When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

During the 2016 presidential election, the Democrats were positive that Hillary Clinton was going to win and they were counting on her to continue President Barack Obama’s transformation. Both Obama and Clinton apparently were planning to continue the transformation by causing so much chaos that the American people would accept a different form of government. The chaos was to be started by spending the country into bankruptcy by doubling the national debt and dividing the country into opposing political groups using the leftist propaganda press and the leftist judiciary to constantly obstruct progress to any problem solving. The roadmap used was very much like the Communist Rules for Revolution.

How does chaos help control people? Isn’t this what Adolf Hitler did in 1930s Germany? He and followers caused so much chaos that the public changed the political leadership and elected him to leadership. From there he and his followers made promises about a grand and glorious future. The propaganda worked and we now know what ultimately happened.

The anger and hatred for President Donald Trump by the Democrats is unprecedented and goes all the way down to their base. They completely ignore the fact that the woman they nominated to run for President was an unindicted criminal. Since when do Democrats want to elect criminals to lead our country?

The Democratic Party has a history for voter fraud and stealing Presidential elections (J.F. Kennedy in 1960), so maybe the reason the Democrats lost is that they did not steal enough votes to win in key states. When the smoke clears and the American public learns who the members of the cabal are who wanted to overthrow our current president and to prevent this type of insanity from ever happening again, all members who are prosecuted and found guilty must be executed—no exceptions. A federal country club prison is absolutely where none of these traitors should go with sentences that later sets them free to try again or who can be pardoned by a future President.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you