When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

A little history is in order now. When this country had about 141 million citizens in the 1950s, in our large cities the neighborhoods were policed by a beat cop on foot. For the most part, he was the law and order for that neighborhood. He kept the peace and knew who and what kind of people lived on his beat. As our population exploded, a beat cop was unable to handle the increase, so police officers were put into cars so they could patrol a larger area and protect more people. Maybe, what we should recognize now is that when the people who live in a neighborhood lose their connection with law enforcement, they may start to distrust the police. The situation has been made worse by the lack of integrity in the judicial and political components of the law. For at least a decade or more, the politicians and judicial systems have liberalized law enforcement to the point that most people think that the criminal have more rights than law abiding citizens. Now some politicians want to eliminate their police forces. That idea is beyond stupid, it is criminal. That is why the number of gun owners will soon pass 100 million and maybe it already has. If the police don’t protect you, you have to do it yourself. It is a recipe for anarchy or revolution—and this observer fears there will have to be a revolution to restore sanity and return the law and judicial system to constitutional adherence. The federal judiciary has lost their minds by ignoring the constitutional separation of powers and they are the main reason we are heading towards anarchy and a political cleansing revolution.

On June 5, 2020 on TV show Fox and Friends a former green beret and police officer offered another community policing plan that he says works to once again gain a community’s respect. It may be similar to Police Chief Brown’s community policing in Houston, Texas decades earlier. Today, this new plan in essence wants to replace the beat cop with weekly meetings with the community being policed. He reported that his system works.

In some cities, crime is rampant because the political establishment does not arrest and more importantly prosecute the criminal. What kind of justice is that for the poor people who live in those cities? There is no justice. The people who suffer the most are those in the minority neighborhoods. The responsibility for that situation rests with those politicians who claim to represent those poor people and do nothing to improve their lives. Could these same politicians be filling their pockets with our tax money? Most of these minority neighborhoods are represented by black politicians. Are they more interested in money, power and control than helping their constituents improve their lives?

After watching hours of TV on the issue of police brutality, it is becoming more and more apparent that
most of this NEWS???? is propaganda by a so called mainstream media which has abdicated their responsibility to tell the truth. The sad part is that these liars are supported by the corrupt legal and judicial systems.

For any elected official to be able to instruct his or her police department to stand down and let law breakers wreak havoc on the community should be an unlawful order and prohibited by law. Police officers take an oath to protect the community and they must never be forced to violate that oath.

There are reports that police feel that they need more training. Other professions are licensed by the state and must take additional training every year or two to maintain a valid license. Why not have the police do it too? These other professionals take these courses on their own time and usually have to pay to take the course. That format may not be desired for police, but the additional training should be part of their maintaining a police officer’s job. Periodic training and testing should become part of every officer’s record.

Government employee unions are a problem. Unions always try to protect their members from disciplinary action. For relatively minor infractions, there should be no problem. When a complaint is issued against an officer, it should be investigated and if serious enough, the officer should be fired. Unions should not try to keep unfit officers on the force. In the past, unions have fought to keep unfit members in their unions.

It seems to this observer that most of the police complaints are about city police who are under the direction of a politician. Many city police departments are corrupt. In general, there are fewer complaints against sheriff’s deputies and constables whose leaders are elected directly by the public.

The legal and judicial systems in this country discriminate against the lawful citizens in favor of criminals. The lawyers do it because the criminals have more money than honest citizens. The prosecutors use shady tactics to secure convictions and then wonder why there are injustice complaints. More and more the judicial systems seems to love the power that being a judge gives them and some of their rulings are stupid and outrageous. For years if not decades, these systems have eroded the honest citizens’ rights and then wonder why nobody trusts them.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you