When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled A New American Way??? suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Political crime is still immune to prosecution. Why?  The reason is that the SWAMP called Washington DC wants it that way.  If a regular American commits a crime, that person will be tried, and if convicted will be sent to jail unless he or she is rich enough to afford lots of attorneys to buy their way out.  If a politically connected person commits a crime, they may not even be charged with a crime.


Since Debbie Wasserman Schultz has threatened the Washington DC Capitol Police, would it not be safe to assume that the Democrats control the Washington DC local politicians? If the murder of Seth Rich is being covered up by these politicians and the dirty cops they control, would not this confirm that politicians can literally get away with murder?  In addition, there have been a couple of recent suspicious deaths of persons investigating missing Clinton emails and past Clinton activities in the Dominican Republic.  Are these more political crimes?  When was the last time a political crime was truly investigated and solved?   The Special Counsel will do that?  Ha, ha, ha, ha.


It appears that the Justice Department is so afraid of the Democrats that they will not prosecute any Obama Administration corruption or take on suspicious local deaths like previous Attorneys General did in the Obama Administration. This leads to more crime going unpunished and no justice for the victims.


With a Trump witch hunt going on conducted by a former FBI director who helped former President Obama politicize the FBI, and Obama Justice Department political appointees deciding to become career attorneys so they supposedly cannot be fired—how stupid is any government policy that allows this to occur—the conclusion that most people might reach is that the Justice Department is not draining the SWAMP, it is helping to replenish the SWAMP.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you