When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

If it is true that as reported by author Peter Schweizer that Senator Mitch McConnell and his wife have received a 5 million dollar gift from his father-in-law who does business with Communist China, does it mean that the Chinese have bought his loyalty? The Chinese don’t want to have to deal with someone difficult and unpredictable like President Trump and want to continue to steal and plunder our economy and society with a different president. Is that why Senator McConnell never passed any legislation to help President Trump get funds for his border wall? Why is McConnell still majority leader in the Senate if he does not support the President’s agenda? Should he be removed from that position and his Secretary of Transportation wife in President Trump’s cabinet resign? Have both become Never Trump members or have they just come out of the closet? Hey Mitch, take your knife out of President Trump’s back. Oh yes, now McConnell is trying to buy votes for his re-election by proposing to use taxpayer dollars to build a new VA hospital. It appears to this observer that Mitch has overstayed his welcome as Majority Leader and needs to be retired in favor of new blood.

The Republican Party is at it again. They have shown personal animus against our President when they voted against emergency border funding. President Trump has demonstrated that politicians can and should honor campaign promises instead of constantly lying to the voters. The need for emergency funding for the border wall is evident to everyone who is not a politician. If Congress really wanted to protect the American people, all of the border wall funding along with a massive update in immigration policy would already be law. The truth is Congress doesn’t give a damn about the American people and neither does the Let’s Pretend propaganda media. When ex-President Obama issued unconstitutional executive orders, the Republicans stayed silent and wet their pants. Now that a Republican President has declared an emergency to protect our borders, our wet pants Republicans who are afraid of the Democrats now feel safe to object. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. It is too bad that we do not have an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution so that the people could petition to recall all these brave wet pants Republicans and some of the more odious Democrats .

Several times since the 1970s, Congress has delegated away legislative responsibility to the Executive Branch of government and now what they are claiming is that emergency border funding violates the constitutional separation of powers. During the Clinton Administration, Congress delegated to the Executive branch the power to write regulations. How about that, the executive branches gets to issue regulations that become law and then enforce them. Where in the Constitution does it grant the Executive branch the power to make laws? Did that kind of delegation violate the constitutional separation of powers? Don’t you think that if the Congress takes the time to write and get a law passed that they should logically write the regulations to implement the law? Wrong!! Not for the geniuses in the Congress. Maybe writing those regulations would interfere with Congressional time off. Little wonder they garner no respect from the people. Nincompoops

Aren’t more nincompoops in the Democratic Party now trying to impeach our President by making up things they want to call facts when the whole country knows what they are doing is not based on facts? Sorry! Are the Democratic voters loyal to their party or just not smart enough to know when the Let’s Pretend Propaganda media are lying. Maybe these voters only read and watch the Let’s Pretend media.

It has been this observer’s experience and observations that two categories of persons are most likely to believe and act as if they are above the law. They are attorneys and politicians.

Socialism and lawyers have two things in common. They both cause more problems than they solve and cost lots and lots of money.

Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post). More so than ever before, the American people need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution to control government and fix the current political insanity. Until such time that an amendment can be passed, every elected political office except President and Vice President of the United States should require the candidate to sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to a constituent recall election if deemed necessary.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you