President-elect Trump has started to select people who he would like in his cabinet. The peanut gallery would like to comment on one selection and several potential picks.


Mitt Romney—Mr. Romney has demonstrated by his attacks on President-elect Trump that he does not like to accept reality and is not a team player. By making his attacks on Trump personal, he followed typical Republican establishment behavior that knows it is safe to criticize Republicans because they will not retaliate like the Democrats will.   There is doubt that Romney fought hard enough to defeat Barack Obama during 2012.  More importantly, the peanut gallery does not visualize Romney fighting to defend Trump’s diplomatic agenda which will very likely be diametrically opposed to what President Obama has paraded out as a foreign policy.  Does Romney have the backbone to promote what may very well be a totally new kind of foreign policy—one that places the United States first instead of catering to the many countries that hate and are jealous of our country?  Does he have the right stuff?  If he is appointed Secretary of State, will we hear a “You’re fired” within a year?


Nikki Haley—Governor Haley is going to an organization where most members do not like the United States but tolerate us because we send a lot of money. Does she have the backbone to take on an organization that is hell bent on implementing world government policies—policies that a few corrupt members want to use to control the world with stupid rules, regulations and policies while taxing the prosperous nations into poverty?  These people are not diplomats but thugs.  It is time for the United States to leave the United Nations.  The U.N. does very little good.  They need to move their world headquarters to another country.


Dr. Ben Carson—Dr. Carson as a brain surgeon had to solve problems in order to do his job. No matter what post he may accept, he will figure out how to solve the problems if the President and Congress give him the authority to do so.


Congress must help the new administration by making it possible to replace political appointments with those made based on qualifications and performance. It is about time for Congress to get off their fat butts and do something constructive for a change.  Politics has transformed Washington D.C. from terrible to third world status.  Political elitism must be flushed down the toilet into the sewer where it belongs.


By the way, the scum (mainstream) media should appreciate how they cover Donald Trump. After putting up with the smell as they kissed President Obama’s butt for the past eight years, they may like the fresh air.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you