When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  For $5 you can buy and download a PDF copy from Outskirts  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



There is universal agreement that our school children must be safe in their school environment. There are two parts to this issue—security and politics.



According to a TV report, both political parties are guilty of making schools gun free zones. Former Vice President Biden proposed the gun free zone bill and President George H.W. Bush signed it into law.  The law is now a detriment to school security.


The local school boards and law enforcement must provide armed security for our schools ASAP. No excuses to avoid doing what must be done.  The type of armed security inside the schools must be determined by each locality.  The President favors training and arming teachers and other people prefer retired military or law enforcement.  The decision must be made locally with the law permitting either option.  In addition, perimeter security is needed.  For large schools, a perimeter fence with TV camera monitored entry is a must.  A roving armed guard would add another layer of security.  This type of security would be to prevent an incident instead of reacting to an incident.  Smaller schools might need less but at a minimum all schools would need TV monitored perimeter security.  The person monitoring perimeter security does not need to be armed to alert armed security of an impending incident.  Providing security to all schools is the ultimate way to keep our kids safe—not passing more stupid laws that will likely be ignored.


Security also includes classroom discipline. When any student attacks a teacher, the police must be called.  Tell your school board that if classroom discipline is not enforced that you will sue every one of them for dereliction of duty and then do it.  Troublesome students belong in a special school where they can get help as well as an education.  Sticking your head in the sand does not solve the problem.  These special schools must be designed to address drug addiction which usually increases crime as well as mental illness.  From where does the money come?  Go after the fraud and waste in food stamps, welfare, Medicare and Medicaid.  If the state and local government authorities are not up to the job, then have them resign and find someone who knows how to use their brains to solve problems.  Throwing money at these problems has solved NOTHING.



The background checks, potential weapon prohibition, new gun purchase age limits, etc. will all be discussed and politicized until the cows come home with very little if any good legislation proposed and passed. It will also depend on persons in the Fumbling Bureau of Incompetence (FBI) doing their jobs by following the law which we have seen does not always happen.  By the way, the FBI failure to notify local FBI personnel in Florida was probably made by a rank and file FBI agent.  Is this another example of what happens when an FBI Director and a President politicize and weaponize a branch of government?  Hello James Comey, Robert Mueller and ex-President Barack Obama!!!!!!!


We all know that the outlaws will ignore the law to try to kill the innocents.  The actions and competency of local law enforcement are problems that must be solved by the local and state governments.  While the President is right to insist that we must act now to prevent future mass killings, the nincompoops in the United States Congress seem to be incapable of doing anything to fix the problem.  Let the states and locals handle security and let the feds pass more stupid legislation.

Ernie Kanak

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