats and presumably a Republican pollster will do the same. The American public now knows that the propaganda TV channels have been broadcasting lies about President Donald Trump for almost four years. How do we know? These channels so-called experts have on air accused our President of treason, being a Russian Putin puppet, etc. while when testifying under oath before Congress, they all testified that no Russian collusion was found. If any so-called news broadcasters will broadcast known lies, what kind of broadcaster will quote poll results from these same sources without qualifying its results? It looks like all of them including Fox.

The sad part of this saga is that many Americans watch only the propaganda channels and believe the polls and lies to be true.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you