When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The Christians and Jews have lived in the Middle East for over two thousand years and both must have a permanent place in the Middle East. The Jews have Israel, but the Christians do not have a place to go to be safe.  With the destruction of the ISIS caliphate almost finished except for small pockets in Iraq and Syria, now is the time to do something about preventing Christian genocide in the Middle East.  The way to stop genocide is to create a Christian sanctuary in southern Syria.  The United States must have troops in Syria after the jihadist hordes have been exterminated to maintain the peace and prevent ISIS from returning.  They should also be there to prevent Iranian political control of Iraq and Syria.  We know that the jihadist Iranian mullahs want to exercise control over both nations and will start World War III if they ever become a nuclear nation, so a non nuclear Iran is necessary.  Waiting until Iran becomes a nuclear power to destroy any nuclear capabilities is insane.


There must also be a Muslim sanctuary created in northern Syria so that when the Muslim failure to assimilate creates enough problems for the European nations and Muslims are expelled, there will be a place to send them. Since the problem was created by Muslim immigration to Europe, it would make sense that NATO forces working with friendly Muslim nations would be the logical choices to support and control the Muslim sanctuary.


If Russia is really interested in Middle Eastern peace, they should support or participate in providing these sanctuaries?


Ernie Kanak

No thank you