The Democratic Party in the House of Representatives has chosen to conduct hearings excluding Republicans so they can leak selected testimony from witnesses to the propaganda media to promote their agenda of impeachment. The usual response to Democratic lawlessness is for the Republicans is to wet their pants. It is time for the Republicans to become grownups and counterattack.

How? The Republicans control the committee chairmanships in the Senate. The counterattack is to subpoena all the witnesses who have testified in secrecy to testify before Senate committees in public and under oath. At the same time, all Democratic senators should be excluded from these hearings. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If Senator McConnell, Senator Graham and others do not want to do this, they will have demonstrated that they do not care about saving our Constitution, the rule of law and defending President Trump. Change the rules if necessary in the Senate to exclude Democrats.

It is time for Senator McConnell to demonstrate to everyone whether or not that five million dollar gift from his father-in-law via Communist China is a payoff or not? Do the Kentucky voters want a senator whose loyalty may have been purchased by the same Communist China that wants to destroy the United States and rule the world?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you