When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth (see 2/1/2018 post)


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  For $5 you can buy and download a PDF copy from Outskirts  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



It is the opinion of this observer that the reason the President Trump witch hunt is taking so much time is that it is a diversionary tactic to prevent investigation of Uranium One and other potentially corrupt activity. Mueller, Rosenstein and others to be named later must be investigated to determine the extent of their involvement in Uranium One which sold 20% of America’s uranium to Russia.  To save their butts, will the aforementioned two try to run the witch hunt for years?  That would be evil when there is no evidence that the Trump campaign committed a crime!!!


There was collusion with Russia to produce the fictional dossier, but the Democrats are the ones colluding with Russia–not the Trump administration. Why hasn’t Mueller investigated the spying on the Trump campaign by the Obama Administration during and after the 2016 election?  Anyone with integrity investigating Russian collusion would have started an investigation on the misuse of the fake Trump dossier by the Democratic Party in collusion with their FBI and Department of Justice operatives.  To what extent were the State Department, National Security Agency and FISA court involved in activities against the Trump Administration?


The firing of FBI deputy director McCabe by Attorney General Sessions is a step in the right direction to move towards the return to the rule of law, but it is not enough. Has McCabe participated in planning a coup d’etat?  After the smoke clears, anyone associated with planning a coup must be tried, convicted and executed.  If AG Sessions does not start indicting and arresting the Obama Administration outlaws he will have failed to perform his duties as Attorney General.  Wouldn’t that be a kind of obstruction of justice?


The American public has waited long enough for reason and common sense to return to the federal government. It would seem that now is the time to activate millions of constitutional militia members to clean out the insurrection that is the swamp.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you