The state of Texas has filed suit against four other states on constitutional grounds citing their illegal election practices have deprived the rest of the country of a legal and lawful election.  On that basis,

a fraudulent election has prevented the rightful candidate from remaining President of the United States.  This is corruption on a massive scale.


Thus far almost all state and federal judges have refused to hear lawsuits that could change the presidential winner because they have claimed either that there was no evidence of fraud or that any decision they made would not change the outcome of the presidential election.  In other words they are stating that voter fraud is legal.  No matter to what extent voter fraud has been committed, all those judges took an oath and swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  By refusing to adjudicate these lawsuits, they are violating their oaths and destroying the rule of law.  Our federal Attorney General has declared the election is honest when it has been reported that citizens have filed 1000 avadavats contending they have witnessed voter fraud.  What is this Attorney General using for brains?  Should he resign?


For decades the Supreme Court has been dominated by charlatan judges—this observer will not call them justices.  They have legislated from the bench on abortion without limits which has reached the disgusting point where a live baby can be killed and they call it an abortion instead of murder.  In addition, abortion clinics sell baby body parts for research?


The Supreme Court has ruled that illegal aliens’ children must be provided a free public education paid for by the local residents.  This ruling without restriction obligates the United States taxpayer to educate all the world’s children if they were able to be present in the United States.  What were those supposedly educated judges using for brains on that one?


After Congress passed a law to provide more opportunity in the educational system and workplace for women and minorities, the liberal educational system immediately lowered their standards.  In addition, although denied, the Court started the discrimination against the white male that continues to this day.  It is time to stop this discrimination.  Equal opportunity is a right for everyone.


Supreme Court Justices must be impartial constitutional judges without any political agenda.  To achieve this goal, the four charlatan judges on the court must be removed.  Our corrupt politicians have no stomach to impeach, so the only way to remove them is to establish a Revolutionary Guard created to use whatever force is needed to protect our personal freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.  Only a Constitutional Guard with millions of patriotic members who are always the victims of poor government will have the ability and the will to protect our constitution from the corrupt bureaucrats and politicians who would destroy it.


Should the Supreme Court either refuse to hear the Texas lawsuit supported by 18 more state attorneys general or take the case and rule that the election practices used by those four states are legal, this observer believes that because so many American citizens believe massive documented fraud was used, these decisions could start a bloody revolution by ordinary Americans to take back our country from the crooks.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you