When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).  More than ever the American public needs this amendment to make the changes needed to determine how and by whom we will be governed.




Isn’t it really suspicious that less than two weeks before the mid-term elections that someone has sent pipe bombs to Democratic leaders, CNN and pack leader George Soros? Now who would do that?  Could it have been Democratic Party operatives?  Yes, it is possible because recent vicious attacks on Justice Kavanaugh, Republican politicians and now Democratic undeclared support for border anarchy have cost the Democrats in the polls and possibly the election.  The violent tactics recommended by national Democratic politicians and supported by the fake news mainstream media seem to be backfiring in their faces.


It is presumed that the pipe bombs are real and dangerous because they have to be to make any investigation credible. If the bombs are real but the attacks are part of a plan, everyone knows that it will take weeks to months to investigate and that takes resolution past the mid-term elections.  Will we now have fake attacks on Democrats as part of the fake news?  Will the FBI do a fair and honest investigation?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you