When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Common sense tells anyone with a brain that if there has been no crime, there cannot be any collusion and obstruction of justice. Does this mean that the Democratic members of Congress are ignorant of the law or just retarded? When a Congress does not follow the law, does this not endanger all the nation’s citizens?

Those who do not follow the law are supported by some members of legal and court systems whose members’ political bias makes them unfit to serve and unable to deliver any true justice.

Time is of the essence. so If there are no prosecutions, convictions and sentences for the illegal government spying, treason, the coup d’etat effort and too numerous to list violations of the law before the next political party conventions, the public may conclude that nothing has changed and since the rule of law and equal justice for all is necessary but still not possible, the public may decide that they must begin to fix government. With all the TV publicity, if and when the public has to fix the system, they will have the advantage of already knowing who many of the bad persons are. Coup d’etat planners must be executed upon conviction to prevent any future coups. Country club federal prisons are not acceptable.

NOTE: If the United States Constitution had an Accountability Amendment as proposed by this observer, the public would be able to control how we are governed. It was written using a constitutional format.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you