When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Corporations are created to allow United States citizens to create companies that transfer financial liability from individuals to the corporation. It is a privilege granted by the government to the company owners. Along with the privilege of corporate ownership is the responsibility to do no harm to the people and government of the United States. Ignoring that responsibility should require revocation of the articles of incorporation for that company.

The Chinese Communist government has for decades forced technical transfer from American companies who wanted to do business in China and many inept American companies sold out for short term gains and have lost their future. It is called dumb CEO and board of director’s management. The Chinese government has publicly declared that they intend to displace the United States as the most powerful country in the world. Do you want to learn how to speak Chinese?

Two huge American corporations have publicly decided to support the communist Chinese government instead of the people and government of the United States of America. Google is publicly reported to be working with the Chinese government on Artificial Intelligence and has refused to work with the United States Defense Department. Apple in a fit of petulance has decided to move operations from Austin, Texas to Communist China. In both cases they have shirked their responsibility to do no harm to the American people.

Therefore, notification must be posted that over a period of one month the articles of incorporation for both companies must be revoked. Any and all stupid federal judge or Supreme Court injunctions against this action must be ignored. The judicial branch of government is not the supreme branch only one of three equal branches. Wall Street will go into a panic, but then when was the last time anyone on Wall Street worried about any American but themselves. In addition, all H1B visas for those corporations must be cancelled and the holders of those must leave the United States in two weeks—no exceptions.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you