Every day the news is quoting some poll numbers.  Except for the few polls that have existed for many years, I have trouble believing they are accurate and truthful.  Nevertheless, the news commentators and pundits quote them all the time.  What and how the questions are asked almost predetermines the poll answer.  If the pollster has a liberal or conservative agenda, they will ask the questions that will produce the answers they want.  All pollsters should be objective, but many are not.  So if you want to stay stupid, believe all the polls results that roll off the silver tongue of the newscaster or propaganda minister—which ever the case may be.


Oh my weary brain.  The 2016 election is seventeen months away and all the pundits are already issuing their analysis of every candidate’s qualifications and in some cases predicting how well a particular candidate might do.  That is their job.  In making their predictions, behind all the predictions is the pundit’s political agenda.  The pundits are supposed to be objective, but once again many are not.  If the candidate is a known liar and the pundit likes that person, they roll out the propaganda lies.  They get paid big bucks to write or go on television to lie to the public.  They do it all the time.  Many times if the candidate is honest and sincere, they smear that person.  Why do that?  The reason is that if the candidate is honest and sincere, it is more difficult for the pundits to redirect that person with favorable propaganda.  I suspect that many pundits would prefer to court the dishonest candidates because they are more easily influenced with favorable comments.  The pundits also seem to prefer establishment candidates because they know that after many years in politics many of the candidates have forgotten about right and wrong and are only concerned about the politics of their next election.


Everyone seems to have forgotten that what we need now are new faces with new ideas.  Maybe it is too much work for the pundits and pollsters to recognize that those old ideas and politicians have created a terrible economy with too much government interference and a huge debt for this country’s future generations.  Where are the pollsters and pundits who will tell us about the deceit practiced when preaching fairness?  Maybe the truth is not important to them.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you