When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


It seems that in today’s political climate the Democratic Party and their propaganda mainstream media right arm are yelling RACE RACE RACE every five minutes when discussing all Republicans and anyone else who opposes their propaganda. It is propaganda they use because they use only emotional buzz words instead of presenting viable facts and solutions to our country’s problems.

The Congressional Black Caucus has used race to very effectively control the black population’s vote. They apparently have been successful in creating a voluntary Democrat Party slave population in the black community. This population is described as voluntary slaves because in the past they never have received any improvement to their lives but still continued to vote for the Congressional Black Caucus members. Why in the past did the black communities represented by the Congressional Black Caucus continue to have no jobs, poor schools and crime ridden neighborhoods? Was this done because it is easier to control poor uneducated people dependent upon government assistance? Malcolm X recognized these problems. Was he murdered to silence him? Muslim countries have used similar tactics for years to control their people.

President Trump’s administration has worked with members of the black community to try to improve their lives. With record low unemployment in the black community, those people who now have jobs are learning that having work gives them personal freedom that is not possible when government controls your income and life. The question now becomes, will the black voter still be a voluntary Democratic Party slave?

Sadly, Dr. Martin Luther King’s message of racial equality is being pushed into the background. As the white population has become more tolerant towards minorities, the black population led by the Congressional Black Caucus have become more racist and less tolerant.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you