When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post)



Every since the Warren Court ignored the separation of powers in the Constitution, the Supreme Court has slowly been chipping away at the Constitution to the detriment of our Constitutional Republic. Too many of the appointees to the federal judiciary during past administrations were political activists instead of impartial constitutional judges.  Is the Court trying to show that they are the supreme branch of the federal government?  Should this Court attitude continue, it is only a matter of time before Supreme Court decisions will be ignored by the legislative and executive branches.  Hello anarchy.


Let us briefly examine Roe v. Wade which has been the source of much political conflict.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the public use of birth control pills in 1960. With this pill, women could have sex without becoming pregnant.  Note that the pill was not always 100% effective.


Despite the availability of a pill to prevent pregnancy in most instances, the right for a woman to terminate a pregnancy was desired by many women. So in 1973 the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that women had the right to have an abortion subject to state regulations.


In previous times women died using coat hangers to self induce the abortion of a fetus. Obviously this was an unsatisfactory, unhealthy and unsafe way to abort a fetus.  This country cannot return to those times.  There has to be a better solution.


Pregnancies due to rape and incest—many times involving very young females– can be the source of emotional trauma for those victims which if not treated can become a lifetime problem for them and any future families. Whatever the disposition of the any pregnancy, mental health treatment must be offered in all these cases.  Help the victims for a change.  They are more important than the criminals.


The reason why the Supreme Court should not get into the business of legislating from the bench is that many times they screw it up like they have with Roe v. Wade. By not defining the circumstances under which an abortion could or could not be performed and throwing it to the states, they created a horrible mess.  As it has been reported in the factual news, full term babies are murdered and their body parts sold.   Has selling murdered baby body parts become what abortion now represents?


The current court position on abortion is not justice and those Supreme Court Justices who created this mess should roast in hell. It has happened because the Supreme Court did not define the time during a pregnancy beyond which a fetus becomes a baby human being and killing this baby becomes murder.  If they had properly defined the problem, maybe we would not have the political mess that we have today.  It doesn’t say much for the competency of the judiciary legislating from the bench.  This is why this country needs an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution similar to the one referenced above so the American people can determine how we should be governed.

Another area where the judiciary is screwing things up is criminal law. Those persons who commit murder and are given a life without parole sentence in prison are an enormous expense to the state because they are given free room, board and healthcare until they die.  What benefit to the people of the country is there for such a sentence?  What do judges that do this kind of damage to the public use for brains?  What kind morality allows innocent babies to be murdered and then coddles criminals?  This observer fails to see anything that was gained by keeping a monster like Charles Manson alive.  Every person who murders another human being without just cause should be evaluated for execution after conviction.  Nothing is served by keeping young and/or mentally ill murders alive.  Don’t victims and their families also have rights?  Oh, they can’t vote anymore!!!!!  Those murdered are forever absent from their loved ones lives and can never come back.  Keeping murderers alive will never compensate for the loss of all those innocent crime victims and body part babies.  What kind of court and justice system allows innocent babies to be murdered and then rules that persons who murder someone cannot be given a death sentence?  That is politics not justice.  Once again, when politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


One of our Supreme Court Justices has repeatedly stated that our United States Constitution is inferior to South Africa’s Constitution. Apparently that justice has decided that the specificity of their constitution in areas undefined by ours is good.  In this observer’s humble opinion and you don’t have to be a lawyer to see it, those undefined areas are one of our constitution’s greatest features.  It allows future generations to legislate changes needed instead of letting potentially biased Supreme Court Justices decide.  History has shown that the legislative and executive branches of government will more readily change laws to meet a country’s needs than will the courts—except in today’s world where local, state, and federal judges have gone wild legislating from the bench and ignoring the separation of powers.


Returning to the issue of constitutions, with all those supposed safeguards in the South African constitution, why is wholesale white genocide being committed in South Africa with government approval? Why isn’t  their constitution protecting those white people who have been there for more than 100 years?  One of the reasons is that the judiciary cannot use force to implement their decisions.  Another reason is that the politicians are the ones who control the use of government force and these South African politicians are racists.  A constitution is only good when uniformly followed, respected by everyone and is enforced using the rule of law and equal justice under the law.  Sadly, these conditions no longer exist in South Africa and in this country.  In this country, the United States Supreme Court and the corrupt Justice Department are the reasons why and they are aided and abetted by incompetent prosecutors who resort to unethical perjury traps and plea bargains in order to notch up convictions against potentially innocent persons.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you