When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Watching the confirmation hearings and listening to the pundit comments afterward has been enlightening.  The hearings starkly illustrate the difference between how the Trump administration will differ from the Obama administration.  The Obama Administration, their Democratic supporters and Members of Congress remind me of the fabled lemming migration into the sea.  It has become apparent that the Democratic Party and its supporters are lemmings who will do what their lemming leaders want them to do and so they all will figuratively commit suicide by running into the sea and drowning.  In contrast, President-Elect Trump is trying to build a cabinet that by nominating people who are not in total agreement with him, he is endeavoring to build a non lemming administration.  It is anticipated that he will use these differences to solicit opinions and make each cabinet member defend his or her position.  In the interaction between both parties, the issue will be discussed and the President will select a course of action to be implemented.  It is called management.


On the other hand, President Obama is a 100% political animal who has only worried about himself and how it affected his goal to build permanent Democratic Party control of domestic politics. As a community organizer, he negotiated on behalf of his clients to get the target of his clients’ disagreement to agree to changes.  During this process, community organizer Obama did not have to make any binding decisions—this was done by his clients’ target and his clients.  He tried to use this community organizer methodology as President in international relations with disastrous results because he became the client and had trouble making decisions and acting upon them.  Domestically, with impeachment the remedy for constitutional violations, he used that remedy to bulldoze the wimpy Republicans who only worried about their re-election and issued unconstitutional executive orders.


President Obama has never realized that there will never be enough international unity to create the world government that the United Nations is trying to sell and implement. The damage the U.N. does outweighs what little good they do and the U.N. should be dissolved.  They are a prime example of what happens when politics triumphs over common sense and chaos reigns.  Get the United States out of the U.N.  The only thing the U.N. is united upon is their desire to destroy the United States of America.


It is painfully obvious from recent statements from some Members of Congress who in their youth were outstanding role model examples that they have been in Congress too long and have lost their relevance. Both parties have membership in this “You need to retire” category.  They still command the status to get in front of the microphone and news cameras, but all they do is talk and do nothing to fix our country’s problems.  Term limits would help reduce this problem.


Oh yes, on the issue of Hillary Clinton’s supposed number of plurality votes, consider this. These high voter plurality counts were recorded in states which have a high tolerance for voter fraud and illegal immigrants voting.  Therefore, before you take those reported vote counts to the bank in those states, determine how many illegals voted and how much fraud took place.  Ha, ha, ha.  The Democrats and their mainstream propaganda media will never do that because they do not have the integrity to investigate these issues.  They are only interested in promoting their agenda and not seeking the truth.


The mayor of the city of Chicago has declared that Chicago will remain a sanctuary city. Velly, velly interesting.  Many, many years ago Chicago had a reputation for being a union town.  It took years for someone to get union approval to join the union.  Unless the situation has dramatically changed since the 1970s, how much support will the mayor get from the unions when the city will be flooded with thousands of illegal aliens who work cheap?  Only mandatory E-Verify with enforcement of much higher company fines can help remedy illegal employment.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you