The national press corps has done it again. They are making an issue out of something (transgender bathroom use) that affects less than 0.1% of the population instead of concentrating on election issues such as the economy and jobs which affect everybody.  Their political agenda is intended to deflect the public’s attention away from real issues.  Since this deflection tactic does not serve the public interest, the FCC must consider how their news reporting affects the broadcast licenses of these corporations.  When news becomes one-sided propaganda, the FCC should consider suspending the broadcast licenses of the offending companies for one week to one month for a first offense.  The suspension should be, if possible, limited to their “news” reporting only with no interruption of their other programming.


Back to the transgender bathroom issue which was put on the ballot in Houston, Texas, which at the time had an openly LGBT mayor, and the issue to allow sex preference bathroom use was defeated. No man in his right mind wants his wife or daughter in a restroom when an adult male strolls in.  Is he or isn’t he transgender?  There is no sign on his forehead proclaiming that he is transgender and there should not be.    Common sense, which is completely lacking in too many politicians, celebrities and the national news media, tells us that a man does not belong in any female bath or restroom facility.  To allow an adult male to enter any female restroom is outrageous.  There is no way any male with male genitalia should be allowed to shower in a female shower facility.  Has the world gone crazy or is it just the United States left?  What is going to happen when a non LGBT man assaults a woman in a female restroom?  How will the politicians, national mainstream media and other proponents of transgender restrooms respond after that first assault?  When the broadcast media ignores the issue, the FCC should immediately suspend licenses for one month.  In addition, the transgender issue already has a simple solution.


The solution to the public bathrooms is already here. It is single person use of UNISEX restrooms.  These kind of restrooms typically also have diaper changing facilities built in.   There is a lock on the door so privacy is protected.  Anyone can, should and does use this type of bathroom.  As a matter of fact, the more everyone uses this type of facility the better because it removes any stigma of identifying someone’s sexual preferences.  They are currently being used and one hospital to which I go has only UNISEX restrooms in some buildings.


When are the political hack justices on our anarchist Supreme Court going to start adjudicating major issues that affect most of our population instead of politicking on many extreme minority issues that affect very few people. Our constitution is there to protect minorities, but there is a difference between protecting minorities and protecting minorities while discriminating against millions of our ordinary citizens.


Since our federal judges insist on following a political agenda, then I suggest we approve my proposed Federal Judiciary constitutional amendment eliminating federal judiciary lifetime appointments and making each judge seek election for a single 10 year term. This amendment combined with a Accountability constitutional amendment which allows the public to correct mistakes made by government officials and recall officials who abuse the public trust returns the final decision on important issues back to the voters..

Ernie Kanak

No thank you