Here we go again. More presidential debates are over.  How are they doing?




Donald Trump                   Mr. Trump needs to continue to defend himself, but tone down the personal invective by putting his ego on the back shelf.  If he wants to criticize someone, call out what they have or have not done.  While he continues to speak in generalities during debates, his website does a decent job of describing his policies.  Since Mr. Trump is self financed and he acts independently, the establishment money men are trying to prevent his nomination.  They just want a politician that they can buy.  His campaign financing in a way reinforces my recommendation in my book[1] that the public pay for our elections, but I may have been mistaken by not including the primary elections in the public pay portion.


Ted Cruz                             When his organization during the Iowa caucuses advised Dr. Carson’s voters to vote for Mr. Cruz, his campaign may have lost some moral authority that could cost him support from the voters in subsequent state votes.  Could it cost him the presidency if Donald Trump falters?


Mario Rubio                       His immigration program is suspect because he appears to favor the illegals here for residency and citizenship more than the persons who have followed the rule of law in their efforts to immigrate to this country.  Illegal alien favoritism diminishes the impression that he believes in the rule of law.  In that belief, he joins six Justices on the Supreme Court in support of anarchy.


John Kasich                        If you go to his website and search national security and jobs, there is not one word on immigration.  His previous comments on immigration demonstrate that he either does not know much about the subject or he just chooses to ignore the 10-20 million illegals who take American jobs and/or use free benefits provided by the American taxpayer.  The number of businesses in this country varies from 6.6 to 18 million depending on your data source.  Of these the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services reports that only 600,000 use E-verify to confirm employment eligibility.  This statistic shows that only 3-9 per cent of businesses want to employ only Americans.  What excuse are these employers using to justify this apparent discrimination?  If someone is not allowed to work in this country, how can they stay?  Someone needs to tell Mr. Kasich and the others that no job normally leads to self deportation.  Is that hard to understand?  How can we have a country without control of our borders?




Hillary Clinton                    How can anyone who loves this country vote for a person who clearly puts her personal desires above those of the country?  If you listen to a propaganda TV station you will not know that with the release of her 30000 or so emails that the FBI has determined that classified emails were sent or received using the unsecured internet server in the basement of her home.  Worst still is how she and Obama let four brave men die in Benghazi without backup and then lied to their relatives and the world for days about who attacked the embassy.  Mrs. Clinton also appears to be trying to outbid Mr. Sanders in providing supposedly free services for which someone must pay.


Bernie Sanders                  He promises the moon and wants everyone to pay enough taxes to pay for it.  Socialism and communism are obsolete systems that don’t work.  Freeloading losers do not work, they only take.  Oh yes, while he or Hillary are running in the general election, my prediction is that a promise will be made to forgive all or most of the 1.2 trillion dollar student loan debt in order to buy millennial votes for the Democrats.  Sadly many millennials won’t recognize that they will pay for it later because it will be added to the national debt they must eventually repay.  What kind of deceitful policy would that be?

[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p71


Ernie Kanak

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