When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

AS the Democratic Party held their primary elections, only one candidate seemed to be leading—Bernie Sanders. Bernie claims to be a progressive socialist but in reality who would most likely honeymoon in Russia—a socialist or a communist? The Democrats did not want Bernie to be their presidential candidate because it would demonstrate to the American public that their party wanted to discard our Constitution and become Marxist. That would have been the front door approach.

To prevent this, a number of billionaires got together and enlisted Congressman James Clyburn to endorse Joe Biden for President. Since Clyburn is a black American who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus whose members have trained their constituents to be Democratic voters without congressional accountability to provide the black community with better schools, living conditions and jobs. With Clyburn’s endorsement, Biden won the South Carolina primary and he was strongly back into the race. Eventually Biden became the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. Why Joe Biden? Because Joe will agree to anything to become President. Now the billionaires had to find a Vice Presidential candidate. They got Cory Booker and Kamala Harris to endorse Joe. Both of these senators are very ambitious in pursuing national office and would likely work with the billionaires. Well, we now know that Kamala Harris is Joe’s Vice Presidential candidate.

With Biden and Harris the billionaires have the candidates who will most likely do what they are told to do .

In January 2020 we learned that a potential pandemic virus had just come out of China. Upon learning that this virus had escaped from their biological lab and infected some Chinese, the Chinese Communist Party decided to export the virus to the rest of the world to deliberately infect the world’s population. Recently, a Chinese doctor who escaped from China to stay alive reported that this virus was developed in a Chinese lab and is not a natural virus. It has been reported that this virus affects the heart, kidneys and other body parts that a natural virus would likely not affect. To this observer, this is evidence that some modifications were done to this virus to make it more deadly for biological warfare.

During the Democratic convention, violence prevailed in some cities without a single mention by any Democrat. We now know that these are planned riots where people are hurt and killed because the politicians permit it by preventing normal police protection for their residents. In other words, the Democrats support lawless behavior. The Democrats are trying to use the pandemic and violence to overthrow our current Constitutional Republic in favor of a Marxist one—so this is the back door approach.

The latest Democratic strategy is to mail out millions of ballots so they can commit voter fraud on a massive scale. The Democrats have used voter fraud in every election since 1960 when Chicago Mayor Richard Daley waited until all the Illinois down state Republican votes were in before he cast enough fraudulent votes for John F. Kennedy to win the election for President. Since the Republicans are morons because they never make fraud an issue, the Democrats continue to use it. It will continue until the Republicans remover their heads from their rectums and the yellow streak down their backs to fight long and hard for what is honest and correct.

During the Obama Administration the UN idea of world government was promoted. The effect of this idea is let’s rob the American piggy bank and show them who is boss. Well our good paying American jobs were exported to countries all over the world with the principal beneficiary being Communist China. Wall Street and the people who were or became billionaires benefitted by exporting American technology and jobs to other countries where labor costs were much lower. Who suffered? The American middle class did. In the good old days, dad made enough money to support his family and mom could stay home and raise the kids. Exporting jobs overseas destroyed all that. Now mom needs to work to earn enough money to support the family. in other words, the middle class was slowly being destroyed so that Wall Street and the billionaires could get richer. That is why the billionaires want Joe Biden to be President. Wall Street doesn’t care if slave labor is used to make products imported into the United States. All they worry about is money, power and control—the pagan gods. These billionaires want to destroy the middle class to control this country’s politics with a Marxist government instead of our constitutional republic form of government which dictates individual personal freedom. The personal freedom guaranteed by our Constitution is what has allowed our citizens to invent and innovate to the best of their ability and this quality is what has allowed the United States to become the envy of the world. Top down management may work for corporations, but it will never the best way to govern millions of people because it crushes the individual imitative that is the engine for progress and a better life for everyone.

Communist China wants to destroy the United States political system. With the largest consumer market in the world, what happens if America has no money to buy imports? Whoops, there goes the piggy bank. Why does Wall Street permit Chinese stock to be traded which in effect exports dollars to an enemy that wants us dead—like the 200,000 Americans dead from the Chinese pandemic virus. Why does Wall Street give the Chinese access to our capital markets by allowing these Chinese stocks to trade when the Chinese have publicly stated they want to destroy us? There should be no Chinese stocks traded on Wall Street. If the big banks want to do business in China they can so long as they recognize that if China refuses to pay causing bankruptcy, good bye bank. We bailed them out in 2008 when some parties should have gone to jail like during the savings and loan scandal. But they bought off the politicians in 2008.

It has been reported that the billionaires got richer during this pandemic. Once again, these people and the Democrats want to destroy the middle class so the billionaires can control the country’s politics and destroy our constitution by making our government Marxist. Rich oligarchs function very well in socialist, fascist and communist regimes. Why? They control large numbers of people and top down governments can control them easier than thousands of individuals and businesses.

Oh yes. The suburban women who want to vote for Biden should go on the internet in search of Stanley Kurtz and learn how Biden wants to control the suburbs using federal bureaucrats. Say bye bye to your suburban home.

Hunter Biden working for the Chinese Communists has helped them buy American companies to gain knowledge of US defense secrets. How about that Joe? If Joe Biden were President, his son world be working for the country that wants to destroy us.

By the way, if you believe the polls that Joe Biden leads President Trump nationally, you are a true blue Democrat. With this election, every vote for a Democrat is a vote for communism. The Democrats will use voter fraud to win some blue states, so let us put all the rest of the states in the Trump win column to the degree that even with massive Democratic fraud, President Trump wins on election night. Glory be to God if that happens.

Remember President Trump’s accomplishments are many. With his tweets and press briefings, he is the most transparent President in my lifetime. The press hates him because he tweets and they cannot change and distort what he says. His policies have benefitted almost every American—not just the rich elites. Promises made, promises kept. Donald John Trump is most likely the first and last Blue Collar Billionaire President. Why? As a builder of tall buildings, he has had to learn how to get along with blue collar workers who have built his buildings and their unions, politicians both good and corrupt and their bureaucracies. To this observer President Trump with so much power available to him is polite and forgiving beyond belief. He also tries to stay within our Constitution unlike the three previous Presidents all of whom were lawyers.

More and more it looks like with the current massive corruption of our federal and some state and local governments only a permanent revolutionary army or guard staffed by millions of armed grassroots citizens who love this country may be necessary to preserve our constitution and the personal freedoms it guarantees all citizens.

Now that President Trump and his wife have the Chinese virus, we pray they will soon recover. Under no circumstances does this observer ever want to see Bunker Joe Biden elected President of the United States and a Marxist government run by billionaire oligarchs.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you