How did the United States get involved in the Iraq War? The concern was that Saddam Hussein was an evil and potentially dangerous Iraqi dictator who had used weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and gave every indication that he was seeking more destructive WMDs?  The problem in dealing with dictators is that they are absolute rulers of their country with life and death powers.  Persons strongly disliked by the dictator many times are found dead.  In some cases these persons are publicly executed.  Can anyone predict what a dictator will do?  No.  That is what makes them so dangerous.


Saddam used poison gas as a WMD several times to execute some of his own people as well as to kill Iranian military during their war, so it is confirmed that he had WMDs. During the prelude to the Iraqi war, George Tenet (CIA director originally appointed by President Clinton and retained by President Bush) declared the it was a “slam dunk” that Saddam had WMDs.  Tenet later said that the “slam dunk” phrase was taken out of context.


On the issue of WMD, some analysts draw a distinction between new and old WMDs as the basis for the invasion which was approved by the US Congress. Don’t old WMDs have the power to kill like new WMDs?  Answer: Yes.  Does it make any difference if death and destruction is caused by new or old WMD?  Answer: No, they both kill and injure people.  Since Saddam had WMD’s, where did they go because post invasion searches could not immediately find them.  The truth is that later old WMDs were found in Iraq and our troops who handled them had health problems.


The price paid by the United States to fight and win the Iraq war was high. With 100% hindsight, it is now clear that violence and terrorist activity were much reduced by 2010 to the extent that Vice President Biden declared that the Obama Administration could be proud of the military’s achievement.  Then President Obama could not agree on a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government and withdrew all American troops in December 2011.  It should be noted that after past wars the United States has left a residual force in countries such as Germany, Japan and South Korea to help provide security and political stability.  A residual force is not something the United States should be doing on a regular basis, unless as some politicians have recommended, the country being restored is paying most of the cost.


In 2013 ISIS was formed when they absorbed an al Qaeda group in Syria. Since then ISIS has grown in size, income production from sale of stolen oil and extortion payments have increased, their military strength grew by using social media to recruit terrorists from abroad and their military hardware increased when they recovered American tanks and other military equipment from retreating Iraqi forces who offered no resistance.  They have used barbaric methods such as beheading to murder captives and made slaves of others.  In the process of doing this, Christian genocide has been committed and Christian communities have been physically destroyed.


Iraq has been a collection of Arabs and Christians for centuries. The Muslim terrorist group ISIS has completely destroyed Christian communities that were in existence centuries before Mohammed and Islam were born, so it makes sense that the Muslim countries must restore the destroyed communities and cities within the next two years.  If they do not do that, then it might be necessary for the world community to do the restoration.  If the world community does not, then it would seem that external force may be needed to expel the Arabs and their allies from these lands and confiscate the mineral wealth to finance the restoration of the Christian communities.  While it would be nice if the warring Sunni, Shia and Kurdish factions could agree with one another, it is unlikely and the process of restoration might require that existing Iraq be dissolved and new nations be created.  Large populations of people may have to be relocated to another part of the Middle East.  Some of these new nations must be Christian to restore their historical and rightful place in the Middle East and to replace those cities destroyed by the Muslim barbarians.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you