When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  For $5 you can buy and download a PDF copy from Outskirts Press.com.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.


It is time to start regulating the fake news media in order to receive factual and honest news. Please see my 2/1/2018 post on First Amendment Regulations.


Now to the tariffs

The Wall Street world government crowd is all upset and up in arms about President Trump’s steel and aluminum tariff announcements. Why should anyone be surprised?  After all, these money grubbers loved the corruption that came with the Obama Administration because they made loads of money and the government and stock market were very predictable.  Wall Street gave millions to the Clinton campaign to try to insure her election.  According to them, we ordinary people are pure scum.  Wrong!!!  They are the scum.  They all suffer from “Shifting brain disease”.  The greedy ones have zero common sense and no loyalty to this country.   Most of them made their millions and billions using the capitalistic system only to become socialist/communist advocates once they became rich.  All of a sudden these fat cats know everything there is to know about politics and how the poor peasants like us must be treated.  Paraphrasing what Rachel Campos-Duffy said on Fox and Friends one morning, socialist/communist governments don’t care about individual rights for their people.  These kinds of government are evil!!!


Over the last few decades these world government advocates have gained more influence and control over the nincompoop class of government and political workers. They even tried to elect an unindicted criminal President of the United States.  The Fumbling Bureau of Incompetence (FBI) even started planning a coup d’etat.  For that, those involved must be indicted, tried, convicted and executed.  Such is the sad state of affairs in this country.  And don’t expect Attorney General Sessions to do anything to prosecute Obama Administration corruption and to drain the SWAMP because he is timid and apparently does not believe in equal justice under the law..


Over the last decades, the unfair trade practiced by our government has transferred more and more critical and strategic industries to countries overseas. The time for U.S. largesse to help the world move to middle class is over.  Once again, from Fox and Friends and paraphrasing guest Anthony Scaramucci, for 71 years since the end of World War II, we have had trade practices which have hurt this country in order to help other countries.  While the Marshall Plan after World War II helped Western Europe from becoming communist, more recently our inept politicians and bureaucrats did not have the common sense and brains to anticipate the unintended consequences of their giveaway trade practices.  Mr. Economist, how can we have a consumer driven economy if no one has a job to earn the money to spend?   Enough is enough.  No more.


Steel and aluminum industries are critical to the defense of our country. Until President Trump, it appears that only our government didn’t know that.  This observer has not seen one TV broadcast that tried to differentiate between trade practices in general and critical defense trade practices.  Maybe it is because they have been world government indoctrinated and don’t care what happens to the people in this country.  Much like the car and energy industries, these industries are critical to the security of this country.  The EPA has tried to edict plastic cars that no one could survive in a crash in pursuit of insane fuel standards .  The Obama Administration EPA must have been populated by persons with zero technology expertise to dictate fuel standards that existing technology cannot achieve.  All of them must have suffered from “Shifting brain disease”.


Common sense—and there was little to none of that in previous administrations—tells us that a country selling motorcycles here with no tariff, but requiring a 100% tariff on our motorcycles exported to their country does not practice fair trade. Free trade is for only them—not us.  Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has explained how little these tariffs will affect costs to the American consumer.  But, of course, we know that the fake news world government crowd ignores him and makes statements that all tariffs are bad.  Note to mainstream newspersons:  Please help our country and get the hell out of it and never come back.  Go live in one of your favorite socialistic/communist countries .  And take the “entertainment” celebrities with you.  Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you