When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post for suggestions)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth and not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.


The stench of corruption is pervasive in our country. It starts with the indoctrination of our children in the educational system to convince them that the state rather than their parents are the ones to tell the children how to live.  This is a good communist tactic used successfully in the former Soviet Union.  Is this why young people today are more inclined to kill their parents?  To this observer, the answer is yes.  Next the indoctrination includes entitlement and then political correctness—censorship—to keep the children from learning the truth.  Religion and teaching history without liberal fascist interpretation are forbidden subjects.  Do these issues contribute to student mass murders?  To this observer, the answer is yes.  The schools seem to have forgotten that the Pilgrims escaped from Europe to avoid religious persecution.  The world government devotees love raising stupid kids so they can import  better educated aliens to staff and run the businesses at lower cost.  Our kids have the native intelligence but, while smart enough, do not have the quality education needed to help them compete.  Whose fault is that?  The fault lies with the school systems which have teachers unions.  No wonder more and more parents are home schooling their children.


The public school student test scores have been dropping for at least two decades. How are the businesses in this country going to compete in a world economy with under educated employees?  The school systems are not educating the young before they enter the workforce, so the youngsters have little value beyond another warm body. When the young people go into the workforce most likely in customer service, these entitlement and PC creatures are a disaster.  They are arrogant, rude and uninformed.  Several years ago this observer called a satellite TV company with a question.  I talked to three different representatives and got three different answers to the same question.  For the same company, I had to write two letters to discontinue charges for a premium channel I didn’t watch.  Oh yes, when this company needed to install a new satellite dish, their programmed installer tried to tell me how the installation must be done after my discussion with customer service allowed me to do what I wanted to do.  This kind of treatment is called customer service?  This country will be in serious serious trouble in the future with more young people like these.


Student test scores to measure attainment and student indoctrination are as dumb as the teachers’ unions and the teachers. Teachers have been known to teach only how to get good test scores instead of educating the children in their classes.  Like everything else, the teachers must be held accountable to educate their students to a high standard which may be something other than a standardized test score.  The government employee unions must be held accountable to the public for the services they provide—not by how much money they contribute to a political party.


Politically, the Democrats continuously make wild emotional accusations against conservatives without any documented factual basis or they make up “facts” to support their argument. They claim to support minorities, but only do so to get their vote and then ignore minority needs after elected.  They also condone and support violent groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  The Democrats and establishment Republicans support open borders and unlimited immigration without realizing that when the immigrant numbers exceed native born Americans, the immigrants will control everything.  How stupid can they be in this ugly pursuit of illegal immigrant votes?  Sanctuary cities which protect illegal aliens negate the rule of law and the crime rate goes up because there is no rule of law.  But the non citizens do illegally vote and the Democrats want them to vote early and often.  The Republicans support open borders so they can import and exploit immigrant labor.  Instead of votes, they place their personal pursuit of money and wealth ahead of safe and secure cities.  As long as they are rich and can protect themselves, they don’t care about anyone else.  Are any of these politicians really human beings?  Both parties support government programs that we cannot afford in pursuit of power and control over what they consider to be stupid uninformed voters.  Medicare, Social Security, Welfare, Medicaid and Food Stamps are all programs that will ultimately create chaos for the American people if not reformed, but the politicians will not do it.  The stench of political corruption is overpowering in these areas.  We need statesmen who are concerned about the future of this country—not politicians who are only worried about the next election.  Reform not politics is what is necessary or we will no longer have a country.  Once again we need statesmen instead of the many politicians who have become fascists.  Politically, the establishment politicians in both parties have gone from corrupt and bad to evil.  Evil must be destroyed.


By the way, the so-called mainstream media has morphed from simply bad to evil and evil must be destroyed.


Please note that the stench of corruption is not limited to the federal government.



Ernie Kanak

No thank you