When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Congressional representative Ilahn Omar is a person who was born in Somalia and came to this country as an immigrant refugee. Her remarks about the Jews are what would be expected from one who has brought her Muslim prejudices to this country and has not assimilated and accepted the American way of life. If the people who elected her share her prejudice, should not these immigrants have their citizenship revoked and be deported back to their country of origin? Sharia violates our Constitution and potential immigrant terrorists are not welcome in this country. In this age of terrorism, when immigrants do not meet a standard for assimilation within a defined time frame, they must be denied citizenship and deported back to their country of origin. Terrorists have already caused too much pain and suffering in this country.

The Democratic Party is at it again. Ignore the law and regulations and demand that the Mueller Report be issued in its entirety now. Why do the Democrats always believe that they are above the law and can do anything they want? Isn’t that what they did during the presidential witch hunt? Now they want to do it again?

The increased number of women elected to Congress in 2018 was celebrated. It was expected that this event would make Congress better. To this observer, the caliber of legislators was not improved when three freshman women legislators were elected. Understanding United States history appears to have been excluded from their educations and replaced by indoctrination in communism and religious prejudice. So sad!!!

Ernie Kanak

No thank you