When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Based on the TV news reports on big tech testimony at recent congressional hearings, big tech is as truthful as the Chinese communists and the Muslim countries—none of them can be trusted. They all lie.

Big tech was granted an exemption from publisher’s liability to provide a forum free of political censorship to promote the internet. Well, the internet doesn’t need promoting and recent evidence confirms that these companies who have the exemption have betrayed the public trust. Since Congress granted the exemption they can also take it away and the courts have no business getting involved. The whole world now knows that big tech violated that trust and is not a non political conduit and discriminates primarily against conservative postings and internet searches.

Congress needs remove lawsuit exemption from all big tech today. These companies have tons of money, so when a user is abused by big tech, they must be able to sue to correct any injustice. Passing legislation with too many rules and regulations that won’t be followed never has not and never will solve the current problems. Only thousands of angry lawsuits against big tech which will cost them a lot of time and money will convince them to do the right thing.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you