As an ordinary person, is it necessary for others to daily inform me of events in their life? Has World War III started?  Has something happened to one of my loved ones?  What kind of personal information must I divulge to the world?  Does everyone need to know when I was born to maintain membership when some stranger might use this information to steal my identity?  Do I need a website recording and cataloging everything I do on their site so that they can profile my use for who knows what purpose? How much time must I spend every day trying to keep up with others’ additions to my account?


Recently Facebook informed me that to log on to my account, I must change my date of birth. Really??  Do you mean that now that they have shut down the account, I will not be bombarded at least two or three times each day informing me that I have received a notification?  I lead a relatively dull life, so there is not much reason for me to log on and write something just to say something and dodge the want ads that I have no interest in reading.


Unfortunately, after making several attempts to reach website support, I can find no way to inform Facebook that I no longer want a Facebook account and I would appreciate it if my account was deleted from their site.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you