When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


In recent times, much of this nation’s population has become afflicted with a new shifting brain disease. This disease causes the brain to shift from between the ears in someone’s head to between their buttocks.  At the same time its composition changes from gray matter to some brown stinky stuff causing a very serious loss in intelligence quotient (IQ).


Most career politicians suffer from this disease because this disease causes the afflicted to have very little to no common sense. Persons with common sense do not get this disease.


Common sense and truthful TV news reporting inform us that Hillary Clinton is an unindicted criminal who so far has avoided all responsibility for what ordinary persons like you and I would be sent to prison. Yet millions of people voted for her to be President of the United States and cried when she lost to President Donald Trump.


All those people who voted for Mrs. Clinton suffer from shifting brain disease. All those people who currently are planning a coup to remove President Trump suffer from this same shifting brain disease.



Ernie Kanak

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