The Second Amendment gun grabbers now want everyone to use a smart gun that restricts who may use and fire that gun. Wouldn’t it be nice if the smart gun proponents volunteered to test these firearms for us?  For instance, the security details who protect President Obama and his family and Michael Bloomberg and his family might want to test these smart guns for the next five to ten years.  Better still would be if the gun grabbers disavow having any protection provided for themselves and their families by anyone using a firearm.  If they have a problem, they can call the police, so they don’t need that personal protection.


Why does Obama want our guns which are guaranteed by the Constitution and lets illegal aliens cross our borders at will despite laws which prohibit this type of behavior? It demonstrates that the former community organizer and constitutional professor distains the rule of law and law and order in favor of chaos and anarchy.


The FBI crime statistics have shown that violent crime in past years had gone down while gun ownership increased.  Cities and states where the citizens are armed are safer than gun free zones.  The worst mass murders in this country have occurred in gun free zones where the poor victims have had no way to defend themselves.  Maybe there is a method to Obama’s madness.  By allowing criminal illegal aliens to be released and stay in this country, isn’t Obama creating an environment for high crime rates to support his gun grabber agenda?  Oh yes, the mainstream propaganda press is buying into this tactic and will never report the truth.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you