The two party political system we have had here in the United States no longer works for the American People.  Too often one party controls the legislative and executive branches of government and unilaterally implements their political agenda.  Sometimes this has been beneficial, but more often than not, the result has been bad for the American public and favors various special interest groups.  Politicians make promises they never intend to keep.  Unfortunately the Judicial branch of government has repeatedly violated constitutional separation of powers to legislate from the bench for political reasons.  The American public has tolerated this behavior for much too long.  Enough is enough.


First and foremost, the judiciary must be staffed by non partisan judges who religiously interpret our constitutions and laws as written—NOT HOW A COURT OR JUDGE WOULD LIKE TO INTERPRET THE CONSTITUTION OR LAW.  What this country needs is a third political party large enough to prevent one party control of government.  If the Peoples Constitutional Amendment found on this blog were added to constitutions, the public would have a voice in how we are governed at all times—not just at elections.  Only by strictly following our constitutions and especially the Constitution of the United States can the American people be guaranteed all of our personal freedoms—which by the way is the single most important reason this country is so great.  Don’t let moron politicians tell you Marxism or a socialist system is better—they both represent total government control and loss of freedom.  You become a number instead of an individual.


It has been reported that 75 million people voted for President Trump.  As a way of reference this observer is calling this new party the Peoples Party.  This party must be different from all political parties.   It is suggested that the country be broken up into possibly ten autonomous regional groups with each group representing approximately equal Electoral College votes.  It would seem desirable for adjoining states with similar regional needs to band together.  Any Washington DC office would function only as coordinator for the regions.   It is also suggested that since the Marxist Democratic Party is hell bent on revenge to prevent ex Trump administration persons finding new employment that some of them with the political expertise might be able to help set up and organize this badly needed new political party on a temporary or a specific term length basis..


If each of the persons who voted for President Trump will contribute ten dollars to this new party after it has been established, that would give this party 750 million dollars to organize the party and support political candidates for national, state and local elections.  It is suggested that these donated funds be deposited in only local and regional banks with FDIC fund protection in these regional groups—no national bank deposits.  This would then become the Peoples party because they have funded it.  The public would own this party.


Candidates for office in this party would have to meet these requirements”



Sign a legal contract for:


Removal from office after serving three months if defeated in a recall election demanded by the candidates’ voters.


Protect the United States Constitution and State Constitutions to insure interpretation is on a as written  basis.


Accept no campaign funds from any outside sources.  Accepting outside funding requires removal from candidacy or office.  It becomes a bribe.


Place national needs above the local needs but always trying to meet both.


Always try to balance the federal budget.  It has and can be done.


Support term limits for all elected offices and bureaucracy appointments with restrictions after leaving office.



What can be done now with or without a new political party.  Large corporations and billionaires contributed services and millions of dollars to defeat President Trump.  If each Trump voter had an annual income of at least $30,000, the combined buying power would be 2.2 trillion dollars.  Maybe this money should be used to redirect government and corporate policy.  For instance some actions that could be taken are:


Why should anyone of these voters buy an Apple smart phone, computer or use any Apple services when that company supports workers in China?


Why should anyone use Google Gmail, Google search engine or Google apps when Google expatriates are assisting the Chinese Communist Party instead of the United States government to develop artificial intelligence?


Why would anyone buy a Windows operating system or services when we really need a new safe operating system?  What happened to the new more secure system that was to replace existing systems?


Facebook and Twitter discriminate against conservatives, so if you are conservative, why waste your time giving them information when they hate you and sell your personal information?  Cancel your accounts.


Since the above groups and other corporations seem to want to destroy the middle class, maybe the new political party could identify corporations using Chinese labor so you could avoid buying their products.


2.2 trillion dollars is a lot of buying power, so use it to your advantage instead of letting those who hate you try to destroy you.  China wants to destroy us and it appears that the new Democratic administration is not concerned.  After all, the Biden, Pelosi and Republican McConnell families all have commercial links with China.  How many other members of Congress have similar commercial links?  How do these links affect our national security and defense?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you