When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Let’s face it. The American political system is a mess.  Many times it is a corrupt system that favors the wealthy, politically connected and does its best to ignore the desires of the voting constituency.  There is too much emphasis on personality and almost none on competency.  The Congress is a union organization that rewards tenure with increasing power and influence without any consideration for honesty and competency.  Too many politicians lie all the time and get away with it.  When there is no accountability and it seems that too many American voters don’t care about what their politicians are doing to our country, the voters are ignored by the politicians.  Do your Members of Congress really contribute to the good of the country or just show up and vote present?


The two party system is a failure because the politicians have used it to create loyalty to their political party instead of to the voters and country. Party identification is one of the major reasons we have so much political fighting and confrontation today. The politicians spend so much time fighting that they do not do the job for which they were elected which by the way is to pass legislation to benefit the public.  Between all the interparty fighting and Congressional recesses, when do they find time to do their jobs?  They are really demonstrating that being a Member of Congress should be a part time job with a part time salary and no benefits?


Why defend the party? The party provides an organization that is a source of support and money that many candidates need to run for political office. While President Trump ran as a Republican, he does not fit the mold and is unusual because he is demonstrating that he believes in hard work and political accountability.  His use of social media to communicate directly with the public infuriates the Democrats and the press.  These are the reasons why he is disliked and feared by the politicians and the political and media establishments.  Since his election, President Trump has made progress in his attempts to unite the country and bring back well paying jobs to the United States.  The politicians are terrified that a businessman with a hard working agenda will become successful and then all politicians will have to have a strong work ethic.  Hard work scares the hell out of most politicians.  The lazy politicians need press support to lie to the public, so the not too bright media assists them.  The establishment politicians and media need one another.  Their fear is also another reason why President Trump is continually criticized.


Based on past history, very few politicians believe in accountability. As Congress is currently organized, party affiliation determines who runs the House and Senate and appoints committee chairmen/women.  Now if the public financed elections as I mention in my book[1], the need for a political party should diminish.  Another problem with a two party system is that when one party achieves a super majority, how far away are we from slipping into a totalitarian dictatorship government?  Too close for comfort.


The current batch of Republicans have made promises that they are either unwilling or knowingly do not want to keep. For six years they have been saying that they would repeal Obamacare if given the power to do so.  So in 2016 they were given that power and have been totally ineffective.  It is uncertain if the establishment Congressional Republican “leaders” are complete liars and fools, they don’t care about the American people or they just don’t have the guts to take on the challenge to effect the political change that is needed.


The Democrats have spent congressional time and money pursuing a Trump connection with the Russians that the Obama administration admitted did not exist. Meanwhile the mainstream media  reports on this issue almost continuously and the FBI is still investigating this issue.  Will the FBI fabricate a connection that doesn’t exist?  Can the FBI be trusted to do a fair and nonpolitical investigation?  It is sad to ask these questions, but that is what happens when an agency is politicized.


When conservatives attempt to speak at a university these days and masked thugs show up and cause physical damage, why is there no Democratic and mainstream media condemnation? Isn’t strong arming crowds a fascist tactic? As matter of fact, there are reports on FOX that these thugs may be financially supported by leftist organizations allied with the Democratic Party.  “Foment strikes in vital industries,; encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward these disorders”[2] is one of the Communist Rules for Revolution that the Obama Administration appeared to like.


By the way, aren’t universities and colleges supposed to be the bastions of free speech? Yes, but many are not. Why should the taxpayer send one cent to any school that does not guarantee free speech on campus?  No free speech—no taxpayer monies of any kind for any purpose.  The so-called liberal Democrats and mainstream media have not supported free conservative speech—only free liberal speech.  If they are Americans, shouldn’t they support both?


The Democrats/mainstream media support censorship and call it political correctness. Isn’t censorship a fascist tactic?


Once again probably reported only on FOX, the Obama Administration used NSA surveillance on the Trump political campaign and the President-Elect. Why?  The stated reason was to investigate a potential Russian connection to the Trump election campaign.  The FBI is still investigating this issue.  Why wasn’t this issue settled when the Obama Administration stated there was no connection?  The law stipulates that Americans recorded during NSA foreign surveillance will not be identified, but the Democrats unmasked Americans.  Who will go to jail over this one?  Don’t only fascist and communist regimes spy on their own citizens? Why does NSA do it? Where are the Democrats and the media on this one?


If the Russian issue deserves more investigation, then the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious, the Russian uranium sale, Benghazi, and the Clinton personal email server issues ignored by the Obama Administration also deserve to be revisited and investigated. Why were there no Democratic Party and mainstream media calls for special prosecutor investigations of these issues?  All these issues must be impartially investigated by a nonpolitical party and the results issued with full public disclosure.  No attempts to hide behind secrecy are acceptable because the public does not need to know the classified details—only the final results.


This observer does not trust the politically infected NSA and FBI leadership to do any impartial and professional work on any issue. It is this observer’s opinion that the whole intelligence arm of our federal government cannot be trusted.  They have demonstrated that they do not deserve our trust.  It is time to remove this vermin in our midst ASAP.  It is known that there may be many or most members of these agencies who are honest and impartial, but who are they?  By their failure to stop the sabotage, they are guilty by association much like the German people were guilty of ignoring the Nazi atrocities.  Until saboteur and subversive members of their agency are identified, expelled and prosecuted if necessary, it is doubtful that the American public will trust any intelligence agency. Any investigation must determine how NSA and the FBI were politicized because these agencies must be and stay fair and nonpolitical.  Firing FBI Director Comey does not solve the credibility problem.


The Democratic Party after President Trump’s inauguration deliberately delayed approving President Trump’s cabinet appointments which in turn delayed approving staff members seemingly to keep Obama appointees in power–some of whom openly opposed Trump policy directives. These attempts to disrupt the smooth transfer of power from a Democrat to a Republican administration are un-American and appear to have been supported by the mainstream press.  Sadly, it then appears to this observer that Democratic Party and mainstream media support the use of fascist tactics and fascist propaganda.  Neither has condemned the short list of tactics enumerated above.  Therefore, it does appear that they have joined forces to form the new American Fascist Party.


This mess will not be fixed anytime soon, so how do we start a voter initiative to fix it—Congress will never do it. To bypass this corrupt system, the country needs to start electing truly independent Members of Congress.  The independent candidate must answer only to the people in his or her voter jurisdiction, the Constitution and the well being of the United States of America.  He or she is there to resolve any issues when these goals seem to conflict.  How then does someone begin to run for office?


To be elected, someone would need name recognition. Start by placing a want ad in the local newspaper with a candidate photo announcing your intention to run as a true independent candidate.  This ad should also solicit invitations to meet with the voters at a location of their choice to discuss the issues important to them.  To serve them, you need to know what concerns them.  Avoid soliciting large dollar contributions as this would let the donor buy influence.  No candidates should be for sale.  This candidate initiative should probably begin about a year prior to the primary election.  So the time to begin is now.


This true independent will not be affiliated with any Independent Party hierarchy. There can be no Independent Party.  Why?  A party organization just replicates the union rules used by the Republican and Democratic Parties.  If enough independents were elected, then the rules used in the House of Representatives and the Senate may need to be changed.  New rules for leadership and committee assignments may need to be created.  This would cause all kinds of mayhem in Congress, but they do so little work and take so many recesses that it may not really affect progress of any laws.


To truly succeed, the independent candidate must be someone that is honest to the bone and will truly represent the voter and our country. As added insurance, it would be a good idea if every candidate including the Democrats and Republicans would sign a legally binding contract with the public to vigorously pursue his or her stated goals for the office and agree to resign if those goals are not vigorously pursued.  “Motherhood goals” desired by all politicians cannot be used.  Some criteria for meeting goals would need to be developed.  The public would decide by a petition if the candidate has been meeting goals or maybe has ignored them.  A petition for a recall election should be started only if the public perceives that the elected member has not met his or her conditions for employment.  It is hoped that this procedure would bring some accountability to the office.


If public moneys are used to finance the campaign, to eliminate any independent challenge for public office, the Republicans and Democrats will try to corrupt the primary election and install a minimum percentage of the primary votes cast requirement in order to receive public financing and then organize their party faithful in an attempt to eliminate any independent candidate. This defeats the whole idea of public financing and cannot be allowed to happen.  The Independent candidate must receive the same financing as the Republican and Democrat candidates.  If the establishment politicians win this one, only a concerted effort by the electorate to boycott the established party candidates and have everyone vote independent can win for the little guy.  Oh yes, if public financing prevails, then any campaign funds not spent will be returned to the Treasury instead staying with the candidate to use as he or she sees fit as is current practice.


Based on the reasons listed in this post, a recommendation to vote for a Republican or Democratic candidate for any political office cannot be made. In each congressional election, we must start voting for a true independent who will sign a contract to place his constituents and country ahead of personal ambition and agree, if elected to Congress, to serve a maximum of only 12 years as a Senator or 6 years as a Representative.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) enabling the public to remove federal officials and overturn laws and court decisions, and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) which removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p72

[2] http://www.communistgoals.com/revolution/revolution.htm , rule 7

Ernie Kanak

No thank you