The wet pants establishment Republicans now want to tell Mr. Trump what the party agenda will be. Those losers who have very comfortably lost the last two presidential elections evidently want to program a third loss.  The message for the Republican congressmen and senators should be to get off your butt and go out into your jurisdictional area and talk to your constituents, find out what is bothering them, study their issues and determine what you can or cannot do to help them.  Then tell them the truth on what you will try to do to help them—and if elected—do it.  You can depend on the Democrats to promise free everything and no discussion on what that policy will do to our economy and country’s debt—which the millennials will have to repay or deal with the total economic and social collapse which bankruptcy will bring.


Trump needs to start raising money for Republican candidates. This money should support only those senators and congressmen who place loyalty to their constituents and country ahead of a stupid political party that has done virtually nothing for the people of this country for the past twenty years or more.  Go along to get along is the Republican Party’s answer to avoiding wet pants.  The Democrats just lie to their constituents and then do what they want if they get elected.  Nothing is done to help their constituents, but the minorities buy their lies and never get anything from the party for their loyalty. It is doubtful that any Democrat has an ounce of integrity in their amoral bodies.


The public in 2010 and 2014 voted many Republicans into office to obstruct Obama and change the direction of the country—and the Republican Congress did nothing. Why?  They have the same tired and useless “leaders” from the past.  They are as useful as the teats on a bull.


We have a delusional President who issues unconstitutional executive orders because he knows that the big government communist wannabe Democrats will do nothing to stop him. Only impeachment can remove him from office and he knows that the Democrat’s loyalty to party far far exceeds their loyalty to their constituents and country.  At the same time, he is like the congressional Republicans dealing with Democrats and wets his pants when dealing with international outlaws.  Domestically, Obama has the protection of the Constitution and his amoral Democratic colleagues, but the international outlaws do not follow any rules hence the wet pants.  Hopefully he can finish his term without doing something stupid and start World War III.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you