When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).


My book The Way I See It has a suggestion on how to stop political candidates for office begging for money.  The book can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



The G-7 countries are all worried that President Trump’s tariff policy will stop them from practicing unfair trade practices. Almost all of the “economic experts, news commentators and politicians” have spoken out against American tariffs and advocate free trade.  What is free trade?


Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary defines free trade as: “trade carried out without governmental regulations, especially, international trade conducted, without protective tariffs, customs duties, etc.”  Webster further defines a tariff as:  “a list or system of taxes placed by a government upon exports or, especially, imports.”


All these so-called experts must not know what free trade is because you can see that if a tariff is imposed on an import, free trade no longer exists. Are these so-called experts now preaching propaganda or do they think everyone is just dumb?  You decide.  As long as a tariff exists, there is no free trade.


When foreign cars are imported into the United States with a 2.5% tariff and our American made cars must pay a 25-30% tariff to be imported into a foreign country, the truth is that this kind of international trade Is neither free nor fair. When Wall Street, the Chamber of Commerce and politicians complain that high tariffs here will harm the American people, they are only worried that they will make less money.  They don’t give a damn about the loss of American jobs that these unfair tariffs cause.


Ordinary Americans understand that these so-called experts and politicians are full of what makes green grass grow and why they support illegal immigration so much. It is all about money, power and control.  When poor young people grow up and learn more about life, they see what the selfish rich half wants.  Money, money, money and they don’t care who gets hurt as long as they get their money.  We don’t need Americans like that.


Prior to Donald J. Trump being elected President of the United States, the world’s economy was in the doldrums. After he became President and began destroying the stupid regulations THAT THE DEMOCRATS AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION PUT IN PLACE TO CONTROL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO SHOW US WHO WAS BOSS, the economy started to take off and grow.  GDP went up by 1% just based on less regulation and business owners’ optimism.  The economies of the world began to grow again.  Based on their inept immigration policies, the EU may not have the brainpower to fix the mess they have willingly created.  They will complain about tariffs and mismanage their countries until the cows come home.  We saved their butts twice before, but not this time.


This is America and Americans come first. Let the world government loyalists pack their bags and permanently move overseas.  Good riddance to bad rubbish.  Oh yes, please take with you the garbage celebrities that promised that they would leave the country if President Trump was elected but are still here.  Most of the filthy entertainment celebrities are pure scum we just don’t need.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you