Donald Trump’s criticism of a federal judge has drawn tons of negative press. In the past, much of this criticism might be justified.  Today, I don’t know.  How can a federal judge be fair and impartial when he has been affiliated with so many political organizations?


Consider this. Our constitution was written giving federal judges lifetime appointments to insure that they have fidelity to the constitution and the rule of law and remain impartial and above politics.


The political establishment has succeeded in destroying this neutrality and converting many if not most appointments into political appointments. Therefore, in typical American fashion, we must punish all federal judges because they have too many political hacks in their midst and pass a constitutional amendment eliminating lifetime appointments and make all federal judges including those on the Supreme Court run like a politician for a single 10 year term[1].  There must be a prohibition on all federal court practice after they are no longer a federal judge to try to prevent corruption.


As for the press, they are already corrupt and biased, so what they report is propaganda instead of news.


Are you still wondering why this country has gone to hell?


[1] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Federal Judiciary Amendment ( March 31, 2016 Post )

Ernie Kanak

No thank you