The Republican Party has decided that they will be the wet pants party. They are so afraid to start an aggressive attack on the Democrats that they continually wet their pants.  For their part, the Democrats have become quite skilled in deception advocating gun control so they can use those guns to overthrow our government and socialism to give everybody free stuff so that the people don’t have to work but merely take what they want until the well goes dry.  The Democrats also have a candidate who is being investigated by the FBI who while serving as Secretary of State used a personal non government Internet Server to conduct State Department business.  Will President Obama and his “Justice Department” cover up any crimes to prevent it from becoming known that the President was aware of this security breach and did nothing?  All the people that have already voted for her are by their vote testifying to the world that they don’t care if government security and secrets have been compromised.  What are those people using for brains?  Do they have any?


Both parties on the pretext of helping the poor have instituted educational programs that have dumbed down the curriculum. The teachers unions have convinced the undereducated teachers that a dumbed down curriculum is good.  The minorities will stay poorly educated because that is what the Democrats want.  How else can they convince them to always vote Democrat?  If they educate these people, they might figure out that there might be a better way.  The way to educate the young is to assist them meet a high standard and with a high standard to meet, the young get an education.  When the young do not behave in class and are disruptive, expel them.  They will be able to work at minimum wage jobs until the fast food industry learns how to use mechanical aids at which time the undereducated fall into the dung heap.


When schools instituted the new math that ignores arithmetic and replaces it with logical math way beyond the ability of the average six to eight year old student to comprehend, they began the decline of the educational system. The result is that young people do poorly in math and science.  Without math and science, how can we hope to lead the world in new technology?  We can’t.


The political donor class buys politicians to do their bidding and we import into our country people supposedly having the skills needed by the donor class while throwing away Americans who if properly educated could do the job. Oh yes, you lucky parents can send your son or daughter away to college so that they can be instructed by some tenured left leaning professor into becoming a good communist.  Isn’t that nice?


How are we to address the immigrant problem? Do nothing because making it an issue might interfere with a re-election bid. The bottom line is neither political party gives a damn about you and I.  Their only interest is to continue the status quo and stay in power so they can suck that big government teat and look down at us as inferior beings.


If the Republicans didn’t have a big yellow stripe running down their backs, they would pass legislation to make E-verify mandatory and triple the fines for non compliance. E-Verify is a federal program run by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to verify whether or not a person can legally work in this country.  If the Democrats filibuster the Senate vote on this issue, then use the nuclear option and pass it.  If Obama vetoes the bill, then the Republicans will be able to point out to every American citizen that the Democrats are discriminating against U.S. citizens.  Only 3-9 percent of the companies in this country participate in E-Verify.  What this means is that most American companies do not want to employ Americans.  What do you think of that folks?  To be fair, some companies are very small and know for certain that all its employees are citizens.  Mandatory enforcement should begin with the largest companies because we all know that the small companies do not have the financial resources to fight a prolonged legal battle with our government.  How long do you think the illegals will stay in this country if they cannot earn a living?  With no income, how long before self deportation would start to take place?  Are the politicians going to buy jobs for illegals so that the illegals can fraudulently vote in our elections?


One Republican presidential candidate and both Democratic Party candidates while not necessarily openly advocating for open borders appear to favor that policy. They don’t want us to have a country and seem to prefer the anarchy that open borders brings.  They join six members of the Supreme Court in supporting anarchy and not the rule of law.


If our state governors were smart, they would change how they turn over violent illegals to ICE. When a violent illegal is in local custody, he or she should be turned over to the state which should then transport that illegal to Washington D.C. where he or she would be turned over to ICE.  Since the federal government has created the problem, let them also solve it.  By following this plan, the state would not be providing and paying for illegal alien food, shelter, medical services and legal services.


The Republican Party with their brokered convention B.S. and third party talk have no interest in the wishes of the voters who may have spent hours in line to vote in their state primary. Who in their right mind would want to be a member of a party and vote for any member of that party if the Republicans fix the candidate selection to suit the establishment donor class?  Oh yes, they still want you to donate money to the party.  You have to be kidding.  What are those Republican clowns smoking?  Or are they just shooting up?  By the way, all this childish talk has in my opinion just about destroyed any last vestige of credibility for the Republican Party?  R. I.P.

Ernie Kanak

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