When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The Democratic Party has embarked on a plan to destroy this Republic by violating the rule of law and the United States Constitution. They have become political domestic terrorists. Instead of performing the job for which they were elected, Democrats and some RINO Republicans with support from the propaganda media are trying to use the fascist tactic of creating chaos as a prelude to a coup d’etat. They consistently promote the idea of the rule of law when it supports their agenda, but more consistently they violate the rule of law to promote chaos using fake witch hunt congressional investigations, open border immigration, domestic terrorist groups like Antifa and insane legislative proposals that are designed to destroy our country’s economy. The Democratic Party and propaganda media present a clear and present danger to this republic and must be dealt with as such.

If the rest of America is as tired of the dishonest Democratic Party and the propaganda media as this observer, should action be started to restore political sanity and the rule of law with equal justice for all? Since the Democratic Party’s unlawful coup d’etat action has not been prosecuted, is it time for ordinary Americans who believe in our Constitution and country to begin planning to take back our country from the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats with a grassroots revolt? Based on weekend gunfire, my neighbors appear to have been getting ready for revolution since 2008.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you