When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It does appear more and more to this observer that paganism is resurging. The names for pagan gods appear to be many, so this observer will use their functional names: Money, Power and Control. The gods of money, power and control are intimately joined. Money is what is usually used to buy the power which is then used to exert control over people, businesses and governments.

At the same time the pagan gods are resurging honesty, ethics, morality and religion are being attacked. This might be considered a survival war—paganism vs. decency. For centuries this battle has been waged and millions of lives have been lost in revolutions and world wars.

As international trade has increased, so has the idea of the global citizen. People have started to consider themselves to be citizens of the world instead of citizens of a nation. Globalism promotes a oneness that destroys national identity and diversity. What a dull world it would be to have every human act the same way as if they were a mechanical robot.

As large international companies have adopted a global mindset with the loss of national identity, the workers who make the products that these large companies sell are treated more and more like mechanical robots instead of people; therefore, who cares if these workers have a job or not. Just go somewhere else and produce your products so the company can make more money. Maybe this phenomenon is what caused the decline of the United States until President Trump came on the scene. It appears that many of the CEOs of the international corporations have pursued the pagan money god without worrying about the impact on the people in the country in which they live. CEOs have a responsibility to their stockholders to maximize profits, but at what cost to the country in which they are incorporated.

Sadly the politicians who were elected to help and protect their constituents and the country appear to agree with the CEOs. The pagan gods of money, power and control have become political and so obsessive that they are the only goals politicians pursue. They lack the intelligence to recognize that the Constitutional guarantee of individual freedom is the engine that has made the United States the envy of the world. Instead the politicians and bureaucrats try to justify their existence by passing laws and regulations that destroy individual freedom. Instead of issuing new regulations, the bureaucrats should be spending most of their time and efforts to protect the public by enforcing the existing laws and regulations. What is wrong with a philosophy of live and let live? As long as no laws are broken and no one is harmed, what is wrong with this philosophy? Nothing. While politicians pursue their selfish interests instead of helping their constituents—and there is no indication that helping constituents will consistently happen—this country is in peril. The selfish interests of today’s lawyers, judges, politicians and bureaucrats have destroyed the Rule of Law to the extent that this country is close to anarchy if not already there.

Are American universities supposed to educate Americans or foreign students? Does admitting foreign students whose governments pay their tuition and expenses take precedence over American students knowing class sizes are limited? It has recently been determined that the Chinese use these students and those who find jobs in the United States to steal American technology and participate in espionage. Why are Chinese nationals still in our universities and companies? The answer is the pagan god of money. Those universities that pursue this god are choosing foreign over American students. Those same universities accept large donations from Arab nations that promote unconstitutional Sharia Islamic practices here in the United States. Does acceptance on these monies translate into the worship of the pagan money god by those school administrators? To this observer, the answer is yes.

The American public educational system is a mess. Test scores have confirmed that students leaving our schools are less educated than previous students. Why? The teachers and their unions have become worshipers of the pagan gods of money, power and control. The teachers unions collect dues and use that money to support politicians who will vote to always increase wages and benefits. This is how some teachers are able to receive $100,000 per year retirement benefits. Public service unions are why all public union members must have 401k accounts like most of the rest of the country instead of fixed benefit pensions. The federal government education monies along with the teachers and their unions are large contributors to the decline in the education of our young people. There is no educational system accountability to improve the educational level of all students. No improvement should mean less money to the educational system with emphasis on classroom improvement instead of excessive management staff.

More and more it seems that nations of the world are worshiping these pagan gods to the detriment of the people they are supposed lead and serve. What happens when money, power and control are concentrated in the hands of too few? What happens when there is no restraint on the use of these pagan gods? What will be the future for the United States and the world?

Ernie Kanak

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