When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


What Congress and/or the President must do:


The President must terminate all federal government employees who were hired by the Obama Administration. In addition, terminate all government employees except the military and first responders who have more than 8 years service and prohibit rehiring them for two years.  All rehires must require congressional approval.  Is it better to try to run government with a much reduced staff while hiring new members or constantly dealing with saboteurs?  What is to prevent placing new hires not requiring congressional approval in senior staff positions on a temporary basis?


The Congress must pass and the President sign the laws necessary to insure that all new federal employees except the military and first responders’ tenure in office to be restricted to 8 years. No rehires within two years without congressional approval.  All rehires are limited to a final one year of service.  We have to kill King Corruption.  They must have education and/or experience in the field for which they will be hired and serve.  More qualifications are listed in my book. [1]   They must have the same medical plan as the American public and their retirement plan will be a 401k.


It is disgusting to observe the rancorous politics that wastes time and money only to support useless party politics warfare. What is the justification for all the Special Counsel attorneys who are Democrats like the ones who staffed the Obama Justice Department?  Isn’t the Justice Department supposed to be impartial?  It is time for the scope of the Special Counsel to be changed to investigate the corrupt practices of the Obama Administration starting with the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious, the Clinton email scandal, etc.  If Special Counsel declines to investigate these practices, he and his staff should submit their resignations or be fired by the Deputy Attorney General who hired them.  Mr. Deputy Attorney General, are you really interested investigating crime or do you only want to play politics?


By the way, during the Obama Administration, my “neighbors” held firearm “target practice” every weekend. After President Trump was elected, “target practice” stopped.  The Democrats since the election have used fascist tactics supported by a fascist mainstream media to try to destroy our President without any evidence of his guilt of any crime.  Well, recently my “neighbors” have resumed to weekly “target practice”.  If the Fascist Democrats, Never Trump Republicans and the federal bureaucracy are stupid enough to try to overthrow the government, they risk starting domestic insurrection suppression by more than 70,000,000 armed militia members who will very likely disagree.


With Congress spending so much time pursuing Democratic-Republican warfare, wasting time in televised committee hearings that solve nothing, and congressional recesses, Congress has demonstrated that so little time is spent doing what they were sent to Washington to do that Congressional membership must be changed to a part time job with part time pay and no full time benefits.


[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It. Outskirts Press (2014), p 75

Ernie Kanak

No thank you