In today’s world here in the United States, the young are being brain washed by the public schools and indoctrinated with propaganda instead of being educated by their teachers, school administrations and school boards. This means that many millennials are scammed into believing the propaganda and don’t know it.  Listed below are some other issues:


Communism—The Obama administration has used the Communist Rules for Revolution to govern. These rules promote corrupting the young, media control, division of the people into hostile groups, civil disorders and firearm registration prior to confiscation.  Look up the Communist Rules for Revolution and you determine whether or not they have been used.


Conformance—The federal government has preached diversity while at the same time it has promoted conformance to political correctness (censorship). What gives?  What do they really want?  The politicos want the millennials to do what they are told and not to question why.  Good little robots in human form.


Control—Big government of all kinds and world governance are all about total control of the population using government force. Big government forms such as socialism and communism want a small cadre of people to control the daily lives of everyone with the result that the people have very little or no personal freedom.  This is insanity.


Censorship—The way to stuff a political agenda down people’s throats is to censor all opposition by labeling opponents as racists, bigots, deplorables, etc. Once again, the left has labeled this censorship as political correctness.


Propaganda—The Obama administration has created the illusion that the only education worth having is a college degree. This way they get students and their parents to borrow the money for this education and then later try to forever buy their loyalty to a political party by forgiving these student loans and sticking the taxpayer with the bill.  What no one wants to acknowledge is that this forgiveness increases the national debt that the student will spend the rest of his life paying off.  In fact, all work performed should give the person doing the work a sense of satisfaction irrespective of what anyone else thinks.  People who work with their hands like electricians, carpenters, plumbers, factory workers, etc. are a necessary part of all economies and to denigrate them in any way is elitist.  Elite thinking and action demonstrate a total lack of humility creating disgustingly arrogant individuals.


Entitlement—Participation trophies are given to each participant to create a sense of entitlement in each young person. Delusional college students issue demands for safe space and safe language on campus and the ignorant college administrations acquiesce.  If you were the manager or owner of a business, would you want one of these retards as an employee—one who would continually be making demands for promotion, more pay and will most likely be an unproductive and disruptive employee?  My answer is.  Hell no!!!!!!!!  In addition, the problem with persons who think of themselves as entitled, when they do not receive the praise expected and become angry, their reaction to that lack of praise may become violent.  Entitlement creates a false sense of worth that when frustrated may become violent enough to commit mass murder against the innocent.


Cursive—The teachers’ unions and stupid school boards have decided that cursive reading and writing should no longer be taught in schools. Presumably this is done because everyone is supposed to be computer literate.  This practice serves several purposes.  First, this ensures that the young will never be able to read historic documents and therefore will remain ignorant of history as it was written.  This allows the government to write a revisionist history that is consistent with their political agenda.  Secondly, since the young do not have a cursive signature, it is much easier to steal their identity and money.  If you are a millennial, protect yourself and learn to read and write cursive.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you